色农夫最新导航:中国外汇储备的两难 An embarrassment of riches, albeit ‘unreal’

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 08:18:29

中国外汇储备的两难An embarrassment of riches, albeit ‘unreal’

英国《金融时报》 吉密欧 北京, 汉妮•桑德尔 香港报道
评论[2条] 中文 

At the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the organisation responsible for man-  aging China’s $2,850bn in foreign exchange reserves, a multi- coloured globe sits in the middle of a large trading floor.


For those suspicious that China harbours mercantilist, zero-sum designs on global resources, it is an ornament worthy of a Bond villain’s lair. In the US, in particular, officials from across the political spectrum have expressed concern that – in any future confrontation – Beijing could leverage its position as the single largest foreign owner of US Treasury securities.


In a March 2009 conversation with Kevin Rudd, Australia’s then prime minister, Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, hinted at that anxiety.

在2009年3月与澳大利亚前总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd)的一次会谈中,美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)就曾暗示了这种担忧。

“How do you deal toughly with your banker?” she asked in a conversation about China, according to a diplomatic cable revealed by WikiLeaks, the whistleblower website.


But while some Chinese leaders do see the pile of reserves as a source of strength and pride, for others it is a double-edged sword.


“China’s foreign exchange reserves cannot be regarded as a tool of financial power,” Xiao Gang, chairman of state-owned Bank of China, argued in a recent essay. “The reserves are actually a manifestation of the country’s balance sheet and not real wealth.”


Mr Xiao was alluding to a process that, according to detractors, is simply a variant of the US Federal Reserve’s policy of quantitative easing. Under QE the Fed prints money to buy government bonds in an effort to push down long-term interest rates and stimulate the economy.


In China, the central bank prints money to buy the foreign exchange earnings generated by the country’s exporters. While the motive is different – to peg the renminbi to the dollar at what many believe is an undervalued rate – the result is the same.


As Mr Xiao puts it, the policy comes “at the cost of pouring huge amounts of base money into the domestic market”. Unlike the Fed, however, the People’s Bank of China must try to limit the inflationary impact. It issues bonds in an effort to mop-up, or “sterilise”, the liquidity. Beijing has also introduced a series of policies aimed at reducing future inflows into the reserves. Exporters, for example, have been allowed to keep more foreign exchange earnings overseas.


And measures aimed at promoting internationalisation of the renminbi – by allowing the currency to be used for international settlement or, more recently, for overseas investments and acquisitions – are also intended to slow the growth of the reserves. But restricting capital inflows remains an enormous challenge. China’s forex reserves grew by about $450bn last year. After reaching the trillion-dollar mark in late 2006, it took just another two and a half years for the reserves to swell to two trillion.


“A country needs foreign exchange reserves to pay for its imports or to guarantee it can pay its external debt, but China long ago reached the point where it had sufficient reserves,” says Michael Pettis, a professor of finance at Peking University. “Beyond that the value of reserves is quite limited and the costs rise as the reserves do.”

北京大学金融学教授迈克尔•佩蒂斯(Michael Pettis)表示:“一个国家需要外汇储备来购买进口产品、担保它可以偿还外债,但中国很久以前就到达了储备充足的水平。在这个水平之上的外汇储备,价值就变得相当有限,且规模越大,成本也越高。”

Destinations for liquidity


China struggles to find reliable, liquid investment opportunities for its embarrassment of riches. Reluctantly, it has had to rely on the US Treasury market as a safe haven, thus subsidising America’s cost of capital and fuelling the global imbalances and asset inflation that helped precipitate the global financial crisis.


“Despite China’s desire to break out of reliance on US Treasuries, in particular, there just isn’t another market that can absorb the level of inflows currently going into the Chinese reserves,” says Eswar Prasad, a trade policy professor at Cornell University and former head of the International Monetary Fund’s China division. “[The reserves] are a serious political problem for the Chinese leadership both internationally, where they are seen as evidence China is manipulating its currency, and domestically, where they are seen as the nation’s wealth and so any capital loss on the portfolio is politically unacceptable.”

美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)贸易政策教授、国际货币基金组织(IMF)前中国区主任埃斯瓦•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示:“尽管中国特别想打破对美国国债的依赖,但没有其它任何一个市场可以吸收当前流入中国外汇储备的资金流。不管是在国际上还是在国内,对中国领导层而言,(外汇储备)都是一个严肃的政治问题——在国际上,它们被视为中国正在操纵货币的证据;在国内,它们被视为国家财富,因此其投资组合若出现任何资本损失,在政治上都是不可接受的。”

Some Chinese leaders nevertheless promote the idea that Beijing can use its reserves for political gain. They have publicly promised to buy unspecified amounts of sovereign debt from countries in the eurozone crisis. Although Chinese officials have never explicitly presented these debt purchases as conditional, they have hinted that Europe should in return lift its arms embargo (imposed after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre) and recognise China as a market economy, which would strengthen its position in disputes moderated by the World Trade Organisation.


But with only about a quarter of China’s foreign exchange reserves invested in euro-denominated assets – and given Beijing’s desire to reduce its reliance on dollar assets – European officials say privately that China is not in a position to cajole the EU.


“Beijing is clearly trying to make virtue out of necessity – the necessity being the fact they have no choice but to keep investing their reserves into big liquid developed markets,” says Mr Prasad. “Rather than admitting they have no choice, they’re trying to make it seem as if they can leverage reserves for political gain . . . In the end it’s not a very credible strategy.”
