若尔盖草原自驾游路线:stay (faraway, so close)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 17:52:00
stay (faraway, so close)   
Green light, Seven Eleven 
绿色的光 七点十一分 
You stop in for a pack of cigarettes 
放慢脚步 仅为了一包烟 
You don′t smoke, don′t even want to 
你不抽烟 甚至从没这个念头 
Hey now, check your change 
嘿 可现在 注意你的零钱 
Dressed up like a car crash 
把自己打扮得 像刚经历车祸 
Your wheels are turning but you′re upside down 
车轮仍在运转 灵魂却已抛锚 
You say when he hits you, you don′t mind 
你说当他碰撞到你 你毫不在意 
Because when he hurts you, you feel alive 
只有当他伤害到你 你才感到清醒 
Hey babe, is that what it is 
嘿 宝贝 真的是那样吗  Red lights, gray morning 
红色的光 灰色的凌晨 
You stumble out of a hole in the ground 
A vampire or a victim 
It depend′s on who′s around 
You used to stay in to watch the adverts 
你习惯伫立在此 凝望着广告牌 
You could lip synch to the talk shows 
蠕动着嘴唇 像参加一个脱口秀 
And if you look, you look through me 
凝视着我 穿越了身体 
And when you talk, you talk at me 
窃窃耳语 无意留心 
And when I touch you, you don′t feel a thing 
抚摸着你 感觉不到我的存在  If I could stay... 
Then the night would give you up 
Stay...and the day would keep its trust 
多停留一会儿 光明总是有着她的信仰 
Stay...and the night would be enough 
多停留一会儿  夜不够漫长  Faraway, so close 
接近 却又遥远 
Up with the static and the radio 
从寂静中站起 带着收音机 
With satelite television 
You can go anywhere 
Miami, New Orleans 
迈阿密 新奥尔良 
London, Belfast and Berlin 
伦敦 贝尔法斯特或柏林 
And if you listen I can′t call 
你开始留意 我不会再说话 
And if you jump, you just might fall 
你开始跳跃 你开始坠落 
And if you shout, I′ll only hear you 
你开始喊叫 我仍静静倾听在你身旁  If I could stay... 
Then the night would give you up 
Stay...and the day would keep its trust 
多停留一会儿 光明总是有着她的信仰 
Stay...with the demons you drowned 
只停留一会儿 随着沉溺的魔鬼 
Stay...with the spirit I found 
只停留一会儿 带着重拾的灵魂 
Stay...and the night would be enough 
只停留一会儿 夜不够漫长 ..  Three o′clock in the morning 
It′s quiet and there′s no one around 
寂静无声 无人相伴 
Just the bang and the clatter 
As an angel runs to ground 
Just the bang 
And the clatter 
As an angel 
Hits the ground 