
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 17:56:10


一.     指导思想


二.     教材分析



1.      语言功能项目(Functions):

  Talk about how often you do things; Your health, give advice;

  Future plans; How to get to places;

   Make,accept and decline invitations; obligations;

   Personal traits; compare people; Describe a process; follow instructions;

  Events in the past; Famous people;

  Future intentions; Make polite requests; ask for permission;

  Discuss preferences; make comparisons.

2.      语法项目:

形容词和副词的比较级和最高级;动词种类:情态动词can、could、must、have to、should;动词用现在进行时来表示按计划或安排将要进行的动作;用“be going to +动词原形”表示将要发生的事或打算;句子成份、句子的类型、简单句的五种基本句型。

三.     提高教学质量的措施









Unit 1  How often do you exercise?

I. Teaching article(课题): Unit One

II. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

       What do you usually do on weekends?

       I sometimes go to the beach.

       How often do you eat vegetables?

       Every day.

       Most of the students do homework every day.

III. Teaching importance and diffcult(教学重难点):

       Talk about how often you do things.

IV. Teaching ways(教学方法):

       Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools(教学工具):

       Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time(教学时间):

       Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure(教学过程):


The first period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge objects

  Name of activities.

  Aderbs of frequency.

  What do you usually do on weekends?

  I often go to the movies.

2. Ability objects

  Writing skill.

  Listening skill.

  Communicative competence

3. Moral object

  Keep a diary every day in English.

II. Teaching Key Points

  Watching TV, reading, shoping

  Skateboarding, exercising

III. Teaching Difficulties

  Always, usually, often, sometimes             Hardly, ever, never

  What does she do on weekends?             She often goes to the movies.

IV. Teaching Methods

  Discover method.  Listening and writing methods;Pairwork.

V. Teaching Aids

  A tape recorder.    Large monthly calendar showing the days of the week.

  A projector

VI. Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Greet the class

  T: I’ll introduce myself first. I’ll be your English teacher this term. Do you like English? I hope we’ll get along very well. I’m not only your teacher, but can be your friends. We’ll be happy together. Now let’s begin. This class we’ll learn Unit1. How often do you exercise? Please open books at page1.

  Step 2 Section A 1a

  First  look at the picture. Ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles. Each though bubble shows something a person does on weekends.

  Then mae each activity. Ask students to repeat each one.

  One girl is shopping.

  Another girl is reading.

  This boy is watching TV.

  These girls are skateboarding.

  Point out the sample answer. Then ask students to list all the activities in the thought bubbles If they don’t know to write the activities, use bilingual dictionaries.

  Then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board.

  Check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities.

  Step 3

  Display a large calendar that shows the days of the week. Tell students Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Ask students to repeat Weekend.

  Then show three new words.

  How often  多久一次   Hardly adv. 几乎不;几乎没有    Ever adv 曾;曾经

  Step 4 1c Pairwork

  First ask two students to read the sample in speech bubbles.

  What do you usually do on weekends?

  I often go to the movies.

  Now work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture. For example.

  Step 5 Summary

  This class we’ve learnt some names of activities: watching TV, reading, skateboarding, exercising, shopping. And we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never.

  Step 6 Homework

  Now homework: keep a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend. You can write down they do from the time you get up until you go to sleep.

  Step 7 Blackboard Design

     Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

  Watching TV    reading     Skateboarding       exercising      Shopping                       

  What does she usually do on weekends?

  She often goes shopping.

The second period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Adverbs of frequency.

Name of activities.

Wh-question and answers.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.  Reading skill.   Writing skill.   Communcative competence.

3. Moral objects

Do more exercise and keep healthy.

II. Teaching Key Points

Evey day , once a week, twice a week, three times a week,once a month,                 twice a month

Watch TV, surf the Internet, read English books, go to the movies

III. Teaching Difficulties

How often do you watch TV? ----Twice a week.

What does he do on weekends? ----He sometimes watched TV.

How often does Chung watch TV? ----He watches TV twice a week.

IV. Teaching Methods

Discover method  Listening and reading methods. Communicative qpproach.

V. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.  Some color paper for an activity.

VI. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greet the class.

Step 2 Learn some new words

Step 3 2a

Now please look at the list of activities and read after me.

Wacth TV

Exercise -------Read

Step 4 2b

Now please look at the heading. How often? In the chart in Activity 2a.

Ever day  Once a week   Twice a week   Three times a week

Once a month    Twice a month

Step 5 2c Pairwork

First ask a student to read the list of activities to the class.

Watch TV   Surf the Internet  Read English books   Go to the movies


Now tell me how often do these activities. You can write your answers under the list of How often.

Step 6 An activity: How often

Give students some color paper and ask them to write five statements about how often they do different activities. For example, I play soccer three times a week. I visit the doctor twice a year.

Step 7 Grammar Focus

Step 8 Summary and Homework

This class we’ve leant some adverbs of frequency: every day, once a week, once a month, twice a month. And we leant to talk about how often people do things. And also we has a game.

Step 9 Blackboard Design

       Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

   Twice     twice a week     Once    once a month    three times a week


   Surf the Internet


The third period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

New words.

A magazine article.

How often do you read English books?

I like reading. I read English books about twice a week.

2. Ability Objects

Reading and writing skills.    Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Study hard and to be a good student.

II. Teaching Key points

1. New words

2. How often do you read English books? I read English books about twice a week.

III. Teaching Difficulty

A magazine article.

IV. Teaching Methods

Reading method.  Writing method  Groupwork.  Commnicative approach.

V. Teaching Aid

A projector.

VI. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.

Step 2 Show the new words on the screen and teach students how to read. And ask them to repeat.

Step 3

Now please open your books at page 3. Look at 3 first. I’ll read each line of the survey to you.

Step 4 Group work

What can you do improve your English?

Collect the answers on the blackboard. For example

Read English books    Sing English songs    See English movies

How often do you do the things?

Step 5 An activity

Ask students to talk about how often their family members do things. For example,

My mother cooks dinner every day.   We eat in a restaurant once a week.

My father goes to the United States once a year.

Step 6 Summary

This class we’ve read a magazine article and done an exercise. I hope you can study hard and to be good students. Your parents and teachers are proud of you.

Step 7 Homework

If time isn’t enough, leave the exercises of workbook as homework.

Step 8 Blackboard Design

    Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

  How often do you …?

  Read English books     Sing English books.     See English movies

  Once a week    twice a week    once a month

Students’ names  Who’s the best English student?


The fourth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge objects

  New words.    Ask and answer questions.

2. Ability objects

  Listening skill.  Reading skill.  Writing skill.   Communicative competence.

3. Moral object    Exercise every day and keep healthy.

II. Teaching Key Points

Junk, food, milk, fruit, vegetables, sleep, intervier, healthy

III. Teaching Difficulties

How often do you drink milk? ----I drink milk every day.

How often do you exercise? ----I exercise every day.

How many hours do you sleep every night? ----Nine.

IV. Teaching methods

Listening and speaking methods. Listening and writing methods. Pairwork.

V. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.   A projector.

VI. Teaching Procedures.

Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.

Step 2 Show the new words on the screen and teach the new words. Ask students to repeat them. And make sure everyone knows the meanings.

Step 3 Section B 1a

Now open your books at page 4. Look at Activity 1a. First I’ll read each word. Junk food  Milk  Fruit  Vegetables  Sleep

There are vegetables on the plate.

Step 4 1b Pairwork

Ask some pairs to present some questions and answer to the class.

Step 5 2a

Now you’ll hear a reporter interview two people. Katraina and Bill.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Then play it again. This time ask students to circle Yes, No or I don’t know.

Step 6 2b

First read the questions in the chart to the class.

How often do you exercise?      How often do you eat vegetables?

How often do you eat fruit?       How many hours do you sleep every night?

How often do you drink?         How often do you eat junk food?

Step 7 2c Pairwork

Read the sample in speech bubbles to the class first.

Inteviewer: How often do you exercise?

Katrina: I exercise every day.

Interviewer: And How often do you …?

Step 8 Summary and Homework

Thisclasswe’ve leant some words and leant to interview somebody with the sentence, how often…?After class please give more practice.

Step 9 Blackboard Design

    Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

             How often…?

    Katrina                       Bill

1. every day                       hardly ever

2. 10 or 11 times                twice a week

3. every day                       never

4. nine                            nine

5. every day                       never

6. 2 or 3 times a week 3 or 4 times a week

   Healthy                         Unhealthy


The fifth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge objects

  New words

  Read a letter from Katrina.

  Fill in the blanks in Paul’s letter.

  Write about your own habits.

2. Ability Objects

  Reading skill.   Writing skill.   Survey skill.

3. Mora Object

  Form a good eating habit.

II. Teaching Key Points

Eating habit, of couse, look after   Make a different, healthy, unhealthy   Although  

Read a letter    Fill in a letter

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods. Survey methods.

IV. Teaching Aid  A projector.

V. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.

Step 2 Show the new words on the screen and teach them. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step 3 3a

Open your books at page 5. Look at Activities 3a. This is the part of Katrina’s letter to a pen pal. I’ll read it to you first.

Step 4 3b

This is Bill’s letter. I’ll read the letter to you. (say blank each time when coming to a blank line.)

Ask students to work individually.

Step 5 3c

Ask students to finish the writing individually. Then ask some students to read their paragraphs to the class.

Or ask students to say some sample sentences first.

Step 6 Survey Who is the healthiest?

Now please turn to page 90.

There are three questions.

1. How often do you exercise?

2. What sports do you play?

3. How often do you eat vegetables?

Step 7 Summary and Howmwork

This class we’ve read two letters. We know what healthy things are and unhealthy things are.

Don’t forget to keep your diaries. Next class I’ll ask you to read your diaries.

Step 8 Blackboard Design

    Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Exercise     Eat vegetables

Drink milk

Eat junk food


Eat fruit


The sixth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge objects

  Vocabulary in this unit.   Writing practice   Just for fun.

2. Ability Objects

  Reading skill.  Writing skill.  Drawing skill.  Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

  To be a successful person.

II. Teaching Key Point

Vocabulary in this unit.

III. Teaching Difficulty

Writing practice using the target language in this unit.

IV. Teaching Methods

Writing method.  Reading method.  Practice method  Communicative Approach.

V. Teaching Aid

A picture of a famous people.

V. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greet the class and check the homework.

Step 2 Shelf Check 1

There are five sentence in the box.

1. Mum         me to get up at 6:00 and run with her.

2. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he        every day.

3. A lot of vegetables         you to keep in good health.

4. You must          to eat less meat.

5. Does it          a big difference if you eat fruit every day?

Step 3 2

Show the picture of a famous people.Write the name of the famous personality on the board. Ask students to imagine what he or she does every day and write a few examples on the board.

Often   every day   Usually  three times a week  Sometimes   once a week

Always  once a month   Hardly ever     never

Step 4 Just for fun!

Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves. Then expain it.

This activity provides reading practice with the target language.

Step 5 Workbook  Section B

Unscramble these questions. Then answer them. Use the words in parenthese.

Step 6 Summary

This class we’ve reviewed vocabulary and abverbs of requency in unit 1. And we’ve reviewed the target language in this unit and done some exercises.

Step 7 Homework

If time doesn’t permit, leave some exercises of workbook as homework.

Unit 2  What’s the matter?

I. Teaching article: Unit Two

II. Teaching aims and demands:

What’s the matter?                I have a headache.

You should drink some tea.         That sounds a like a good idea.

I have a sore back.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty:

Talk about your health.  Make suggestions.

IV. Teaching ways:  Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools: Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time:  Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure:


The first period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects.

Body names.   Illness.   What’s the matter?   I have a cold.

2. Ability Objects.

Listening skil,  recognizing skill.

3. Moral Objects.

Exercise every day and keep healthy and strong.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What’s the matter? --I have a cold.

III. Teaching Methods

Recognizing method.  Listening method.  Discover method.  Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.  A doll for teaching the names of the body.   A Projector.

V. Teaching Procedures

Step I Greet the class and check the homework.

Step II Section A 1a

Bring out a doll. Teach the words of body parts.

Read the words to students and ask them to repeat.

Now open your books and turn to page 7. Please look at the picture, I’ll ask a student to read the list of thirteen names of body parts.

Step III 1b

Act out an illness. Then show the other new words on the blackboard. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. Make sure every student knows the meaning and can read them.

Step IV Pairwork

Teach students more words of illness. For example,

Have a cold, have a fever, headache, stomachache, headache               toothache, have a sore back , have a sore throat

Step V An activity

Play the game Simon says with students. First have students line up in rows .Ask students to touch different parts of their bodies.

Step VI An activity

Now please turn to page 106. There is a picture of a head with no eyes, nose, mouth or ears. Please draw them in the correct paces and say their names in English. Then show your pictures. Who draws the best?

Step VII Homework

Write down the new words in your exercise book and read them for several times

Step VIII Blackboard Design

    Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Tooth ——teeth(pl.)       Foot  ——feet(pl.)

Toothache               Stom-ach-ache

Eyes              nose        mouth            ears


The second period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

New words.   Some advice.   Grammar Focus.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill, reading skill, writing skill, communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

To be a doctor and serve the people heart and soul.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What’s the matter? --I have a toothache.

Maybe you should see a dentist. --That’s a good idea.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening method, reading and writing methods, pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tpae recorder, a projector.

IV. Teaching Procedures

Step I Greet the class and check the homework.

Step II Show the new words on the screen.

Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step III 2a

Now open your books and turn to page 8.First read the eight items to students and ask them to repeat.

Toothache    Sore throat    Stomachache    Fever    Lie down and rest

Hot tea with honey   See a dentist   Drink lots of water

Step IV 2b

First look at the four pictures. Each picture illustrates of the conversations. Now we’ll listen to the conversations again. This time listen for the missing words. Write the missing words on the blackboard.

Step V 2c Pairwork

First I’ll have two students read the dialogue in the box. OK. You two please.

Sa: What’s the matter?                           Sb: I have a toothache.

Sa: Maybe you should see a dentist.               Sb: That’s a good idea.

Ask students to work in pairs.

Step VI Grammar Focus

I have a headache.      He has a stomachache.

She has a toothache.    You should go to bed.

He shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.

She should see a dentist.

Step VII Homework

This class we’ve leant some advice to people in advertisements for cold medicines , pain medicines and other medicines. Please recover the name and picture of the medicines in the advertisement and leave only the person. Next class we’ll play a game.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Problems               Advice

…                       …


The third period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Reading and writing materials.   Oral Practice.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill, writhing skill, communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Give good advice when someone needs your help.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Reading practice.   Oral practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods, pairwork, groupwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

Workbook exercises.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 3a

Now open your books at page 9.Now look at the conversation on the left.

A: What’s the matter?                 B: I’m not feeling well. I have a   1  .

A:When did it start?                   B: About   2   ago.

A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should   3  .

Step III 3b Pairwork

Now let students look at the picture. Have students ask and answer what’s the matter with the people in the picture.Write the answer on the blackboard. For example,

What’s the matter?   He has a toothache.     She has a sore throat. 

He has a sore back.She has a stomachache.

Step IV 4 Groupwork

First look at the dialogue on the left. Read it to the class.

What’s the matter?  Do you have a sore throat?    No, I don’t.

Do you have a sore throat?                       No, I don’t.

Do you have a cold?                             Yes, I do.

You should drink some hot tea.

Step V An Optional Activity

Write the names of several illness on the board. Then ask students to explain in simple English what advice their parents or grandparents give for each illness.

Step VI Summary

This class we’ve learnt some advice and done some reading, writing and oral practice. I hope you can give your classmates of friends good suggestion when they need your help.

Step VII Homework

Finish off the exercises of workbook.

Step VIII Blackboard

    Unit 2 What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?      He has a toothache.

  … a sore back.        …a sore throat.        …a stomachache.


The Fourth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary, reading practice, oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill, reading skill, writhing skill, practice skill, communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Ask for help when you have problem.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Key vocabulary.   Reading practice.   Oral practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods, understanding method, pairwork, listening method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Section B 1a

Now open your books at page 10. First I’ll read the words to you.

Tired    Hungry   Thirsty   Stressed out

Step III 1b

Now read the four sentences after me.

Eat an apple.   Drink some water.   Listen to music.

Step IV 2a

First let students look at the chart. Then tell students they’ll listen to the recording. There are four conversations.

Write the problems in the blanks after each person’s name.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Then play the recording a second time.

Step V 2b

Ask one or two to write their answers on the blackboard. Then correct the answers with the whole class.

Gina: should go to bed early

     Shouldn’t go to the party tonight

Tony: should listen to music

     Shouldn’t study

Alan: should eat an apple

     Shouldn’t play soccer before dinner

Step VI 2c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the conversation in speech bubble.

What’s the matter with Gina?     She’s tired.

Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldn’t go to the party.

Step VII Homework

After class you can talk to an expert about a particular problem. For exaple, what should I do when I have problems with my little brother?

Step VIII Blackboard Design

      Unit 2 What’s the matter

Gina: should do …

     Shouldn’t do …

Tony: …

Julie: …

Alan: …


The Fifth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.   Reading material.   Group work.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.   Writhing skill.   Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Great Chinese culture.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Key vocabulary.   Reading practice.   Writing exercise.   Groupwork.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.   Groupwork.   Communicative approach.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II New words

Open your books and turn to page 118. We’ll leant the new words of page 11.

Show a picture on the blackboard. Explain yin and yang in Chinese.

Step III 3a

Read the article to the class.

Now let students read the article and and underline each thing they should do.

Step IV 3b

Read the paragraph to the class, saying blank each time when come to a blankline.

         Are you tired?

Eveyone gets tired sometimes. When you’re tired, you shouldn’t   1  . You should

  2   for a few nights and you should   3   to stay healthy. You should also eat 

  4   and other healthy foods. You shouldn’t   5   when you are tired.

Step V 3c

First read the instructions.And then ask students to say some things to do when they have a cold.

Then ask some students to read their paragraphs to the class.

Step VI 4 Groupwork

Ask students to write the names on the blackboard. Then let them raise their hands voting for Dr. Know.

Step VII Homework

Write down the sentences about when you’re tired in your exercise book.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 2 What’s the matter?    Stuents’ names             Best advice


The Sixth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Vocabulary in this unit.   Writing practice.   Just for Fun.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.   Writhing skill.   Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Give your help to who needs one.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Vocabulary in this unit.   Writing practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.   Self check method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show the new words on the blackboard.

Step III Self Check 1

First ask students to fill in the blanks with the word given. Then check the answers.

Then ask students to make their own sentences with the words.

Step IV 2

This activity provides writing individually. Ask some of them to read their advice to the class.

Step V Just for Fun!

Ask the students to repeat.

T: What’s the matter with the snowman, do you know?

S: He’s stressed out.

T: Why is he stressed out? Well, because of the sun. He’s melting.

T: Can the boy help him? What does he do?

S: Yes. He puts him into the fridge.

T: OH, great! You ‘re quite right. Is the snowman stressed out now?

S: No, he isn’t.

Step VI Workbook

Step VII Summary

This class we’ve reviewed key vocabulary in this unit. And we’ve read a letter from Sally and written back to give her some advice. Also we’ve read the problem of the snowman. I hope other all of you can help other people who need your help.

Step VIII Homework: Finish off the workbook exercises.

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 2  What’s the matter?

Sally’s Problem    Advice     snowman     sun      melt   fridge      save






Unit 3  What are you doing for vocation?

I. Teaching article: Unit Three

II. Teaching aims and demands:

    What are you doing for vocation?      I’m spending time with my friends..

    What are you going?                 I’m going next week.

    How long are you staying?            We’re staying for two weeks.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty:

Talk about further plans.

IV. Teaching ways:

Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools:

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time:

Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure:


The first period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.   Talk about further plans.   Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.   Reading skill.   Writhing skill.

3. Moral Object

Learn to make plans for tomorrow.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What are you doing for vocation?

--I’m babysitting my sister.

III. Teaching Methods

Discover teaching method. 

Listening and speaking methods. 


IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.   A large wall calendar.   A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Section A 1a

T: Now open your books at page 13.Look at the vocation activities in the picture, please.Can you tell me what you see in the picture?

Sa: Camping.   Sb: Babysitting.   Sc: Watching TV.   Sd: Playing basketball.

Step III 1b

Listen to the recording and write a conversation number from 1 to 3 in each box.


Girl 1: What are you doing for vocation, Akilo?

Akilo: I’m spending time with my friends.

Girl 1: That sounds like fun!

Step IV 1c Pairwork

Read the dialogue in 1c to students.

What’s she doing for vacation?

She’s babysitting her sister.

Ask some pairs to ask and answer the question as the rest of the students listen.

Step V Show an exercise on the blackboard

Ask students to read the question. For each answer, type in the correct form of the subject and verb.

Step VI Summary and Homework

This class we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and done an oral practice. You learn to make plans for tomorrow. Your work will be well done.

Now, homework. Preview the next page.

Step VII Blackboard

       Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

              babysit     babysitter


The second period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.   Target language.   Grammar Focus.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.   Writhing skill.   Oral practice.

3. Moral Object

Go out for camping when you’re free.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Grammar Focus.

What are you doing for vocation?

I’m visiting my grandmother.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and speaking methods.   Writing method.   Groupwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.   A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 2a and 2b

First ask students to look at the chart. There are three columns: who, what and when questions.

We’ll hear a conversation. On the recording Hector, Susan and Molly are talking about what and when they’re doing for vacation.

Step III 2c Groupwork

Now read the dialogue. I’ll ask two students to read it. Who would like to read? OK. You two, please.

A: What are you doing for vacation, Li chen?       B: I’m going camping.

A: That sounds nice. Who are you going with?      B: I’m going with my parents.

Step IV Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box.. Ask students to say the questions and answers.

Step V Summary and Homework

This class we’ve done guided listening and writing exercises. And we’ve leant grammar rulers. Go out to camping with your family in your spare time. Learn to relax ourthemselves.

Today’s homework. Are you camping in the weekend? Please write down your plans for it.

Step VI Blackboard Design

       Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

Name            Vacation               plans

Li Chen         He’s going… with his parents

 …                  …                       …

The third period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. 

Target language.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening and speaking skill.   Reading and writing skills

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Imagine what ever you want to be in future.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Where are they going?                How long are they staying?

What is Dave doing for vacation?

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and speaking methods.  Reading and Writing method.   Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.   A big paper bag.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show the new words on the blackboard.

Teach students the new words. Read the new words and ask students to repeat.

Step III 3a

Now open your books and turn to page 15. Look at 3a first.

Then ask students to look at the chart. There are two questions in the chart.

Where are they going? How long are they staying? What is Dave doing for vacation?

Step IV 3b Pairwork

Ask two students to read the example in the speech bubble.

Sa: What is Dave doing for vacation?     Sb: He’s going to his cousin’s house.

Sa: How long is he staying?             Sb: He’s staying for a week.

Step V 4 Vacation Dreams!

There is a note about a dream vacation. Now I’ll ask a student to read it to the class.

S: I’m going to Hawaii for vacation. I’m going in December, and I’m staying for three weeks.

T: What is your dream vacation? Where are you going? When are you going, and how long are you staying?

Step VI Optional Activity

Collect the person and read some of the papers to the class. Ask students to guess who wrote each paper. See who can make the most correct guesses.

Step VII Summary

This class we’ve learnt key vocabulary and target language. And we’ve done listening, speaking, reading and writing practice.

Step VIII Homework

Finish off the exercises of workbook.

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

              Sample conversation in 3b


    The fourth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.   Target language.   Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening and speaking skill. Reading and writing skills,

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Take walks and keep healthy.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Where are you going for vacation?   What’s it like there?

What are you doing there?          Who are you going with?

How long are you staying?

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and speaking methods.  Reading and Writing method.   Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.   A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show some pictures on the blackboard to learn the key vocabulary.

Step III Second B 1a

First ask students to read the five phrases. Then ask students to match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the blank in front of the correct phrase.

Step IV 1b

As students talk, move around the class, offering language or pronunciation support if needed.

Then have the class listen to one student ask another about each activity.

Step V 2a and 2b

Look at the picture, please. The reporter is interviewing an actress named He Yu.

Now look at the chart. There are reporter’s question and the actress’ answers.

Step VI 2c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles.

Hello, He Yu. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans?


What are you doing … ?

Step VII Summary

This class we’ve learnt key vocabulary and target language. And also we’ve done an oral practice.

Step VIII Homework

Get brochures from a travel agent of find vacation advertisements in newpaper and magazines. Next class we’ll do report on how much various vacation cost. You can ask or find the price for various vacation.

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

              Other activities students know



                               The fifth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.   An article.   Writing practice.   Survey.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.   Writing skill.   Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Make National Day’s trip plan for your family in English.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Writing practice.   Survey.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and Writing method.   Practice method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework

Step II Show the new words on the blackboard.

Teach the new words. &Read the new words and ask students to repeat.

Step III 3a

Ask students to read the article again. One of the things Ben is going to do is taking walks. Which of the item in the picture does he need for a walk? Hiking boots. Right.

Let students work individually or in pairs. Then check the answers.

Step IV 3b

Read the paragraph to the class , saying blank each time coming to a blank line.

Now ask students to read the paragraph themselves and fill in the blanks. Tell students the answer will vary.

Step V 3c

We’ve read about Vanessa’s vacation and Pierre’s vacation. What kind of vacation would you like? Tell me please.

Step VI Survey Weekend Plans!

Ask students to look at the chart on page 83. Ask them to read the header. Find someone who is … and the list of phrases below. Review the meaning of each item to the chart.

Step VII Summary and Homework

This class we’ve learnt key vocabulary and the target language. We’ve learnt to survey someone’s weekend plans.

National Day is coming. Can you make a plan for it? I think your parents will be happy to see your trip plans in English. This is your homework.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

         Names of vacation students like




                            The sixth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects:

Review key vocabulary in this unit.   Writing practice.

2. Ability Objects: 

Revision skill.   Writing skill.

3. Moral Object: 

Read the cartoon and find what is funny.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Writing practice.   Survey.

III. Teaching Methods

Revision method.   Writing method.   Just for fun.

IV. Teaching Aids

A blackboard.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework

Ask students to show their trip plans.

Step II Self Chech 1

Ask a number of students’ answer for each word on the board. Underline any mistakes and ask students to suggest how to correct the mistakes.

Step III 2

Imagine you are a tourist guide. Your plan schedules for tourists who visit your city. Write the schedule for this weekend. Answer the questions below in your schedule.

Step IV Just for Fun!

Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves. And ask them to tell what is funny about the cartoon.

Step V Workbook

Step VI Summary

This class we’ve reviewed key vocabulary and the target language in this unit. And also we’ve done workbook exercises.

Step VII Homework

Finish off the exercises of workbook.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

     Students’ sentences with mistakes

              1. …      …          …

              2. …      …          …

              3. …      …          …












   Unit 4  How do you get to school?

I. Teaching article(课题): Unit Four

II. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

       How do you get to school?  -- I take the bus.

       How long does it take? --It takes 20 minutes.

       How far is it? --It’s 10 miles.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty(教学重难点):

Talk about how to get to places.

IV. Teaching ways(教学方法):  

Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools(教学工具):

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time(教学时间):

Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure(教学过程):


The first period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Target language.  Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.  Writing skill.  Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Know about some traffic rules.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Target language.

Hey, Dave. How do you get to school?

I walk. How about you, Sally? --I ride my bike.

How does Emilio get to school? --He takes the train.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening method.  Writing method.  Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder..

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework

Step II Learn the new words.

Step III Section A 1a

First ask students to look at the picture. And read the sample sentences to them.

Ask them to repeat.

Hey, Dave. How do you get to school? --I walk. How about you, Sally?

I ride my bike.

Step IV 1b

First ask students to say what each person is doing. Write the phrases on the board.

Walking                 Riding a bike                 Take the train

Taking the subway       Take the bus

Step V 1c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the dialogue I the speech bubbles to the class.

Sa: How does Bob get to school?         Sb: He takes the train.

Step VI Culture Note

You may wish to include in the lesson names for other forms of transportation that are common I the students’ home culture.

Step VII Summary and Homework

This class we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and the target language. How do you (does he) get to school?Do you know how your parents go to work? Next class I’ll ask some of you to tell me the answers.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 4 How do you get to school?

Key vocabulary               How do you get to school?

How does he get to school?    I walk. He walks.


The second period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Target language.  Oral practice.  Grammar Focus.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.  Writing skill.  Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Don’t be late for school.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Target language.  Oral practice.  Grammar Focus.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and writing methods.  Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder..

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework

Step II 2a

Now open your books at page 20. Look at the transportation pictures. I’ll ask a student to identify each picture.

Picture 1  a train     Picture 1  a bus      Picture 1  walk

Picture 1  a subway   Picture 1  a bike

Step III 2b

First point to the clocks and their times. Ask eight students to read the time one by one to the class.

a. 10 minutes        b. 15 minutes    a. 25 minutes        b. 30 minutes

a. 35 minutes        b. 40 minutes    a. 50 minutes        b. 55 minutes

Step IV 2c Pairwork

T: Now please look at the sample dialogue. I’ll ask two students to read it to the class. Who would like to read? Oh, you two, please.

Sa: How do you get to school?

Sb: Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.

Sa: How long does it takel?

Sb: It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by us.

Step V Grammar Foucus

Review the grammar focus box. Ask students to say the statements and responses.

Step VI Summary

This class we’ve learnt to talk about how to get to school and how long it takes to get to school.

Step VII Homework

Write down grammar sentences in your exercise books.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 4 How do you get to school?

Key vocabulary

How do you get to school?     How does he get to school?

How long does it take?        It takes about 10 minutes.


The third period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Reading and writing practice.  Oral practice.

The exercise of the workbook.

2. Ability Objects

Writing skills.  Reading skills.  Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Be careful when crossing the street.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Oral practice.  The exercises of the workbook.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and Writing method.  Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show the new words on the blackboard.

Step III 3a

T: First I’ll ask some questions. How can you get to school? How long does it take? Who would like to answer these questions? OK. You please.

Sa: I take a bus. It take twenty minutes.Sb: I ride my bike. It takes fifteen minutes.

Sc: I walk. It takes about seven minutes.

T: Great. Now open your books at page 21. Let’s look at the reading passage. I’ll ask a student to read it to the class.

Step IV 3b

Show the pictures and the time and distance on the blackboard.

Ask one student to name one form and transportation and read the information that goes with it. Ask other students to name the other three.

Step V Info gap race!

First help the students form groups of three. Because three

students work together in this activity.

Ask the other students questions. Then fill in the blanks. Tell students the first group to fill in all the blanks wins. They will get little presents.

Step VI Map practice

Q: How far is it from           to            ?

A: It’s            miles(kilometers).

Q: How long does it take to go from            to            ?

A: It takes            (hours).

Step VII Summary and Homework

This class we’ve had reading and writing practice. And we’ve done a game.

Finish off the workbook exercise.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 4 How do you get to school?

How              How long             How far


    The fourth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skills.  Reading skills.

3. Moral Object

Know about some signs of traffic.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Oral practice using the target language:

How do you get to school?  --Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.

Then I take the subway.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening method.  Reading method.  Pairwork.  Groupwork.  Practice.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.  A projector.  Large chart paper, colored markers.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Section B 1a

Show some pictures on the blackboard. Teach students some key words.

This is a train station. Trains stop here.   This is a bus stop. Because stop here.

This is a bus station.

Step III Group Mural

Tape together several pieces of large chart paper and ask students to use colored markers to make a transportation mural.

Step IV 1b Pairwork

First ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Sa: How do you get to school?

Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.

Step V 2b

First ask a different students to say what kinds of transportation each picture shows. Then tell students picture I shows riding a bike to the subway, taking another bus after the subway and walking from the bus stop to the school.

Step VI 2c Groupwork

In this activity let students tell how Nina gets to school. Ask students to use the pictures in 2b. And write these sentences on the blackboard.

First she … Next she… Then she…

Step VIII Optional Activity

Explain the practice of the sentences starters First she…,Then, she… by writing the sentences on the blackboard.

First I get up. Next I take a shower. Then I have the breakfast.

Step IX Summary and Homework

This class we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and had oral practice. After class ask your parents how they get to offices. Next class I’ll ask some of you to report to the class.

Step X Blackboard Design

       Unit 4 How do you get to school?

Key vocabulary   Target Language

First… Next… Then…


The fifth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Reading passage.  Reading and writing practice.

2. Ability Objects

Writing skills.  Reading skills.  Survey.

3. Moral Object

Tell students a moved story.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Reading and writing practice.  Survey.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and Listening method.  Survey method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show some new words on the blackboard. Teach the new words and ask students to repeat.

Step III 3a

Now let students read the article again. Then have them look at five sentences on the blackboard.

1. In North America, not all students take the bus to school.

2. Other parts of world are different from the United States.

3. In Japan, the three popular ways of getting to school are bus, train and bike.

4. In China, bikes and houses are the most popular means of transportation.

5. Students in Hongshanhu and Kaishandao have to take a boat to get to school.

Answers: 1. T       2. T        3. F        4. F        5. T

Step IV 3b

First let students look at the chart.

This chart shows how students get to Garden High School.

Make sure students know what to do. Ask them to finish the activity individually according to the chart.

Step V 3c

Just now you filled in on article about how students get to Hilsville High School. How do students get to your school?

Step VI Survey  Find someone who…

Tell students we’ll do a survey. Please turn to page 92. Go around the class and ask questions like this:

How far do you live from school    How do you get to school?

How long does it take to get to school?

Step VII Summary

Today we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and done some reading and writing practice.

Step Homework

Write 3c down in your exercise book.


The sixth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Reading and oral practice.  Just for Fun.

Exercises of the workbook.

2. Ability Objects

Writing skills.  Oral practice.

3. Moral Object

Help someone who has trouble.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Oral practice.  Exercise of the workbook.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading method.  Speaking method.  Self check method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show some new words on the blackboard. Read the new words and ask students to repeat.

Step III Self Check 1

First tell students to use words:”ride, take, think of, and get to”

1. How do you get to school in the morning.

2. What do you think of the transportation in your town?

3. When it rains I take a taxi.

4. How far do you live from the bus station?

5. I like to ride my bike on the weekend.

Step IV 2

First let students look at the picture.

Image you meet an American who needs help. His friend is ill in hospital.

Ask students to work in pairs to write out the conversation. Walk around the class offering language support where necessary.

Step V Just for Fun!

Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves.

How do they get to school?  They cater pillar walks.  The butterfly flies.

Step VI Workbook

Unscramble these questions. Then answer them. Use the words in paretheses.

Q: How do you get do the store?     A: I take a train.

Step VII Summary

Today we’ve reviewed key vocabulary in this unit and done some reading and writing practice.

Step Homework

Finish off the exercise of the workbook.




   Unit 5  Can you come to my party?

I. Teaching article(课题): Unit Five

II. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

   Can you come to my birthday party? --Yes, I’d love to.

   Sorry, I can’t. I have to study for a test.

   I’m sorry. I’m playing soccer on Saturday.

   When is the party? --It’s at seven-thirty.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty(教学重难点):

    Make, accept and deline invitation.  Talk about obligation.

IV. Teaching ways(教学方法):

Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools(教学工具):

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time(教学时间):

Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure(教学过程):


The first period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects  Key vocabulary. Target language. Groupwork.

2. Ability Objects  Learning skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object  Learn some foreign culture.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Can you come to my party on weekend? --Sure, I’d love to.

Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.  I’m sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening method. Learning approach.

IV. Teaching Aids  A tape recorder. OHP.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Section A

T: Can you come to my party?

Show these expressionon the blackboard by a projector. Read the expression to the class and ask the students to repeat each one.

S: I’d love to …                I’m sorry , I have to …

Step III 1a

Helping his parents    studying for a test

Going to the doctor     babysitting    Having a piano lesson

Then ask students to write the letter of the correct picture in the blank next to each of the pharses.

Step IV 1b

Let the students to complete the activity individually.

Listen carefully.

Ask students to complete the activity individually. Then correct the answers.

Step V 1c Groupwork

First let four students read the example in the speech bubbles to the class.

A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday?

B: Sure, I’d love to.

C: Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.

D: I’m sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.

Then help students form groups of four.

Step VI An Optional Activity

Ask students to practice some invitation and refusals.Play the recordings for the class and have a student ask about any words or sentences they can’t understand.

Step VIII Culture Note

In some cultures, it is not considered polite to accept an invitation the first time it is offered. In such places people usually thank the people but do not give a definite answer at that time.

Step IX Summary and Homework

This class we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and the target language. After class ask write the phrases in 1a down in your exercise books.

Step X Blackboard Design

       Unit 5  Can you come to my party?

How about…              Polite…

What about…             Impolite…


   The second period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Target language. Grammar focus.

2. Ability Objects

Learning skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

It’s polite to refuse one’s invitation if you can’t go.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Target language.

Can you come to my party on weekend?

Sure, I’d love to.

Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.

I’m sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.

III. Teaching Methods

Grammar Focus. Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder. Cards with “Yes” and “No” for Follow-up Activity 1.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 2a

Now tell students we’ll have five conversations.

Conversation 1:

Anna: Hi, Jeff. Can you come to my party on Saturday?

Jeff: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to visit my aunt on Saturday.

Conversation 2:

Anna: Hello, Marry. Can you come to my party on Saturday?

Marry: I’d love to.

Conversation 3:

Anna: May Lee, can you come to my party tomorrow?

May Lee: I’m sorry. I have to help my mom.

Conversation 4:

Anna: Claudia, Can you come to my party on Saturday?

Claudia: I’m sorry. I’m going to the movies.

Conversation 5:

Anna: Say, Paul. Can you come to my party on Saturday?

Paul: I’d love to.

Step III An Activity Pick a Card

Prepare fifteen cards to give students. Five of the cards have the word Yes on them. Ten of the cards have the word along with the name of an activity.

Step IV 2b

Ask a student to read the five sentences in Activity 2b. Tell students these are the reasons why people can’t go to the party. Now listening to the recording again.

Step V 2c Pairwork

Now let students look at the sample conversation in the book. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.

A: Hey, Dave, can you come to my party on Saturday?

B: I’m Sorry, I can’t. I have too much homework.

A: That’s too bad. Maybe another time.

B: Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking.

Step VI Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers.

Talk about the two ways people give reasons for saying no to an invitation.

Step VII Summary and Homework

This class we’ve learnt how to say “no” to someone’s invitation and give a reson. After class copy the grammar box in your exercise books..

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 5  Can you come to my party?

Has to         have to

She           play basketball.

He           study.

They           go to a party.

I             to study for a test.


The third period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Review vocabulary items. Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill. Writing skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Use computers to help with your study.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Review vocabulary items. Oral practice using target language.

III. Teaching Methods

Grammar Focus. Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A picture of computer. A tape recorder.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 3a

Show an invitation in the blackboard.

Lisa: Hi, Simon. Can you come to my party?

Simon: When is it?

Lisa: It’s on Friday June 30 at four-thirty.

Simon: I’d love to.

Step III 3b pairwork

Practice the conversation in 3a. Then fill in the card with details of a event.Then call your classmates to invite him or her to the event.

Step IV 4 Invite a Friend

Tell the class how to do the activity. For example:

Li Hua, you are Lu Eliza. Look at the this page.

Fang Fang you are Lu Qing. Look at the page 87.

Look at your calendar for this week.Then make a dialogue.

Step V

Show the piucture on the blackboard.

Tell students Evite is the web’s leading in line invitation service. It’s easy to get people together and best of all, it’s FREE!

Step VI Summary

Today we’ve learnt how to write an invitation and done a lot of pratice.

Step VII Homework

If you have a computer, you may send the invitation each other.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 5  Can you come to my party?

Lu Qing Eliza    Wednesday afternoon     Friday afternoon

Saturday        Sunday


The fourth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill. Speaking skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Prepare for the next class game.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What’s today? --It’s Monday the 14th.

Can you play tennis with me?

When? --Today.  --Sorry, I can’t.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and speaking methods. Communicative approach.  Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A current wall calendar. A tape recorder.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Ask students if they send invitation by computer each other.

Step II Section B 1a

First let students look at the days of the week at the top of calendar in the book. Read the words and ask them to repeat.

Then display a current calendar and ask a student to copy them numbers into the calendar in their books.

Step III 1b

Show the words on the blackboard:

Yesterday: 昨天Today: 今天Tomorrow : 明天;明日

The day after tomorrow: 后天

Now ask students to write the words below the correct dates on the calendar in 1a.

Step IV 1c Pairwork

Ask the students to read the dialogue in the speech bubble.

A: What’s today? --B: It’s Moday the 14th.

Then have students work in pairs. One student point to a date and asks, what’s today? The other student answers, It’s         .

Step V 2a

First let students look at the picture.

Ask students to tell what the boy is doing.(He’s talking on the phone.

Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. Then play it again. This time ask students to circle yes or no.

Step VI 2b

Now look at the list of five activities. Ask a student to read it to the class.

Call attention to the three lettered words: a. today b. tomorrow c. the day after tomorrow.

Step VII Summary and Homework

Today we’ve reviewed the days of the week. And we’ve leant some key vocabulary and the target language. We have leant how to ask the date, how to invite some body and how to refuse and give a reason. Next class we’ll do a game: Name That Day.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 5  Can you come to my party?

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


The fifth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

E-mail message. Writing practice. Reading practice.

2. Ability Objects

Reading and writing skills. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Ask your friends and classmates to your birthday party and have a good time.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Reading passage.  I’m + verb + ing.  I have to + verb.

Reading and writing practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods. Communicative approach. Groupwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A picuture of a computer. A wall calendar.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual.

Step II Play a Game: Name That Day

Play a game of speed with the class. Display the wall calendar. Say a student’s name, point to a date on the calendar and say either yesterday, today or tomorrow. Give the winners little presents.

Step III 3a

Now open your books at page 29. First I’ll read the e-mail message to you. Have you any questions about this e-mail message.

Tell the students to read the e-mail message again and complete Sonia’s answers.

Step IV 3b

Point out the sample answer and ask students to use their imagination to complete the e-mail.

Tell students to use “I’m + verb + ing.”or “I have to + verb.”

Ask the students to complete the activity on their own.

Step V 3c

Ask students to give some sample answers. Write them on the blackboard. For example,

I can’t visit you next week.  I have to go to school on Moday.

I’m playing soccer on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, I’m going on vacation.

Step VI 4 Groupwork Plan a Party!

First ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubble.

A: Can you come to my party?

B: When is it?

A: Next week. ON Thursday night.

B: I’m sorry. I have to study for a math test.

Then ask students to turn to page 88.

Step VII Topic for Discussion

Have you had your birthday party? Did you have a good time? Have you invited your friends and classmates?

Now let students have practice.

Step VIII  Summary and Homework

We’ve leant how to write an e-mail and had a discussion.

Now homework. Read the e-mail message again.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 5  Can you come to my party?

I can’t visit you next week. I have to go to school on Monday.

I’m playing on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I’m going on vacation.


The sixth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Review key words and target language of the unit.

Reading and writing practice.

2. Ability Objects 

Reading and writing skills.

3. Moral Object 

Beethoven, a famous musician.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Reading and writing practice.

Review key vocabulary and the target language.

III. Teaching Methods 

Reading and writing methods.

IV. Teaching Aids 

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show some new words on the blackboard.

Read the words to the class and ask students to repeat. Make sure everyone understands its meaning.

Step III Self check 1

Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers:

1. My American friend is going to visit me next vacation.

2. Are you playing football this weekend?

3. Please keep quiet! I’m trying to study.

4. I can’t join you because I have to help my mom.

5. Do you want to come to my birthday party?

Step IV 2

Ask students to read the invitation.

Imagine you are Marie. Look at your schedule. Write replies to the invitations.

Tell Rose, Julie, walk around the class offering language support where necessary.

Step V Just for Fun!

Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves.

Then have two students read the words to the class.

Help students understand that it’s the famous musician, Beethoven, who has to practice the piano.

Step VI Read about Meimei and Judy

Judy is coming to the party. She wants to help Meimei on Saturday, but she can’t. She has a soccer game in the morning. And in the afternoon, she’s going to her uncle’s house. She’s coming to the party at 8:00.

Step VII Summary

Today we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Step VIII Homework

Finish off the exercise of workbook.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

       Unit 5  Can you come to my party?

Bethoven  A famous musician  Practice the piano




   Unit 6  I’m more outgoing than my sister

I. Teaching article(课题): Unit 6

II. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

       Talk about personal traits.

       Compare people.

       Is that Sam?

       No, that’s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.

       He’s calmer than Sam.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty(教学重难点):

       Comparative with –er, -ier.

       More and both.

IV. Teaching ways(教学方法):

       Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools(教学工具):

       Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time(教学时间):

       Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure(教学过程):


The first period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral Practice.

2. Ability Objects

Learning skill. Speaking skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Learn to play a musical instrument..

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Is that Sam?

No, that’s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.

And He’s calmer than Sam.

Is that Tina?

No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and speaking methods. Communicative approach.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

A projector.

Some objects.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Make a simple drawing of a boy and a girl on the blackboard.

Judy is tall.    Judy is taller than Bobby.

Then bring out two rules of different length. Say:

This is ruler. It’s Bobby’s ruler.(longer)

This is Judy’s ruler.(long)

Bobby’s ruler is longer than Judy’s.

Step III Show some new words on the blackboard.

Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step IV 1a

Ask students to do this activity individually. Then check and answers.

Tall—short      long hair—short hair    thin—heavy   calm—wild

Step V 1b

First tell students what the twins are. Twins are children born at the same time to the same parents, but not always.

Step VI 1c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class.

A: Is that Tara?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina..

Then have students work with a partner.

Make conversation work with a partner.

Step VII Pronunciation Note

Write one of the example sentences from the picture on the board circle the word than say. When we say the word than, we say it quickly. You don’t hear very much of the sound.

Step VIII Summary and Homework

Today we’ve leant the twins are having a concert. We’ve leant how to compare people. After class, give more practice, comparing your school things. Next class I’ll ask some of you to say your conversations OK? Now, class is over? See you!

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Draw two people on the blackboard. One is Judy. The other is Bobby.

Judy is taller than Bobby. Bobby is shorter than Judy.


The second period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral Practice. Grammar Focus.

2. Ability Objects

Learning skill. Writing skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Handsome is that handsome does.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Oral practice. Grammar Focus.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and writing methods. Communicative approach. Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder. A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 2a

Read the words in the box to students.

Funny 有趣的  serious    严肃的Outgoing  (性格)外向的    quiet 安静的

Tell students smart and athletic are new words. Explain the new words and tell students what they mean.

Step III 2b

Ask students to look at the boxes with the headings. Tina is …, Tara is …

Listen to the recording again. This time write how Tina and Tara are different.Please write words in the boxes.

Step IV 2c Pairwork

Let students look at the chart in Activity 2c. Ask two students to read it. Tell students ***means Sam is taller than Tom.

Have students know they will talk about Sam and Tom in this activity.

Student A: Is Tom more intellectual than Sam?

Student B: (Look at the answer chart on page 97) No, Sam is smarter than Tom?

Step VI Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box. Ask a student to read the sentences to the class.

Write the word funny on the board. Circle the letter y and say, when a word ends y, the y changes to an I when you add –er. For example, funny – funnier.

Step VII Show some dialogue on the blackboard

Conversation 1:

A: Is that Mary?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Peter. Peter is more carful than Mary.

A: Yes, Mary is more careless than Peter.

Conversation 2:

A: Is it Zoe?

B: No, it Wendy. Wendy is shorter than Zoe.

Conversation 3:

A: Is it Vera?

B: No, it’s not. It’s Mary. Mary is thinner than Vera.

Step VIII Summary and Homework

Today we’ve leant some words and learnt how to compare people. I hope you can study harder than ever. You can learn more knowledge and make more progress. After class, read the key vocabulary and learn them by heart.

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Funny,           funnier     More athletic than

More intellectual than         More serious than


The third period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Reading material. Target language. Listening, speaking and writing pratice.

2. Ability Objects

Learning and speaking skills. Reading and writing skills.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

To be a brave and hardworking man.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Listening, speaking and writing pratice.

My friend is the same as me. We are both quiet.

Do you look the same?  No, I’m a little taller than her.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening, speaking and writing pratice. Reading and writing methods.

Communicative approach.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector. Some piece of paper. A paper bag.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 3a

There’s a letter in this activity. Read this letter to students. Answer any questions students nay ask. Then show the five sentences on the blackboard.

1. Liu Li has more than one sister.

2. There are some similarities between Liu Li and Liu Ying.

3. Liu Ying is not as good at sport as her sister.

4. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li.

5. Both girls go to lots of parties.

Step III Grammar Note

We are both tall.

They are both boys.  We both have short hair.  They both go to this school.

Circle the word both in the four sentences. Ask students: Does the word both come before or after the word are?

Step IV 3b Pairwork

First ask two students to read the sample conversation in the speech bubble.

Then tell students to work with a partner. Talk about how you are different from a friend of family member.

Step VI The Same and Different

T: Do you find your partner?

T: OK. Now I’ll tell you how to do the game. You can ask and answer the same questions as in Activity 3b. Please remember you have three minutes to write down the things that are the different and same between your partner.

Step VII An Optional Activity

Students can do a similar activity using information about family members. They can list the ways they are the same as and different from various members of their families. Then they can tell the class about these differences and similarities.

Step VIII Summary and Homework

Today we’ve read and article and known the same and difference between the twins—Liu Ying and Liu Li. And we’ve done a game. We’ve learnt to say the same and difference between you and your partner.


(1) Read the letter again. (2) Finish off the exercises of workbook.

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

We are both tall.  They are both boys.  We both have short hair.

They both go to the school.


The fourth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Target language. Oral pratice. Listening and writing pratice.

2. Ability Objects

Learning skill. Writing skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

A friend in need is a friend indeed.  Wish you to find your real friends.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Oral pratice. Listening and writing pratice.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and writing methods. Communicative approach. Groupwork. Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector. A tape recorder.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II  Show the new words on the blackboard.

Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step III Section B 1a

T: All of you have good friends, right?   Well, can you tell me the same and difference between you and your friends?

Sa: He is quieter than me.

Sb: We are both tall.

Sc: Her hair is longer than mine.

T: Great! And what do you think the most important things are to be your friend? Now, please look at the blackboard. I’ll show descriptions on the blackboard.

Step IV 16 Groupwork

statements about friends using the phrases 1a.

Step V An activity  Who is it?

Ask students to work in small groups. Each and writes down as many sentences as they can to describle him or her.

Step VI 2aIn this activity first ask students to look at the names and the first column of the talbe.

Tell students they will hear an interviewer talking to Holly and Maria. They are talking about what they like about their best friends.

Step VII 2b

Let students look at the rest of the chart. Read the heading at the top of each column.

The same as best friend.  Different from best friend.

Tell students we’ll listen again. Ask students to fill in the chart. How are Holly and Maria the same as and different from their best friends?

Step VIII Homework and Summary

Today we’ve recycled some key vocabulary and learnt some new words. And we’ve learnt to talk about our best friends.

After class write down five statements about what is important in a best friend. Please remember you can write a false statement among the five statements. Next class we’ll do a game.

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

A good friend …  Has cool clothes  Is popular in school

Likes to do the same things as me   Is good at sport

Is good at school work              Makes me laugh


   The fifth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.  Reading passage.  Oral pratice. Reading and writing practice.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.  Writing skill.  Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Take an activity part in all kinds of social activities.

Get a chance to train your intergrating skills.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Oral pratice.  Writing and speaking pratice

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and writing methods. Reading and writing methods.

Communicative approach.     Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.  Pieces of paper on which students write the five statements.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II  Show the new words on the blackboard.

Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step III 3a

In this activity first read the article to students. Then answer any questions students any ask. For example,

S: What’s view?

T: It’s what you think about something. It’s how you feel about something.

Step IV 3b

First let students look at the chart in Activity 2a on page 38. Then ask students to write their own sentences about Holly’s friend and some sentences about Maria’s friend.

Step V 3c

In this activity first ask students to say some of the words and phrases from this unit they can use. For example,

Tall, short, thin, heavy  Athletic, intellectual, shy  Outgoing, serious

Step VI 2a

In this activity first ask students to look at the names and the first column of the talbe.Tell students they will hear an interviewer talking to Holly and Maria. They are talking about what they like about their best friends.

Step VII Pairwork Find Someone for the Job!

Focus students on the job ad. Ask students if they know the word—abacus. If they don’t know, explain it to them.Abacus—a frame with balls that was used to do arithmetic, long before calculators.

Step VIII Homework and Summary

Today we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary in this unit by reading pratice.. And we’ve learnt to write about our best friends.Now homework, write down the words you underlined in Activity 3a in your exercise book.

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Sentences students write: The name of a student who should get the job


The sixth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Reviewing the key vocabulary in this unit. Writing pratice. Just for fun.

2. Ability Objects

Self check skill. Writing skill.

3. Moral Object

Study hard and make great progress.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Writing pratice. Reviewing the key vocabulary Quiet, funny, outgoing Kind, athletic

III. Teaching Methods

Self check method. Writing method. Communicative method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector. A tape recorder.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Self Check 1

After students finish writing their sentences, write a number of student’s answers on the blackboard.

(1) My friend likes sports. She’s very athletic.

(2) Paul is never quiet! He can’t stop talking.

(3) Mr. Wang is a kind man. He always helps others.

(4) Mary is a funny girl. She always makes me laugh.

(5) Jane isn’t very outgoing. She likes to stay at home and rest.

Step III 2First ask different students to read the questions on the left. Students read.

Are you taller now? Are you more intellectual? Are you more popular?

Are you a better student?

Then ask students to think of themselves two years ago. How are they different now?

Step IV Just for Fun!

Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class. Two students read.

A: I think I see the twins. Is that Juva?

B: No, that’s Jala. Jala has curlier hair than Juva.

A: And Juva is taller than Java.

Write the words curly—curlier on the blackboard. Explain the words curly to students or draw a simple picture what curlier hair means.

Step V Workbook

Read this article about Ali and Ahmet. Then answer the questions

Step VI Summary

This class we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary of the unit. And we’ve learnt how to compare ourthemselves between now and two years ago. I hope you can make great progress.

Step VIII Homework

Finish off the exercises of the Workbook

Step IX Blackboard Design

       Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Curly  Curlier  Curly hair

Unit   7     How do you make a banana smoothie ?

I. Teaching aims and teaching demands:

In this unit students learn to describe a process and follow instructions.

II.  Teaching key and difficult points: 

A.     Vocabulary

turn on, cut up, peel, pour, put, mix up   how much, how many , amount  blender, smoothie, yogurt ,watermelon ,ingredient ,cinnamon, sauce , teaspoon ,cup, tablespoon, popcorn , oven  sandwich,  mayonnaise, lettuce, relish ,turkey ,bread ,

first, then ,next, finally ,recipe

B.Target language

How do you make a banana smoothie ?

First, peel the milk into the blender…

Then put the milk into the blender….

How many bananas do we need ?

We need three bananas .

C.    Structures


Countable /Uncountable nouns

How many /how much questions

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V. This unit is divided into five periods.


Period One

I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to describe a process and follow instructions.

II.  Teaching key and difficult points: 

A.     Vocabulary

turn on, cut up, drink ,peel, pour, put, drink

blender, smoothie, yogurt,

B.     Target language

How do you make a banana smoothie ?  Peel the bananas,

Cut up the bananas, Put the bananas and the yogurt in the blender,

Pour the milk in the blender, Turn on the blender; Drink the smoothie.

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V.Teaching  procedure

Step 1. Revision

Revise the names of some fruits:

Apples bananas pears oranges watermelon 

Step 2. The  key vocabulary

Introduce the  new vocabulary  and give the students a clear picture  of the process that is described in this by using the pictures in the unit.

Task 1. Teach the names of all items.Point to the pictures of the items and ask students to repeat .

Task 2.  Focus on the pictures. Ask the students to tell what they see in the picture.Describe each action and ask students to repeat the following :

Peel the bananas, Cut up the bananas, Put the bananas and the yogurt in the blender, Pour the milk in the blender, Turn on the blender; Drink the smoothie.

Task 3. Ask the students to write the names of the actions on the blank lines. Then check the answers

Step 3.  Listening

Task 1. Point to the actions in the picture and the list of actions in activity 1b. Ask different students to look at the picture and tell what is happening .Ask others to read the list of actions in activity 1b.

Task 2. Play  the recording  for the first time .The students only listen. Then listen to the conversation. Number the instructions.

Ask students to complete the activity on their own. Then correct the answers.

Step 4.  Practice using the target language.

Task 1. Read the instructions in the correct order.

Task 2. How do you make a banana smoothie ?

Task 3. Pairwork. Ask the students to start their conversations like the sample conversation.As  they talk, move around the room monitoring their work .

Task 4. Ask one or two students to say the list of instructions to the class without looking at the book.


1.      review the words .

2.      describe a process .


Period  Two

I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to describe a process and follow instructions by guided listening and writing practice .

II.  Teaching key and difficult points: 

A.     Vocabulary

cinnamon ,yogurt ,teaspoon , ingredient, turn on, cut up, drink ,peel, pour, put, drink

blender, smoothie, yogurt, how much ,how many  one teaspoon of cinnamon

B.     Target language

How do you make a banana smoothie ?  Peel the bananas,  Cut up the bananas,

Put the bananas and the yogurt in the blender,

Pour the milk in the blender,  Turn on the blender;  Drink the smoothie.

How much yogurt do you need ?  How many apples do we need ?

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V.Teaching  procedure

Step 1. Revision

Revise how to describe a process .

Step 2. Vocabulary

Introduce the new vocabulary using the picture in 2a .Ask the students to read and repeat the words .

Step 3. Listening  and writing

Task 1  Point out the two columns in the chart and read the headings, How much and how many .Play the recording for the first time .Students only listen. Listen again and fill in the chart. Check the answers.

Task 2  Point to the chart and ask a student to read the amounts in the first column .Point to the measuring cup and a teaspoon in the picture above.Focus on the headings at the top of each column.Ask the students to say what these words mean using their own words.

Task 3 Listen to the recording again and  write words in the correct spaces in the ingredient column. Then check the answers.

How many bananas do we need ?Three.( Countable nouns )

How much yogurt do we need ?   One cup .( Uncountable )

Step 4.Pairwork

Task 1  Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.

Task 2  Have the students work in pairs.

Task 3. Check the answers by asking different pairs to do one question and answer each .

Step 5. Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the questions and answers.Pay attention to Uncountable nouns and Countable nouns. How many ,  How  much .

Step 6.Homework

1.      Revise the directions for making a banana smoothie in activity 1b.

2.      Make a conversation on how to make a fruit salad.

Period   Three

I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to describe a process and follow instructions by reading and writing .

II.  Teaching key and difficult points: 

A .Vocabulary

 first , next , then , finally  mix up , cut up , put…in/ into ,turn on  pepper , popcorn popper  ,sauce , oven

B .Target language

How do you make fruit salad ?

First cut up…. Next put …in …. Then…. Finally mix it all up .

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V.Teaching  procedure

Step 1. Revision

1.      Dictation.

2.      Check the homework. Act out the conversations.

Step 2. Speaking  and  reading

Task 1.Point to the picture and ask students what they are doing .Revise  to describe the process.

Task 2.Read the short passage and fill in the blanks with the words .

First ,…next….then…..finally  ….

Task 3. Tead the description.

Step 3.Pairwork

Task 1 . Look at the instructions in 3a again.

Task 2.  Look at the pictures and tell your partner how to make popcorn.

First, put the popcorn into the popper. Next , turn on the popper.

Next, pour the popcorn into the bowl. Then,  put salt  on the popcorn.

Finally, eat the popcorn.

Show the instructions to the students and read them loudly.

Step 4. Game       Recipe game

Make two teams . Write a recipe. Then cut it up. The other team has to put the recipe in order.Pay attention to these words: sauce  crust  pepper cheese

Pizza in the oven


1.      review the words .

2.      describe a process .

3.      copy and recite the instruction in 3a.

Period  Four

I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to describe a process and follow instructions.

II.  Teaching key and difficult points: 

A .Vocabulary

Add,  bread , slice , mayonnaise , turkey , relish , meat , mushroom, other, sandwich , tomato sauce , mustard

B.     Target language

How many tomatoes? How much mayonnaise?

First, next, then, finally .

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V.Teaching  procedure

Step 1. Revision


2.Check the homework.

Step 2. Reading and writing practice using the target language.

Task 1.Key vocabulary : mayonnaise, relish , lettuce , turkey slices, sandwich, onion, tomato, say each word and ask students to repeat it.

Task 2.Say , What things do you like in a sandwich ? Elicit a few examples from  students and  write them on the blackboard .Read the instructions and point to the lines where students write the things they like in a sandwich. Have students do the activity individually .Then tell the students what ingredients they wrote.Then  ask students to repeat the name of each ingredient.

Step 3. Pairwork

Stusents take turns asking your partner what he or she likes in sandwiches.

Step 4.  Listening

Task 1.Listen and circle the words you hear.

Task 2. Listen again and write the ingredients in the  order you hear them .Then check the answers.

Step 5.  Pairwork

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Task 1.Ask students to take a few minutes to write down the things they use to make their favourite sandwiches.

Task 2. Work in pairs .

Task 3. Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.


1        review the words .

2        describe a process of making a favorite  sandwich .


Period    Five

I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to describe a process and follow instructions by reading and writing  a recipe .

II.  Teaching key and difficult points: 

A.Vocabulary  mayonnaise , a slice of , add , lettuce , relish , top, mustard

B .Target language  Describe a process.

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and control-reading and writing.

IV. Teaching aids:     a tape recorder

V.Teaching  procedure

Step 1. Revision

1.      Dictation .

2.      Check the homework .

Step 2. Read the recipe and write the ingredients in the chart below.

Task 1. Read the recipe .

Task 2. Fill in the chart .

Step 3. Reading and fill in the recipe with the words from the box .

Step 4. Write a recipe for your favorite sandwich or another favorite food.

Step 5.  Selfcheck

Task 1.Fill the blanks with the words given .

Task 2. Write instructions for the correct way to eat Beijing Duck .


Review the words . finish off the recipe.


. Period Six

I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to describe a process and follow instructions.

II.  Teaching key and difficult points: 

Vocabulary  Target language

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:   a tape recorder

V.Teaching  procedure



4.      review the words .

5.      describe a process .

unit 8  How was your school trip ?

Section A 1a to 2c

Teaching aims and demands

No.1 words and phrases

aquarium ,shark, seal, souvenir , ate (eat ) , else , win ,(won,won ), autograph, got , (get 的过去式和过去分词 ) ,

No. 2 学习 There be 结构的过去时

No. 3 学习行为动词的一般过去时

No. 4 教学方法:从谈论过去做的事情入手

No. 5 用到的动词过去式有

Go –went , have –had , take-took ,eat-ate, hang-hung, see-saw, buy –bought ,win-won ,get-got, meet-met,

Step 1 Revision

No.5 Ask ss to say the past form of the words in No.5

Teacher says some sentences ,then ask ss to answer .

Where were you yesterday ? Were you at home yesterday ? Were you happy yesterday ?

Where was your mother yesterday ? Is she at work today ?

Notice the difference between was and were ,is and are .

Then ask : Did you get up early yesterday ? What time did you get up ?

Did you go to Beijing last year ? Did you have a good time last Sunday ?

Correct the errors the ss made teach them how to use the correct forms

Step 2 1a What did you do on your last school trip ?Make a list

Had lot of ice creams ,went to the beach ,visited my grandparents ,visit my uncle ,did my homework ,watched TV, played computer games ,went to the zoo in zhengzhou .

Ask ss to talk in pairs ,then ask them to tell you .

Step 3 1b What did Tina do on her school trip ?Listen and circle the expressions in the box

Play the recording the first time ,ss only listen ,then play the recording a second time ,this time say ,now listen again ,circle the things that Tina did on her school trip ,hang out means 闲逛 fantastic means 幻想的,奇异的,奇妙的,在这里意思是棒极了

Step 4 1c pairwork

Practice the conversation above .Then look at the picture at the top of the page and ask and answer questions .

1 A : Did Grace take photos ?

B: No, she didn't . Her friend Tina took photos .

2 A : Did Joe have ice cream ?

B : No, he didn't . His friend Laura had ice cream .

3 A: Did they see any sharks in the aquarium ?

B ; No, they didn't . They found some really smart seals .

Step 5 2a Listen and check ˇ the questions you hear . Listen and ask ss to read them loudly and do 2c ,choose true or false ,then ask and answer questions ,practise the past tense ,use the correct forms of the words ,at last ,summery the grammar focus .

Did you go to the zoo ? No, I didn't . I went to the aquarium .


Page 50   Period 4




(2)掌握与学生生活相关的短语,为学生的交际提供素材。本课要求掌握的短语为:speech contest,school trip,birthday party,basketball game。

(3)熟练运用句型:  When is…?







二、Teaching procedures

Step 1  Warming up

T:Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m your new teacher, Ms Lin. I hope to be your friend, OK?


T:Are you friends now?


T:Let’s chant like this:Yes, we are. We are friends.(clap hands)


Step 2

T:Hey, my friends. But I don’t know your names. What’s your name?Answer together.

Ss:My name is…

T:How old are you?

Ss:I’m thirteen.

T:When is your birthday?


T:Oh, I know your birthdays. Let’s have a birthday Party, shall we?


T:Chant:Party, party. Let’s have a party.

Ss:(clap the desks)

T:Look, this is a birthday party.(show a picture)Whose birthday party is it? Guess. Is it your birthday party?

S1:It’s…’s birthday party.

S2:It’s…’s birthday party.

S3:It’s…’s birthday party.

T:Let me tell you. It’s Sally’s birthday party. When is her birthday?


Step 3

T:Oh, Sally’s birthday is October 5th. Whose birthday is October 1st?


T:China’s birthday is October 1st. It’s National Day.(show the picture.)October 1st is a big day. I think you know lots of big days.

  Activity 1

T:Look, this is a calendar.(Two Ss have one.)Find the big days and circle them.(45 seconds)

S2:January 1st is a big day.

S3:March 8th is a big day.

S4:March 12th is a big day.

S5:April 1st is a big day.

  Activity 2(show the dates)

T:Oh, you know so many dates. What day is January 1st? New Year’s Day. March 8th is Women’s Day.

(show the festivals)

Step 4

  Activity 3

  Which day do you like best?

S1:I like…

T:I like New Year’s Day very much. I can eat delicious food, plays games, and watch New Year’s Day party on TV.(show the picture)

T:Can you watch TV now?


T:Right, you have to stay at school. You must have English class now. So you are busy. My students are busy, too.

  Activity 4

T:Look. They have an English party. What’s this?(picture)

S:It’s an English party.

T:She has a speech contest. Do you like speech contest?(picture)

S1:I like…

S2:I don’t like…

T:Is this a speech contest?


T:This is a singing contest. She has a singing contest. She is No. 1. Do you like singing?(picture)

S3:I like singing.

S4:I like singing.

S5:I like singing.

T:Look at these students. They go to Mount Yandang with their teacher. This is a school trip. What’s this.(picture)

Ss:It’s a school trip.

T:Oh, they don’t have a school trip. They have a school sports meeting. Do you have a school sports meeting?(picture)

S1:Yes, we have a school sports meeting.

S2:Yes, …

T:Look, they are running. This is a running game. Who likes running.(picture)

S3:I like running.

S4:I like running.

S5:I like running.

T:This is a…

Ss:Basketball game.(picture)

T:This is a…(picture)

Ss:Soccer game.

  Activity 5

T:When is the soccer games? It’s…. Please guess. Please talk about the eventsin pairs(45 seconds)

  Activity 6 Guessing game

Group A ask:When is the school trip?

Group B answer:It’s…


Step 5

  Activity 7

T:When is Sally’s speech contest?


T:When is Joe’s speech contest? Listen and tell me. Now please turn to P50. You can see four pictures.

A is…, b is…, c is…, d is….

Now look at 2b. This is a calendar. You can see September 24-September 30. Oct. 1st-Oct. 7th.

Sally’s birthday party is Oct. 5th. When is the school trip/the speech contest/the basketball games?

Listen and fill in the calendar.(Ss listen)


  Activity 8.  Report

T:When is the school trip?

S1:It’s Sep. 26th and 27th.

T:When is the speech contest?

S2:It’s Sep. 28th.

T:When is the basketball game?

S3:It’s Oct. 2nd.

T:Please make a report.(30 seconds)The school trip is on Sep. 26th and 27th.…

S4:The speech contest is on Sep. 29th.

S5:The basketball game is on Oct. 2nd.

Step 6

  Activity 9

T:Good, Joe can make a plan for himself. Can you make a plan.


T:Ok. This is John. He is from Beijing. He comes to Yueqing for seven days.(picture)He like…Can you make a plan for him?


T:Look, this is John’s schedule. Four students have one. Please discuss and fill in the schedule.(1 min)

  Activity 10

T:Have you finished it?


T:Today, John is here. Come here, John.

John:Hello, I’m John. Nice to meet you.

Ss:Nice to meet you.

S1:John, this is your schedule. The basketball games is on December…

John:That sounds good.

S2:No, John, this is good. The volleyball game is on December 29th…



T:Oh, you are very friendly. John will choose one schedule.

John:Thank you very much.

T:You are good friends now. Let’s take a photo, OK?



Step 7  Homework




Unit Nine  When were you born?

Teaching Goals:

1. Talk about the famous person you admire.

2. Learn some expressions of career;

3. Talk about the past experience;

4. talk about the achievement of oneself or others;

5. Write a passage introducing the experience of one’s own and others.

6. Learn to write a brief biography of somebody.

Teaching Guide

1. Language functions: talk about successful person.

2. Language goals:       

Who’s that? That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.

When was she born? She was born in 1973.

Who’s Shirley Temple? She is a movie star.

When did she become a movie star?

When she was three years old.

3. Language structure:

  Passive voice: be born Adverbial clauses with when  When/ How long questions

4. Key words:

  achievement, record, Brazilian skater, violinist, pianist,  sneezing, hiccupping

  start, stop, first went, first had, learned, talented, loving, creative, outstanding, unusual  Recycling:  Japanese, Ping-pong player, basketball player, tennis player, soccer player, champion, great, born, star, golfer, music, musician, sports, bicycle, movie, party, beautiful, kind, famous,

  Who is…?  When questions

5. Learning strategies:

  Cooperating,  Using what you know.

Period One

Warming up

Write the word born on the blackboard and tell students we are going to talk about when some students were born. Let’s find out when some of you born.

   When is your birthday? April the first.

   When were you born?  In 1990.

  Then ask students to think of some famous sports stars, or athletes, and write their names under International Sports Stars.


Get the students listen carefully and write the date under each person was born. Play the recording twice and get the students to listen and write down the answers to each picture.

 Martin Hingis: 1980

 Michael Jordan : 1963

 David Beckham: 1975

Pair work

  Point out the conversation in the box in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class. Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture. Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

2A and 2B Listening

  Get the students look at the picture and teach them the words hiccup and sneeze. And point out the columns in the chart and read the column headings to the class. Then explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column.

(1c) First ask a pair of students to read the example conversation ,the other students repeat. Then ask the students to work in pairs.(First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn.)

Demonstrate the activity.

   T: Who is that?

   S: That is Deng  Ya ping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.

   T: When was she born?   S: She was born in 1973  

   Ask the students to work in pairs. Then ask some pairs to act it out .

Step4.(2a) Talk the pictures with the students. Then tell them each sentence talks about one of the pictures.

Let the students say some of the world’s recorded. then finish the chart on the book

Step 5 (2b) Play the recording twice and then ask the students repeat the sentences one by one.

Step 6.(2c) Demonstrate the activity.

T: How long did Charles Smith hiccup?

S1: He hiccupped for 69 years and ? months.

T: When did he start hiccupping

S2: He started in -----

T: When did he stop hiccupping?

S3: He stopped in-----

Then ask the students to work in pairs.


1.      Make sentences with the words on page 53

2.      Make conversations with sentences: Who is thst…?

When was she born…?


Period Two

 Step1.Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step2  .New words learning

   Golf  Brazilian  Professional  Achievement  Perform

Step 3, students try to find out some phrases in the text.

Invite one student read the little passage then the others read them together

Then finish the chart below

 Step4.conversation making

 Students work in pairs to make conversation with the information on 3a

Step 5.3b.

  Tell the students the three pairs are all in the big picture above. Please find them in the picture. Make sure the students understand the questions. Then ask them to write the answers according to the picture.

4a, Interview

How old were you when you started doing the things below? interview your classmates and fill in the chart.

Write this sample question on the blackboard:

When did you learn to ride a bike? then ask two students ask and answer question.

Then students ask each other this question


1.      Make sentences with the words on 4a

Make two conversations after the conversation in 3a..


Period 3. section B 1a3a

 Step 1.Teach the words:

Talented  loving  outstanding   unusual  creative  grandchild  violinist  skating  skater  become

Step2. Ask students to name the places in the pictures ,

Using the words giving to describe the picture

Arthur is a loving grandfather .

He spends all his free time with his grandchildren

Step 3. Make a conversation with one student. The student should tell the truth. Then ask the students to make conversations like this.

Step 4. 2a and 2b listening part

  Play the recording three times for the students finish 2a and 2b.

Step 5 2c.

  Make a short conversation with one student.

  T: who is Midori?  S1:She is a famous violinist..

  T :When was she born?  S2:She was born in 1971.

Then ask the students to practice in pairs and to take both roles.

Step 6. 3a.

1.      Ask the students to read the passage silently and circle the description words.

2.      Answer the questions students may have.

3.      Play the tape for the students listen and repeat.

4.      Students read the passage aloud.


1.      Make a sentence with each new word on page 56

2.      Recite 3a.

3.      Write about a famous person.


Period 4.


Show the new words on the screen

Pianist  hum  piece  accordion  Chopin  receive  honor alive  athlete  took part in  competition

Step 2. 3b.

  Look at the information in activity 2b .W rite an article about Laura

Then ask some students to read their own

Step 3. Self check 1

   Ask the students read the words one by one and find out the meanings of any words they don’t know.

Step4. 3

1.      Students read the  passage.

2.      Make sure the students understand the phrases:

Start  to. do sth.       Be born in

Take a taxi          Tsinghua University

Join a team         The first prize

Major in          In the speech competition

3.      Students read together

4.      Enjoy just for fun together.


 1. Ask each student to write one students in our class

2.Make a conversation of talking about famous person

A: Who's that?

B: That’s Deng Yaping. She’s a great Chinese ping-pong player.

A: When was she born?

B: She was born in 1973.

A: Who’s that?

B: That’s Michael Jordan. He is a great American basketball player.

A: When was he born?

B: He was born in 1963.

A: Who’s that?

B: That’s Martina Hingis. She is a great Swiss tennis player.

A: When was she born?

B: She was born in1980.

A: Who’s that?

B: That’s David Beckham. He’s a great British soccer player.

A: When was he born?

B: He was born in 1975.

G: Who’s that?

B: Charles Smith. He holds the world record for hiccupping. He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.

G: When did he start hiccupping?

B: He started hiccupping in1922.

G: And when did he stop?

B: He stopped it in 1990.

G: How could he hiccup for that long?

B: I don’t know. Oh, look, this is Donna Green.    

G: What’s she famous for?

B: Sneezing. She sneezed for 978 days.

G: Really? When did she start sneezing?

B: Let’s see. It says she started sneezing on January 13, 1981, and she sneezed until September 16, 1983.

G: Wow! That’s a long time.

B: Who do you admire?     

G: I admire Midori.

B: Midori? Who’s that?

G: She is a famous violinist.        

B: Oh, yeah. She is a Japanese, isn’t she?

G: Yes, she was born in Osaka in 1971. when she was eight, she was already a talented violinist. When she was 14, she toured the United States. I saw her play when I was 8.

 B: Wow. Do you have any of her CDs?

G: Yes, I do. I play them all the time. But how about you? Who do you admire?

B: I admire my Grandmother, Laura.

G: Really? Why?        、

B: Well, she was born in Russia in 1932. she was an unusual girl because she started ice skating when she was 4, and she became a skating champion when she was 10.

G: A skating champion? Did she have to work hard?

B: Yes, very hard. But that was a long time ago. Now she’s a kind and loving grandmother.


1. 任何时候开始做事情都不算太早。

  You’re never ___ young ____ _____ doing things.

2. 例如,Tiger Woods 在十个月大时就开始打高尔夫球。   

____ _____, Tiger Woods started ______ ____ _____ ____ _____ ten months old.         

3. 莫扎特四岁时就开始了音乐创作。

Mozart _____ ____ _____ when he was four years old.         

4. 罗纳尔多,巴西著名足球运动员,十七岁时就为国家队效力。Ronaldo, the great Brazilian _____ _____, ___ ___ for his national team __ ___ ___ ___ 17.


Shirley Temple ___ ____ ____ ____ when she was only 3. 

6. 梅兰芳十岁的时候首次登台演唱京剧。

Mei Lanfang ____ ____ Beijing Opera  at ___ ____ ___ ten.

7. 中国体操运动员刘璇在十七岁时就赢得了世界冠军联赛的金牌。Liu Xuan, the Chinese _____,  ____ a gold medal at the World Championship when ____ _____ ______.

8. 中国著名钢琴演奏家,李云迪一直热爱音乐。

  Li Yundi, the ___ Chinese ___, always ___ ___.  

9. 1982年他出生在重庆。

 He ____ ___ in 1982 in Chongqing.                  

10. 当他还是小男孩的时候,他就可以哼歌曲和不同难度的乐曲。When he ____ ____ ____ boy, he could ____ ____ and difficult _____ ____ music.            

11. 他四岁开始学手风琴,七岁开始学钢琴。

 He started to _____ _____ ____ when he ____ ___, and he started to learn the piano ____ ____ ___ ___ ___. 

12. 在2000年十月,他参加了在波兰举行的第十四届肖邦国际钢琴大赛。 In _____ 2000, he _____ _____ _____ the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland.  


  He ____ ____ ____ ___ in his group.            

14.他也是在肖邦国际钢琴比赛70年的历史上,第一个获此殊荣的中国钢琴家。He was also the first Chinese pianist in the ______ ______ of the competition ____ _____ _____ ______.


1.                  He had to stay there for two hours.

2.                  He took many photos on the Great Wall last year.

3.                   She started ice skating when she was four.

4.                   He went to bed after his father came back.

5.                  I lived here for about five years.

6.                  We moved to Xi’an five years ago.

7.                  His grandma was born in 1919.

8.                  She started writing books when she was 10.

9.                  I feel like s _____ often. I’m afraid I have a cold.

10.             The girl is good at drawing. She is a t______ painter.

11.             She has a kind and l___ grandmother. She loves her grandmother very much.

12.             It was an u______ day in my life. I will never forget that    day.

13.             I like to listen this p_____ of music.

14.             Chopin was a great p______.


Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to talk about future intentions.

Ⅱ. Teaching key and difficult points:

A.     Vocabulary

1.         computer programmer, professional, engineer, pilot

2.         computer science, dream job, grow up, move to, fashion show, retire, save

3.         resolution, get good grades, get a part-time job, make more friends

B.    Target language

1.         What are you going to be when you grow up?

I’m going to be a computer programmer.

2.         How are you going to do that?

I’m going to study computer science.

C.    Structures

Future with going to

Want to be

What, Where, When, How questions

D.    Grammar

The simple future tense.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.This unit is divided into five periods.


Period One  Listen and speak

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to talk about future intentions.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

1.         professional, acting, take lessons, every day

2.         computer programmer, engineer, baseball player, pilot, actor, actress, artist

B. Target language

1.  What are you going to be when you grow up?

    I’m going to be a computer programmer.

2.         How are you going to do that?

I’m going to study computer science.

C.    Structures

Future with going to

Want to be

What, How questions

D.    Grammar

The simple future tense.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Warming up

Task 1 Ask students to think about ways they already know to talk about future events. For example:

Where are you going next week?

I’m going to my grandmother’s house next week.

How long are you staying?

I’m staying for a week.

What are you doing on Saturday?

I’m playing tennis all day.

Task 2 Circle the –ing in each sentence. Say, We use ing words to talk about things that are going to happen in future. We are sure these things will happen.

Step 2 Key vocabulary

Task 1 Read each words to the class. Ask the students to point to the jobs that appear in the picture.

Task 2 Read the instructions and say, put a 1 after the most interesting job, put a 2 after the second most interesting job, and so on.

Task 3 Check to say which things are the most interesting in the class. Ask students to write the six jobs on the blackboard. Ask: How many students made engineer number 1?

Step 3 Target language

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Learn the target language:

What are you going to be when you grow up?

I’m going to be a computer programmer.

How are you going to do that?

I’m going to study computer science.

   Task 2 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

   Task 3 Play again. Ask students to draw lines connecting the jobs and the activities.

   Task 4 Check the answers.

Step 4 Pair work

Task 1 Ask students to look at the pictures in activity 1a. Then ask students to read the sample conversations in activity 1c.

Task 2 Ask students to work in pairs and make their own conversations.

Task 4 Ask some pairs to present one or more of their conversations to the class.

Ⅵ Homework

1.         Remember the vocabulary and the target language.

2.         Review the simple future tense.


Period Two  Listen , speak and Grammar Focus

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

  1. Revise the target language, and complete the listening practice;
  2. Learn Grammar Focus.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

 take acting lessons, move

B. Target language

1.       What are you going to be when you grow up?

I’m going to be an actor.

2.      How are you going to do that?

I’m going to take acting lessons.

C.    Structures

Future with going to

What, Where, When, How questions

D.    Grammar

The simple future tense.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Ask questions beginning with “What are you going to be when…” “How are you going to do…

Task 2 Practice the conversations using the target language students have already studied.

Step 2 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Ask some students to say what they say.

Task 3 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Task 4 Play again. Ask students to check the pictures of the things Cheng Han is going to do.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions and point out the sample answer.

Task 2 Ask a student to read the sample questions and sample answers to the class.

Task 3 Play again. Ask students to fill the chart.

Task 4 Check the answers.

Step 4 Pair work

Task 1 Read the instructions for the activity.

Task 2 Ask students to read the dialogue to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to work in pairs, ask and answer,

Task 4 Check the answers by asking different pairs to do one question and answer each.

Step 5 Grammar Focus

Task 1 Read Grammar Focus

Task 2.Explain the two different ways of saying the same things.

       I’m going to take acting lessons.

﹦ I’m taking acting lessons. 

Ⅵ Homework

1.      Revise the target language.

2.      Finish off the exercises on work book.


Period Three  Read and speak

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

1        Revise the target language, and complete the reading practice;

2        Go on learning the simple future tense: be going to

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

Somewhere, Paris, sound like, fashion show, part-time, save, at the same time, hold, rich, retire, yet

B. Target language

1. What are you going to be when you grow up?

I’m going to be an actor.

2. How are you going to do that?

I’m going to take acting lessons.

3.Where are you going to work?

C.    Structures

Future with going to

Want to be

What, Where, When, How questions

D.    Grammar

The simple future tense: be going to

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; Control reading  

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Revision

 Review the simple future tense: be going to.

Step 2 Reading

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Ask students to read the diary on their own, and circle the words and phrases they don’t understand.

Task 3 Ask students to read the words and phrases they don’t understand, ask other students to explain.

Task 4 Ask students to underline the things that Tian Tian is going to do.

Task 5 Correct the answers.

Step 3 Writing and speaking

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Have students write down answers about themselves, and tell their plans to their partner.

Task 3 Ask students to answer these questions. Have them work in pairs to ask and answer, then change the roles.

     What …?  Where…?  How…?

Task 4 Ask some students to say their dialogues to the class .

Step 4 Group work

Task 1 Read the instructions and point to the picture. Write the year 2008 on the blackboard. Ask the class why that is an important date for Beijing and China.

Task 2 Write going to on the board. Ask :What are you going to do to help make the Olympics a success?

Task 3 Divide the class into groups of four or five students. Ask them to make their own conversations.

Task 4Ask each group to present its conversation to the class .

Ⅵ Homework

1        Revise the target language.

2        Revise the simple future tense: be going to.

3.      Finish off the exercises on work book.


Period Four  Section B

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Learn some new language, and complete the listening practice;

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. New language

 fax, few, food, resolution, grade, healthier, instrument, part-time job, harder, learn, letter, lots of, resolutions, money, New Year, next year, make the soccer team

B. Structures

Future with going to  Want to be  What, Where, When, How questions

C. Grammar

The simple future tense: be going to

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Discussion

   Get the students discussion the New Year’s resolutions in group of four by asking the questions like the following:

   What are you going to do next year?

   Why are you going to do so?...  ..

Step 2 New words

Task 1 Ask students to tell when New Year’s Day is. Ask students what they do on New Year’s Eve.

Task 2 Ask students to explain the resolutions in their own words.

Task 3 Ask students to match the phrases and pictures on their own.

Step 3 Pair work

Task 1 Read the instructions and read the conversations to the class.

Task 2 Ask students to work in pairs to discuss what things they are going to do.

Task 3 Ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class.

Step 4 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions and the phrases in activity 1a.

Task 2 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Task 3 Play again. Ask students to circle the resolutions in activity 1a that they hear.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 5 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Play again. Ask students to fill the chart.

Task 4 Check the answers.

Step 6 Group work

Task 1 Read the instructions for the activity. And read the sample conversations.

Task 2 Ask students to work in pairs.

Task 4 Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.

Ⅵ Homework

1        Revise the target language.

2        Finish off the exercises on work book.


Period Five  Self check

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Revise the content taught and complete the writing practice;

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

Future with going to  Want to be  What, Where, When, How questions

Writing practice

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

 Communicative Approach; Control reading and writing

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Revision

 Review the simple future: be going to.

Step 2 Reading

Task 1 Read the magazine article to the class.

Task 2 Read the instructions to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to finish the activity on their own.

Task 4 Ask students to make a list of the New Year’s resolutions that the article mentions.

Step 3 Reading and Writing

Task 1 Read the instructions to the class.

Task 2 Have students writing a magazine article.

Task 3 Ask students to read their articles to the class.

Step 4 Writing

Task 1 Ask students to make a list of their resolutions.

Task 2 Ask students to write about their resolutions using the language learned in this unit.

Task 3 Ask some students to read their resolutions.

Step 5 Group work: Clean and Green

Task 1 Ask a student to read the instructions and the example answer for the class.

Task 2 Ask Ss to work in groups and write the group plans.

Step 6 Self check

Task 1 Fill in the blanks.

Task 2 Write a list about your plans what the American exchange students and you are going to do.

Task 3 Just for fun: read and act out.

Ⅵ Homework

1.         Finish the writing practice.

2.         Revise the words and target language of this unit.

3.         Finish off the exercises on workbook.


Unit  11  Could you please clean your room ?

I. Teaching aims and teaching demands:

In this unit students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission .

II. Teaching key and difficult points: 

C.      Vocabulary

do the chores, do the dishes ,sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room , do the laundry, wash the car, buy some drinks and snacks, borrow some money, invite your friends teenager, hate, take care of , feed

Recycling: make the bed, say out late, use the car ,get a ride, cook, clean, fun, boring, relaxing, CD player

B. Target language

Could you take out the trash? Sure.

Could I borrow the car? --Sorry, but I need it . I have to go to a meeting.

I have to make the bed and do the laundry.

D.    Structures

Could for a polite request   Could for permission   Make versus do

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V. This unit is divided into five periods.


Period I

I. Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission.

II. Teaching key and difficult points: 

C.    Vocabulary

do the dishes , sweep the floor, take out the trash, make your bed, fold your clothes, clean the living room, make the bed

D.    Target language

Could you sweep the floor ? Yes , sure.

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V. Teaching procedure

Step 1. Revision

Say to the students, I want to borrow a pen. What can I do ?

Please give me your pen. Pass your pen to me, please.

Say ,There is another way polite way to ask for something.

Write Could you please give me your pen? on the board.

Repeat the question.

I am going to go home .OK?→ Could I go home now? (more polite)

Can I borrow your bike? → Could I borrow your bike?

Can I use your dictionary?

Step 2. Presentation

This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduce some new words.

Task 1 . Point to the items under the heading Chores in the chart .Ask the students what the chores means.(A chore is a job you do at home.)Then point to the items again and read each one to the class .Ask the students to explain the each chore in their own words and say if they do it or not. For example , a student might say, After we eat breakfast the dishes are dirty. We have to do the dishes. Do the dishes is the same as wash the dishes.

Task 2. Then read the instructions.

Task 3. Ask the students to find a partner.

Task 4. Find out which two chores most students do at home.

Read and repeat the phrases.

Step 3. Understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Task 1. Read the instructions.

Task 2. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Task 3. Play the recording a second time. And fill in the chart. Then check the answers.

Step4. Pairwork

Ask the students to look at the picture above and ask your partner to do the chores that you see.


1.      Make up your own conversations.

2.  Make six sentences with the target language.



I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission.

II. Teaching key and difficult points:

A.     Vocabulary

stay out late, use the car, get a ride, go to a meeting, clean your room,

B.     Target language

Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.

Could I please use the car?  No, you can’t. I have to go out.

Could I please go to the movies? Yes, you can.

Could I borrow the car?

Sorry, but I need it . I have to go to a meeting.

I have to make the bed and do chores.

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V.Teaching  procedure

Step 1. Revision

Task1. Check the homework. Ask and answer.

Task2.Revise the vocabulary.

Step 2. Listening and understanding

Task1.Read the instructions. Learn the key vocabulary.

stay out late, use the car, get a ride, go to a meeting, clean your room,

Read and repeat the phrases.

Task2.This conversation is between Peter and his father. Listen and fill in the chart with yes and no. Then check the answers.

Step 3.Listening

Listen carefully and find out why Peter’s father says ‘no”. Draw lines to the reasons in the chart above.

Step 4. Pairwork

According the sample conversation , ask and answer in pairs.

Then ssk and answer in pairs in class.

Step 5. Grammar Focus

Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.

Could you please do the dishes? Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework.

Could I please use the car?  No, you can’t. I have to go out.

Could I please go to the movies? Yes, you can.

Pay attention to the questions and answers, ask and answer loudly.


1.      Review the conversation and the vocabulary.

2.      Write your own conversations on making permission. .



I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission.

II. Teaching key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

hate , do the laundry, wash the car, do the dishes , sweep the floor, take out the trash, make your bed, fold your clothes, clean the living room, make the bed

B. Target language

I like doing, I hate to do …because …,I don’t like doing…because…

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V.Teaching procedure

Step 1. Revision

Revise the vocabulary and the key structures.

Step 2. Practice

Read the instructions.  Read the conversation to the class with a student.

Ask the students to fill in the blank with the word make or do.

Then ask and answer in pairs.

Step 3. Pairwork

Ask two students to read the sample phrases.

Have the students to make a list of chores in activity 1a.Say , These are some chores people have to do. Write down some others. Then write a list of chores you have to do.

Step 4. Games

A: Making the bed.  B: I don’t like making the bed.  C: Because it’s boring.


1.Review the phrases.

2.Write your own conversations about chores.


I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission.

II. Teaching key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

teenager, buy some drinks, borrow some money, use your CD player, snacks, disagree, invite your friends, clean the living room, 

B. Target language

Could you buy some drinks and snacks?

Could I invite my friends to a party on Saturday?

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V. Teaching procedure

Step 1. Revision

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Read the instructions in 1a. Read the items in the chart. And then fill in the chart on their own.

Step 2.  Pairwork

Make your own conversations about the items in activity 1a.

T: Teenagers say, Could you clean your room ?

S: No, I disagree. Parents say, Could you clean your room?

Do a second example if the students wish. Then the students work in pairs.

Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step 3.Listening

A.     Listen carefully and check the things in activity 1a that you hear .Then check the answers .

B.     Listen again and fill in the chart.

Step 4. Pairwork  Practice: Could you take out the trash?  --Yes, sure.


Review the vocabulary . Write your own conversations about chores.



I.Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission.

II. Teaching key and difficult points:


take care of, take him for a walk, move to a new house, work on, forget, use

B.Target language

Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.

Could you please do the dishes? Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework.

Could I please use the car?  No, you can’t. I have to go out.

Could I please go to the movies? Yes, you can.

Pay attention to the questions and answers, ask and answer loudly.

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and Control-writing.

IV. Teaching aids:      a tape recorder

V.Teaching procedure

Step 1. Revision

Task1. Check the homework. Ask and answer.

Task2.Revise the vocabulary.

Step 2. Reading and writing

Task 1.Teach these words: take care of, take him for a walk, move to a new house, work on, forget, use.

Task 2. Ask the students to read the e-mail message on their own.

Task 3. Ask the students to complete the chart on their own.

Step 3.Reading and writing

Task 1. Read the instructions.

Ask a student to read the beginning of the e-mail message. Then finish the message. They can get ideas about things to write from activities1 and 2 on Page 76.

Task 2. Ask some students to read their messages to the class.

Step 4. Writing on your own.

Imagine you are going to move to a new house. Write an e-mail message to a friend and ask him or her for help.

Step 5. Groupwork

Work in groups of three. Student A, look at page 94.Student B, look at page 95.Student C, look at page 96.

Step 6.Self Check

Ask the students to do the exercises on their own .Then check the answers.


1.Review the vocabulary .  2.Finish off the exercises.

Unit12 What’s the best radio station?

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to make comparisons and discuss preferences.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

E.     Vocabulary

1.         theater, cinema

2.         trendy, quality, comfortable, close to

3.         seat, screen, jeans, performer, radio station

4.         new, big, friendly, fun, boring, popular, cheap, service, creative, clothes, clothing, store, music, piano, actor, music video, TV show

F.     Target language

1.         What’s the best cinema?

Showtime Cinema. It’s the cheapest.

2.         Jason’s has good quality clothes.

It’s better than Trendy Teens.

Jason’s is the best store in town.

G.    Structures

Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst

H.    Grammar

The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.This unit is divided into five periods.


Period One  Listen and speak

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to make comparisons and discuss preferences.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

1.         popular, comfortable, worse, worst, biggest, closest, friendliest, funniest, cheap, cheapest, pretty bad

2.         service, clothing store, radio station, part, price, screen, seat

B. Target language

1  What’s the best cinema?

Showtime Cinema. It’s the cheapest.

    2  Jason’s has good quality clothes.

It’s better than Trendy Teens.

Jason’s is the best store in town.

E.     Structures

Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst

F.     Grammar

The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Warming up

Task 1 Ask students about the stores they like to go to. Write the names of these places on the board.

Task 2 Help students compare the three stores using the words good, better, and best.

    T: Where do you buy CDs?

    S1: I buy CDs at Great Records and New Music.

    T: Does Great Records have good CDs?

    S2: I think New Music has better CDs.

    T: Who has the best CDs?

    S3: The Music Mega Store.

Step 2 Key vocabulary

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Read each item to the class. Ask the students to explain what the word or phrase means in their own words.

Task3 Ask students to decide which of the things are important and which are not important. Write their answers.

Task4. Find out which items students think are most important.

Step 3 Target language

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Point to the chart. Explain the meaning of any phrases students don’t know.

Task 3 Point to the list of Movie theaters in the instructions and the blank lines under the Movie theater heading.

   Task 4 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

   Task 5 Play again. Ask students to write the names of each movie theater on the blank line.

   Task 6 Check the answers.

Step 4 Pair work

Task 1 Ask students to look at the pictures in activity 1a. Then ask students to read the sample conversations in activity 1c.

Task 2 Ask students to read the instructions to the class .

Task 3 Ask students to work in pairs and make their own conversations about the movie theater in the picture.

Task 4 Ask some pairs to present one or more of their conversations to the class.

Ⅵ Homework

1 Remember the vocabulary and the target language.

2 Review the superlative degree of adjectives.


Period Two  Listen , speak and Grammar Focus

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

  1. Revise the target language, and complete the listening practice;
  2. Learn Grammar Focus.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

1. jeans , trendy, funky

2.radio, FM(=Frequency Modulation),AM(=Amplitude Modulation)

B. Target language

1. I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions?


2. What’s the best clothing store in town?

  I think Jason’s is the best.

3. Why do you think so?

  Jason’s has...

E.     Structures

Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst

F.     Grammar

The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Revise the usage of the superlative degree by asking the following questions:

      Who is the tallest boy in our class?

      Who is the tallest girl in our class?

Who is the busiest student in our class?

Who is the best student in our class?

Task 2 Practice the conversations using the target language students have already studied.

Step 2 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions and point to the two questions on the survey.

Task 2 Ask some students to read the names of the stores and the radio stations.

Task 3 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Task 4 Play again. Ask students to circle the letters of the correct answers.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions and point to the chart. And read the names of the stores and comments after each one or ask different students to do it.

Task 2 Play again. Ask students to circle the correct words the boy says.

Task 3 Check the answers.

Step 4 Pair work

Task 1 Read the instructions for the activity.

Task 2 Ask students to read the sample conversations.


Task 3 Ask students to say some of the questions the reporter asked the boy. Write the questions on the board.

Task 4 Ask students to work in pairs, ask and answer,

Task 5 Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step 5 Grammar Focus

Task 1 Read Grammar Focus

Task 2 Emphasize: cheapest, friendliest, most comfortable

     Good—better—best , bad—worse—worst

Ⅵ Homework

4.      Revise the target language.

5.      Finish off the exercises on work book.

6.      Write a department survey about your city, find out which one is the best shop.


Period Three   Read and speak

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

3        Revise the target language, and complete the reading practice;

4        Go on learning the superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

1. teen (=teenager), bargain, delight, by bus,

2. best, worst, cheapest, most expensive

B. Target language

1. I think Teen World has the best service.

2..All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town.

3. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s.

E.     Structures

Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst

F.     Grammar

The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; Control reading  

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Dictation: words and expressions.

Task 2 Revise the Grammar Focus.

Step 2 Reading

Task 1 Read the directions.

Task 2 Ask students to read the article on their own, and circle the words and phrases they don’t understand.

Task 3 Ask students to read the words and phrases they don’t understand, ask other students to explain.

Task 4 Ask students to read again and complete the chart.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Writing and speaking

Task 1 Read the directions.

Task 2 Ask students to say the names of stores in your town and write the names on the board.

Task 3 Ask students to work with partners as they talk about the stores and fill in the chart.

Task 4 Ask the two or three pairs of students who finish first to put their charts on board.

Step 4 Group work Where are we going for lunch?

Task 1 Ask the class for the names of three places to have lunch near the school and write them on the board. And elicit answers for one of the restaurants.

Task 2 Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to choose three restaurants and fill in the chart.

Task 3 Ask the groups which restaurant they decided on. Why did they decide on that restaurant. 

Ⅵ Homework

3        Revise the target language.

4        Finish off the exercises on work book.


Period Four  Section B

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

1.      Learn some new language.

2.      Complete the listening practice;

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

A. New language

funniest, most creative, quietest, dullest, loudest, saddest, cute, music video, musical group, performer, song, success, talent show

B. Structures

Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst

C. Grammar

The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Discussion

Task 1 Discuss with the Ss about their characters, list out the words on the blackboard to help the Ss describe their characters.

creative, honest, loyal, wise, kind, smart, funny, brave, quiet, dull, loud, worst, boring, stupid, noisy

Then get them fill in the chart.

Positive words

Negative words

most creative







most boring


Task 2 Practice the conversations using the target language students have already studied.

Step 2 New words

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Ask students to complete activity 1a on their own.

Task 3 Correct the answers.

Step 3 Pair work

Task 1 Read the instructions and read the sample sentences to the class.

Task 2 Ask students to work in pairs to discuss their answers in activity 1a.

Task 3 Ask several pairs to say their sentences to the class.

Step 4 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Point to the five pictures. Ask different students to say what the people are doing in the picture.

Task 3 Ask a student to read five names.

Task 3 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Task 4 Play again. Ask students to correct name under each picture. .

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 5 Listening

Task 1 Read the instructions and point to the chart.

Task 2 Ask a student to read the first line of the chart.

Task 3 Play again. Ask students to write what different people say about the performers.

Task 4 Check the answers.

Step 6Pair work

Task 1 Read the instructions for the activity.

Task 2 Ask students to look at the information about the talent show.

Task 3 Ask students to work in pairs.

Task 4 Ask several pairs to say different questions and answers to the class .

Ⅵ Homework

3        Revise the target language.

4        Finish off the exercises on work book.


Period Five  Writing and Self check

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

1.      Revise the content learned;

2.      Complete the writing practice;

3.      Self check.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:

Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst

The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

 Communicative Approach; Control reading and writing

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures:

    Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Dictation

Task 2 Revise the content taught. Ask:

Who is the most creative student in our class?

Who is the wisest student in our class?...

Step 2 Reading

Task 1 Read the instructions and the words in the box to the class

Task 2 Read the article to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to read the article on their own.

Task 4 Ask students to fill in the blanks.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Reading and Writing

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Have students complete the article on their own.

Task 3 Ask students to read what they wrote to the class.

Step 4 Writing

Task 1 Ask a student to read the beginning of the article.

Task 2 Ask students to say the names of famous performers they might write about. Ask them what words they could use to describe each performer.

Task 3 Ask students to write their articles on their own.

Task 4 Ask some students to read their articles to the class.

Step 5 Pair work

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Ask two students to read the sample conversations to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to interview each other.

Task 4 Ask some students to perform to the class.

Step 6 Self check

Task 1 Fill in the blanks.

Task 2 Read the information about the three cities and describe which is the best city to visit for a winter vacation..

Task 3 Just for fun: read and act out.

Ⅵ Homework

4.         Ask students to write their opinions with reasons about activity 2 of Self check.

5.         Revise the words and target language of this unit.

6.         Finish off the exercises on work book.