范冰冰上韩国综艺节目:2011最酷旅游项目 The hottest new trips for 2011

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2011最酷旅游项目The hottest new trips for 2011

作者:英国《金融时报》撰稿人 汤姆·罗宾斯 评论 中文 

Cambodia’s private island resort


A decade ago Cambodia was a destination almost exclusively visited by adventurous backpackers, but now its unspoilt coastline and fascinating villages are attracting a far more upmarket traveller. November brings the opening of Song Saa, the country’s first private island resort, in the Koh Rong archipelago. It will have just 25 villas, some on the beach, some in rainforest and others on stilts over the sea (complete with their own swimming pools).

10年前,柬埔寨差不多只是喜欢冒险的驴友才会光顾的出游地,但它如今凭借保持原样的海滩以及迷人的村落,吸引了无数出手阔绰的游客。该国Koh Rong群岛首个私属岛屿度假村Song Saa将在11月份正式开门迎客。它只有25幢别墅,有些建在海滩边,有些建在雨林中,另一些则建在打入海中的桩柱上(自己设有泳池)。

Villas for two from $700; www.songsaa.com




The perfect Provence villa

曾拍摄了《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence of Arabia)以及《日瓦格医生》(Doctor Zhivago)等经典影片的已故导演大卫•里恩爵士(Sir David Lean)如此描述这块建于15世纪的法国度假胜地:自己可以随心所欲地“躺在橄榄树下的草地上,透过翠绿树叶仰望天空”。今年你又可一遂心愿——镶嵌在七英亩地上、一座由磨坊改建而成的别墅首次对外出租。花园庄园(The Moulin du Jardinier)有9套客房,自备泳池、拥有高高的拱顶式餐厅以及漂亮的花园,可以俯瞰脚下山谷的美景。

Sir David Lean, the late film-maker behind classics such as Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago, described his 15th-century French retreat as somewhere he could simply “lie down in the grass under an olive tree and look up through its silver green leaves and gaze at the sky”. This year you can do the same – the house, a converted mill set in seven acres of grounds, is available to rent for the first time. The Moulin du Jardinier sleeps nine and has a pool, a huge vaulted dining room, beautiful gardens and views over the valley below.


From £10,593 per week; www.sjvillas.co.uk




Biking in Jordan

KE Adventure新推出了从死海到红海骑自行车穿越约旦的旅游项目。游客骑着Tarmac自行车以及4x4轻型摩托车,可以穿越峡谷,穿过高原,领略十字军(Crusader)时期留下的要塞,欣赏瓦地伦沙漠(Wadi Rum)的风光以及佩特拉神庙的神韵。晚上入住当地拜都因人家(Bedouin),伴着满天繁星入眠,旅程终点是亚喀巴(Aqaba),在此诸位可以尽情畅游。

KE Adventure’s new biking trip takes riders from the Dead to the Red Sea in Jordan. On a mix of Tarmac and 4x4 trails, you ride through canyons and across mountain plateaux, taking in Crusader fortresses and the desert landscapes of Wadi Rum and Petra. After a night spent sleeping under the stars with Bedouin hosts, you finish at Aqaba for a well-earned swim.


From £995; www.keadventure.com




Classic cars in the Highlands

在周末开着其中一款捷豹(Jaguar) E-type经典跑车长途穿越苏格兰高地(Highlands of Scotland)来庆祝其面世50周年,惬意无比。在爱丁堡登上红色E-type跑车,然后驱车驰骋三天,一路上入住于预订好的酒店。这种旅程从四月至十月中旬皆可。

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Jaguar E-type with a long weekend driving one of the iconic sports cars through the Highlands of Scotland. You pick up a red E-type in Edinburgh, then spend three days driving, staying at pre-booked hotels along the way. The trip is available from April to mid-October.


From £495 per person; www.seescotlanddifferently.co.uk




Your own Caribbean island

在英属维尔京群岛(British Virgin Islands),有座被一片暗礁及三片白色美丽海滩环绕的Eustatia Island小岛,它面积30英亩,如今正首次对外公开出租。有10间客房可供出租;6间在山顶的别墅内,里面备有泳池,也可泡热水澡,4间客房设在海滩边的别墅里。你只要租了其中一套别墅,另外一套就会空置着,所以你好比拥有了整座小岛。一位厨师随叫随到,岛上活动包括了徒步、泛舟、滑水以及划皮艇。

Encircled by a reef and with three glorious white sand beaches, 30-acre Eustatia Island in the British Virgin Islands is being offered for public rental for the first time. It sleeps up to 10; six in a hilltop villa with pool and hot tub, four in a beach house. If you only rent one of the houses, the other is left empty, so you have the island to yourself. A chef is on hand, and activities include hiking, sailing, water-skiing, and kayaking.


From $25,000 per week for four people, $52,000 for 10; www.eustatia.com




A Grand Prix cruise

在五月F1大奖赛摩纳哥站的那个周末,全球豪华游船云集该国,但最吸引观众眼球的要数星辰飞行号(Star Flyer)。这艘长360英尺、四张桅高达226英尺的经典帆船正在进行为期二周的巡航,途中将造访地中海最迷人的11个港口,期间会停靠摩纳哥港,它还将造访戛纳电影节(Cannes Film Festival)。这艘邮船能容纳170名游客,全体72名员工竭诚为游客提供高品质餐饮服务。

During Grand Prix weekend in May, Monaco becomes home to many of the world’s most lavish mega-yachts, but turning more heads than any other ship in the harbour will be the Star Flyer. The classic 360ft sailing vessel, with four masts up to 226ft high, will be in Monaco as part of a new two-week cruise itinerary, calling at 11 of the Mediterranean’s most glamorous ports, and also taking in the Cannes Film Festival. The ship sleeps up to 170 guests, catered for in high style by 72 staff.


From £3,399; www.starclippers.co.uk




Art tours with the Royal Academy

Cox & Kings是全球历史最悠久的旅游公司,最近刚与英国皇家艺术学院(Britain’s Royal Academy of Art)联手,推出了一系列围绕艺术主题的旅游项目。旅程不一而足:从入住三个晚上的旅行到研究公元6世纪的拉文纳(Ravenna)的马赛克,再到入住11个晚上的乌孜别克斯坦、拉贾斯坦及秘鲁(Uzbekistan, Rajasthan and Peru)之旅。

Cox and Kings, the world’s oldest travel company, has formed a new alliance with Britain’s Royal Academy of Art to offer a range of art-themed holidays. The itineraries range from a three-night tour to study the 6th-century mosaics of Ravenna, to 11-night trips to Uzbekistan, Rajasthan and Peru.


Prices vary; www.coxandkings.co.uk/ra




Classic glamour in Montenegro

上世纪60年代,公主岛(Sveti Stefan)这座袖珍小岛曾是索菲亚•罗兰(Sophia Loren)、伊丽莎白•泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)以及玛丽莲•梦露 (Marilyn Monroe) 等巨星特别喜欢的度假地。一座15世纪要塞式的渔村由沙质地峡连接大陆,如今原住居民减少后,该岛已被改建成一座豪华酒店。上世纪90年代初的内战曾让它的声望毁于一旦,但是,经过Aman Resorts集团(以连锁经营亚洲豪华度假地而出名)大手笔的修葺后,它将于今夏重新对外开放,届时它将重新成为游客的青睐之地。

In the 1960s the tiny islet of Sveti Stefan was the destination of choice for stars like Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe. A 15th-century fortified fishing village, linked to the mainland by a sandy isthmus, it had been converted into a luxury hotel after its original population dwindled. The war of the early 1990s put paid to its popularity but this summer it will be firmly back on the jet-set radar when it relaunches following a lengthy and expensive refurbishment by Aman Resorts, the chain known for its stylish Asian retreats.


Doubles from €600; www.amanresorts.com




Luxury in Lhasa

喜达屋酒店集团(Starwood Hotels)旗下的五星级酒店品牌瑞吉(St Regis)在中国有雄心勃勃的扩张计划,刚刚在西藏开设了第一家酒店。拉萨瑞吉酒店大张旗鼓地宣传自己是西藏的首家豪华酒店,能够眺望布达拉宫(Potala Palace)以及拉萨周围群山的壮美景色。从喜马拉雅山远涉归来的登山客与驴友能够在这座11700平方英尺的酒店获得放松,也可在黄金铺就的酒店泳池里畅游。

St Regis, the five-star hotel brand from US-based Starwood Hotels, has major expansion plans in China, and has just launched its first property in Tibet. The St Regis Lhasa bills itself as Tibet’s first luxury resort and has great views of the Potala Palace and the mountains surrounding the city. Mountaineers and trekkers returning from their Himalayan adventures can relax in the hotel’s 11,700 sq ft spa or swim in the gold-tiled pool.


Doubles from £190; www.stregis.com/lhasa



二月份,随着位于琅勃拉邦(Luang Prabang)东边的Shangri-Lao丛林野营拉开帷幕,奢侈野营最终落户老挝,野营者可以眺望南康河(Nam Khan river)以及Namno的峰峦叠嶂。Shangri-Lao的灵感源自法国探险家保罗•奈斯(Paul Neis,曾在1883年宿营于此),宿营帐蓬除了硬木地板以及配有漩涡浴的浴室外,里面都是复古风格的家俱。白天主要是重温奈斯当年的探险经历——徒步、骑马或大象进入深山探险,也可乘坐竹笺漂流。

Chic camping in Laos


Luxury camping comes to Laos in February with the opening of Shangri-Lao, a jungle camp just east of Luang Prabang with views over the Nam Khan river and the Namno mountains. Shangri-Lao draws inspiration from the French explorer Paul Neis, who camped here in 1883, and the tents will feature period-style furniture, as well as hardwood floors and bathrooms with whirlpool baths. Days are spent recreating Neis’s adventures – exploring the hills by foot, horse or elephant, or travelling down the river on bamboo rafts.


From $200 per person per night; www.buffalotours.co.uk



Wilderness Scotland新推出了历时一周的旅游项目:乘坐皮笺横渡苏格兰最负盛名的湖泊,晚上入住湖边古堡。除了乘皮笺外,游客还可造访当地的酿酒厂、骑马驰骋、垂钓、或者徒步行走于大山之中。阿尔多利城堡(Aldourie Castle)是这次旅程的大本营,有30套客房,许多房间备有豪华的四帐杆的大床。

Kayaks and a castle on Loch Ness


Kayak through Scotland’s most famous loch, then retire to your own castle on its shores, on this new weeklong trip from Wilderness Scotland. As well as kayaking you can visit local distilleries, ride horses, fly-fish and walk in the mountains. Your base is Aldourie Castle, which sleeps up to 30, many in sumptuous four-poster beds.


From £2,490 per person; www.wildernessscotland.com



对于想要对久经考验的加勒比或者地中海旅游路线换个口味的巡游爱好者来说,巡游日本是个极佳的选择。Inside Japan Tours推出了入住18个晚上的旅游路线,定期上岸,又定期乘坐猎户座2号(Orion 2)巡游,它是一艘豪华邮轮,最多可以容纳100名游客,2009年前还是艘私人游船。整个旅程可以欣赏到东京及京都的名胜古迹,还会停靠沿濑户内海(Inland Sea) 一些不太知名的港口。

Cruising Japan


The perfect trip for cruise fans looking for a change from the tried-and-tested Caribbean and Mediterranean routes. Inside Japan Tours has launched an 18-night itinerary mixing time onshore and onboard the Orion 2, a luxury ship for a maximum of 100 passengers that until 2009 was a private yacht. The trip takes in the classic sights of Tokyo and Kyoto, as well as less familiar ports of call along the Inland Sea.


£6,739 per person; www.insidejapantours.com



位于不丹东部人迹罕至的Merak and Sakten山谷在2009年正式对游人开放,虽说如今仍对游客人数设限,但今年这些山谷对于那些寻求原汁原味的村落以及喜马拉雅山动人心魄风景的探险者来说是热点的出游地。这个山区王国推出了从10月份开始、行程15天的跋涉项目(每位游客2450英镑),而One World Trekking则推出了在五月份、行程10天的旅游项目(每位游客3665英镑)。

Trekking in Bhutan

详情请参阅以下网址:www.mountainkingdoms.com; www.oneworldtrekking.com

The remote Merak and Sakten valleys of eastern Bhutan were opened to tourists in 2009 and though controls on visitor numbers remain, they look like being this year’s hot destination for adventurers in search of untouched villages and fabulous Himalayan scenery. Mountain Kingdoms has launched a 15-day trek departing in October (£2,450), while One World Trekking has a 10-day trip in May ($3,665).


www.mountainkingdoms.com; www.oneworldtrekking.com



穿行于西班牙北部地区的豪华火车线路El Transcantabrico在五月更进一步,推出了全套房豪华列车(Gran Lujo)。每间全木装修的套间配有张双人床、沙发的会客区以及电脑与电视,此外还有配备淋浴和桑拿的卫生间。该豪华火车将运行于圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉(Santiago de Compostela0与‎圣塞瓦斯蒂安(San Sebastián)之间,整个旅程历时一周,车停靠期间,游客可以下车到这个全欧洲公认的最棒的美食地区的一些顶级餐馆里去品尝美味佳肴。

Gourmet train trip in Spain


El Transcantabrico, the luxury train line that runs through northern Spain, raises the bar still further in May with the launch of the Gran Lujo, an all-suite train. Each wood-panelled suite has a double bed, sitting area with sofa, computer and TV, plus a bathroom with shower and sauna. It will run between Santiago de Compostela and San Sebastián, spending a week en route, and stopping for guests to eat at some of the finest restaurants in what is considered one of Europe’s most gastronomic regions.


From €3,550 per person; www.luxurytrainclub.com



到缅甸旅游仍面临进退两难的道德问题,但越来越多的人得出共识:精心编排的旅游更能施惠于该国百姓,而不是该国军政权。如果想去缅甸旅游,揽胜该国最棒的途径莫过于Eastern Safaris推出的行程6天的乘坐热气球旅行。游客乘坐上世纪50年代的豪华大巴,一路上停车时可以享用异常丰盛的野餐,每天乘坐热气球领略包括掸山(Shan mountains)、茵莱湖(Inle lake)、以及历史上的首都巴甘(Bagan)的佛寺及佛塔在内的众多名胜古迹。这种旅程以前在2009年下半年曾经营过,但今年的几个旅程全都安排在12月份。

Ballooning in Burma
