药店开业营销方案:6B Module 3知识总结之短语

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牛津英语 6B Module 3知识总结之短语

Unit 1 What job do you want to do?
1. teach children 教学生
2. make sick people better 让病人身体好起来
3. work many hours 工作好多个小时
4. drive a… 驾驶……
5. put out fires 灭火
6. need to do sth. 需要做某事
7. interview sb. 采访某人
8. start work 开始工作
9. finish work 结束工作
10. spend many hours 花费好多个小时
11. spend too much time 花费时间太长
12. help do sth. 帮助做某事
13. make (a place) a safe place 让某地成为一个安全的地方
14. in a day 在一天当中
Unit 2 Please visit our school!
1. visit our/the school 参观学校
2. talk about 谈论关于……
3. meet them/him/me 和他们/他/我 见面
4. look at 看(动作)
5. listen to 听 (动作)
6. have cakes and tea 吃点心、喝茶
7. start planning an Open Day 开始制定开放日计划
8. English Club 英语俱乐部
9. make some changes 做一些改变
10. write an invitation to someone 给某人写邀请函
11. invite sb. to 邀请某人做……
12. What happened? 发生什么事了?
13. arrive late 到晚了,
14. be delayed 被推迟了
15. write a diary about 写关于…的日记
Unit 3 On the way
1. in the classroom 在教室
2. at home 在家里
3. in the park 在公园
4. on the road 在马路上
5. on the grass 在草坪上
6. on the pavement 在便道上
7. in school 在学校
8. wash the dishes 洗盘子
9. pick the flowers 摘花
10. put up your hands 举手
11. climb the tree 爬树
12. turn left/right 向左/右转
13. cross the road 穿越马路
14. keep quiet 保持安静
15. throw rubbish 扔垃圾
16. feed the birds 喂鸟
17. make our beds 整理床铺
18. switch off the fans 关掉电扇
19. switch on the lights 打开灯
20. cook delicious food 烹调美食
21. follow the rules 遵守规则
22. break the class rules 违反课堂纪律
23. pick up the litter 捡垃圾
24. No fishing here! 此地禁止钓鱼!
25. Don’t fish here!
Unit 4 Rules around us
1. It takes somebody sometime to do something. 花某人多长时间做某事
2. plenty of 大量的
3. switch on/off 打开或关上
4. at the supermarket 在超市
5. boiled lettuce 水煮莴苣
6. steamed fish 清蒸鱼
7. as…….as 像………一样
8. climb trees 爬树
9. keep quiet 保持安静
10. sing loudly 大声唱
11. far away from 离……很远
12. how long 多长时间
13. get to school 到达学校
14. secondary school 中学
15. kindergarten 幼儿园
16. primary school 小学

牛津英语 6B Module 3知识总结之对话
P43 What do they do?

1. A taxi-driver is someone who drives a taxi.
2. A bus-driver is someone who drives a bus.
3. A bank-clerk is someone who works in a bank and deals with money.
4. A factory worker is someone who works in a factory.
5. A policewoman is someone who takes care of us and protects our home.
6. A doctor makes sick people better.
7. A dentist makes people’s teeth better.
8. A cook cooks delicious food for people.
9. A pilot flies an airplane.
10. A secretary helps a manager.
11. A policeman helps to make our city a safe place.
12. A bus-driver drives a bus.
13. A fisherman catches fish in the sea.
14. A postman collects and delivers mails and letters for people.
15. A lorry driver drives a lorry.
16. A businesswoman does business.
17. A businessman does business.
18. A shop assistant sells things to people.
19. A nurse helps make sick people better.

P43-44 Talking about different jobs.
A: There are all kinds of jobs in this world?
What would you like to be?
B: I’d like to be a _________.
A: Why would you like to be a __________?
B: Because a ______________________.
How about you? Would you like to be a _________?
A: No, I wouldn’t.
B: Why?
A:I wouldn’t like to be a ___ because I don’t want to___.
P45 A job interview
A: Hello. What’s your name?
B: My name’s ________________.
A: How old are you?
B: I’m _________________.
A: What job do you do?
B: I’m a __________.
A: Do you like your job?
B: Yes, I like my job. \ Yes, I do.
A: Why?\ Why do you like your job?
B: I like my job because I ________________.
A: What time do you start work?
B: I start work at half past seven in the morning.
A: What time do you finish work?
B: I finish work at eight o’clock in the evening.
P52-53 Time on the way
A: My home is near/far away from school.
B: How long does it take you to get to school?
A: It takes me about five minutes/ forty minutes to get to school.
B: I live not far away from school. I walk to school.
A: How long does it take?
B: It takes me only nine minutes.
P54 On the way
A: How does Simon go to school?
B: He goes to school on foot.
A: What does Simon see when he is walking to school?
B: Simon sees many people when he is walking to school.
P56 P59 Talking about rules
A: We live in a world full of rules.
B: Rules keep our world in order.
A: Where do we have rules?
B: We have rules _______________.
A: Right! We can find rules almost everywhere around us. Please tell me some class rules.
B: We must ___________. We must not __________.
A: And also __________.
B:We must follow all the rules to make our class greater.
A&B:We promise.