蓝宝石化学成分:PMP模拟考试 - 转自:无心胜有心?君无心 - 畅享博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 11:23:08


1.While the project is being completed, management requests a change. What is the FIRST thing the project manager should do?

A: Comply with the request if possible.
B: Obtain a complete understanding of the scope of the change.  
C: Teel the customer that a change will be coming.   
D: Ask the team to accept the change.

A) 如果可能,服从变更。
B) 对变更范围获得全面的了解。
C) 告诉客户,将要发生变更。
D) 要求团队接受变更。

此题正确答案:B 您选择了:B

2.Having the client assist in the project planning:

A: Is not always recommended since the client does not have adequate knowledge of project management  
B: Enables better planning since they are familiar with project insights  
C: Provides only some understanding, but usually the client dealing with the project has only limited authority   


D: Usually confuses the situation

A) 通常不予推荐因为客户不了解足够的项目管理知识
B) 由于他们更熟悉项目内情,这样能够带来更好的计划
C) 仅提供一些互相的理解,但是通常介入项目的客户仅有有限权威
D) 通常使局势混乱


此题正确答案:B 您选择了:B

3. All of the following rules are true about the lowest level WBS work packages except work package:

A: can be completed without interruption in one location.  
B: can be confidently estimated.  
C: must be assigned to only one person.  
D: must be completed with 80 hours.

A 一个最低层次的工作包是可以在一个位置不发生中断地完成的。
B 分解到最低层次的意义就在于能够对该工作包作出估计。
C 答案正确。最低层次的工作包可以用一个人以上来作。分配给一个人不是必须的。
D 可以这样对最低层次的工作包进行定义。


此题正确答案:C 您选择了:C

4.The customer wants to expand the scope of the project after performance measurement baseline has been established. Which document will the customer need to submit?

A: Change request  
B: Statement of work    


C: Revised project schedule  
D: Invoice

A) 变更申请
B) 工作说明
C) 修改的项目进度计划
D) 发票


此题正确答案:A 您选择了:A

5.Once the durations of the activities are calculated for a completed network, a forward pass and a backward pass will provide:

A: the float of the activities  
B: the early start and late start only   
C: the critical path  
D: A and C

A. 活动的时差
B. 仅仅是最早开始和最后开始
C. 主要路径
D. A和C


此题正确答案:D 您选择了:D

6.If you were crashing a project, you would focus attention on:

A: all non-critical tasks  
B: only those on the critical path without concern for cost    


C: accelerating performance by minimizing cost  
D: the critical task with the least cost first

A. 所有不重要的任务
B. 不惜成本,仅考虑关键路径的任务
C. 通过减少成本来加速绩效
D. 把重要工作的成本最小化


此题正确答案:D 您选择了:D

7.Cost Variance (CV) is which of the following equations?

B: CV = BCWP - ACWP   
C: CV = SV / BCWS  
D: A and C


C. CV = SV / BCWS  
D. A and C

此题正确答案:B 您选择了:B

8.The initial cost of your project is $25,000, which will save the company $6,000 year for the next four years. Using the above table, if your company wants a 12% ROI, what is NPV of the project?

A: -$1,000   


B: -$6,772   
C: +$1,758  
D: +$6,772


A. -$1,000 
B. -$6,772 
C. +$1,758  
D. +$6,772

此题正确答案:B 您选择了:B
解答: 公式 NPV=6000(0.893+0.797+0.712+0.636)-25000=-6772

9.Product availability contains:

A: Usability and maintainability  
B: Producibility and maintainability   
C: Usability and reliability  
D: Reliability and maintainability

A. 可使用性与可维护性
B. 可生产性与可维护性
C. 可使用性与可靠性
D. 可靠性与可维护性


此题正确答案:D 您选择了:D


可生产性(producibility, 或称可构造性(constructibility),
可用性(usability)可靠性(Reliability, Mean Time Between Failure,简称MTBF,即平均故障间隔时间)
可维护性(Maintainability, Mean Time To Repair,简称MTTR,即平均修理时间)


社会可接受性(social acceptability)

10.The widget production project is well underway. The requirements are clear that each widget must weigh between 0.320 and 0.325 ounces. The first day of test production resulted in 1,247 widgets. Of the widgets inspected 47% fell within the acceptable weight range. This is an example of _____.

A: Variable sampling.  
B: Attribute sampling.   
C: Control charting.  
D: Flow charting.

A. 变量抽样
B. 属性抽样
C. 控制图
D. 流程图


此题正确答案:B 您选择了:B


11.From an HR perspective, the project manager’s responsibility in the planning role

A: hiring the team  
B: developing work schedules   
C: forecasting  
D: both b) and c)


A. 组建团队
B. 制定工作的进度表
C. 预测
D. b)和c)


此题正确答案:D 您选择了:D

12.Considering the powers that a PM can have, which of the following is an example of an earned power?

A: Referent power  
B: Formal power   
C: Penalty power  
D: Reward power

A. 潜示权力
B. 正式权力
C. 惩罚权力
D. 奖励权力


此题正确答案:A 您选择了:A解答:所谓挣得的权力,就是职位本身所不具有,但却被项目经理所拥有的。b),c),d)显然都是项目经理职位自然拥有的权力。

13.Effective stakeholder management include the following except _____

A: Timely status information  
B: Frequent cost reports    


C: Scope change control  
D: Clearly requirement control

A. 定期的状态信息
B. 频繁的费用报告
C. 范围变更控制
D. 清晰的需求控制


此题正确答案:B 您选择了:B

14.A company is making an effort to improve its project performance and create historical records of past projects. What is the best way to accomplish this?

A: Creating project plans  
B: Creating lessons learned   
C: Creating network diagrams 
D: Creating status reports

A. 建立项目计划
B. 建立经验教训
C. 制定网络图
D. 制定项目状态报告


此题正确答案:B 您选择了:D

15.In which of the project lifecycle phase does the highest risk impact generally occur?

A: Concept and planning  


B: Planning and implementation   
C: Implementation and closeout 
D: Concept and closeout

A. 概念和计划编制
B. 计划编制和实现
C. 实现和收尾
D. 概念和收尾


此题正确答案:C 您选择了:C

16.The design engineer tells you that a cheaper new part is found for the product. But you are not sure whether or not the new part will impact the performance of the product. What should you, the project manager, should do?

A: refuse using the new part  
B: evaluate the cost of the new part based on the vendor’s pricing   
C: assess the risk of using the new part  
D: negotiate a lower price with the vendor of the part in use

A. 拒绝更换新的零部件
B. 根据承包商的报价评估零部件的成本
C. 考虑使用新的零部件会带来的风险
D. 与现有的厂商就这个零部件协商一个更低的价格


此题正确答案:C 您选择了:C


17.What is the difference between Administrative Closure and Contract Closure?

A: Product Verification
B: Scope Verification  
C: Procurement Audit  
D: Record & Final Result Update

A 产品核实
B 范围核实
C 采购审计
D 记录和最终结果的更新


此题正确答案:C 您选择了:D

18.Which term describes the contract cost that can’t be assigned to a specific project_____?

A: Variable  B: Fixed    C: Indirect   D: Direct

A. 可变成本
B. 固定成本
C. 间接成本
D. 直接成本


此题正确答案:C 您选择了:A

19.In response to the new regulation about treatment of toxic wastes, you propose a project to make new policies as a PM expert of a toxic  

waste treatment company. The proposal reveals the importance of which item below?

A: Insisting to behave under legal requirements and ethic standards.  
B: Looking for new and effective methods.   
C: Taking legal requirements as a basis of choosing projects.  
D: Time limitation of projects.

A. 坚持按法律要求和道德标准行事。
B. 不断寻求新的和有效的办法。
C. 将法律要求作为项目选择的基础。
D. 项目必须完成的时间范围。


此题正确答案:A 您选择了:C

20.The best way to become a good communicator in when abroad is:

A: To learn the local language. 
B: To rely on the interpreter.   
C: To perform formal written communication.  
D: To perform body language.

A. 学习使用当地语言。
B. 依赖翻译。
C. 应用正式的书面沟通。
D. 应用肢体语言。

此题正确答案:A 您选择了:A