
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 23:28:22


        Plasma TV 等离子电视.
  SIM卡(用户身份模组) subscriber identity module

  爱岗敬业 cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work
  按揭贷购房 to buy a house on mortgage ; to mortgage a house

  按揭贷款 mortgage loan

  白领丽人 white-collar lady

  白领农民 a peasant who uses machines and modern techniques to farm the land

  百年不遇 once-in-a-century ;do not occur even in a hundred years

  傍大款 (of a girl ) find a sugar daddy ; be a mistress for a rich man ; lean on moneybags

  保险精算师 actuary

  保险业the insurance industry

  保证重点指出ensure funding for priority areas

  暴利 sudden huge profits
  本土化 localize

  蹦迪 disco dancing

  蹦极, 蹦极跳 bungee ; jumping

  变相涨价disguised inflation

  标王 mark king; bid champion

  波霸 woman with big breasts

  补发拖欠的养老金clear up pension payments in arrears

  不良贷款non-performing loan

  不正当竞争 unfair competition

  擦边球 edge ball ;touch ball

  财富论坛 Fortune Forum

  彩信(MMS)Multimedia Messaging Service

时政热点词汇如“机构改革”(reform of the organizational structure)、“三讲”(three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct))、“三个代表”(three represents theory)、“减轻农民负担”(alleviate farmer’s burden)、“理顺关系”(rationalize the relationship)等,既反映了当今的大政方针、国情民意,与人民大众的日常生活和工作息息相关。
改革是一项前所未有的伟大事业,必须“解放思想”(emancipate our minds)、“打破禁区”(break off a forbidden zone)、“转换脑筋”(change ideas)、坚持正确的“舆论导向”(direction of public opinion)、“抓住机遇”(seize the opportunity)、破除“旧观念”(old perceptions)、废除干部“职务终身制”(life-long tenure)和“论资排辈”(to assign priority according to seniority)等框框,并实行“公务员制度”(civil service)、“竞聘上岗”(compete for the post)。
据调查,我国市民所关注的国内热点问题排在前两位的是“失业下岗”(laid-off )和“廉政建设”(clean government building)。因此打击“权钱交易”(trade power for money)、“以权谋私”(abuse of power for personal gains),并加大“扫黑”(to sweep away the "black" i.e., secret societies)“反贪”(anti-embezzlement)的力度,“从严治党”(run the Party strictly)、“治乱减负”(comprehensive improvement and lightening the burden),将始终是老百姓密切关注的社会焦点。
关心“菜篮子价格”(price of non-basic food),让老百姓吃上“放心肉”(rest assured meat),坚决查处“有毒大米”(poisonous rice)、“黑心棉”(black heart cotton)、“豆腐渣工程”(jerry-built project) ……是党和政府为老百姓办实事、惩治犯罪的生动体现。
永远是热点词汇的“奉献精神”(spirit of utter devotion),还有“义捐”(charity contribution)、“义演”(benefit performance)、“见义勇为”(gallantly rising to the occasion)、“公民道德建设”(citizen’s ethical construction)等,为社会主义精神文明建设铸上永恒的烙印。