薛之谦 花心 天涯:初中英语复习专辑(12)情景问题讲解和练习00

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 11:47:56
  Ⅱ、 知 识 要 点


  What be + 主语?= What does /do +主语+do?

  eg. He is a teacher.(提问)

     ______  _____ he _____?

  2.It’s nice talking to you.与你谈话真高兴。


  1)on foot

  2)by + 交通名词单数(无冠词)

   = in / on a (the; 物主代词;名词所有格)

  eg. 1) by bike = on a bike  by car = in a car

     2) He goes to work by a bike every day.(改错)  _____________

  must: 个人主观上认为“必须”(无时态变化)

  4. have to : 有外部条件强加的客观上的“不得不” (存在各种时态)

  eg. 1) I _________ stop on the way because of the rain.

     2) I ______ stop because I’m a little tired.


  Shall we… ?  答 肯定:Good idea / OK /

  Let’s …               All right

  Why not… ?  语 否定:No, let’s…

                 肯定:Certainly/ Yes, please/

  另外还可回答为 Yes, I think so/ I’d love to

  否定:No,I don’t think so /

  I’m afraid not.

     put on强调“穿”的动作:穿上,戴上 后接

  △6.. wear是 put on 之后的结果:穿着    “衣服”

  = be in                            名词

     dress sb: 给某人穿衣

  eg. 1)You’d better ____ more clothes when you go out. It’s cold outside.

  A. wear   B. dress    C. put on  D. take off

      2)The boy can ________ himself now.

  A. wear   B. dress    C. put on  D. take off

    3) Tom is wearing a red shirt today.

   A. is on  B. is in   C. is putting on

  △7.在具体的某楼前用 on

  eg. He lives on the fifteenth floor.

  △8.How do you like… ? 你觉得……怎么样?

   = What do you think of … ?

  eg. How do you like the new film? = What do you think of the new film? 你觉得这部新电影怎么样?

  9.a little = a bit

  但注意:1) a little+名词 = a bit of + 名词 )

  eg.There is a little( a bit of ) water in the glass.

          2) not a little = very

            not a bit = not at all

  △10. quite : quite a (an) + 形 + 名

      very : a very + 形 + 名

  eg. This is a very interesting book.

     = This is quite an interesting book.

  11.in a hurry: 匆忙地

  eg.1)He is in a hurry all day.

    2)She went to school in a hurry.

  另外:hurry to … = go to … in a hurry

  12.  marry sb = be married to sb.与某人结婚

      get married = be married 已婚;结婚

  (但get married是“短命”动词,要指“结婚多久”应用be married)

  eg. 1)She married with a doctor (找错) ______

    2)She has got married for ten years (找错) __________

  △13. leave sth + 地点:把某物忘在某地

      forget sth : 忘记某事

  eg. 1)He ______ the driver’s license yesterday.

     2)I ____ my umbrella in the train just now.


   1)What (a, an) + 形 + 名(+主 + 谓)!

  (注:但名词为不可数、复数时,则不用a / an)

   2)How + 形 / 副 ( + 主 + 谓)!

  eg.1)________ bad weather!

    2)______ hard they are working!

    3)______ good girl she is!

    4)_____ beautiful flowers they are!

  “雨大,雪大”heavy---heavily/ hard

  △15.“风大” strong ---strongly



  eg. 1)There was a __________ rain yesterday.

    2)It blew ________ last night.

    3)The sun is shining ___________.

    4)Look! It’s raining __________.

    5)What a ___________ wind!

      how long: 多长时间(问时间段)

  △16. how often: 多久一次(问频率)

      how soon = when: 何时(问将来时间)

  eg.1)--________ does he go home?

  -- Once a week.

    2)--________ were you away from school last year?   --Less than a week.

    3)--________ will he come back?

     --In two days.


  eg. 1)I didn’t go to the cinema. _____ I went to the library yesterday.

     2)We would like to stay at school _______ going to the cinema today.

  △18.so 句型

       so + be(助、情) + 主语:“也如此”

       so + 主语 + be(助、情):“的确如此”

  eg.1)I watched TV last night, and so did she.


    2)I watch TV every day, and so does he.


    3)I can swim, so I can.


  注意:表示“也不如此”用neither / nor

  eg. I didn’t watch TV last night, neither did she



   1)Excuse me. Could you tell me …

    how I can get to ….

    how to get to …

    the way to …

   2)Excuse me. Which is the way to…


  1)Go down / up / along this road and…


  2)Go down / up / along to the end.

  3)Go on until you reach the end.

  4)Take the … turning on the left.

  = Turn left at the … turning.

  5)Go across the bridge


  eg.1)He’s sick / ill in hospital.

    2)A nurse (A) must take (B) good (C) care of ill (D) men. (选错)    _____________


  eg.1)__________ he is a student.

    2)He ___________ a student.





  eg.1)She ____ Shanghai last night.

  A. reached to B. got C. arrived in D. arrived at

    2)They ____ there in time at last.

  A. reached to B. arrived C. got to D. arrived at

  1)      I’ll ring you up as soon as he_____(到达).

  eg.1)She is _____________ girl.

    2)Do you feel ______ when you are _____?

    3)The old man live in a house ________.



  eg. I have (A) many (B) work to do (C)______


  eg.1)He gave us _________ money.

    2)She is ___________ young.


  eg.1)Please ____ your exercise book here tomorrow.

  2)Meimei often helps the old man _____ water.

  eg. –-I looked for my pen___________, but I couldn’t find it ____________.

     ---Don’t worry. Sooner or later you’ll find it _________.

  30.to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是……

  类似结构:to one’s joy 使某人高兴的是……

  eg. To our great surprise, she could swim in the river. 使我们惊奇的是,他能在河里游泳。

  31. agree with : 同意某人(或某人所说的)

     agree to : 同意某事

  eg. 1)He agree ___ my plan.

     2)I agree ____ what you said.

  32.be on … team: 参加……队;是……的队员

  eg. He is on the city basketball team.


  △33.teach sb+科目(当sb是人称代词时应用宾格)

  eg. He teaches our English(改错) __________

  △34.the 100-metre race  100米赛跑

   100-metre作定语,修饰race, 注意metre用单数。 类似结构:

  ①a two-thousand-word letter一封两千字的信

  ②an 18-year-old girl一位18岁的女孩


  100-metre race = 100 metres’ race

  two-month holiday = two months’ holiday

  但当前面有a/ an ; 物主代词;所有格时。则只能用复合形容词来表示:

  eg. What did the headmaster say about Jim’s ______.

  A. two months holidayB. Two months’ holiday

  C. two-month holiday D. two moth’s holiday


     question: 指人们主观上产生而提出等待回答的问题。常与ask , answer连用

     problem: 指客观上存在等待解决的问题着重指“难题”。常与solve , work out连用

  1) We must find out a good way to solve the ______.

  2) You can answer the _____ in your own words.

    borrow: 借进  borrow … from从…借

  △36. lend: 借出  lend sb sth = lend sth to sb


  keep: 保存;借(多久)(与时间段连用)

  1)Jack ____ me his bike last week.

  2)You can _____ the book from me, but you can ____ it for only one week.


  △37.It’s +adj + of / for sb to do sth.

  当形容词用于修饰人时,介词用of. 常见的此类形容词有:kind ; good ; clever ; careful ; polite ; right ; wrong. 其余情况用for.

  1)It’s very clever ____ you to do that.

  2)It’s hard ____ me to work out the problem.

  △38.  more: 另外的;额外的(放在数量词之后)

      another: 再一(另一…)(放在数量词之前)

  1)May I have two _____ apples?

  2)May I borrow _______ one book?

  used to + 动原: 过去常常做…

  △39.  be used to + 动原: 被用于做…

        be / get used to sth : 习惯于某事

  1)He used to be late for school.

  2)The knife is used to cut things.

  3)He is uesd to hard work.

        other: 放在被修饰词之前

  △40.  else: 放在被修饰词之后,一般修饰不定代词和疑问词

  1)other students别的学生

  2)anybody else. 其它任何人

    what else. 别的什么

  △41.  so + 形/副

       such + 形 + 名


  1) so +形+a / an + 单名= such a /an +形 +单名

  2)so (many / much / few / little) + 名

  3)so… that ; such … that如此…以致…

  ① It was ____ bad weather.

  ② There are ____ many poor in the country.

  ③ ____ few animals eat ____ much grass.

  ④ This city is ____ old, you’d better visit it.

  ⑤ It’s ______ important party ____ I can’t miss it.

        have / has been to: 曾经去过…

  △42.  have / has gone to: 已经去了…

  have / has been in: 已在…(多久)

  注意:1)后接地点副词here, there , home时应省介词

        2)与时间段连用只用have /has been in

  ① --Where’s Tom?

  --He ______________ Beijing.

  ② I ______ Beijing several times.

  ③ She ________ Chengdu for two years.

  ④ He __________ there twice.

  △43.“短命”动词        “长命”动词

  buy—have ; borrow—keep ; die—be dead ; leave—be away (from); come back—be back; fall asleep—be asleep ; open—be open ;

  catch a cold—have a cold; go /get out—be out;

  arrive (reach / get to / come to) +地点—be in +地点;join—be in +集体(或be  + 成员);

  turn on—be on; turn off—be off ;

  get a letter from—have a letter from.

  end /finish—be over ; get up—be up ;

  1) He has (A) bought (B) the fridge (C) for (D) two years.                    _________

  2)How long (A) may (B) I borrow (C) the (D) book?                       _________

  3)The film (A) has begun (B) for five minutes(C).                  _________

  4)Tom has got (A) the letter (B) from (C) Jim for two days (D).             __________

  5)I have (A) caught (B) a cold since two years ago (C).                   ____________

  6)He has (A) come to (B) Beijing for ten years(C)                   ___________

  7)My brother (A) has joined (B) the army (C) for (D) five years.            ___________

  44.  except: 除…以外(不包括除去的部分)

  besides: 除了…,还有…(包括除去的部分)

  1) We go to school every day except Sunday.


    We go to school from Monday to Saturday.

  2)We all went to the park besides Li Lei.


    We went to the park, and Li Lei went, too.

    take: It take sb sometime to do sth.

  △45.  主语

  pay (money) for sth          是人

  buy sth for + money

  cost: sth cost sb + money  主语是物

  1)I _____ ten yuan on the book.

  2)I _____ ten yuan for the book.

  3)The book _____ me ten yuan.

  4)I _____ the book for ten yuan.

  5)It _____ me an hour to do the maths problem

       sometime: 某时(与将来时连用)

  △46  sometimes: 有时(一般现在时

  some time: 一些时候(表时间段)

  some times:几次

  eg. 1)He _______ (go) to Beijing sometime next week.

  2)I _______ (be) to Beijing some times.

  47.be to do: 表将来

  There is to be a sports meeting next Saturday.

  △48.计量:表事物的“长、宽、高、深、远、厚”用 “long ; wide ; high / tall ; deep ; away ; thick.

  1)Mr Green is nearly two metres ________

  2)The ice is about one metre _________.

  3)Our classroom is about twelve metres ______and eight metres __________.

  △49.population:不可数名词。指人口的多少用“large / big或small”;询问人口的多少用what.

  1)What’s the population of Germany?


  2)China has a large population.中国人口众多

  3)The population (A) of (B) Japan is less (C) than that (D) of India.        ____________


  表示“有…人口”用have a population of .

  Now China has a population of more than one billion. 现在中国有十亿多人口。


  eg. make room for: 为…腾出空间


  1)seem + adj = seem to be + adj

  He seems very angry = He seems to be angry.

  2)seem to do

  It seems to rain tomorrow.明天似乎要下雨。

  3)It seems + that从句

  It seems that you are right.你似乎是对的。


  1)He talked as if he knew all about it.


  2)He opened his mouth as if to say something.


  1)We ____ them 5 to 3.

  2)In the end we _____ the match.





  1)It’s an ________football game.

  2)I’m ________ in music.


  △54.need  2)作实义动词  need to do(表主动)

  need doing(表被动)

  1)You needn’t go home now.

  2)The bike needs mending.

  3)I need to go home now.

  △55.  alive: 活着的;在世的(常作后置定语)

       living: 活着的;没死的(常作前置定语)

  1)Both plants and animals are _______ thing.

  2)No one ______ will believe it.

  △56.否定前移的动词:think , believe , expect , suppose.

  1)I didn’t expect their team would win.


  2)I don’t think he will come tomorrow.


        look at: (有意识地)看…

  △57.  see: (look at之后的结果)看见

  read: 看(书、报等)

  watch: 看(电视、比赛等)

  另外注意:1)see a film看电影

  2)see a doctor看医生

  1)I often ______ newspaper after suppe.

  2)He _____ the picture, and ____ some trees in it.

  △58.  listen to :(有意识地)听…

  hear: (listen to之后的结果)听见

  He was very sorry to ________ the bad news.

        look for:(强调“找”的动作)寻找

  △59.  find: (look for之后的结果)找到

        find out: (经过努力、周折)查出,找出(真相等)

  They are ___________ their lost horse.

  A. finding   B. looking for   C. finding out

  △60.  hope: (可能实现的)愿望

        wish: (难以实现的)愿望

  另外注意:1)wish to do sth = hope to do sth

            2)wish sb to do sth (    )

              hope sb to do sth( ╳ )

  (  )I _____ you to come to school earlier next time.     A. wish    B. hope    C. wants

       ①enough:放在形、副之后. good enough

  △61. ②修饰不定代词(something, anything, nothing)的词应后置。


  1)I have something important to tell you.

  2)He didn’t run fast enough to catch up with Tom.

  had better +动原 否定had better not +动原

  △ 62  Will / Would you please +动原?

  Will / Would you please not + 动原?

  Will you please not talk in class?

  △63.  What’s the weather like …? …的天气

  = How’s the weather … ?   怎么样?

  △64.  find +宾 +形:觉得…怎么样

  find it +形 +to do: 觉得做…怎么样

  类似用法还有make , think等

  1)I find the question ___________(容易).

  2)I think it important to learn Englis.

  △65. a number of +复名:许多,一些(作主为复)

  the number of: …的数目/号码(作主为三单)

  The number of the students in our class is 50.

       too: 句末    用于肯定句

  △66.  also: 句中    “也”

  either: 否定句末“也不”

  1)I don’t like reading, she doesn’t , ______.

  2)Tom is fourteen. Jim is _____fourteen.

  △67.  already , just : 肯助后

  yet: 否、疑末

  1)I have already had lunch.

  2)I haven’t had lunch yet.

  68.  live: (长时间的)居住

      stay: (短时间的)居住

  eg. He lives in Changsha, but he’s going to stay in Shanghai for a few days.