西电物理选课:国家地理图集:美不胜收的英国国家公园 - 萝卜网 - 人人都是艺术家

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 15:40:44


Photograph by Nick Turner, Alamy

摄影:Nick Turner,Alamy

AtBrecon Beacons National Park in southern Wales, hikers navigate a rockygorge in the park’s Waterfall Country, which features steep, woodedgorges—with falling water from the Mellte, Hepste, and Nedd FechanRivers—and plenty of opportunities for exploration along local trails.

在威尔士南部的布雷肯比肯斯国家公园(Brecon Beacons NationalPark)中,一群背包客正在公园景点“瀑布乡村”(WaterfallCountry)崎岖的峡谷中间穿行,瀑布乡村以陡峭险峻树林繁茂的峡谷而闻名,来自麦奥特河(Mellte)、海普斯特河(Hepste)以及奈德费羌河(Nedd Fechan)的河水汇成了瀑布,若是沿着当地的小路进行探险,其乐无穷。

Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales


Photograph by Stephen Dorey, Alamy

摄影:Nick Turner,Alamy

Anarrow boat negotiates the Brynich Lock on the Monmouthshire and BreconCanal in Brecon Beacons National Park. Public boat trips and canoeingare among the activities available in and around the canal, once anindustrial artery that now runs through the center of the modern park.

在布雷肯比肯斯国家公园里,一艘窄船正在穿过蒙茅斯郡和布雷肯运河(Monmouthshire and BreconCanal)上的布瑞尼奇船闸(BrynichLock)。在运河及周围水域的活动区里可以乘坐公共船只游览,也可以划独木舟。这条运河曾是一条商业水道,现在它贯穿了公园的中心地带。

Cairngorms National Park, Scotland


Photograph by Ashley Cooper, Aurora

摄影:Ashley Cooper,Aurora

Hikerscross a snowy plateau in Cairngorms National Park in Scotland’s highcountry. The largest national park in Great Britain, Cairngorms isScotland’s skiing center, featuring four of its five highest peaks.

在苏格兰高地的凯恩戈姆山国家公园(Cairngorms National Park)中,远足者正在穿越一片白雪皑皑的高原。凯恩戈姆山国家公园是大不列颠境内最大的国家公园,号称苏格兰的滑雪胜地。苏格兰境内的五座高峰有四座都在凯恩戈姆山国家公园中。

Cairngorms National Park, Scotland


Photograph by Photolibrary


Afemale snow bunting shelters from the wind behind an ice-encrustedboulder in Cairngorms National Park. The park is home to 25 percent ofthe U.K.’s threatened birds, animals, and plants.


Dartmoor National Park, England


Photograph by Wig Worland, Aurora

摄影:Wig Worland,Aurora

Amountain biker rides a trail in England’s Dartmoor National Park. Thepark’s atmospheric moorland, wooded ravines, and waterfalls attracthikers and other outdoor enthusiasts.


Dartmoor National Park, England


Photograph by Marc-Oliver Schulz, laif/Redux

摄影:Marc-Oliver Schulz,laif/Redux

Knownas the “Cathedral on the Moor,” St. Pancras Church is located in thevillage of Widecombe-in-the-Moor in Dartmoor’s picturesque East WebburnValley.

被称为“荒野大教堂(Cathedral on the Moor)”的圣潘克勒斯教堂(St. Pancras Church)位于达特穆尔风景如画的东韦伯恩峡谷(East Webburn Valley)一个名叫文德康比(Widecombe)村落中。

Dartmoor National Park, England


Photograph by Philip Fenton, Photolibrary

摄影:Philip Fenton,Photolibrary

Bennett’sCross is one of the many ancient upright markers scattered acrossDartmoor National Park. The cross is a stop on some walking tours, apopular activity for visitors.

本尼特十字架(Bennett’s Cross)是达特穆尔国家公园中诸多古代柱形标志之一。公园里的游客们很喜欢远足至此并稍作停留。

Exmoor National Park, England


Photograph by Sam Abell, National Geographic

摄影:Sam Abell,National Geographic

Exmoorponies romp the high moors of Exmoor National Park, located insouthwest England. Horseback riding, cycling, walking, and climbing areamong the park’s popular activities.

在英格兰西南部的埃克斯穆尔国家公园(Exmoor National Park)中,埃克斯穆尔高地马正悠闲的游荡在高地荒野中。骑马、骑车和爬山在这里都是极为普遍的消遣活动。

Exmoor National Park, England


Photograph by Adam Burton, Getty Images

摄影:Adam Burton,Getty Images

Thatched-roofcottages characterize the medieval village of Dunster, among thelargest of Exmoor’s villages and hamlets and one of the park’s mostpopular attractions. Visitors can explore Dunster’s ancient castle, teashops, and surrounding countryside.


Exmoor National Park, England


Photograph by Michael McQueen, Getty Images

摄影:Michael McQueen,Getty Images

Awalker traverses Exmoor’s hills in autumn. The park features more than620 miles (1,000 kilometers) of footpaths. Bridleways accommodatehorseback riders and cyclists.


Lake District National Park, England


Photograph by Fantuz Olimpio, SIME

摄影:Fantuz Olimpio,SIME

Visitorsto Lake District National Park paddle a canoe across Wastwater,England’s deepest lake at 243 feet (74 meters). Covering about onepercent of all the land area in Great Britain, the Lake District isEngland’s largest national park and, as its name suggests, offers plentyof opportunities to get one’s feet wet.

湖区国家公园(Lake District National Park)里的游客划着独木舟穿过瓦斯特湖(Wastwater),瓦斯特湖是英格兰最深的湖泊(深达74米)。湖区国家公园的面积占据英国国土总面积的百分之一,是英格兰最大国家公园,园内湖泊众多。

Lake District National Park, England


Photograph by Fantuz Olimpio, SIME

摄影:Fantuz Olimpio,SIME

Sheepgraze in one of the Lake District’s valleys, known as “dales” in theregion, a linguistic holdover from the area’s 10th-century Norsesettlers. Hills, stonewalled fields, forests, whitewashed cottages, andclear waters are among the park's charms.


Lake District National Park


Photograph by Jon Allison, Photolibrary

摄影:Jon Allison,Photolibrary

TheLake District boasts a rich cultural heritage that spans the centuriesfrom prehistoric times to the present day. The region’s charms have longattracted notables from across the isles and throughout Britishsociety. Literary legend William Wordsworth even published a Guide tothe Lakes in 1810.

湖区国家公园以文化遗产众多而著称,从史前时代到近代,这些遗迹的历史年代跨越数个世纪。英伦三岛和不列颠社团的知名人士皆痴迷于湖区美景的魅力。一代文豪威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)甚至在1810年出版了一本《湖区游览指南》。

Northumberland National Park, England


Photograph by David Paterson, Getty Images

摄影:David Paterson,Getty Images

Aportion of Hadrian’s Wall edges the landscape in NorthumberlandNational Park. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Roman wall extendsacross the countryside for 73 miles (117 kilometers).

诺森伯兰国家公园(Northumberland National Park)里的一段哈德良长城(Hadrian’s Wall)俯瞰着大地。这段罗马时代的城墙属于联合国教科文组织世界遗产,它长约117公里。

Peak District National Park, England


Photograph by Michael Preuss, My Shot

摄影:Michael Preuss,My Shot

Sheepwear splashes of Easter color in the Peak District, the first nationalpark established in Great Britain. About 86 percent of the park isfarmland, which is used mostly for grazing sheep or cattle.

山峰地区国家公园(Peak District National Park)的几只绵羊身上涂上了复活节用的颜料。山峰地区国家公园是英国设立的首个国家公园,86%的园区面积皆为草场,大部分都用来放牧牛羊。

Peak District National Park


Photograph by John Warburton-Lee Photography, Photolibrary

摄影:John Warburton-Lee Photography,Photolibrary

Horsesroam a field in Peak District National Park. Once largely in the handsof wealthy landowners, the park remains mostly privately owned. Ahighlight for sightseers includes Chatsworth, the stately country hometo the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and a historic showplace ofarchitecture, art, and lush landscape gardens.

山峰地区国家公园里的马匹正在草场上漫步。公园内大部分的土地曾一度掌握在富有的地主手中,到现在依然为私人所有。查特斯沃斯庄园(Chatsworth)是游客们最为心驰神往的园区景点,它是德文郡公爵暨公爵夫人( Duke and Duchess ofDevonshire)富丽堂皇的乡间宅邸,同时也是一处兼具建筑和艺术之美的历史名胜地,堪称华美的自然园林。

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, Scotland


Photograph by Tom Mackie, Alamy

摄影:Tom Mackie,Alamy

GreatBritain’s biggest freshwater lake, Loch Lomond is one of four sectionsof the Trossachs, an appealing belt of hills and lochs stretching acrossthe border between Scotland’s Lowlands and Highlands. In addition toLoch Lomond, the park is home to nearly two dozen large lochs, manysmaller lochs, and more than 50 flowing rivers.

洛蒙德湖(LochLomond)是英国最大的淡水湖,它占据了整个特罗萨克斯(Trossachs)山区四分之一的面积,而特罗萨克斯山则宛如一条由丘陵和湖泊组成的迷人缎带,蜿蜒在苏格兰低地和高地之间的交界处。除了洛蒙德湖外,苏格兰国家公园(Loch Lomond and the TrossachsNational Park)内还有二十多座大型湖泊,很多小型湖泊以及五十多条河流。

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, Scotland


Photograph by Jose Maria Mellado, Getty Images

摄影:Maria Mellado,Getty Images

Walkershave countless opportunities in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs. Alsopopular with visitors and locals are water-based activities such assailing and fishing. In addition to its many lochs, the park boasts 39miles (63 kilometers) of salty sea loch coastline.


Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Wales


Photograph by Suranjan Mukherjee, My Shot

摄影:Suranjan Mukherjee,My Shot

Puffinsstand out against the green grass of Skomer Island off the coast ofPembrokeshire. The park’s offshore islands were named by the Vikings,who cruised the coast between the eighth and tenth centuries.

距离彭布鲁克郡海岸不远的斯科莫尔岛(Skomer Island)上,海鹦在绿草地上探出头来。彭布鲁克郡海岸国家公园(PembrokeshireCoast National Park)的近岸海岛是维京人命名的,在公元八世纪至十世纪间,他们曾在这一带海岸巡航。

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Wales


Photograph by David Pickford, Getty

摄影:David Pickford,Getty

Aclimber tackles the limestone cliffs above the sea near St. Govan’sHead on the Pembrokeshire Coast. While water dominates the parklandscape, Pembrokeshire is also a spectacular place for walkers tostretch their legs along dozens of Wales’s best beaches, headlands,bays, cliffs, and scenic seaside towns.

在彭布鲁克郡海岸的圣歌梵之颅(St. Govan’s Head)附近,一位攀岩者正在攀爬石灰岩峭壁。除了宽广的海域外,彭布鲁克郡海岸国家公园还拥有威尔士最好的海滩、海角、海湾、峭壁以及旖旎的海边城镇,非常适合步行者锻炼腿力。

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Wales


Photograph by Spila Riccardo, SIME

摄影:Spila Riccardo,SIME

Visitorsride horses on the beach in Druidston Haven on the Pembrokeshire Coast.The only truly coastal park in the U.K.’s national park system,Pembrokeshire stretches along the southwestern shoreline of Wales.

在彭布鲁克郡海岸的德鲁伊斯通天堂(Druidston Haven),游客们在沙滩上骑马。作为英国国家公园系统中唯一一处真正意义上的海岸公园,彭布鲁克郡海岸国家公园囊括了威尔士的整个西南海岸。

Snowdonia National Park, Wales


Photograph by C. Millington, Photolibrary

摄影:C. Millington,Photolibrary

Hikersin Snowdonia National Park seek out the popular Cader Idris mountainrange, where three maintained paths encourage walking. Nine mountainranges cover fully half of Snowdonia with a breathtaking array of jaggedpeaks, gorges, and windswept uplands.

来斯诺登尼亚国家公园(Snowdonia National Park)游玩的健行者一定会攀登园内最受欢迎的卡德伊德里斯(CaderIdris)山脉,它有三条可供步行的固定路线。九座山峰占据了斯诺登尼亚国家公园一半的面积,这里到处都是让人心惊肉跳的锯齿形峰顶、峡谷和狂风呼啸的高地。

Snowdonia National Park, Wales


Photograph by Win Initiative, Getty Images

摄影:Win Initiative,Getty Images

Morethan 90 mountains in Snowdonia National Park top 2,000 feet (600meters), including Tryfan, pictured here. The tallest, at 3,560 feet(1,085 meters) is Yr Wyddfa.

斯诺登尼亚国家公园中高度超过六百米的山峰有九十多座,图中的特瑞凡峰(Tryfan)就是其中的一座。而最高的伊尔怀德法峰(Yr Wyddfa)高达1085米。

Snowdonia National Park, Wales


Photograph by Alan Novelli, Alamy

摄影:Alan Novelli,Alamy

Commissionedbefore A.D. 1230, Dolbadarn Castle in Snowdonia National Park featuresthe best surviving example of a Welsh round tower. It sits on a mountabove the village of Llanberis.

公元1230年建造完工的废堡(Dolbadarn Castle)是保存最为完好的威尔士圆塔建筑,它坐落在蓝布里斯村(Llanberis)附近的一座山峰上。

South Downs National Park, England


Photograph by Dave Porter, Photolibrary

摄影:Dave Porter,Photolibrary

TheSeven Sisters chalk cliffs along the English Channel are part of SouthDowns, England's newest national park. The ancient chalk hills are thegeological star of South Downs, which covers about 1,000 miles (1,625kilometers) along England's southeast coast.

英吉利海峡附近的七姐妹白垩崖(The Seven Sisters)是英格兰最新设立的国家公园——南唐斯丘陵国家公园(South Downs National Park)的一部分。古老的白垩丘陵是南唐斯的地质明星,它在英格兰东海岸线上绵延了1625公里。

The Broads, England


Photograph by Dutton Colin, SIME

摄影:Dutton Colin,SIME

Thelargest wetland in Great Britain, The Broads has miles of widewaterways popular with boaters. Six rivers link the Broads' shallowlakes, creating a lock-free, navigable system of waterways.


The Broads, England


Photograph by Jon Gibbs, Photolibrary

摄影:Jon Gibbs,Photolibrary

Crumblinginto ruins, a tower mill and a gatehouse mark the spot of St. Benet'sAbbey beside the River Bure in the Broads. The abbey was originallyconstructed in the tenth century; the mill was added in the 1700s.

几成废墟的塔楼磨坊和门房是布罗兹区布尔河(River Bure)畔的圣本内特修道院(St. Benet's Abbey)遗址。该修道院修建于公元十世纪;磨坊是十八世纪扩建的。

Yorkshire Dales National Park, England


Photograph by Michael Freeman, Aurora

摄影:Michael Freeman,Aurora

Stonebarns and walls break up the green of Arkengarthdale, the northernmostdale in Yorkshire Dales National Park. The dales for which the park isnamed are deep valleys carved out of the hill country by eons of runningrivers.

在约克郡山谷国家公园(Yorkshire Dales National Park)最北端的阿肯格斯谷地(Arkengarthdale)中,绿地上的石制谷仓和围墙已经破败不堪。该国家公园因山谷而闻名,奔流不息的河流切开了丘陵地带,从而形成了深谷。

Yorkshire Dales National Park, England


Photograph by Robbie Shone, Aurora

摄影:Robbie Shone,Aurora

Thecavern known as Gaping Gill drops 365 feet (111 meters) at the base ofIngleborough mountain in Yorkshire Dales National Park. According to thePark Authority, the Dales area has some 2,000 caves and potholes.

在约克郡山谷国家公园中,因格尔博罗峰(Ingleborough mountain)底有一处名为加平·吉尔(Gaping Gill)的著名洞穴,其垂降深度111米。公园管理处的统计数据显示,山谷国家公园中约有两千处洞穴和凹坑。

Yorkshire Dales National Park, England


Photograph by Britain on View/Photolibrary

摄影:Britain on View/Photolibrary

Regularcommuters, sheep take to the road in Yorkshire Dales National Park,England. Dry stone walls mark lanes and fields in the rambling park,which has 250,000 acres (100,000 hectares) of open access land.



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