
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 01:02:59



hair hygrograph毛发湿度计

hair hygrometer毛发湿度表

half bridge measurement半桥测量


half duplex transmission半双工传输

half-power point半功率点

half-wave potential半波电位

Hall effect霍尔效应

Hall effect displacement transducer霍尔效应磁强计;霍尔效应磁力仪

Hall effect tachometric transducer霍尔效应式转速传感器

Hall element霍尔传感器

Hall type pressrue transducer霍尔式压力传感器

hammering method敲击法

hammering type Brinell hardness tester锤击式布氏硬度计

hand ancmometer手持风速表




handy digital tachometer手持式数字转速表

hanging mercury electrode悬汞电极

hard bearing balancing machine硬支承平衡机



hardness prnetrator硬度压头

hardness tester硬度计

hardness transducer[sensor]硬度传感器



harmonic analysis谐波分析

harmonic content谐波含量

harmonic content of an a.c.power supply交流电源的谐波含量

harmonic wave谐波

harmonious control和谐控制

harmonious deviation和谐偏差

harmonious strategy和谐策略

harmonious variable和谐变量

HART Communication FoundationHART通信基金会

hazardous substances mark危险品包装标志

head space gas chromatography顶空气相色谱法

header byte首标字节

heart sound transducer[sensor]心音传感器

heat-capacity mapping mission(HCMM)热容量制图卫星

heat conducting导热



heat efficiency热效率

heat flow meter热流计

heat-flux differential scanning calorimeter热流型差示扫描量热仪

heat-flux differential scanning calorimetry热流型差示扫描量热法

heat flux transducer[sensor]热流传感器

heat of combustion燃烧热


heat treated glass window热处理玻璃观察窗

heat unit(HU)热单位

heat value热值

heated and/or cooled enclosed location升温和[或]降温封闭场所

heater characteristic of X-ray tubeX射线管灯丝特性

heating by far infra-red radiation远红外辐射加热

heating curves加热曲线

heating curve determination升温曲线测定

heating curve determinaiton apparatus升温曲线测定仪

heating element加热器;加热元件

heating quantity of bomb cylinder弹筒发热量

heating quantity of constant capacity on high position恒容高位发热量

heating rate升温速率

heating rate curves加热速率曲线

heavy and streamlined fish重型流线型拖曳体

height equivalent to a theoretical plate理论板高

height of tide潮高

helical bellows螺旋波纹管


helium mass spectrometer leak detector氦质谱检漏仪

helium survey氦气测量

Helmholtz coils亥姆霍兹线圈

Helmholtz resonator亥姆霍蒋共鸣器

hermetically sealed enclosure(Ex h)气密外壳(Ex h)

heterodyne analyzer外差式分析仪

heteronuclear lock signal异核锁信号

hierarchical chart层次结构图

hierarchical control递阶控制

hierarchical intelligence分级智能

hierarchical parameter estimation递阶参数估计

hierarchical planning递阶规划

hierarchical structure递阶结构

hierarchical system分级系统;递阶系统

high dispersion diffraction image高分散衍射象

high dynamic strain indicator超动态应变仪

high e.m.f.potentiometer高电热电位差计

high electron energy diffractometer(HEED)高能电子衍射仪

high[elevated]temperature testing machine高温试验机

high elongation strain gauge大应变应变计

high energy varistor高能电压敏电阻器

high energy X-rays高能X射线

high frequency dielectric splitter高频介电分选仪

high frequency fatigue testing machine高频疲劳试验机

high-frequency titration高频滴定

high frequency varistor高频电压敏电阻器

high-level language高级语言

high limiting control上限控制

high-low action高低作用

high-low signal selector高低信号选择器

high-low temperature chamber温度交变试验箱

high performance liquid chromatograph高效液相色谱仪

high performance scanning electron microscope高性能扫描电子显微镜

high polymer microphone高聚物传声器

high pressure DTA unit高压差式热分析仪

high-revovery valve高压力恢复阀

high resolution diffraction attachment高分辨衍射附件

high resolution diffraction image高分辨衍射象

high resolution electron microscope高分辨电子显微镜

high-resolution mass spectroscope高分辨质谱仪器

high-resolution NMR spectrometer高分辨核磁共振波谱仪

high-resolution NMR spectroscope高分辨率核工业磁共振波谱仪

high resolution visible(HRV)image instrument高分辨率图像仪

high speed balancing高速平衡

high speed balancing installation高速平衡设备

high speed liquid chromatography高速液相色谱法

high speed simulation快速仿真

high temperature device高温装置

high temperature strain gauge高温应变计

high temperature test高温试验

high temperature test chamber高温试验箱

high temperature testing machine高温试验机

high temperaturethermistor高温处理

high tension loop高压回路

high vavuum高真空

high value standard resistor高阻标准电阻器

high voltage bridge高压电桥

high-voltage calbe高压电缆

high voltage capacitor(of a capacitor voltage transformer) 电容器式电压互感器的高压电容器

high voltage electron microscope高压电子显微镜

high voltage insulating tank高压绝缘箱

high voltage source高压电源

high voltagestability高压稳定度

high voltage terminal高压端

high water高潮

higher actual measuring range value实际测量范围上的限值

higher harmonic resonance高次谐波共振

highest face temperature最高表面


highway addressable remote transducer(HART)可导址远程传感器数据公路

highway driver信息公路驱动器

highway for a CAMAC systemCAMAC 系统信息公路

highway frame数据公路帧

highway protocol数据公路协议

highway unit数据公路单元

historical trend panel历史趋势画面


hoarfrost point结霜点

hoisting test起吊试验

holding action保持作用

holding current吸持电流

hollow-cathode atomizer空心阴极原子化器

hollow-cathode lamp空心阴极灯

holographic grating全息光栅

holographic SDRS全息地震仪


homogeneity spoiling pulse均匀性突变脉冲

homogeneous radiation thermometer单色辐射温度计

homonuclear lock signal同核锁信号

hopper scale料斗秤

horizontal balancing machine卧式平衡机

horizontal limeit水平极限

horizontal scanning行扫描

horizontal tail水平翼

horizontal visibility水平能见度

hose coupler软管接头

host computer主计算机

hot wire anemometer热线风速表

hot wire flow transducer[sensor]热线流量传感器

hot-wire respiratory flow transducer[sensor]热丝(式)呼吸流量传感器

hot-wire turbulence meter热线湍流计


housing limit temperature外壳极限温度

huge system巨系统



hnmid air湿空气

humid heat test湿热试验





humidity constant state恒湿状态

humidity fluctuation湿度波动度

humidity of the air空气湿度

humidity range湿度范围

humidity transducer[sensor]湿度传感器

humidity uniformity湿度均匀性

humidity-dependent resistor湿敏电阻器


hybrid model混合模型

hybrid simulation混合仿真

hydraulic actrator液动执行机构

hydraulic control液动控制;液压控制

hydraulic diameter水力直径

hydraulic-formed bellows液压波纹管

hydraulic motor液压马达

hydraulic natural frequency液压固有频率

hydraulic power supply液压动力源

hydraulic step motor液压步进马达

hydraulic testing machine液压式试验机

hydraulic vibrator液压振动器

hydrodynamic noise液体动力噪声

hydrofoil shape vehicle水翼型拖曳体

hydrogen electrode氢电极


hydrogen regulator氢气减压器

hydrographic winch水文绞车

hydrophone calibrator水听器校准器

hydrophone streamer海洋地城电缆;拖缆;漂浮电缆


hydrostatic level液体静力水准仪

hydrostatic vater tand静水槽


hygrometer calibration chamber湿度表检定箱


hygrometeric tables湿度查算表


hypercycle theory超循环理论




hysteresis error滞环误差;滞后误差

hysteresis error plus dead band回差

hysteresis loop滞环

I/O channel输入输出出通道;I/O通道

ice point冰点 ideal gas temperature scale理想气体温标

ideal inherent equal percentage flow characteristic理想固有等百分比注量特性


ignition wire点火线

illuminance transducer[sensor]照度传感器

illuminating aperture angle照明孔径角

illuminating brightness照明亮度

illuminating system照明系统


image electro-magnetic shift象电位移

image plane象面

image point象点

image recognition图象识别

image rotation象旋转

image transdcer[sensor]图象传感器

imaging system成象系统

immersion depth浸入深度

immersion error浸入误差

immersion line(of liquid-in-glass thermometer)(玻璃温度计的)浸没线

immersion testing液浸法

immersion type probe水浸探头

impact energy冲击能量

impact hammer冲击锤体

impact pendulnm冲击摆锤

impact specimen support冲击试校支架

impact test冲击试验

impact testing machine冲击试验机

impact toughness冲击韧性

impact velocity of the pendulum摆锤的冲击速度

impedance analysis阻抗分析

impedance blood volume transducer[sensor]阻抗式血容量传感器

impedance head阻抗头

imedance plane diagram阻抗平面图

impedance respiratory frequency transducer[sensor]阻抗式呼吸频率传感器


impregnated base strain gauge浸胶基应变计

impulse distance meter脉冲式测距仪

impulse function冲激函数;脉冲函数

impulse precision sound level meter脉冲精密声级计

impulse response冲激响应;脉冲响应

impulsive sound脉冲声

in-situ colour meter现场水色计

in-situ extraction sampler现场萃取采水器

im-situ salinometer现场盐度计

in-situ seawater oxygenomter海水溶解氧现场测定仪


inboard rotor内重心转子

incline impact test斜而冲击试验

ynclined-tube manometer倾斜压力计


increase of area断面增大率

increased safety electrical apparatus(Ex e)增安型电气设备(Ex e)

incremental control增量控制

incremental motion control system增量运动控制系统

incremental range微调(增量)范围

incremental testing增量测试

independent conforminty独立一致性

independent linearity独立线性度


index level竖直度盘指标水准器

index(of an indicating device)(指示机构的)指示器

index of asymmetry非对称性指数

index register变址寄存器

indicated electrode指示电极

indeicated strain指示应变

indicated value指示值

indicating device指示装置;指示机构

indicating instrument指示仪器仪表


indication point指示点

indication range示值范围

indicative mark指示标志


indirect acting instrument间接作用仪表

indirect ancting instrument间接作用仪表

indirect acting recording instrument间接作用记录仪

indirect(method of )measurement间接测量(法)

indirect resistance heaiting间接电阻加热

indirectly controlled variable间接被控变量

indirectly heated type thermistor旁热式热敏感电阻器

individual line专线

individual nominal characteristic单个名义特性

induced current image感生电流象

induced curent method感应电流法

induced polarization logger井中激发极化仪

induced pulse transient system感应脉冲瞬变系统

inductance bow电感箱

inductance pressure transducer电感式压力传感器

inductance transducer感应式传感器

induction instrument感应系仪表

induction logger感应测井仪

induction meter感应系电度表

induction salinometer感应式盐度计

induction voltage divider感应分压器

inductive displacement measuring instrument电感式位移测量仪

inductive displacement transducer电感式位移传感器

inductive force transducer电感式力传感器

inductive micromenter电感测微计

inductive modeling method归纳建模法

inductive tensionmeter电感式张力计

inductive transducer[sensor]电感式传感器

inductosyn displacment transducer感应同步式位移传感器

industrial automation工业自动化

industrial control工业控制

industrial control system工业控制系统

industrial data processing工业数据处理

industrial process工业过程

industrial robot工业机器人

(industrial)total radiation pyrometer辐射感温器

indelastic background非弹性本底

inelastic scatter非弹性散射过程

inert metal indicated electrode惰性金属指示电极

inertia type pickup惯性传感器

inertial motion隋走量

inference model推理模型

inference strategy推理策略

inferential flowmeter推导式流量计

influence characteristic影响特性

influence coefficient method影响系数法

influence coefficient(of an influence quantity)(影响量的)影响系数

influence error影响误差

influence of magnetic field磁场影响

influence of ship-body船体影响

influence of static pressure静压影响

influence of vibration振动影响

influence quantity影响量

information acquistion信息采集

information parameter of an electrical signal电信号的信息参数

information pattern信息模式

information structrue信息结构

information system for process control过程控制信息系统

infrared camera红外照相机

infrared distance meter红外测距仪

infrared gas analyzer红外线气体分析器

infrared hygrometer红外湿度表

infrared light transducer[sensor]红外光传感器

infrared radiation红外辐射;红外线;热辐射

infrared radiation detection apparatus红外检测仪

infrared radiation thermometer红外辐射温度计

infrared radiometer红外辐射计

infrared radiometry红外线探伤法

infrared remote sensing红外遥感

infrared spectrometry红外光谱法

infrared spectrophotometer红外分光光度计

inherent diaphragm pressure range固有膜片压力范围

inherent feedback固有反馈

inherent filtration固有滤过当量

inherent flow characteristic固有流量特性

inherent instability固有不稳定性

inherent weakness failure固有弱质失效


initial condition初始条件

initial deviation初始偏差

initial load初负荷

initial phase angle初相角

initial program loader(IPL)初始程序的装入程序

initial pulse始脉冲

initial state初(始状)态

initial temperature超始温度

initial unbalance初始不平衡量




injection cross-section[station]注入横截面[部位]

ink jet printer喷墨印刷机

inlet filter(减压器的)过滤器

inlet system进样系统

inner pacdage内包装

in-phase voltage同相电压

input and output with inolated common point带有隔离公共点的输入和输出

input device输入设备

input impedance输入阻抗

input impedance of the magnetizing winding激磁绕组输入阻抗

input impedance of the measuring winding测量绕组输入阻抗

input matrix输入矩阵

input/output operation输入/输出操作

input/output port输入/输出端口

input-output analysis投入产出分析

input-output channel输入输出通道

input-output device输入输出设备

input-output model投入产出稳定性

input-output table投入产出表

input-output unit输入输出设备

input prediction method输入预估法

input quantity to frequency conversion type输入量-频率转换型

input signal输入信号

input terminal输入端

input unit输入设备

input variable输入变量

input vector输入向量;输入矢量

input with isolated common point公共端隔离输入

inrush current浪涌电流

insert length插入长度

inside coil内插线圈

inside idimensions工作室尺寸



installation conditions安装条件

installation of oceanographic survey海洋调查装备

installed diaphragm pressure range安装流量特性

installed rangeability安装可调比

instantaneous availability瞬时可用度

instantaneous sound pressure瞬时声压

instantaneous value瞬时风速


instruction level language指令级语言

instrument auto transformer仪用自耦互感器

instrument constant仪表常数

instrument front仪表面板

instrument lead仪表导线

instrument of ground electrochemical prospecting method地电化学法找矿仪器

instrument of magneto telluric method磁大地电流法仪器

instrument security factor仪表的安全因数

instrument with contacts带触点仪表

instrument with locking device带有锁定装置的仪表

instrument with optical index光标式仪表

instrument with suppressed zero压缩零位仪表

instrumental analysis仪器分析

instrumental background仪器本底

instrumental error仪器误差

insulating strength绝缘强度

insulating test voltage绝缘试验电压

insulation fault detecting instrument绝缘损坏检示仪表

insulation material绝缘物;绝缘材料

insulation resistance绝缘电阻

insulation resistance meter高阻表;兆欧表

insulation strength绝缘强度

integral action;I-action积分作用;I-作用

integral action coefficient积分作用系数

integral action Iimiter积分作用限幅器

integral action time积分作用时间

integral control积分控制

integral controller积分控制器;I控制器

integral detector积分型检测器

integral electric actuator积分式电动执行机构

integral feedback积分反馈

integrated data processing集中数据处理

integrated sensor集成传感器

integrating actinometer累计光能计

integrating conversion积分转换

integrating induced type polarization potentiometer积分式激发电位仪

integrating instrument积分[算](测量)仪表

integrating(measuring) instrument积分[算](测量)仪表

integrating recording instrument积分式记录仪

integrating sphere积分球

integration method积算法

integration testing集成测试;综合测试



intellectualized simulation software智能化仿真软件

intelligent computer智能计算机

intelligent control智能控制

intelligent control system智能控制系统

intelligent instrument智能仪表

intelligent deyboard system智能键盘系统

intelligent mechine智能机器

intelligent menagement智能管理

intelligent management system智能管理系统

intelligent robot智能机器人

intelligent sensor智能传感器

intelligent simulation智能仿真

intelligent station智能站

intelligent system智能系统

intelligent system model智能系统模型

intelligent terminal智能终端

intensifying screen增感屏

interacted system互联系统;关联系统


interactive terminal交互式终端


interchangeable accessory可互换附件


interface echo界面反射波

interface message processor接口通信处理机

interference error干扰误差

interference filter干扰[涉]滤光片

interior package内包装

intermediate lens中间镜

intermediate voltage capacitor(of a capacitor voltage transformer) (电容器式电压互感器的)中压电容器

intermediate voltage terminal (of a capacitor voltage transformer) 电容器式电压互感器的)中压端

intermittent d.c.noncapacitive arc非电容间歇直流电弧

intermittent duty断续工作制

intermittent spray间断喷雾

internal burden(of a current transformer)(电流互感器的)内负载

internal-convection sensitive element内对流敏感元件

internal disturbance内扰

internal gear定子齿轮

internal lead内引线

internal lock signal内锁信号

internal model principle内模原理

internal reference electrode内参比电极

internal reference sample内参比试样

internal reflection element内反射元件

internal reflection spectrometry内反射光谱法

internal resistance内阻

internal standard内标物

internal standard line内标线

internal standard method内标法

internal stop内挡块

internally piloted regulator整体指挥器操作型自力式调节阀

International(Practical) Temperature Scale国际(实用)温标

International Practical Temperature Scale-1968(IPTS-68)1968年国际实用温标

international standard国际标准(器)

International Temperature Scale-1990(ITS-90)1990年国际温标

internuclear double resonance核间双共振(法)

interoperable system protocol(ISP0可互操作系统协议

interpretive language解释语言

interprogram communication程序间通信


interrupt mask中断屏蔽

interrupt priority中断优先权

interrupt priority system中断优先权系统

interrupt source中断源

interval timer间隔时钟

intracranial pressure transducer[sensor]颅内压传感器

intra-plant system厂内系统

intrinsic astigmatism固有象散

intrinsic error基本[固有]误差

intrinsic safety barriter本质安全栅

intrinsic viscosity固有粘度

intrinsically safe circuit(Exi)本质安全电路(Exi)

invalid event无效事件

invar levelling staff因瓦水准标尺

inventory management system库存管理系统

inverse heating rate curves逆加热速率曲线

inverse system可逆系统

investment decision投资决策

inverting telescope倒像望远镜


ion-activity meter离子计

ion accelerating voltage离子加速电压

ion beam thinner离子减薄机

ion bombardment secondary electron image离子轰击二次电子象

ion chromatography离子色谱法

ion counter离子计数器

ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer;ICR mass spectrometer 离子回旋共振质谱计

ion detector离子检测器

ion-exchange chromatography离子排斥色谱法

ion kinetic energy spectra;IKE spectra离子动能谱

ion lens郭子透镜

ion mobility离子淌度

ion neutralization离子中和

ion neutralization spectrometer离子中和谱仪

ion neutralizing spectroscopy(INS)离子中和谱法

ion optics离子光学

ion pump离子泵 ion repeller离子排斥极

ion scattering spectrometer离子散射谱仪

ion-scattering spectroscopy(ISS)离子散射谱法

ion-scattering spectrum离子散射谱

ion-selective electrode analysis离子选择电极分析(法)

ion-selective electrode离子选择电极

ion-selective electrode gas transducer[sensor]离子选择电极(式)气体传感器

ion source离子源

ion sputtering coator离子溅射镀膜台

ion strength离子强度

ion transducer[sensor]离子传感器

ion transmission efficiency离子传输率

ionflow anemometer离子流风速表

ionization by sputtering溅射电离

ionization chamber电离室

ionization efficiency curve电离效率曲线

ionization lose spectroscopy(ILS)离化损失谱法

ionizing transducer[sensor]电离式传感器

ionizing voltage电离电压

ionospheric recorder电离层记录器

Iron/Copper-Nickel thermocouple铁—铜镍热电偶




ISA 1932 nozzleISA 1932喷嘴

isentropic exponent等熵指数

ISFET ion transducer[sensor]场效应管(式)离子传感器

isoabsorptive point等吸收点

isobaric mass-change determination等压质量变化测定

isobaric weight-change curve等压重量变化曲线

isobaric weight-change determination等压重量变化测定

isolated amplifier隔离放大器

isolated analogue input隔离的模拟输入

isolated junction绝缘端

isolated junction type sheathed thermocouple绝缘型铠装热电偶

isolated system孤立系统

isolating valve隔断阀


isopotential point等电位点

isothermal point恒温式热量计

isothermal gas chromatography等温层跟踪仪

isothermal weight-change curve等温重量变化曲线

isothermal weight-change determination等温重量变化测定

isotope dilution mass spectrometry同位素稀释质谱法

isotope mass spectrometer同位素质谱计

isotope peak同位素峰

isotope ratio measurement同位素丰度测定


iteration chromatography核对色谱法

ivory point象牙针尖