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China suspends Jeep Wrangler imports over safety concern

09:31, April 09, 2011      

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China's top product quality watchdog said on Friday that the country would suspend imports of Jeep Wrangler vehicles because of a serious potential safety hazard.

Consumers in China have reported several cases of imported Jeep Wranglers catching fire. Investigations found that the fires were the result of a problem in the vehicles' automatic transmission and related systems, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) said in a statement on its website.

The administration did not mention whether these incidents resulted in casualties.

The AQSIQ urged Chrysler, the vehicle's manufacturer, to determine the cause of the problems and solve them. "Before that, the manufacturer and importers should take precautionary measures for the vehicles involved to ensure consumers' safety," it said.

Source: Xinhua
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