语文bk备课大师:China's coastal seas unaffected by Japan's ra...

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China's coastal seas unaffected by Japan's radioactive water

13:52, April 12, 2011      

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The radioactive water Japan dumped into the sea from the Fukushima nuclear power plant has severely polluted the plant's surrounding waters, but the contamination has not reached China's coastal waters, said Su Xu, director of the Chinese Center for Medical Response to Radiation Emergencies under the Ministry of Health, during a regular press conference of the ministry.

Su revealed that China's National Nuclear Emergency Coordination Committee has set up expert panels and established an emergency monitoring and assessment system to carry out an overall assessment of the radioactive water's impact on the marine environment. Experts found that the radioactive water has exerted a major impact on waters surrounding the plant but has not reached China's costal waters.

"Radioactive substances diffuse slower in water than in air. They tend to move with atmospheric circulation in air and ocean circulation in water," Su said. Furthermore, the radioactive water will be gradually diluted, and the radioactive substances will sink under the moving ocean current.

By People's Daily Online
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