赵子默江修仁新版番外:译言网 | 时间造就天才?重新定义人生的10000个小时

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 21:13:52



Daily Mail Reporter 

We have all heard the saying that practice makes perfect.


Now a top sociologist has added weight to this age old adage by claiming that you must spend 10,000 hours honing your skills if you want to be a success at anything.


Academic Macolm Gladwell, whose books have become required reading within the Conservative Party, says you need to put in this time over a decade to get to the top of your chosen field.

畅销书作家Macolm Gladwell的最新著作最近在保守党内广为传阅,他在书中表明,在你选择的领域中若想达到顶级的成就,也许得付出超过十年的时间。

And he backs up his theory by citing sports stars such as Boris Becker, Jonny Wilkinson, Tiger Woods and the Venus sisters, who have all become world-beaters because of the obsessive devotion they have shown to their game since childhood.

Macolm Gladwell还在他的著作中援引了许多顶级运动员的例子如鲍里斯贝克尔 (前世界排名第一职业网球选手),强尼威尔金森 (英格兰橄榄球联盟顶级球员),老虎伍兹(世界顶级高尔夫球手)和威廉姆斯姐妹俩(世界顶级网球选手姐妹花),因为他们无一例外都从幼时开始练习,为这些项目投入了大量的时间和努力。

Dedication is what you need: England rugby hero Jonny Wilkinson's world class skills came through years of practicin


In his new book Outliers: The Story of Success, Mr Gladwell says that if you examine the greatest athletes, entrepreneurs, musicians and scientists you will notice they only emerged after spending at least three hours a day for ten years practicing.

Macolm Gladwell在他的新书《异类:成功人士的故事》中说道,无论是最优秀的运动员,企业家,音乐家还是科学家,经调查,你都会发现他们至少都在付出了长达十年,每天不低于三小时的努力之后才崭露头角的。

'What’s really interesting about this 10,000-hour rule is that it applies virtually everywhere,” Mr Gladwell told a conference held by The New Yorker magazine.

“10000个小时定律有趣的地方在于它几乎在任何领域都适用,” Gladwell在《纽约客》杂志举办的一次会议上这样说道。

'You can’t become a chess grand master unless you spend 10,000 hours on practice.


'The tennis prodigy who starts playing at six is playing in Wimbledon at 16 or 17 [like] Boris Becker. The classical musician who starts playing the violin at four is debuting at Carnegie Hall at 15 or so,' he added.


Tennis champions: Serena and her sister Venus


However, ability, according to Mr Gladwell, is just one factor in success. Work ethic, luck, a strong support base and even being born in the right year play a role.


Just as the Beatles rose to fame with the explosion of pop culture in the 1960s, so Bill Gates’s fascination with the ASR-33 Teletype that he used at school in 1968 placed a shy boy on track to become one of the world’s richest men.


“No one – not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires and not even geniuses – ever makes it alone,”  writes Mr Gladwell in his book.


Golfing great: Trophy winning sports star Tiger Woods


Mr Gladwell became one of the world’s most influential sociologists with the publication of The Tipping Point in 2000, which described how small actions could trigger social epidemics.
His new book argues that there is no such thing as a “self-made man”. 


Instead, the years spent intensively focused on their area of expertise place the world’s most successful people above their peers.


Much of Britain’s Olympic success, he argues,  is down to a combination of natural ability and sheer dedication. 


Victoria Pendleton’s emphatic gold in the women’s sprint cycling in Beijing came only after humiliating defeat in Athens four years ago. 


After training for four hours a day, six days a week the 27-year-old finally reaped the rewards. 
Rebecca Adlington, the 19-year-old swimmer who won two gold medals at the Beijing Games, has put in an estimated 8,840 hours of training since the age of 12.


Bill Furniss, her coach, said: “When I first saw her, what stood out was the fact that she was so willing to take the pain and make sacrifices.”


Such dedication is also apparent in musicians. Maxim Vengerov, 34, is one of the world’s greatest violinists. 


He was born in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk and, after being given a miniature fiddle at the age of four, displayed outstanding aptitude.


His talent was matched by an immense work ethic. He practised seven hours a day, giving his first recital at the age of five and winning his first international prize at 15. 


Mr Vengerov said: 'My mother would get home at 8pm, cook dinner and then teach me the violin until four in the morning. As a four-year-old boy it was torture. But I became a violinist within two years.”'


Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at the University of Kent, said those who put in many hours of practice effectively make their own luck: 


'They work relentlessly hard, which means when their luck comes they are ready for it,' he added.
