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Rosy prospects seen in development of China-EU relations

16:48, May 13, 2011      

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The European Union holds a positive view and welcomes the strong development momentum of emerging market economies including China, and takes China's rapid development as a new opportunity instead of a threat, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, who will make a visit to China, said during his meeting with Chinese ambassador to the European Union Song Zhe on May 10. Strengthening China- E.U. cooperation based on mutual respect and trust is beneficial to not just the two countries but also the world.

During an interview with People's Daily on May 11, Song said this year is the 36th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the European Union. Thanks to 36 years of efforts and accumulation, China-E.U. relations have experienced significant development and successively ascended the three steps of a constructive partnership, a comprehensive partnership and a comprehensive strategic partnership.

China-E.U. relations have a comprehensive, broad and multi-level cooperation structure and are characterized by a strategic, mutually beneficial, stable and growing cooperation. Current China-E.U. relations maintain a sound development momentum with deepening mutual political trust and increasingly close economic and trade ties.

The ongoing China-E.U. Year of Youth and the China-E.U. Year of Intercultural Dialogue in the following year will effectively inspire the passion and ideas for the exchanges among the people from both sides and generate a new wave of cultural exchanges.

Song pointed out that history shows that China-E.U. relations are always capable of advancing with the times, and the mutual benefit and growth are always the important driving force of China-E.U. relations. Both sides rely on each other for support and their demand continues to rise under the new situation leading to broad prospects in the future. China-E.U. mutual political trust will come into a new stage, the China-E.U. strategic cooperation will be closer and the integration of their interests will be further strengthened. In particular, the two sides share a similar blueprint for future development and have similar focuses along with the simultaneous launch of China's "12th Five-Year Plan" and the "Europe 2020 Strategy."

In regards to the upcoming visit to China by Van Rompuy, Song said that this is the first time Van Rompuy has visited China since he assumed office, and is also an important exchange between the new E.U. leader and Chinese leaders since the "Treaty of Lisbon" took effect. Therefore, the visit has a positive groundbreaking significance. "We are willing to make joint efforts with the E.U. to promote the success of the visit. We also look forward to achieving targets to deepen mutual trust, plan cooperation and properly handle differences," Song said.

By People's Daily Online

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