郑渊洁作品:Why red books sell so well

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Why red books sell so well

09:48, June 11, 2011      

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    As this year marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, red books are again becoming bestsellers on the market. "Socialism in China," “Sufferings and Achievements,""Biography of Mao Zedong,""Zhu Rongji Answers Journalists' Questions," and other red books are top-sellers among various genres. Why do red books sell so well for such a long period?

    The main reason is the leading role red culture plays. People always need spirit, and the firm faith and strong will of Chinese communists over the past 90 years are always heart moving. At critical times, with the fate of the country on the line and the rise and fall of the Chinese people, they have demonstrated the spirit of patriotism, collectivism and heroism, which is the main embodiment of advanced culture.

    The leading role of red culture is indispensable no matter for building national spirit or cultivating personal virtues. The true people and stories in history and in reality will no doubt enrich people's minds, and become the spirit for everyone to overcome difficulties and meet challenges. Such spirit can be felt by reading "The Long March of 25,000 Li," "Yan'an of Ten Years," and "The CPC Party History."

    History is the best teacher, and people can always look back to learn from past mistakes. China was undergoing tremendous change when the CPC was first founded 90 years ago. Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people strived together to save and revive the nation. Looking back at the past 90 years, people will have a clearer understanding of the causes of the rise and fall of nations, and will firmly believe that only socialism and the reform and opening-up policy can save China. "Sufferings and Achievements," a thought-provoking book published in 2009, took Jin Yinnan 15 years to write. Jin cited sufficient historical records and described the social changes China has undergone since the 1920s. The book has sold hundreds of thousands of copies since its publication, fully demonstrating the attractiveness of Party history and the contemporary Chinese people's great attention to the destiny of their motherland.

    Books about the CPC are not necessarily dull and uninteresting. In fact, they have an irreplaceable role in improving moral standards and promoting social harmony. People can feel the wisdom and courage of a statesman by reading "Zhu Rongji Meets the Press," improve their own personality and broaden their knowledge by reading "Li Lanqing's Seal Carving Art," and learn about the literary attainments of a diplomat by reading "An Anthology of Li Zhaoxing." Furthermore, the comic strips about the battles against foreign invaders in the last century can remind numerous people of their childhood.

    Red books are a kind of record, reminiscence and enlightenment that inspires everyone today to make new history. In the view of Karl Marx, once any true philosophy is the essence of the spirit of the times, it becomes a living soul of the civilization. Currently, red books have not only recorded history but also drawn attention to reality and reflected contemporary lives. In addition to promoting national spirit, red books focus more on expanding vision and looking into the future. They have not only cultivated national confidence but also emphasized rational thinking and a scientific attitude. It is certain that today's classic red books are not limited to old stories but rather contain constantly-updated stories depicting a new chapter of China with the characteristics of the times.

    By Zhang Hongyu, People's Daily Online

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