
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 19:24:04

1943年,心理学家Abraham Maslow(亚伯拉罕.马斯洛)提出了需要层次理论,他认为人们的需求是具有层级的,他将需要比作一个金字塔。在金字塔最底部是最需获得满足的基本需要,例如食物、睡眠、性等;接下来依次是“安全感”的需要、“爱与归属感”的需要、“尊重”的需要;最后,是位于金字塔顶端的“自我实现”的需要,他认为这一需要得到满足的人比那些没有满足的人感受到更多的幸福。

In a new study, researchers at the University of Illinois put Maslow's ideas to the test with data from 123 countries representing every major region of the world.


"Anyone who has ever completed a psychology class has heard of Abraham Maslow and his theory of needs," said University of Illinois professor emeritus of psychology Ed Diener, who led the study. "But the nagging question has always been: Where is the proof? Students learn the theory, but scientific research backing this theory is rarely mentioned."

伊利诺斯州大学的心理学名誉教授Ed Diener主持了这一调查研究,他说:“任何学过心理学的人都听说过马斯洛和他的需要层次理论,但是,此理论缺乏实践证据的问题却被一而再,再而三的提出。虽然学生们学习这一理论,但是却很少有支持这一理论的科学研究被老师提及。”

The researchers turned to the Gallup World Poll, which conducted surveys in 155 countries from 2005 to 2010, and included questions about money, food, shelter, safety, social support, feeling respected, being self-directed, having a sense of mastery, and the experience of positive or negative emotions. Diener, a senior scientist for the Gallup Organization, helped design the survey.


The researchers found that fulfillment of a diversity of needs, as defined by Maslow, do appear to be universal and important to individual happiness. But the order in which "higher" and "lower" needs are met has little bearing on how much they contribute to life satisfaction and enjoyment, Diener said.


They also found that the fulfillment of more basic needs -- for money, food or shelter, for example -- was more closely linked to a positive life evaluation, the way an individual ranked his or her life on a scale from worst to best. The satisfaction of higher needs -- for social support, respect, autonomy or mastery -- was "more strongly related to enjoying life -- having more positive feelings and less negative feelings," Diener said.


An important finding, Diener said, is that the research indicated that people have higher life evaluations when others in society also have their needs fulfilled.

“有一个重要的发现”, Diener补充,“我们的研究表明当社会中其他的人的需要也得到满足的时候,人们会给生活以更高的评价。”

"Thus life satisfaction is not just an individual affair, but depends substantially also on the quality of life of one's fellow citizens," he said.


"Our findings suggest that Maslow's theory is largely correct. In cultures all over the world the fulfillment of his proposed needs correlates with happiness," Diener said. "However, an important departure from Maslow's theory is that we found that a person can report having good social relationships and self-actualization even if their basic needs and safety needs are not completely fulfilled."


"Another revision of his theory is that we found that different needs produce different types of well-being," Diener said.
