铜箔胶带 led醋酸:双语:科学揭秘:罗马帝国灭亡的真正原因

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 18:25:12


http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年01月19日 09:59   国际在线

  Climate change could have been responsible for bringing down the Roman Empire, scientists believe。


  Researchers studied ancient tree growth rings to show links betweenclimate change and major events in human history such as migrations,plagues and the rise and fall of empires。


  They discovered that periods of warm, wet weather coincided withperiod of prosperity, while droughts or varying conditions occurred attimes of political upheaval such as the demise of the Roman Empire。


  To match the environmental record with the historical one,researchers looked at more than 7,200 tree fossils from the past 2,500years。


  The study, published in the journal Science, said: 'The rise andfall of past civilizations have been associated with environmentalchange, mainly due to effects on water supply and agriculturalproductivity, human health and civil conflict。


  'Wet and warm summers occurred during periods of Roman and Medieval prosperity。


  'Increased climate variability from AD 250 to 600 coincided withthe demise of the Western Roman Empire and the turmoil of the MigrationPeriod。


  'Distinct drying in the third century paralleled a period ofserious crisis in the western Roman Empire marked by barbarian invasion,political turmoil and economic dislocation in several provinces inGaul.'


  Oak rings are sensitive to changes in precipitation, and can show changes according to what was happening in the environment。


  The research could also glean signs about what was happening from changes in how many trees were being cut。


  The study said: 'Reduced tree harvesting around AD 250 to 400coincides with the biggest central Europe historical crisis, theMigration Period, a time marked by lasting political turmoil, culturalchange and socio-economic instability。


  'Increasing timber harvest for construction is represented byabundant felling parallel to socio-economic consolidation from the sixthto the ninth centuries.'


  The scientists said 'unfavourable climate may have contributed tothe spread of the second plague pandemic, the Black Death, which reducedcentral Europe's population after AD 1347 by 40 to 60 percent.'


  Researchers also noted that a sharp decline in North Americantemperatures around the same time saw an 'abrupt desertion of formerGreenland settlements'。


  Technological advances have made the modern human population lessvulnerable to environmental changes to a certain extent, the study said。


  However we are 'certainly not immune to the predicted temperatureand precipitation changes, especially considering that migration to morefavourable habitats as an adaptive response will not be an option in anincreasingly crowded world.'
