
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 22:56:58


http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年04月07日 17:58   环球网

  More people have died because of human hatred than from any other human cause, a US professor says。


  "Yet we still do not know enough about how hatred works and how toprevent and combat it," John Shuford, director of the Gonzaga UniversityInstitute for Hate Studies, in Spokane, Washington, said in astatement。


  The Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies is hosting theSecond International Conference on Hate Studies Wednesday throughSaturday in Spokane。


  The conference purpose is to foster better understanding of thenature of hatred, develop more effective models and approaches forcombating it and consider the implications for practice across manyfields, Shuford said。


  The conference features academics, a representative of the US StateDepartment, international experts on hate crimes, journalists, lawenforcement personnel, educators, human rights experts, representativesof non-governmental organizations, community leaders and clergy。


  The keynote speaker is Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, the Nobel PeacePrize-nominated author of "I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey onthe Road to Peace and Human Dignity."The Palestinian physician lostthree daughters when Israeli tanks twice shelled his home, but hismessage of non-violence and hope for peace between Israelis andPalestinians endures。
