长沙中山医院图片:“吸金王”邓斯特登ELLE杂志 大聊情伤

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“吸金王”邓斯特登ELLE杂志 大聊情伤

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年08月01日 10:47   国际在线

邓斯特登ELLE杂志 大聊情伤

  She's a top Hollywood actress, has dated some of the world's most desirable men and she is about to star in another hit movie. But Kirsten Dunst is as human as any of us. Speaking candidly to Elle, the actress, 29, reveals that she 'has cried a lot over boys' and reminisces about her former flame, Razorlight frontman, Johnny Borrell。

  好莱坞一线当红女星、曾饰演《蜘蛛侠》中的蜘蛛女一炮走红的克莉丝汀·邓斯特凭借在好莱坞多年的努力终于跻身好莱坞最吸金女星行列,然而这位貌似璀璨的明星女孩近日在拍摄时尚杂志《ELLE》时接受采访时,首度开头聊自己的过往情伤,这位29岁的女星表示自己和普通女孩并无区别,也时常躲在车上为男人哭泣。媒体猜测邓斯特所指的男人中肯定有她的前男友---Razorlight乐队的主唱Johnny Borrell。

  She said: 'We all want the bad guy who doesn't give you what you want. I did a lot of sitting in my car, listening to sad music, crying over boys.' Miss Dunst is now dating Jason Boesel, who was the drummer for American rock band Rilo Kiley. But despite going for another musician, the star says her new man shies away from the spotlight. '[Jason's] not into partying and it works,' she explained。

  邓斯特说:“女孩们有时候是很奇怪的,都会对坏男人一见倾心,特别是那些不能满足你需要的男人,我时常花大把大把的时间坐在车中,听伤心的音乐,为他们,为那些坏男人哭泣。”据悉,克里斯汀·邓斯特和她的男友、Rilo Kiley乐队鼓手杰森-博赛尔(Jason Boesel)感情稳定,虽然再一次将丘比特的爱神之箭射向音乐人身上,但是这一次邓斯特表明,自己的男友离众人关注的闪光灯焦点还是有一定距离,属于偏冷门类型。

  'We have similar schedules: long periods of time off and periods of mad work. When I’ve finished work, I travel to be with him. It’s special.' Quality time: The star is now dating Jason Boesel, who was the drummer for American rock band Rilo Kiley. She told how she travels to be with him between films Miss Dunst is currently filming the movie adaptation of Jack Kerouac's seminal novel, On the Road。
