问鼎 小说全集:双语:美国香烟盒将采用恐怖尸体警示标识(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 12:06:01


http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月23日 14:02   中国日报网-英语点津


  Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of asmoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man'sneck。

  Cigarette packs in the US will have to carry these macabre

  images in nine new warning labels that are part of a campaign bythe Food and Drug Administration to use fear and disgust to discourageAmericans from lighting up。

  The labels, announced on Tuesday, represent the biggest change in cigarette packs in the US in 25 years。

  At a time when the drop in the nation's smoking rate has come to astandstill, the government is hoping the in-your-face labels will gofurther than the current surgeon general warnings toward curbing tobaccouse, which is responsible for about 443,000 deaths a year in the US。

  "These labels are frank, honest and powerful depictions of thehealth risks of smoking," Health and Human Services Secretary KathleenSebelius said in a statement。

  The FDA estimates the labels will cut the number of smokers by213,000 in 2013, with smaller additional reductions through 2031.

  Other countries such as Canada and Uruguay have used graphic, evengrisly, warnings for years, and various studies suggest they spur peopleto quit. But exactly how effective they are is a matter of debate,since the warnings are usually accompanied by other government effortsto stamp out smoking。

  "I think it's a great deterrent for kids," said Kristen Polland,24, of Prattville, Ala. "If you start there, you have won half of thebattle."

  Rhonda Vanover, 43, of Cincinnati, on the other hand, said: "No oneis going to stop me -- unless they make it illegal. Cigarettes get methrough the day. They are part of my life."

  The labels also include images of a smoker wearing an oxygen maskand a mother and baby with smoke swirling nearby. Some images are notgraphic at all; one shows a man wearing an "I Quit" T-shirt。

  The warnings will take up the entire top half — both front and back— of a pack of cigarettes. They must also appear in advertisements andconstitute 20 percent of each ad. Cigarette makers will have to run allnine labels on a rotating basis. They have until the fall of 2012 tocomply。










