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http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月25日 11:34   国际在线


  His company is one of the world's most famous luxury lifestyle brands. But we know surprisingly little about the man behind the Ralph Lauren name. Now Oprah Winfrey has secured the first television interview in 20 years with the elusive fashion boss, to be aired tomorrow as a highlight of her farewell season. The television show host takes a tour of the 71-year-old's estate in Telluride, Colorado, as part of the hour-long programme。

  拉尔夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)作为有着浓浓美国气息的高品味时装品牌多年来深得全球不同阶层人士的喜爱,我们都知道,拉夫·劳伦旗下的两个著名品牌"Lauren Ralph Lauren”(拉夫·劳伦女装)和"Polo Ralph Lauren”(拉尔夫·劳伦马球男装)都创下了不同程度的传奇。而就在拉尔夫·劳伦品牌背后,我们几乎没有机会了解到这个“时尚鼻祖”的真实的一面,这一回,美国脱口秀主持奥普拉即将电视采访拉尔夫·劳伦本人作为本季访谈的告别篇,让我们终于有机会“近距离接触到”71岁的拉尔夫·劳伦本人。

  She is also given the chance to speak with Mr Lauren's wife Ricky, and their grown-up children David, Dylan and Andrew. Ms Winfrey's cameras are given a rare glimpse of how the family live as she is taken on a drive in a vintage 1948 Jeep to see their collection of antique-filled teepees. Highlight: Ms Winfrey's interview with the fashion mogul is part of her hit show's farewell season According to WWD, the interview covers his 44-year career in fashion, milestones and the future。

  The pair also discuss the engagements of his son David, who is to marry Lauren Bush, and candy entrepreneur daughter Dylan, who will wed Paul Arrouet this year. The interview follows the pair's last meeting in 200, when Ms Winfrey interviewed Mr Lauren for her magazine. He revealed to her why he changed his name from Lifshitz to Lauren as a teenager。

  He said: 'My given name has the word shit in it. When I was a kid, the other kids would make a lot of fun of me. It was a tough name. That's why I decided to change it. 'Then people said, "Did you change your name because you don't want to be Jewish?" I said, "Absolutely not. That's not what it's about." '...It had nothing to do with Jewishness, it had nothing to do with not being proud of who I am. It had to do with not wanting to be at a detriment for no reason in a world that makes fun of things.'

  据悉,奥普拉本人实在太过幸运,因为她不仅有机会采访到拉尔夫·劳伦本人,还有机会与拉尔夫·劳伦的妻子Ricky还有他们的孩子David, Dylan and Andrew进行“面对面”对话。在拉尔夫·劳伦三个儿女之中,最有“出息”的当然是他的女儿迪伦·劳伦。据悉,为了实现自己儿时的梦想,这位美国的甜心小姐不甘于做一位千金大小姐,可谓是“子承父业”颇有生意头脑,发挥自己的想象力,迎合大众口味,推出自己的糖果品牌---“迪伦糖果吧”。据悉,拉尔夫·劳伦的父母是早年移民到美国的东欧犹太人,母亲还是极其虔诚的犹太教徒。拉尔夫·劳伦原名“RalphLifschitz”,也是拜家族所赐。不过,这个犹太人的姓氏让当时年幼的劳伦“蒙羞”才决定改名然后去寻找他的美国梦。但是在访谈中,拉尔夫·劳伦坚持称,他的改名与犹太人无关,只是觉得名字在字面上的意思让他难堪才改名而已。