
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 04:01:07
Women are more than twice as likely as men to have regrets about their romantic life, a university report revealed today.今日发布的一份大学研究报告称,女性对感情生活感到遗憾的几率是男性的两倍。When it comes to admitting to regrets - particularly among women - romance is the most common source of nagginganxiety, the latest research finds.最新的研究发现,在谈及遗憾的往事时,对爱情感到遗憾的人最多,尤其是女人,总是受到爱情的困扰。
    And in the field of romantic relationships, everyone seems to have made decisions they had come to regret, according to Neal Roese, professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business in Illinois.西北大学凯洛格商学院营销系的尼尔勒泽教授称,在感情关系方面,每个人似乎都曾作出过让自己后悔的决定。西北大学位于美国的伊利诺伊州。Some 370 adults across the United States - ranging in age from 20 to 80 - were asked in a telephone survey to list their biggest regrets, and the most frequently mentioned issue had to do with romance, said Professor Roese.通过电话访谈,来自美国各地的370位年龄在20岁到80岁之间的成人列出了他们最大的憾事。勒泽教授称,和爱情有关的遗憾被提到的次数最多。About 44 percent of the women interviewed listed romance, while only 19 percent of the men mentioned it, he said.他说,接受采访的女性约有44%对过往的爱情经历表示遗憾,而只有19%的男性这么说。Many of the romantic regrets were about 'the one that got away, a missed opportunity or someone you knew in college with whom it didn’t quite work out,’ Prof Roese said.勒泽教授说,许多关于爱情的遗憾是“心爱的人离开了自己,错失良机,或是在大学认识的某个人,最后没能在一起”。The second-most common regret centered around family issues, such as a desire to have been kinder to a loved one.人们的第二大遗憾主要和家庭有关,例如后悔当初没有更好地对待自己所爱的人。Others regretted not going to college or not divorcing sooner, or choosing money over a life’s passion.其他的遗憾有不曾上大学,或没有更早离婚,或是选择了金钱而不是自己热爱的事业。Prof Roese said many of those who took part in the survey were eager to do so, and some even became tearful as they spoke.勒泽教授说,许多参与调查的人都很投入,有些人在交谈时甚至留下了眼泪。But saying 'I wish I would have’ isn’t all bad.不过,觉得“如果当初那么做就好了”并不全是坏事。'Regret is something that can push people into better success in the future,’ Prof Roese explained.  勒泽教授解释道:“悔恨会激励人们在未来取得更大的成功。”'It’s a motivator. It’s a benefit if you take a lesson and move on quickly. It’s a problem if you keep [re-living] that same regret over and over again.’“懊悔是一种动力。如果你吸取了教训,很快又继续前进,这就是一件好事。如果你总是重蹈覆辙,然后又反复地为之懊悔,那这就是个问题了。”