
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 23:27:13


  Growing up, Paul McAuliffe says he “felt like a Martian.” He was always saying the wrong thing or overreacting, but he didn’t know why. Then several years ago for his job as a case manager, the Panama City resident started reading online about the symptoms of autism.

  成长之后,Paul MaAuliffe说他“之前感觉就像个火星人”。那时候他经常说错话,或者反应过度,但是他也不知道为什么。几年前作为一个个案经理以及巴拿马城的居民,他开始在网上阅读一些关于自闭症症状的文章。2

  “And I said, ‘My god,’” recalls McAuliffe, now 57. “‘That’s me.’”


  The doctor’s official diagnosis was no surprise: Asperger’s syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder that impairs social skills. “I joke that one would’ve like to have had this diagnosis, say, a half-century ago,” McAuliffe says. “That would’ve been helpful.”


  Still, he focused on the present, devouring in equal measure books about “Aspies” and neurotypicals – people not on the autism spectrum.


  “They are the folks we have to interact with in order to live our lives,” says McAuliffe, who works in social services and serves on an advisory board for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at Florida State University.


  For McAuliffe, a lifelong musician, Native American flutes help grease the wheels of his interaction with neurotypicals. He travels the Southeast giving a presentation called Flutes, Autism and a Different Way of Seeing.


  McAuliffe describes what he’s learned about his brain as “empowering.” In hopes of empowering others even earlier, he’s compiled a list of tips for parents of children on the autism spectrum.


  1. Always presume intellect. Researchers are finding that even kids who are nonverbal often have high IQs. Be on the lookout for new-tech ways to communicate with your child.


  2. Routine is important. Those on the autism spectrum need to know they’ve got safe, comfortable and dependable routines at home even when learning new things and experiencing new situations.


  3. Encourage the child to cultivate friendships with other children on the spectrum. There’s an intuitive resonance – a bond – between those with autism, and it’s a relief to spend time together and compare stories. Of course, friendships with neurotypical (NT) kids are crucial, too.


  4. Encourage the child to be neurologically “bilingual.” As kids gets older, reading Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends And Influence People can be a real eye-opener.

  4.鼓励孩子能够“神经双语”。当孩子慢慢长大时,试着给他们读Dale Carnegie的《怎么赢得朋友并影响他人》,这能够让他们大开眼界。

  5. Speaking of eyes, children need to learn to fake eye contact. Encourage them to look at the mouth, the forehead, the bridge of the nose – whatever works.


  6. Spectrumites tend to REALLY get into certain subjects; that’s why they’re the inventors and innovators of the world. Encourage children to get into subjects that will help them in the workaday world as they get older.


  7. Always make sure children have an escape route for any social/crowd situations, which can be excruciating. For example, if you’re going to a family gathering, make sure children have a quiet place to go if they get overwhelmed due to sensory overload. McAuliffe can’t emphasize enough how empowering this is for a spectrumite: to know they have a measure of control over their own lives.


  8. Don’t be a know-it-all. Something else children need to learn that is absolutely crucial in their dealings with the NT world: Just because you’re right and someone else is wrong, it isn’t always good to say so.


  9. Most important of all: Help the child cultivate a sense of humor. Be able to see the humor in social gaffes and in human behavior in general.


  What do you think of McAuliffe’s tips? What would you add?

  你认为McAuliffe的小贴士怎么样? 有没有什么补充的?