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    • Fotolia.com"> Fotolia.com">shellfish image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.com Fotolia.com">贝类形象垫海沃德从Fotolia.com

      Lobster, crab, scallops and other types of shellfish make for tasty meals and appetizers, but an enjoyable dining experience can go awry quickly if it turns out the food has been contaminated.龙虾,螃蟹,扇贝和其他类型的贝类做出可口的饭菜和开胃菜,但一个愉快的用餐经验可以迅速出差错,如果事实证明,已被污染的食品。 Accidentally eating tainted shellfish will result in the uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms of food poisoning.一不留神吃了污染的贝类会导致食物中毒的不舒服,有时是痛苦的的症状。 Look for these signs to help you determine if you have a case of shellfish food poisoning.这些迹象看,以帮助您确定是否有贝类食物中毒的情况下。

    Physical Symptoms躯体症状

    • The symptoms and signs of shellfish food poisoning may differ from one individual to another, but they include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and headache.贝类食物中毒的症状和迹象,可能会有所不同,从一个人到另一个,但他们包括恶心,呕吐,腹泻和头痛。 You may also feel muscle weakness or have a sensation that you are floating.您还可能会感到肌肉无力,或有一个感觉,你是浮动。 Sometimes, the lips, tongue and gums will tingle or begin to go numb, and there may be difficulty in talking or swallowing.有时,唇,舌和牙龈会刺痛或开始麻木,并有可能在说话或吞咽困难。 Some types of shellfish food poisoning lead to rectal burning or slow reflexes.有些类型的贝类食物中毒导致直肠烧灼感或慢反射。


    • As with any type of food poisoning, it is important to replace lost fluids and electrolytes, so keep yourself hydrated, especially by consuming clear liquids.与任何类型的食物中毒,重要的是,以取代失去的体液和电解质,使自己保持水润,尤其是消费的透明液体。 If the symptoms are severe, see a health care provider, who may decide to clear the toxins from your body.如果症状严重,卫生保健提供者,他们可能决定从你的身体清除毒素。 This could involve pumping your stomach.这可能涉及抽你的胃。 The health care provider may also treat the food poisoning with antibiotics or other prescription drugs.卫生保健提供者也可能用抗生素或其他处方药治疗的食物中毒。


    • There are certain steps you can take to avoid a case of shellfish food poisoning.有一些可以采取的步骤,以避免贝类食物中毒的情况下。 For example, do not eat shellfish that has been exposed to red tides.例如,不要吃贝类已暴露红潮。 Red tides are a phenomenon triggered by toxic plankton that reproduce in large numbers, causing water to turn red or reddish-brown.赤潮是有毒的浮游生物所引发的现象,在大量繁殖,使水变成红色或红褐色。 In addition, you should make sure that cooked shellfish has been prepared at the proper temperature.此外,您应确保已准备在适当的温度,煮熟的贝类。 When preparing or serving shellfish (or any other food), wash your hands frequently and use only unsoiled dishes and utensils.在准备或服务贝类(或任何其他的食物),经常洗手,并只使用unsoiled的菜肴和餐具。

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References 参考文献

  • eMedicine: Toxicity, Shellfish 厚生健康园区:毒性,贝类
  • University of Maryland Medical Center: Food Poisoning 美国马里兰大学医疗中心:食物中毒
  • Massachusetts Health and Human Services: Red Tide Fact Sheet 马萨诸塞州卫生和人类服务部:赤潮概况
  • Photo Credit shellfish image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.com ;