陕西高速集团靳宏利:unit4 sectionA 3a-4详案

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新目标九年级英语Unit 4 Section A 3a-4 课堂教学实录  

2010-10-28 21:48:13|  分类: 教学资料 |  标签: |字号大中小 订阅

T: Let’s begin our class. Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Mr. Li. I promise:

   Get busy. Keep busy !

It’s the cheapest kind of medicine there is on this earth and one of the best !

The busier you are, the happier you will be !


T: Class, welcome Zhai Lu to give us an English free talk.

The other students give warm clapping. Zhai Lu comes to the front to give his English speech. After that , he asks three questions and gets several students to answer them.


T: So you see, it’s not easy to be a volunteer, just like Zhai Lu’s English speech. As teenagers, we also have many worries in our lives, at our homes or in study. So do Mr. Li, I have too many worries in my life, could you please give me some advice for my worries? You may use the following sentence. (If I were you, I would … .)

(Write worries on the blackboard.)

I argued with my best friend, what should I do? Could you please give me some advice?

S1: If I were you, I would write to him.

T: That’s a good idea, thank you very much.

I have to wear school uniform every day, but it’s ugly and I don't want to wear it every day. What should I do?

S2: If I were you, I would write a letter to Mr. Shen.

T: Sounds good. Many thanks.

At school, I am not allowed to study in groups, but I think it’s the best way to study, l like it. What should I do?

S3: If I were you, I’d talk to the teachers and my parents.

T: Great, thanks.

I can’t pronounce some English words, what should I do?

S4: If I were you, I would listen to the tapes every day.

Show the pictures on the screen.

T: What are these?

Ss: Pimples.

T: Yeah, pimples, get pimples. I get nervous and get pimples before big parties, what should I do?

S5: If I were you , I’d drink lots of water and see the doctor.

T: Please look here and read the sentences.

Ss: …

(反思:问题的设置时站在学生的角度来考虑的,学生容易产生共鸣,更容易做出反应。但是,如果能够适当地设置一到两个关于自己的worries, 恐更能激起学生的兴趣,从而调动大家回答问题的积极性。)

T: So you see, I have many worries in my life. So do many people. So today, we will study Section B 3a to 4. What would you do if… In 3a, there’re three students, they all have many worries in life, please read their worries and match each problem with the correct advice.

Ss: …

(Three minutes later)

T: OK, now let’s check the answers together. Which one is right for Mouse?

Ss: C.

T: That’s right. What about Spotty?

Ss: A.

T: Good, and then which one is right for Sleepless?

Ss: B.

T: OK, I think you can understand the passages. Now, let’s go on reading them, and try to find out the short phrases that can express their worries and advice. Now let’s go.(然后用汉语解读指令)


Ss: …(read the passages)

Walk around and direct them to read and find out the phrases.

(Three minutes later.)

 Show the chart and the statements on the screen.

T: Have you finished? What are Mouse’s worries?

Ss: Be shy.

T: For Spotty, what are the worries?

Ss: Get nervous.

T: Read the phrases after me, please.

Ss: Get nervous, get nervous,…

T: Next one, for Sleepless. He can’t sleep before… right?

The students say it with the teacher.

T: Next, the advice for their worries. For Mouse, which one?...


T: So you see, what their worries are and what the advice is. Now it’s time for us to talk something about their worries and advice. Just like 3b, to talk about their worries and advice with your partners. Can you understand me? Now, let’s do it. Two or three minutes. Now let’s go.

The students make conversations with their partners. Walk around the class and help them and tell them to use I to talk about it.


(Several minutes later.)

T: OK, please stop, now it’s time for you to show your conversations with your partners, who is volunteer? Please put up your hands.


T: Great, they just talk about their own worries and advice, I said just now you could use the information in the chart to talk about Mouse, Spotty, and Sleepless’s worries and advice. You can use your own words. Can you understand me? Next pair. Listen to them carefully, please.


T: Good, thank you. In 3a, they have so many worries, in our lives, we also have so many worries, right? Now write something about your own worries, just like Part 4, Groupwork. 2 or 3 minutes for you to write down your own worries in the school, at home or in study. For example, at home you want to keep a dog, but your parents don’t want you to do that. In school, you don’t want to wear school uniform every day, because they are too ugly. In study you can’t memorize the English words. So there are so many worries in our life, right? Please write your worries in the blank just for some phrases. (随后用汉语解读) In the chart, if you can’t , you can discuss in your group.


They talk in groups and write down their worries, walk around the class and help them.

T: OK, now stop please. I found many students have finished, so you have so many worries in life, you should get some advice from your friends, your partners, your teachers, your parents, right? You can talk your worries to your partners first, just like this, please look at the blackboard, for example: I can’t keep a dog at home, what should I do? Then your partner may give you some advice. Just like this: If I were you, I would… You can also say you should… Can you understand me? There are two or three minutes for you to get some advice from your partners. Now let’s go.

The students make their conversations and I walk around the class and help them.

T: Attention please, I think you can get some advice from your partners,I would like to get several pairs to show your conversations,who is volunteer? Now the first pair, you two,please. Listen to them carefully.

S1: I can’t do my homework well, what should I do?

S2: If I were you, I would concentrate on the teacher in class and you can do more exercises. My classmates always borrow my pens and books without permission, what should I do?

S1: If I were you, I would ask her for my permission.

S2: Maybe it’s a good idea, I would try it again.

T: Very good, next pair. You two, please.

S3: I have worries about myself, could you give me some advice?

S4: OK.

S3: I can’t get up late(此句有疑点)at home, what should I do?

S4: I think that’s a good habit. You should get it over.

S3: Maybe it’s a good idea. What about your worries?

S4: I always forget a lot of new words, what should I do?

S3:I think you should write the new words on your notebook, and read it at home.

S4: Thank you.

T: Good, very good. Stay up late or get up late? Get up late, right? Yeah!


T: Next pair, you two, please.

S5: I have a lot of worries, for example, at school I have to wear school uniform every day, but it’s very ugly, what should I do?

S6: If I were you, I would write a letter to head teacher to talk about it.

S5: That’s a great idea, thank you.

T: Write a letter to Mr. Shen, good idea. Right? Now, there is only one chance for you to practice your spoken English, last pair, you two, please.

S7: I have a lot of homework at school and get tired, what should I do?

S8: If I were you, I would rest and have a shower, and listen to a lot of music too to relax.

S7: That’s good advice, thank you.

T: Thank you, you are very good. You can speak very well, you can speak very good English, but can you write it down?

Ss: Yeah!

T: Now, please write one of your conversations down on your exercise book, are you clear? Just one is OK. Let’s go. I would like to get one to write it on the blackboard. Who is volunteer, please? Oh, you please, come here. The others, please write it down on your exercise books.

Walk around in the classroom to check their work.

T: Have you finished? If you have finished, please exchange your conversation with your partners and correct them. Are you clear?

The students correct each others’ conversations.

T: OK, please look here, look at the blackboard.

Read the conversation on the blackboard for them, help them to correct it.


T: So in this lesson, we learnt to tell worries (write the phrases and sentences on the blackboard), you can talk you worries by using this sentence: What should I do? If you want to give your friends or your partners some advice, give advice, you may use these sentences: If I were you, I would… . Or use this sentence: You should/could/may… and before we learn these sentences we also learned the following sentences to give advice, such as:

How/What about … ?

Why not/ don’t you … ?

Would you like to do sth?


T: Please look here, there are some exercises for you to do them. You can do it by yourselves first.

The students do the exercises in oral.

Check the answers one by one together.

T: In this lesson, we learned how to tell worries and get advice, so you see, in our life, we all have so many worries, so many problems, so many chances and opportunities, right?

Ss: Yes!

T: But you can ask somebody for help, if you settle your worries, your problems, you may have many chances to develop yourselves, do you think so? So, if you have to face some problems, you should try to deal with them, and then you will see that your future is great, do you think so?

Ss: Yeah!

T: OK, so much for today, class is over!

Ss: Goodbye Mr. Li.

T: Good bye, class!






1.     能够用全英进教学,为学生创造良好的英语学习氛围;

2.     课堂各个环节的设置衔接自然默契,一气呵成,浑然天成,课堂驾驭能力有了相当地提高;

3.     注重三维目标的渗透,通过说写练习的相互结合,让学生尽可能最大限度地达到多种形式的训练,尤其是训练后的及时反馈,效果明显。在课后小结的同时,特别注意情感教育的渗透,能够起到一定的思想引领作用;

4.     课堂上的板书时间安排合理,内容简洁明了,较能体现课堂教学的重点。



1.     课前演讲,有必要在内容上给出限制,并对语音语调语速以及问题的设置和回答做出明确的要求,更重要的是,要有合理的评价机制,以对演讲进行规范;

2.     对于表格的应用不够充分。所以,对于各个环节的设置,要立足于学生的实际,让课堂训练的效果最大化,努力让学生通过多种形式的训练,巩固和强化训练的效果;

3. 课堂语言不够简洁明了,有时显得很繁杂,导致指令不够明确,给学生的听课和理解造成一定的心理负担。需要简化课堂用语,明确指令性语言,如有必要,可以适当地使用汉语进行解读。