集美交警大队人多不多:英国小学生办婚礼 早熟程度令人咋舌(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 07:16:10

英国小学生办婚礼 早熟程度令人咋舌(组图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月28日 19:10   环球时报    英国伍斯特沃顿小学上周四给该校的五岁小女孩考利•吉尔利和六岁小男孩盖森•福克斯举行了一场特殊的婚礼  婚礼现场 

  According to the Daily Mail of November 25, Warndon Primary School in Worcester, UK, has married the five-year-old girl Callie Geary and the six-year-old boy Gethyn Fox on Thursday last week, in a bid to help its pupils write their experiences and boost their vocabulary. A Mercedes car was donated to take the "couple" to the local church, with a vicar, registrar and with parents watching。
