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2009-11-23 19:29 作者:zerozhao 来自:蓝色理想 热度:165 跟帖0【简介】


Bringing the blur back into focus...

  Isn't it annoying when you take a set of photos, and many of them come back blurred? It's one of the most common problems photographers have, but one of the hardest to correct after the photograph has been taken!
  This tutorial will show you how to repair photo blur, and how to avoid it in the future.

  The Basic Principle

  If you've used Photoshop or Photoshop Elements for a while now, you may have noticed two terms that walk hand in hand. 'Blurring' and 'Sharpening'.
  假如你此刻运用的是Photoshop 或者 Photoshop Elements,你会留意到两个项目在一起——“模糊”与“锐化”。
  Basically, sharpening an image is the opposite of blurring it. Photoshop Elements provides many different ways to sharpen an image.
  一般说来,锐化图象是与模糊图象相反的步骤。Photoshop Elements 提供了非常多不同的技法来锐化一幅照片。
  To start with there's the 'Sharpen Tool', found near the bottom of your tool palette. This allows you to sharpen just a certain area of a picture, using an appropriate brush shape and size.
  If you're sharpening the whole image, you can use the filters in the 'Sharpen' category under the 'Filter' menu. These include 'Sharpen', 'Sharpen More', and 'Sharpen Edges'.
  Additionally to all of that, if you like to correct photos in 'Quick Fix' mode, there is a sharpen slider available in that section for you to use.

  A 'Quick' Example

  Shown further down is a portion of a photograph I took which exhibited minor blur. This is a correctable level of blur, and so I opened the photo in Photoshop Elements, and switched into 'Quick Fix' mode, using the button shown below:
  下方展览的是我拍的有稍微模糊的部分相片(此句翻译不正确,不知道如何翻),这在模糊的修复的范围内,因此我在Photoshop Elements中打开相片,之后转换至快速修复模式,运用见下图的按钮:

  I always like to see the before and after picture in quick fix mode, and so I changed my view accordingly.
  To do this, use the drop down box in the bottom left hand corner, and select 'Before and After (Portrait)', as shown below:
  要做到这一些,运用左手边的下拖菜单,选取Before and After (Portrait),见下图:

  The 'Sharpen' slider is the furthest one down on the right hand side by default. By dragging it around two thirds of the way along, I was able to reduce the blurring effect on my photo. Shown below is the photo before and after sharpening:

  As you can see, especially around the text on the sign, the blur has been reduced by sharpening the image.


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