
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 12:39:12


Posted In Chinese Course - By people_zgb On Monday, August 15th, 2011 With 0 Comments
  • Chinese Poetry:夜雨寄北
  • Travel in China
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    China is the homeland of tea. Chinese tea may be classified into five categories according to the different methods by which it is processed. It includes green tea, black tea, Wulong tea, compressed tea and scented tea. Teahouses scattered in cities are most worthwhile to visit. One may come in the early morning and order a pot of tea, chat and enjoy the warm sunshine at the same time, until it closes in twilight.


    lì li: n? x? huān hē chá ma?
    丽丽: 你喜欢喝茶吗? 
    Lili:  Do you like drinking tea? 
    mài kè: w? fēi cháng x? huān.
    麦克: 我非常喜欢。 
    Mike:  I like it very much. 
    lì li: zhōng guó de chá tōng cháng fēn wéi w? zh?ng.
    丽丽: 中国的茶通常分为五种。 
    Lili:  Chinese tea may be classified into five categories.
    mài kè: n? w? zh?ng?
    麦克: 哪五种? 
    Mike:  which five?
    lì li: lǜ chá, hóng chá, wū lóng chá, huā chá,j?n yā chá.
    丽丽: 绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、花茶、紧压茶。 
    Lili:  green tea, black tea, Wulong tea, scented tea, and compressed tea.
    mài kè: w? x? huān dào chá gu?n l? hē chá.
    麦克: 我喜欢到茶馆里喝茶。 
    Mike:  I like drinking tea at teahouses.
    lì li: w? y? shì. zài zhè l? k? y? biān liáo tiān biān xīn sh?ng chá wén huà. 
    丽丽: 我也是。在这里可以边聊天边欣赏茶文化。 
    Lili:  So do I. We can chat while enjoying Chinese tea culture here.
    mài kè: chá q? yuán yú zhōng guó. rén men rì cháng shēng huó zhōng lí bù kāi chá. 
    麦克: 茶起源于中国。人们日常生活中离不开茶。 
    Mike:  Tea originated from China. It is the center of attention in Chinese daily life.
    New Words

    茶 chá: tea

    喝 hē: drink

    种类 zh?ng lèi: category

    绿茶 lǜ chá: green tea

    红茶 hóng chá: black tea

    乌龙茶 wū lóng chá: Wulong tea

    花茶 huā chá: scented tea

    紧压茶 j?n yā chá: compressed tea

    茶馆 chá gu?n: teahouse

    聊天 liáo tiān: chat

    欣赏 xīn sh?ng: enjoy

    文化 wén huà: culture

    起源 q? yuán: originate

    日常生活 rì cháng shēng huó: daily life

    Tags: dialogue, learn Chinese