
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 01:48:33

About the "smithy of the gods"








The landfill is not new, been in service for long and intense fire and all sorts of exercises are held day and night. And not everything that has been shot and run - exploded properly, cleanly. Because all participants were invited to check their mouths did not open his, to look at his feet, accidentally discovered munitions as souvenirs to collect and not to strive for excellence in general: Do not touch anything. In order not to pootryvalo. With that everything went to the place of deployment of MLRS.


Gorokhovets artillery scientific test pilot test site

Gorokhovets artillery scientific test pilot test site - the main artillery range of the Armed Forces.
Organized in the early 1930s as a branch of the Artillery Research pilot test site is located in the village council Mulinskogo Volodarsky District of Nizhny Novgorod region.

In the late XIX - early XX century in the forest near the village of Mulino came to summer camp the soldiers of the Russian army, which took place here a field training. In 1928, visited the People's Commissar of Defense Kliment Voroshilov.
He chose the land unsuitable for agriculture, under the ground of the Red Army.

A fragment of satellite image site. Note the small round dark spots - the crater left by the explosions

In connection with the formation of the so-called landfill Mulinskogo further history on Moulineaux inextricably linked with the artillery. At first, here come the summer teaching only one artillery regiment, but in 1943 due to the blockade of Leningrad in the neighborhood of the village was relocated Moulineaux most of the human and material resources Artillery research pilot test site. During World War tens Gorokhovets camps formed units and formations, sent to the front, and in artillery range Gorokhovets then had many domestic trophy guns and equipment.
In January 1943, from Barnaul in Gorokhovets camp was relocated and the military hospital, he was originally a village Zolin, in June 1965 moved to the village Mulino.

After the war, the territory of the camp was relocated Gorokhovets 12th Artillery Division of the Supreme Command Reserve breakthrough, in May 1975 on the basis of its established training Artillery Division.

In connection with the unification of Germany (1990) and the decision on the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the territory of the former GDR in 1993-1994.
the territory of the artillery range derived Gorokhovets 34th Guards Artillery and the 47th Guards Tank Division.

In 1992, on the southeastern outskirts of the village Mulino forest was cut down in a large area: from 1993 on the site began construction of a residential village for troops and their families.
In April 1994, was handed the first house, and in January 1995 - a new town with all the infrastructure.

Consider more

At the battle positions are launch complexes "Hurricane." This is not a new weapon in the armament of the Soviet army still "Hurricanes" were adopted in 1975 and are still in service, undergoing modernization. Rocket launcher is able to deliver a powerful blow on a variety of purposes.
Fire 'Hurricanes' lead volleys, producing a very short time, all 16 rockets.

Attack Machine rocket artillery 9P140 "Hurricane" on the launch position.
Host range Mulino, Nizhni Novgorod Region.
August 2011
Full size: 5000x1000

MLRS "Hurricane"

Multiple launch rocket system "Hurricane" (9K57), based on the modified chassis of a lorry ZIL-135LM is designed to engage any group targets, vulnerable elements of which are open and sheltered living force, soft-skinned, light-armored infantry and armored vehicles and tank companies, artillery units , tactical missiles, air defense systems and helicopters parked, command posts, communications centers and military-industrial structure.
Firing range, km:
- Maximum 35
- Minimum 10
The number of guides combat vehicle (BM), 16 pcs
Caliber projectile, 220 mm
Projectile weight, kg 270 .. 280
Time volley from 20
The number of rounds carried by freight-loading vehicle (TLV), 16 pcs
The calculation of BM, 4 people
Calculation of the TLV, three people
Loading time combat vehicles, 20 min
Transfer time from traveling to the provisions of the BM in combat no more, min 3
Term time leaving the firing position after a volley of not more than 1.5 min
Temperature range of military applications, ° C
- Rockets (RS) -50 .. +50
- BM, TLV -40 .. 50
Temperature range short-term (up to 6 hr.) Host PC, ° C -60 .. +60
Ground wind m / s to 20
Relative humidity at 20 .. 25 ° C, up to 98%
Dust content of surface air, g/m3 2
Height above sea level to 3,000 m

"Hrricane" may be persuasive in the work of any target area - the accumulation of military equipment or personnel of the enemy, can smash into smithereens command centers, or simply "clean up" the given square, destroying communications, destroy the bridge, airport, a group of buildings or mix it with soil fortified . For example, in the offensive zone infantry battalion.



Artillery periscope aiming circle PAB-2AM. It helps to: identify the key areas to measure horizontal angles between the main directions and objectives, determine the magnetic azimuth to target, measure the deflection and height discontinuities, to monitor the goals, determine the true azimuth directions to any point in the area, make a mark on the Sun, Moon and stars produce haulage on the main gun battery, proveshivat main lines of fire, to give the direction of the main gun on a given compass or true azimuth, measure angles shelter, break the front battery.

Directly in front of a volley, or in advance crew pushes his car into position, if needed - masks the network or improvised means. The commander of the calculation to acquire the necessary information about the shooting: the type of goals, direction, distance, weather conditions. The gunner is making all the necessary corrections, after which the crew takes cover in a trench and waits for the command to fire. At a signal from the commander of a special key inserted into a special machine is a few times and turns the crank on start-up in a hurry elektroprikaz by wire to the rockets. Volley! Projectile, such as high-explosive action, accelerates a jet engine, is gaining speed and altitude targets, after which the engine stops working and rushing to the target missile is a ballistic trajectory.

During a typical volley is heard, a very loud howl with overtones rattle emanating from the rocket fire illuminates the area around the bright flash, vzmetaya clouds of dust. All this, of course, looks beautiful and impressive in peacetime on the training ground (that would be on a volley at night to enjoy!), And in war leads to the need for immediate change positions. The enemy, of course, will try by all available technical means detect the square, from which came a volley of missiles and spare no effort to destroy the missile battery. The commander of the crew of "Hurricane" is clearly explained, immediately after the shooting for a major artillery, missile problem - as quickly as possible to leave the launch area.
Delay will cost lives.










In a real fight, "Hurricanes' move to the starting position with all 16 guides already charged rockets. In our case the "package" was only one missile in the calculation. It so happened that one of the crew was unable, for whatever reasons, to carry out start-up. To support the position immediately tightened machine equipped with a crane for loading and loading shells. And quickly reloaded neotstrelyavshiysya "Hurricane" a working rocket.
Doctrines and teachings of the fact there anything can happen.




Recharging the combat vehicle rocket launchers 9P140 "Hurricane" on the launch position.
Host range Mulino, Nizhni Novgorod Region.
August 2011
Full size: 3466x1000

While some artillery firing noisy and deftly reloading his "Hurricane", starting positions were dug around the outpost soldiers with personal firearms. The measure is not very effective, but necessary: ??any subversive group of the enemy would be honored to knock out the missile battery. The task of Health - one not to let the powerful, scary, but vulnerable "to hurricanes."
That you any tank from WoT confirms: "Artoo" to be protected in every way, without it is rarely possible to defeat the enemy.

Alternative rocket artillery - artillery receiver. Historically, the Barrel of firing rockets appeared much earlier, but the effectiveness of the two - a moot point.
It is believed that the howitzer, for example, can shoot more accurately than the missile launcher, but the effect of firing howitzer will, on average, modest.

Fighting positions 2S19 self-propelled howitzers "MSTA-S".
Host range Mulino, Nizhni Novgorod Region.
August 2011
Full size: 7600x1000

About the effect can not say anything - he did not see. But superficially howitzer artillery system "MSTA" very pretty. Effective. Self-propelled howitzer that can send a 152-mm projectile at a distance of 6-30 km. And send quite accurately.
Howitzer it can work on a single small targets: a tank in a trench, covered 10 kilometers from the artillery position - "Msta" fully "kick in the teeth."

"MSTA-S", 152-mm 2S19 self-propelled artillery

Self-propelled artillery unit (SAU) 152-mm caliber 2S19 "MSTA-S" was created by the tactical-technical requirements (TTZ) Main Missile and Artillery Directorate (Grau), Ministry of Defence. Developed in the early 80's. 152-mm 2S19 self-propelled guns "MSTA-S" in 1989 was put into service.
The index "C", as opposed to a towed gun 2A65 "MSTA-B", entered service in 1986 with the same swinging part, meant a self-propelled.

"MSTA-S", 152-mm highly mobile armored self-propelled artillery 2S19 is designed to engage openly lying and hard targets (manpower, armored and unarmored combat vehicles, field fortifications, air defense and missile defense command and control facilities of the enemy and its rear) . SAU "MSTA-S" (2S19) is made by the classical scheme and is an armored turret with the gun 2A64, which is mounted on a specially designed self-propelled tracked chassis with engine room aft, unified by the basic sites with the T-80 (chassis) and T-72 (engine-transmission unit).
The center is located SAU fighting compartment.

ACS armored corps, structurally and visually similar to the hull of the T-72. Distinguished by a weaker armor that protects the crew, weapons, ammunition and equipment armor-piercing bullets and shrapnel, the frontal part is made of homogeneous armor steel. The upper part (turret sheet) is calculated under the body shoulder strap with a diameter 2444 mm. The housing has an engine, transmission, suspension and drive control.
In the forward part of the equipment for self-entrenching equipment ensures quick shelter for the ACS and provide additional protection against armor-piercing bullets and shell fragments.

SAU Tower welded from rolled armor plates. It placed a weapon (howitzer) with guidance systems and targeting, automated filing and storage of ammunition (the conveyor feeding shells from the ground, mechanized laying 6ETS19). In addition to stand-alone tower mounted turbine unit capacity of up to 16 kW (ACS provides a constant current and maintains life sustainer engine), filter equipment, communications equipment and containment system howitzer breech (to prevent gas contamination of the crew compartment).
The mass of the tower without ammunition is 13500 kg.

Ammunition includes 50 rounds of 152 mm caliber (usually 20 FFS and 30 APC) and 300 rounds of ammunition for machine guns.
Weight 2470 kg of ammunition.

Armament SAU "MSTA-S" includes a 152-mm howitzer 2A64, installed in the tower, and a 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun, 12, 7, placed on the commander's cupola in the anti-aircraft machine gun (LSD) with remote control and an eye ROM
Rifled howitzer 2A64 with separate-case loading can be to fire high-explosive fragmentation (HEF), the active-reactive (ADR), and special cluster bombs.
Can be used by regular ammunition for guns D-20, 2C3, smoke bombs, target designators and laser guided munitions with backlit 3OF39 "Krasnopol" (shot 3VOF64).

Firing range missiles OFS ZOF45 (ZVOF58 shots, ZVOF72, ZVOF73) reaches 24 700 m, shells ARS ZOF61 (shot 3VOF91) - 28900 m, cluster bombs such as 3023 (42 submunition) - 26000 m, shells-active radar jamming directors such ZNSZO - 22300

Ammunition is placed in the tower on the shelves, and includes 50 rounds of 152 mm caliber (usually 20 FFS and 30 APC) and 300 12.7 mm rounds for machine guns.
Projectile weight - up to 42 kg of ammunition - up to 2470 kg.

Semi-automatic reloading allows firing at all angles and pointing in the direction of the elevation of guns with a rate of 8.7 shots per minute when using the internal boeukladki rounds and 6-7 rounds per minute when submitting them to the ground.
Battery of eight self-propelled guns will fire in a minute up to 3 tons of shells, and firing at maximum range before the fall of the first shell in the air can be up to 70 rounds.

Finding and managing the ammunition loader control system by loading mechanism with a simultaneous counting and fixing the number of shots of the appropriate type. Projectiles and charges are delivered to the gun by two independent conveyors with charging. Additional ammunition feed conveyor to allow the soil to fire without the expense of domestic ammunition. In the stowed position one is placed on the tower, is cleaned inside the other.
Spent shells are automatically ejected through the hatch under the gun barrel to reduce the gas content of the fighting compartment.

More information about ACS 'MSTA-S "

On the day of shooting on the young warriors came-gunners. For example, a gunner on one of the "SPG" is only three months and this practice fire live ammunition for it first. Battery "MCT" (which turned out a graceful turn) to start the shot in one gulp, and then each of the instruments issued by another projectile.
A hundred meters from the howitzer sound very tolerant, almost no dust, but the car abruptly swings back to the time of the shot.

If you are able to pay attention to the picture, we can observe: the trunk, "self-propelled gun" is a special secret wooden frame disguised as pine wood. In fact, this latest nanotehnologichskoe device, not giving the trunk to fall down. This is a time of war. And in peacetime nanodrovyanaya system does not allow the young gunner from excessive emotions, or foolish by design palnut 152-mm HE projectile in the wrong square. Range from "Msta" solid, you can make some trouble and fright. To prevent the undesirable situation in front of each "self-propelled" and set a trudnovzlamyvaemaya "foolproof." In wartime, the unit does not apply, and if still necessary, and then can be replaced by the usual pine sticks.
Without nanotechnology.

Genuine interest raised questions about the ammunition: Is it true that the firings are trying to use shells with approaching shelf life, and how many failures happen? It turned out that the exercises are used exclusively suitable ammunition, with unsuitable contact none.
Say it is not a package with yogurt, if we blow up a contingency - will not find it.

"Refuseniks", as it turned out, are not often but regularly. Observers at their posts keep an eye out, will break after the shot. Shell for various reasons can not work - that's ready to "conscientious objector". I have seen many such in the Novgorod region, and our and German. Extremely dangerous stuff, usually they just do not touch. And at the range after shooting a specially trained soldiers inspected the area adjacent to the roads for signs of stray unexploded ordnance.
Very correct approach, I think.

P.S. When Vladimir vidimorolik hung from firing on YouTube, one of the spectators left the roller under the question: "You can ask, say if your video about the fact that in Russia today with the Army's all right, with respect to, or is it just an amateur review, not related to
specifically such a topic?

And got him a full response: "Specifically, these authors wanted to roll to say that on August 11 at the landfill were Gorokhovets teaching, in particular, was shot" Hurricanes "and" MSTA ". It looked like this as a movie. Serve there and managed with this technique, such as those guys, which can be seen in the video.
Here's some of it wanted to tell the authors. "

On my own I would like to add - keeping discussions about completely ruined the domestic sphere in the army of my interest is not included. I would see, hear, ask, record and show how it is in life.
And how should it be "really" - Internet experts have repeatedly depict, not forgetting the noise of tear sheets and carry us to the truth.