
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 00:36:56



小时候,妈妈一手牵着我,一手指着中国地图:“孩子,你知道吗 ?这就是祖国妈妈”。长大了,老师指着地球仪,教我认黄河、西藏、长城、北京……才使我知道了黄河就是您的摇篮,青藏高原就是您的脊梁,长城是您的动脉,北京是您的心脏。






Dear teachers and classmates:

My speech today is entitled "My Homeland and I".

When I was small, Mom used to take my hand and point to a map of China: "My child, do you know? This is our homeland." Grown up, our teacher pointed to the globe, and taught me to identify the Yellow River, Tibet, the Great Wall, Beijing... I finally learned that the Yellow River is your cradle, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is your backbone, the Great Wall is your artery, and Beijing is your heart.

We are all children of Mother; we are all descendants of the ancestors of the Chinese Nation. In this world, the one I attach myself the most is my mother, and the one I love most is my nation.

The first syllable I uttered when I struggled to talk was "Mama", the first world I learned was "China", the first song I sang was "I Love Beijing Tiananmen"... From then on, that young heart of mine have been directed towards my homeland. Throughout my lifetime, I have been lucky; I have enjoyed happiness and success. Mom told me: "Your present happiness all came from China. Our homeland is the mother who nurtured everyone." The teachers taught me: "Only when our homeland becomes rich and powerful can she protect all her children and all the families. Our history has told us: Without our homeland, there would have been no home. If our nation is not strong enough but have fallen behine, we would all be bullied by other nations! Our homeland is the mother to all of us, the mother we can all love and attach ourselves to!"

Thus, on the track of my thoughts, in the vastness of my mind, a conviction has always been deeply engraved: Our homeland is our mother; our nation is more important than my family. When I grow up, I would make her a better place with my own pair of hands.

The beautiful, touching, and kind looks can never be fully descirbed by words or visited by sights -- Just think! 9.6 million square kilometers of land, 9.6 million! How great would it possibly be? 5000 years of glorious history, 5000 years! How long would it possible be? ... And don't forget the four great inventions that impressed the world, the world-renowned Chinese culture, the enriched treasures that cover the mountains and field, the beautiful scenery of the eight famous mountains. I imagine: your long hair that floats in the air must be the hundreds and thousands of rivers that flows in peace; your healthy and spirited backbone must be the mountains that rise and fall; your bright eyes must be the water of the Dongting Lake, the waves of the West lake. Oh, my homeland! My Mother! It's as if you're just standing before me. Nothing on Earth can ever be compared with you in greatness.

Looking back at the history, you have once been glorious and proud, you've also been dejected and angry. In the endless time of the universe, you've not only given birth to the evergreen water of the rivers, but also produced hundreds and thousands of children that belong to you. They strive for liberty, love peace, have pursuit for truth, pay attention to etiquette. They are subtle and sincere, diligent and optimistic. 56 years have passed -- it feels just like a blink of eye -- the Chinese people strived to succeed, searched for truth, and today, we again usher in your birthday. Look at our homeland nowadays, economy develops in rapidity, science and technology have witnessed great achievements, education is in revolution, sports progress by leaps and bounds. Joining the WTO, succeeding in hosting the Olympic Games, showed the overall strength of our nation. At this moment, I do not know how to express my excitement and emotion. I promise to study harder, put all heartfull of patriotism into my attempts to strengthen my country, and dedicate them to my homeland, my Mother.

Let us solemnly declare: China, I LOVE YOU!
