
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 14:49:03

1. 淄博市Tom told me his parents had arrived______Beijing.

   A. at                       B. on                     C. in                            D. to

2. 重庆市I got an e-mail this morning. It was ____ my foreign friend, Tony.

   A. in     B. on      C. at          D. from

3. 重庆市---What a nice T-shirt! Can I have it, Mom?

   --- Well, It really look nice, ______ I think it’s too expensive.

   A. but           B. as        C. for        D. or

义乌市Dont forget to wash your hands _______you have meals

A until           B.before          C when             .D while

5. 孝感市Look, Tina is waiting _________ the bus stop.

   A. for            B. at          C. in          D. to

6. 孝感市_______ Switzerland is very small, ________ it is the land of watch and it is very rich.

   A. Though; but          B. Because; so          C. Because; /    D. Though; /

7. 通化市Mr. Black is strongly _____ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom.

A. up B. for             C. against              D down

8. 通化市--- What is our head teacher like, do you know?

   --- Oh, he is very kind _____ he looks very serious.

       A. because      B. though       C. if        D. when

9. 泰安市— Xiao Shen-yang is so popular        us.

— Yeah, he is one of my favorite pop stars.

    A. for                        B. to                   C. with                D. on

10. 泰安市— Can you help me with my business?

— I’d like to,       I have a meeting to attend.

   A. because              B. as                     C. but                   D. and

11. 绍兴市– Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow?

   - Sure, ________ I am busy.

A. since              B. unless             C. when             D. until

12. 山西省– Have you heard of Liu Qian from Taiwan?.

        – Sure! His magic performance is __________ amazing for people ___________forget.

A. so; that             B. such ; that              C. too ; to

13. 黔东南州Taiwan is a beautiful island and it’s _________ the east of Fujian.

    A. in                                          B. on                                          C. to

14. 齐齐哈尔市 He has been here _______ he left his hometown.

A. since                B. in                           C. for

15. 宁夏回族自治区--- When will the party be held?

        --- ______ two weeks’ time, _____ 15th July.

A. In; on      B. In; in         C. On; on      D. At; on

16. 宁波市 --When was the first man with A(H1N1) flu in mainland China known for sure?

     --       May 11, 2009.

     A. In                  B. On                  C. For             D. Since

17. 宁波市 --May I surf the Internet now?

     --No,            you have finished doing the dishes.

     A. unless              B. if                   C. because           D. when

18. 绵阳市The school days are busy enough, yet the Taylors try hard to fit as much as possible _____ their kids’ lives. 

A. in        B. into       C. on        D. at

19. 绵阳市She can speak little English _______she dare to talk with foreigners.

    A. so          B. or        C. as         D. but   

20. 绵阳市My uncle has been taught in this school _______ he was twenty years old.

    A. since       B. for     C. until     D. after

21. 泸州市When the accident happened, he cried for help _______nobody came.

A. so                                   B. or                                   C. but    

22. 泸州市What were you doing_______ Zhang Fan came in?

A. when                              B. while                               C. where

23. 泸州市Kids like to study _______ home on computers.

A. with                                B. on                                   C. at

24. 娄底市—It’s very important______  us to make a plan before a new term.

—Yes. You must try to make it carefully.

A. of                                          B. for                                         C. to

25. 龙岩市—Where is Taiwan, do you know?

—Why? It’s ______the southeast of China.

       A. in                            B. on                                 C. to

26. 龙岩市Maria didn’t catch the last bus, ______she had to walk home.

       A. because                       B. so                                  C. but

27. 兰州市________ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these  Chinese students very well.

A.Neither, nor       B. Not only, but also     C.Both, and        D.Either, or

28. 兰州市You’d better look up the new word in a dictionary _____ you don’t know it ?

A.if                B.that                 C.though               D.whether

29. 晋江市–Do yo like running ?

   --Yes. It helps to build _______ my leg muscles.

   A. for                                              B. of                                          C.up

30.锦州市It is impolite to _____ those persons in trouble

  A1augh to     B. 1augh with    C. laugh of   D. 1augh at

  —Yes, but I’ll give it to my friend, Lucy as _______ birthday present.

31. 黄冈市—Where was your brother at this time last night?

—He was writing an e-mail _______ I was watching TV at home.

A. as soon as                B. after                  C. until                  D. while

32. 黄冈市—We’ll have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?

—Let’s make it ______ half past eight ______ the morning of June 21.

A. at; in                        B. /; on                  C. /; in                  D. about; by

33. 河南省Can you tell me __________ you are going to do next week?

   A. if             B. what           C. how         D. where 

34. 河南省---- All the students in Class One went to the cinema ________ Li Ping. Why?

     ---- Because he had a stomachache.

   A. besides        B. without          C. except        D. beside

35. 杭州市No hurry. The arrive _______ twenty minutes.

A. at       B. after    C. in       D. by

36.哈尔滨市Relax!______ you finish this English examyou’11 be free and feel on top of the

    worldYou can make it if you put your heart into it!

    AAs well as    BAs soon as    CAs good as

37.哈尔滨市You Can find a way to reach your goals when you are proud____    yourself and stand tall like a sunflower

    Aon    Bfrom    Cof

38. 广州市—Guess, how much does it cost?

—I think it costs_______ 15 and 20 dollars.

A. from           B. between     C. among      D. with

39. 广州市The little boy ate a big meal______ he said he wasn't hungry.

A. if         B. though       C. because    D. as

40. 广州市—What do you like doing after class?

—I like not only reading______ painting.

A. and           B. but also      C. or           D. for

41. 广州市—When did your uncle arrive______ China?

—He got to Guangzhou_____ the morning of the 16th of April.

A. at; in         B. in; in         C. to; on      D. in; on

42. 广州市The food____  my country is quite different ______   that here.

A. in; like       B. to; from     C. from; to   D. in; from

43.高州市He says his father will be back______  half an hour.

    A. for                   B. at                    C. in

44. 阜康市—You will fail the exam______ you don’t work hard.

    —OK, I’ll try my best.

A. and                   B. though                 C. but                          D. if

45. 阜康市— A new baby came to the earth ______ a sunny winter morning.

— How nice.

A. in              B. on                   C. of                    D. at

46. 福州市--I hear ________ your grandpa ________ your grandma like watching Min Opera.

   ---Right, just as many old people do in Fuzhou.

      A. both; and        B. either; or        C. neither; nor      D. not only; but also

47. 东营市Here are some flowers ________ you ________ our best wishes.

A. to; for             B. for; with          C. of; to         D. from; to

48. 东营市Remember to return the book to the school library in time, __ you will be fined(罚款).

A. or            B. and         C. but         D. then

49. 德州市Lin Lin often practices English _______ chatting with her American friend.

A. in                    B. by           C. for                  D. with 

50. __________ Henry’s mother __________ his father speaks English. They both speak Chinese.

   A. Either; or            B. Neither; nor       C. Both; and  D. Not only; but also

51. They haven’t finished their work. Maybe they have some trouble __________ it.

   A. on                             B. at                      C. in                            D. with

52. Alice is _____________ young that she can’t dress herself.

   A. such                          B. very                         C. so                            D. quite

53. ___________ the car’s old, it still runs well.

   A. Because                     B. So                           C. Although                  D. But 

54. 达州市— Can I help you?

—I’d like a cup of coffee _____ milk _____  it, please.

A. at; in           B. with; in        C. with; on            D. at; on

55. 达州市____  you ______   he is able to skate, but I am.

A. Both; and       B. Not only; but also     C. Either; or      D. Neither; nor        

56. 常州市—Your French is so good. How long have you been in France?   

—____________I was five.    

A. Until                  B. Since                 C. When                  D. Before

57. 北京市Einstein, the famous scientist, was born _______ March, 1892.

       A. at                   B. on                         C. in                          D. to

58. 北京市Money is important _____ it’s not the most important thing.

       A. and                 B. but                               C. or                          D. so