餐厅蒸车多少钱一台:OMG 美语(视频+自己的笔记)....不断更新中....

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 19:20:53
fishy 可疑,靠不住
You story sounds a little fishy, Tell me the truth.
cheesy 俗气,庸俗,没水平,很愚蠢
I was at the coffer shop and some guy says:
Are you a magnet? Because I'm attacted to you!
I was thinking ...OMG! That's the CHEESIEST.这是最愚蠢的搭讪了。
pick up line ever! 从来没有遇到到
I love watching Gossip Girl!
but Melissa won't watch it with me,
becuase she thinks it's too cheesy!
in a nutshell 长话短说
I like watching cheesy TV shows!
That's my cup of tea!
That's NOT my cup of tea!
It's my cup of tea! 意思是指很合我的胃口
It's NOT my cup of tea! 指不是我的爱好
Dancing is my cup of tea!
Sleeping in is my cup of tea! 睡懒觉
Washing the dishes is NOT my cup of tea!
use your noodle 动一动脑子
You Guys! Chinese is too hard...
I can't study anymore! 我学不下去了
Don't give up! Use your noodle!'
What a jerk!
This sucks.
That sucks. 这个很烂,那个很差。
This party sucks, Lets bounce.这个派对很无聊,我们走吧。
That movie is crappy.
Computer is crappy.
That's a crappy movie.
Your shoes, if they fall apart....crappy shoes.
These shoes are so crappy. I've only been wearing them for two weeks.
And you can see.....they are aleady falling apart.crappy shoes.
I'm exhuasted, I just worked an 18 hour day.
SO not cool.
What! She was flirting with your boyfriend! so not cool.
bad form 粗鲁的,不良的表现
It's bad form to talk about yourself too much in front of others.
what a jerk! he's jerk, don't listen to him. 他是个笨蛋,不要听他的
Cut Class
teacher's pet
have your nose in a book. 很认真的看书
I am so nervous for my algebra finial.代数
I decided to cut class go to the libray and hit the book.
hit the books 很认真的学习
Favorite Movie!
What's your favorite kind of movie?
adventure movie
The movie take place in Beijing. 发生在...地方
The movie is set in pre-war London. 以...为背景
'Salt' starring Angelina Joie.
Starring 由..主演
What's that movie about?
The movie topped the box office last weedend.票房
Watch a movie!
Movie Buff 电影迷
I saw every movie that came out last year.
I am a big buff.
chick flick. 言情片
My friend John won't watch chick flck with me,
He says they're too girly.
horror movie
Never take me to a horror film ever again.
I was scared out of my wits. 我简直连魂都吓掉了.
si-fi movie 科幻片
That movie sucked. 那电影不好看.
based on a true story
Text me!
BRB=be right back
JK=just kidding
LOL=laugh out load
NVM=never mind
BBL=be back later
BFF=best friend forever
BTW=by the way
G2G=got to go
TTYL=talk to you later
XXOO 亲亲抱抱
Free Stuff
I got the cell phone for free with a 2-year contract
Buy one get one free
All jeans are buy one get one free today.
There was a sale at the store, so many people swarmed in when it opened.
It was a massive free-for-all.
On the house 完全由老板买单
Today's your birthday, Desert is on the house.
I don't think he's giving us money without outerior motive.别有用心
No such thing as a free lunch. 世界上没有免费的午餐
Freeload 白吃白喝占便宜
In america, even if you life with your relatives,
you can not be a freeloader.
Sing in the shower!
take a shower
shower gel 沐浴露
vanilla scented shower gel 香草香味的沐浴露
shampoo and conditioner 洗发精和护发素
When I wash my hair, First I shampoo, and then condition it.
Loofa 洗澡的海绵
lather 泡
A loofa helps the shower gel lather up.
face cream
body lotion
haire dryer
running late 快迟到了
I decided to cab to work Since I was running late 我决定打车去上班
play it by ear 随机应变
We'll just play it by ear.
yuppie 处于中上阶层的年轻专业人士
My neighborhood has recently become a yuppie gathering place..
Less is more!
Don't wear too much makeup, less is more!
stuffed. 吃饱了
I've never eaten so much in m life, I'm so stuffed!
Trendy! 流行的,时尚的
I don't care what's trendy I just wanna be comfy.
head over heals!神魂颠倒!
head over heals
He is head over heals for her
Wear your heart on your sleeve 感情外露
It's better to not wear your heart on your sleeve.
have a good head for something 对某事有头脑
He always suspected he had a good head for math.
IF the teacher can't even answer this simple question,
He will lost face with his class.
By the skin of one's teeth, 勉强
I made the 5 o'clock train by the skin of my teeth.
A pain in the neck 讨厌的人或事
These mosquitoes are a pain in the neck.这些蚊子讨厌死了
Put your heart into something 用心去做某事
Nothing is difficult, if you put your heart into something.世上无难事,只怕有心人
I feel sick.
sick as a dog 病得很历害
Andrew is sick as a dog.
I'm going to make him some soup.
call in sick 打电话请病假
I don't feel good,
I'm going to call in sick and take the day off
Bob is sick in bed with the flu. 卧病在床
worried sick 担心的要命
Thank heavens, you're alright, I was worried sick!
Blind date!',13)">
Blind Date 相亲
My friend set me up on a blind date this weekend.
double date
not my type 不是我喜欢的类型
He's really a nice guy, but he's not my type.
hung up on someone 对某人朝思暮想
I can't help it, I'm still hung up on my ex.
Totes stoked
so stoked 很兴奋
I'm so stoked for our big girls's night out!
awesome 棒极了
You got front row seats to the concert.
This is gunna be awesome!
I can't wait to get off work!
I leave for vacation tonight!
so psyched.
We get to meet Lady Gaga tonight!?
I'm so psyched!
Stinky Smells
stinky 臭味
What's that stinky smel!? That is nasty.
fart 放屁
Bob, Did you fart? Bob cut the cheese! Stinky!
Bob, 你放屁了, 臭
B.O.=body odor 体臭
I gotta shower before we go out tonight.
I have some serious B.O.! 身上很难闻
bad breath 口臭
Bad breath is a big turn off. 有口臭真让人扫兴。
stinky feet 脚臭
OMG!  The whole floor smells like stinky feet!
All of gunk that comes out of your face.
sleepies, eye gunk 眼屎
I always have sleepies in the corner of my eye when I wake up in the morining.
eyewax 耳屎
I use Q-tips to get the ear wax out of my ears.
Hey, get the wax out of your ears. 听我的话。
Booger 鼻屎
you have an uh.. a booger. right here. ok. you got it.
You are being such a booger!
snot 鼻涕
I'm so sick. My nose is so runny, so much snot!
she refuses to wash the dishes, She is such a little shot.
drool, slobber 口水
This big dog slobbered all over me,
His slobber is all over my hands.
Dude, Stop drooling over her. You are never gunna get a date with Britney Spears.
zit, pimple, blemish 痘痘
Girl, That zit you have on your chin, that thing is huge.
You gotta pop that thing!