
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 17:03:14

    大部分心脏患者都伴随有胸部疼痛,肩部疼痛或者其他部位的疼痛迹象。著名心脏病专家昌西 •克兰多尔博士说,但是还有一些非常微小的症候,很多人都忽视了,或者将它们归咎于不太危险的小病。




    心血管病专家昌西• 克兰多尔博士制作了一个免费的视频,帮助大家发现性脏病发作和心脏疾病即将出现的预警信号,以便及时干预和治疗。

    昌西 •克兰多尔博士是设立在美国佛罗里达州棕榈滩著名的心血管门诊部心脏移植中心的主任。他在介入治疗、血管病治疗和心脏移植外科第一线行医。他说:“大多数人,特别是已经进入中年的人,心脏病发作或患上了心脏疾病之后,基本上都是‘活靶子’。这是十分不幸的,他们认为没有必要去管它。对于潜在症状和心脏病预警如果有一定的知识,采取一些简单的措施,心脏病就可以避免或逆转,甚至治愈。”


Four Hidden Heart Attack Symptoms, Know the Signs

Friday, 26 Aug 2011 02:20 PM

By S. A. Nickerson

Most people associate heart attack symptoms with chest pain, pain in the shoulder, or other well-known signs. However, according to renowned cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall, there are some signs that are so minor, many people ignore them or chalk them up to symptoms of a less threatening ailment. 

Each year, about 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 more people who’ve already had at least one attack suffer yet another one. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, it kills more men and women each year than all cancers combined, and is responsible for nearly a third of all deaths.

Because of these factors, heart health is crucial for Americans. This is particularly true for those over 35, many of whom already have the early stages of cardiovascular disease without even realizing it.
And as stated before, when it comes to symptoms, most people think of chest pain, or perhaps pain in the left shoulder or arm. But there are other, less obvious signs that you could be experiencing a heart attack. Click here to see these hidden heart attack symptoms.

 Unfortunately, 25 percent of all heart attacks happen “silently,” without clear or obvious signs. Common symptoms may be so mild or vague as to seem unrelated to the heart. Cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall has created a free video presentation to help the public discover little-known warning signs of impending heart attack and heart disease before it’s too late to intervene and repair the damage. Click here to see these heart attack symptoms and know the warning signs.

Dr. Crandall, chief of the cardiac transplant program at the world-renowned Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, practices on the front lines of interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology.

“Most adults, especially those entering middle age, are basically sitting ducks when it comes to heart disease and attacks,” Dr. Crandall warns. “That’s unfortunate, because heart disease is totally unnecessary. With the proper knowledge of warning signs and potential symptoms, and a few simple steps, it can be prevented, reversed, even cured.”
     In his free heart health video, Dr. Crandall discusses a number of simple strategies and tips to help prevent, reverse, and even cure heart disease. These are the very same strategies he uses with his own patients, who invest a great deal of time and money traveling to see him from all over the United States and several foreign countries.

And in this special heart health video presentation, Dr. Crandall also shares the real-life story of a “widow-maker” heart attack, a story personal to his own life. 
“The information on this heart video could save your life,” said Newsmax Health Publisher Travis Davis. “At the very least, it could help you recognize the signs and know the symptoms to prevent severe, expensive, and debilitating heart disease problems down the road.”