
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 04:29:25


Post written by Sherri 

作者 雪莉

My friend D and I have been friends for 33 years. To be honest we’re more like sisters and even my sisters think so. We met when we were toddlers and have been through a lot together since then.


We don’t see each other everyday, in fact we can go for months without catching up. The funny thing is that when either of us do pick up the phone and start chatting, it’s as though no time has passed.


What I love about this friendship of ours is there are no games, no making the other feel bad or cold shoulders for not keeping in touch more.


We’ve been there for each other through deaths in our families and she’s been there to meet our kids when they were just a few hours old. She was the maid of honour at my wedding and I was hers this past weekend. I can’t wait to meet her little babies when they make their grand appearance … one day (no pressure  ).


It’s been great helping D plan her wedding this past year. We’ve gotten to know each other better and I’ve been able to get to know her (now) husband and he’s such a fantastic person, to say I’m happy for both of them would be a huge understatement.


So what’s our secret? 


To be perfectly honest with you, I don’t know. It just works and it’s great.


We’re there for each other to share good news, bad news and anything else. 


We can count on each other when we feel we may not be able to count on anyone else. 


We don’t judge or put each other down. 


We encourage and are genuinely happy for each other. 


In short we’re respectful and nice to each other and we’re remarkably similar (as I’ve come to learn especially over this past year). 


Sometimes things just work and there is no further explanation than that.


If you want a relationship or friendship to last be grateful for that person in your life, do things that make you both feel good, share the good and the bad, be understanding and caring, withhold judgement and laugh together.


I’m incredibly grateful to have D in my life and that I was there this weekend able to join in the celebration of her wedding. Here’s to the past 33 years and to many more in the future!


Photo courtesy of: zoerochelle
