马文的战争 第二部:世界电影史上10位最美丽的演员(双语)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 01:35:03


(2011-09-26 15:44:06)



    Manyaspects of film can be debated, but one area of film that seems tobe a source of contention is who the most beautiful actress of alltime is.  This question can range fromthe crass tothe classy, but before I attempt to settle theage-old debate, I think we have to setsome parameters.  So here aresome rules I used when making this list:

    1. Thisis a measure of the actress’s beauty, not hertalent.  One does not always equal the other.

    2. Thisis a snapshot in time; an actress in a particular role at a veryspecific moment in her career.  This is not her onthe red carpet or a look at the overall beauty of an actress;that’s a separate debate.

    3. Theactress’s part in the film has to be as the main actress in thefilm.


10. Carrie Fisher – RETURN OF THE JEDI – 1983: Thisone makes the list because I’m a geek.  PrincessLeia in a slave girl outfit isthe epitome of fantasy and it’smade possible by Carrie Fisher.  Even outside ofthat scene, she was still beautiful, wearingfull camouflage when hanging withthe ewoks.


9. Julia Roberts – PRETTY WOMAN – 1990: It’s toughto remember, but Julia Roberts used to be America’ssweetheart.  She got that label by playing thehooker-that-cares in PRETTY WOMAN.  True, lookingat her today is slightly disappointing, but that’s the beauty offilm; we can remember what we want to remember.


8. Bette Davis – ALL ABOUT EVE – 1950: One of thefew actresses that have had a hit song written for a specificfeature, Bette Davis has yet to be matched in terms of combiningbeauty and confidence on film.  Eve was her mostpopular and impressive performance and it was a perfect reminderthat a special feature above the neckline can actually be sexierthan anything below it.



7. Jennifer Lopez – OUT OF SIGHT – 1998:  We allknow how horrible of a person J-Lo is these days, so we have toclose our eyes and remember back to the late 90’s when she wassmoking hot in OUT OF SIGHT.  Soderbergh knows howto make people look good and he was never more successful than hewas with J-Lo.


6. Zhang Ziyi – 2046 – 2004: Zhang Ziyi’s presence in 2046 washypnotizing, which was exactly what director Kar Wai Wong wantedher to be.  As we followed a lonely man longingfor the love of his life, we couldn’t help but be mesmerized anytime Ziyi came on screen.


5. Marilyn Monroe – BUS STOP – 1956:  This is atough one, only because Marilyn was breathtaking in all of herfilms.  But I grew up in a household that lovedclassic movies and BUS STOP is always the one that sticks out forme.



4. Grace Kelly – HIGH NOON – 1952:  Much likeMarilyn Monroe, any film that Grace Kelly appeared in could be onthis list.  I know REAR WINDOW is the popularchoice, but after I watched HIGH NOON, the only thing I could talkabout was how beautiful Grace Kelly was.  Iactually had to watch the movie again just to form an opinion onit.

    格蕾丝·凯利《正午》,REAR WINDOW《后窗》
 3. Megan Fox – TRANSFORMERS – 2007: I know it’scool to hate on Megan Fox because she’s hated by just abouteveryone.  And yeah, even I’m a little embarrassedto put her on here, especially with the other actresses on thelist, but this isn’t a measurement of her niceness or talent, it’sa measurement of her beauty and she looked incredible inTRANSFORMERS.


2. Olivia Newton-John – GREASE – 1978: “Innocent Sandy” was my fantasy girl for the longest time and thefact she changed herself to “Slutty Sandy” at the end was verydisappointing for me.  As much as I love the tightleather pants, nothing beats the poodle skirt andsweater.  Throw in a cheerleading outfit and thefantasy is complete.

   奥莉维亚·纽顿-约翰 《油脂》


1.  Audrey Hepburn – BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S –1961:  No actress captured the sexiness of ageneration better than Audrey Hepburn inTiffany’s.  In film history, this actress, in thisfilm, defines classy (yes, eventhough she technically wasa prostitute).  The classic blackand white dress and the innocent smile is enough to drive any mancompletely crazy.

   奥黛丽·赫本 《蒂凡尼的早餐》