
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 20:40:13

星期四,各国政商界领袖为苹果梦想者史蒂夫· 乔布斯奉上献礼。享年56岁的乔布斯的逝世消息让很多人悲伤不已。

"Steve Jobs transformed the way we work and play; a creative genius who will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his family," British Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted.

“史蒂夫· 乔布斯改变了我们工作和娱乐的方式;人们将沉痛思念这位创新天才。我们和他的家人感同身受。”英国首相大卫· 卡梅伦在微博上写道。2

French President Nicolas Sarkozy wrote on his Facebook page that Jobs was a great entrepreneur, innovator and major player in the world's technological revolution.

法国总统尼古拉斯· 萨科齐在他的Facebook上写道,乔布斯是世界科技革命中的伟大企业家、创新者和重要参与者。

"As inspired as he was inspiring, Steve Jobs will remain one of the great figures of our time," Sarkozy said, as he paid tribute to the American's courage in both his work and personal life.

“正如他的鼓舞所激发的,史蒂夫· 乔布斯将永远是我们这个时代最伟大的人物中的一员。”萨科齐在称赞美国人的勇气在他的工作和私人生活中时如是说。

Ireland's Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Enda Kenny also gave his condolences in a statement paying tribute to the man who brought the world the iPod portable music player, the iPhone and the iPad tablet.

爱尔兰首相,或总理,恩达·肯尼也在他的声明中对那位给世界带来iPod、iPhone和iPad 的天才表示哀悼。

Steve Jobs was a creative genius who broke down walls in business and opened doors in people's minds," Kenny said.

“史蒂夫· 乔布斯是一位创新天才,他打破了商业壁垒并开启了人们的思想之门。”肯尼说道。

"His innovative prowess in the area of technology has brought about a level of access to information for millions that few would have ever foreseen. His legacy will be not just his products and business achievements, but also the way in which he altered mindsets in the business world and in everyday life."


Apple has a large factory in Cork, in the Irish Republic, which opened in 1980 to manufacture the Mac computer. It employs about 1,400 people and has expanded into various aspects of the company's business.


In Russia, President Dmitry Medvedev wrote in his Twitter microblog: "People like Steve Jobs change our world. My sincere condolences to his relatives and all those who appreciated his intelligence and talent."

在俄国,总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫在他的推特微博里写道:“史蒂夫· 乔布斯这样的人改变我们的世界。我向他的亲属和那些欣赏他的智慧和天才的人致以哀思。” 

Medvedev met Jobs during a visit to California's Silicon Valley in June 2010, during which the Apple co-founder told Medvedev about his company and some of its future plans. At the end of their meeting, Jobs presented Medvedev with an iPhone4.


Medvedev's chief economic aide, Arkady Dvorkovich, tweeted: "Applause to Steve Jobs for everything that he did in his not so long life."

梅德梅杰夫的首席经济助理在推特中写道:“为史蒂夫· 乔布斯在他并不长久的生命中所做的一切喝彩”

German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Jobs had "changed our life and work with his ideas and sense for business like few others."

德国政府发言人斯蒂芬· 塞伯特称乔布斯“同少数一些人一样用他的商业思想和观念改变了我们的生活和工作。”

In Egypt, Wael Ghonim -- a former Google executive who used social media to jump-start social change in Egypt -- also honored Jobs via Twitter, saying: "He was truly inspiring. His company helped change the world. Good bye Steve Jobs."

在埃及,曾经用社交媒体发起埃及社会变革的前谷歌执行官也通过推特向乔布斯表示敬意。他说道:“他非常令人鼓舞。他的公司为改变世界做了贡献。再见史蒂夫· 乔布斯。”

Masayoshi Son, a Japanese technology entrepreneur and CEO of Softbank, the main Japanese iPhone carrier, said he was saddened by the news of Jobs' death.

孙正义称他对乔布斯的死讯悲痛不已。孙正义是日本科技企业家和软银执行总裁,也是日本主要的iPhone 承运商,

"Steve was truly a genius of our time, a man with a rare ability to fuse art and technology," he said in a statement. "In centuries from now, he will be remembered alongside Leonardo da Vinci. His achievements will continue to shine forever."


Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company in South Korea, offered his thoughts and prayers for Jobs' family.


"Steven Jobs was, and still is, an inspiration to many individuals and companies all over the world," he said.

“史蒂夫· 乔布斯曾经是,现在依然鼓舞着全世界许多人和公司。”他说道。

"His passing is a loss to innovators and visionaries everywhere, even here in Korea, and the culture he fostered will be a benchmark for decades to come."   


Taiwanese self-made billionaire Terry Gou, founder and chairman of Foxconn Technology Group, which makes many Apple products, said the world had lost a "true hero" and he had lost a friend whose dedication to his craft had been shown by his determination to continue working despite being seriously ill.

白手起家的台湾亿万富翁郭台铭,生产苹果众多产品富士康科技集团的创始人和董事长,称 世界损失了一位“真正地英雄”,而他损失了一位即使在重病期间依然坚持不懈地工作的朋友。

"True business leaders grow their companies by committing their innovation, creativity, and passion and, while Steve exemplified all of these qualities, he also committed his heart to building a company and products that enriched people's lives," Gou said in a statement.

“真正的商业领袖让自己的公司成长,通过他们的创新、创造力和激情。乔布斯体现了所有这些素质。乔布斯还全心投入,以建设公司和产品,丰富人们的生活。 ”

"Steve's spirit will live on forever with those who, like me, had the honor to know and work with him. However, everyone has been touched by his genius and, because of this, he has left the world a better place. He will be missed, but never forgotten."


Foxconn said in a statement that it had lost "an industry visionary, a true partner to our company, and a great friend."


Jobs "had an immeasurable and positive impact on the lives of people around the world and the global electronics industry is all the better for the many contributions he made to ensuring that technology is understandable, beautiful, and, most importantly, accessible to people from all walks of life," the company said.


Working conditions at Foxconn came under scrutiny last year after a rash of suicides at a Foxconn factory in China that makes iPhones.


 News of Jobs' death prompted immediate tributes from business leaders in China, and Apple fans staged a vigil outside the Apple store in Hong Kong.


Yang Yuanqing, the CEO of China's computer powerhouse Lenovo, said: "As a competitor, he helped ensure all of us pushed even harder. I am confident his legacy will continue to energize the industry for many years to come."


"Jobs said, 'Remember that you will be dead soon'," said Lee Kaifu, venture capitalist and founding president of Google China, referring to Jobs' famous 2005 Stanford University commencement speech.


"It helped me through making the most important choices in my life. Because all the glory and pride, embarrassment and fear will all vanish when confronting death."


South Korean electronics maker Samsung also paid tribute to Jobs as a "great entrepreneur" in a statement sending condolences to the Jobs family and his colleagues at Apple.


"His innovative spirit and remarkable accomplishments will forever be remembered by people around the world," it said。
