
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 05:16:22
2005-12-23 10:02:13
转帖几篇 朋友九月鹰飞关于思维导图的看法
九月鹰飞:非主流军事情报理念在Web3.0时代的尝试 PersonalBrain是MindMap软件中的新成员, 它凭着Jump Thought 尽量模拟人脑的思考习惯而其独树一帜, 强调思维的Relationship Linked Conneted 以及 Cross-reference, 能够集成链接任何形式的文件作思路参考回溯. (这点与六度空间 Match的思维非常类似) 情报人员在尝试学习一样新领域知识前, 都会事先拟定问题,然后沿着问题去找答案, 并在过程中得到体验和融会贯通. 我也不例外, 围绕: 1. PersonalBrain是什么? 2. 它用在什么情景? 3. 怎么用它三个问题迅速体验并找到了答案. 下面这个可作为个人知识管理PKM的归纳 一 先学习 PersonalBrain Tutorials
The best way to learn about PersonalBrain is to see it in action. Select a chapter below. · A Tour of PersonalBrain · Chapter 1: Thought Relationships · Chapter 2: Opening and Creating Files · Chapter 3: Associative Computing · Chapter 4: True Web and File Integration · Chapter 5: Additional Features Have it the way u want Get it connected get a Brain 是它的广告词. 看了Flash Tour后, 大致对PersonalBrain有了个初步理解和使用印象, 对图中的 小圆圈的具体含义比较含糊, 感觉软件设计的思维方式跟大脑比较类似. 二. 速读User Guide 掌握关键概念
The idera behind PersonalBrain is to create and display relationship among types of information.
PersonalBrain is a method of organizing ideas and information. No hierachcal file structure can provide as much cross-refrenced information at a glace.
PersonalBrain is a collection of connected thoughts.
Plex: The visible area of a brain is called “Plex” , a collection of obsely related thoughts.You decide what thoughts represent , how they are related, and what they contain.
Thoughts are linked visually through the thre cicles around them, called “Gates” (如同困境中的你会面临许多扇门, 每推开一扇门,都意味着新机与未知) Gate are hollow if there is no link throught them to another thought, and solid if there is a link to another thought
Blue hollow : no thoughts are attached
Blue solid : thourghts are attached
Green solid : thoughts are attached but not visible
Active thoughts: which represents the central concept u are mentally viewing ——— the one u are working with at the moment.
Thought’s four zone:
1. The parent zone above the active thought
2. The child zone below the active thought.
3. The jump zone to its left
4. The sibling zone to its right.
三. 实践体验
将PersonalBrain 作为Active thought 做Case, 展开自己个人PersonalBrain 之旅 , 知道我目前Jump Thought的最后一个child thought 吗 ? 德国跨国婚姻 , 呵呵
第二篇 介绍我暂时放弃PersonalBrain的原因第三篇 中国人思维导图应用习惯的命门第四篇 全球比较独特的Mind Map 情报集合与应用知识点第五篇 谈谈我对未来Mind Map发展的畅想
为什么我们对Mind Map 这么感兴趣 ? 因为它是网络时代个人强有力的思考与情报/知识组织工具 , 在我们工作实践中, 广泛地将它应用到多种场合里(如项目策划和管理、情报组织...等等) , 曾经将它推广到了一个百来人的团队中使用, 大大提高了工作效率和管理效能. 我们坚信它是竞争情报传媒的一个非常实用的工具, 也是“注意力调频” Blog栏目推荐的情报减载利器.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-28 3:33:58编辑过]
