
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 02:45:21


MOST biological molecules—and hence, most living organisms—are ultimately the result of photosynthesis. Most, but not all. Some creatures are part of food chains that begin with methane gas which seeps from the Earth’s interior in particular places, frequently at the bottom of the sea. Bacteria living in these seeps process the methane into complex molecules, and worms and clams feast on the bacteria. It now seems, though, that such methane-based food chains may stretch farther up the tree of life than mere invertebrates—and may have done so for millions of years.
Recently, as they report in Marine Ecology Progress Series, Tina Treude of the IFM-GEOMAR marine-research institute in Kiel, Germany, and her colleagues sent a remotely operated vehicle called Cherokee to investigate a seep known as the North Alex mud volcano, which is located in the Mediterranean, to the north of the Nile delta. Cherokee, which was equipped with a digital camera and a flashgun, started transmitting images of golden and dark-brown objects, 50-70mm across, that were scattered among the worms and clams (see photograph). The researchers quickly realised that these were sharks’ eggs. Moreover, on closer examination they were able to see yolks, indicating that the embryos inside the eggs were alive and developing.
      近来,来自德国基尔的IFM-GEOMAR海洋研究所的Tina Treude和她的同事们在《海洋生态学进展丛刊》的报告说道,她们利用一个名叫Cherokee的遥控潜水器,去调研称为北亚历克斯泥火山的一个泄漏点,泥火山坐落于地中海,尼罗河三角洲以北。Cherokee安装有一个数码相机和闪光灯,传送回了金黄并且有深棕色的物体图片,大小在50mm-70mm之间,散落在蠕虫和蚌蛤之间(请看图片)。研究人员迅速意识到这些是鲨鱼卵。而且,再通过仔细观察,他们能够看见卵黄,说明在卵中的胚胎是活的而且正在发育当中。
They do not know which species the eggs belong to, but Dr Treude speculates they are from the deepwater catshark, which is known to produce egg capsules of this size, colour and shape. And the North Alex volcano is not alone. She has found that another site, the Concepción methane seep area, off the coast of Chile, is littered with thousands of large, black egg capsules of the sort often laid by skates and rays—fish that are, to all intents and purposes, flattened sharks.
      他们不知道这些卵属于哪个物种,但是Treude教授猜测他们来源于深海的猫鲨,猫鲨就生产这种大小,颜色和形状的卵囊。无独有偶,Treude也发现了另一个泄漏点,叫做 Concepción甲烷泄漏区,在智利海岸线边。那里散步着很多大的黑色的像鳐鱼、 魟鱼产的卵囊,鳐鱼和魟鱼实际上一种体态扁平的鲨鱼。
In light of these discoveries her colleague Steffen Kiel, at the University of Göttingen, turned his attention to a fossilised methane seep in the American state of Washington. The rocks in this seep, which are 35m years old, were already known to contain lots of mussels and worm tubes, similar to those found in a modern seep. Lo and behold! when Dr Kiel looked more closely, these rocks, too, contained fossil shark eggs.
      鉴于这些发现,Treude的同事,Göttingen大学的Steffen Kiel,把她的研究转向了在美国华盛顿的甲烷泄漏点化石。在泄漏点的岩石已经存在了3500万年之久,人们早前已经发现上面含有大量的蚌类和蠕虫的化石,和在现代泄漏点发现的很相似。难以置信!,当Kiel教授仔细观察后发现,在岩石上还有鲨鱼卵的化石。
Methane seeps, then, look as if they act as nurseries for sharks—and may have done so for a long time. Presumably (though this has still to be proved) the hatchling sharks are eating the worms and perhaps, if their teeth are up to the necessary crunching, the clams. Instead of being powered by the sun, then, some young sharks seem to run on fossil fuel.