麦提9号 xbox360:“国家地理”高清绝美图片

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 15:47:53


1. National Performing Arts Center, Beijing 国家的



  2. Mount Rainier, Washington 雷尼尔山峰,华盛顿州.


  3. Ski Lift, Taos, New Mexico滑雪缆车,陶斯县,新墨西哥州.


  4. Surfer, Hawaii冲浪者,夏威夷.


  5. Lake of the Moon, India.月亮湖,印度.


  6. Fly Geyser, Nevada飞扬的间歇泉,内华达州.


  7. Mosaic Jellyfish嵌花式的海蜇.


  8. Palouse, Washington帕卢斯,华盛顿州.


  9. Terraced Rice Field, China梯田稻田,中国.


  10. King Penguins国王企鹅和幼崽.


  11. Hong Kong Cityscape, China香港夜空,中国.


  12. Green Sea Turtle, Hawaii绿色的海龟,夏威夷.


  13. Dente del Gigante, Italy锯齿状的德尔希甘特(著名的阿尔卑斯山的博朗高峰),意大利.


  14. Baobab Trees, Tanzania猴面包树,坦桑尼亚.


  15. Birds Sitting in the Fog鸟儿停落在雾中.


  16. Elephant, Kenya大象,肯尼亚.


  17. Skateboard Park, California滑板公园,加利福尼亚.


  18. Cormorant With Catch鸬鹚和猎物.


  19. Birds in the Pantanal,Brazil鸟群在潘塔纳尔沼泽地,巴西.


  20. Sampling Arctic Ocean Water北冰洋海水抽样.


  21. Endeavour Shuttle Launch奋进号航天飞机发射.


  22. Barracuda, Bismarck Sea梭子鱼,俾斯麦海.


  23. Landing at Princess Juliana International Airport降落在朱莉安娜公主国际机场.


  24. Mountain Reflection at Mount Everest Base Camp.山脉倒影在西藏的珠穆朗玛峰营地.


  25. Patten Pond, Maine佩丁池塘,缅因州.


  26. Whooping Cranes, Canada鸣鹤,加拿大.


  28. Rideout Bay, Rime fog ,Ontario赖德奥特湾,雾淞雾,安大略省,加拿大.


  27. Jakarta’s Istiqlal Mosque Indonesia雅加达的拉尔清真寺,印尼.


  29. Venice Carnival威尼斯狂欢节,意大利.


  30. Shanghai Highways上海高速公路.


  31. Tomato Clownfish西红柿色小丑鱼.


  32. Tourists flock to Agra to see the world-famous Taj Mahal



  33. Mandarin Ducks, National Zoo鸳鸯,华盛顿特区的国家动物园.


  34.A macaw preens its feathers.金刚鹦鹉用嘴整理它的羽毛.


  35.Dance Practice, Australia舞蹈练习,澳大利亚.


  36.A cedar waxwing fills up on berries.雪松太平鸟装满浆果.



  August 28, 2010

  Los Angeles Wildfires

  Photograph by Steven Riley

  This Month in Photo of the Day: Photos From the 2009 International Photo Contest

  "From the view I had at the location, it looked as if there was a freeway leading directly to the hills of fire! It was amazing to see how life continued on despite the growing fire."

