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1.       daily    adj.  日常的,每日的  weekly 每一周的     everyday   adj.日常的    

China daily is a very popularEnglish newspaper in China.


2.       danger   n. 危险 dangerous  adj. 危险的  in danger 处于危险中 out of danger  脱离危险     in safety safe adj.安全的  endangered 濒临灭绝的

It isdangerous to play with fire. 玩火危险。 When people are in danger, we should help  them .当人们处于危险的时候,我们应该帮助他们。

3.       dark    adj. 深色的,黑色的    brown 棕色的  blonde 金色的    

Chinese people have dark hair.中国人有黑色的头发。

4.       date    n.  日期 

What is the date today?今天是几月几日?

5.       day     n.   (一)天(一)日   

 What a fine day!真好的一天!

 There are seven daysin a week.一周有7天。

6.       daylight    n  日光,白昼   in the daytime 在白天

7.       deal  vi.  处理,应付   deal with/ do with     

I don’t know how to deal with the matter. 

 I don’t know what todo with the matter.    我不知道如何处理这件事。

8.       death    n. 死,死亡 die  v. 死亡  dead  adj. 死亡的  lose one’slife  丧命,死亡

My dogdied two days ago.我的狗2天前死了。

My doghas been dead for two days. 我的狗死了有2天了。

   The death of my little dog made me very sad.我小狗的死使我很伤心。

9.       December   n   十二月   

December 25th is Christmas Day.12月25日是圣诞节。

10.   decide  vt./vi. 决定     decide to do sth 决定做某事    

 decision  n.  决定   make a decision 作决定   

I have decided to go to Hainan for a holiday.我决定去海南度假。

Wearing red can help you when you are having difficultymaking a decision.


11.   deep     adj.深的,深厚的 adv 深深的,在深处   

 The river is notdeep, you can walk through it.这条河不深,你可以走过去。

12.   develop   vt./vi 开发,发展  developed country 发达国家  developing country

发展中国家  development n 发展   

The scientists are developing a kind of plant to grow onMars.


13.   devote  vt.献身于,致力于    devote… to doing sth 致力于做某事

     Audrey Hephurn devoted much of her time tocharity.


14.   diary    n  日记 keep a diary 记日记  

Keeping diaries is a good habit. 记日记是一个好习惯。

15.   dictionary  n.   字典    

Yesterday Lily bought an English-Chinese dictionary.昨天Lily买了一本英汉字典。

16.   difference  n.  差异,不同   different adj. be different from  与…不同  

The weather in Beijing isvery different from that in Nanjing.


Lily and Lucy are twin sisters, it is not easy to tell thedifferences between them.


17.   difficult   adj.  困难的    difficulty  n 困难   hard  adj. 困难  have difficultydoing sth  在做某事方面有困难    

It isdifficult to work out the math problem.算出这个数学问题不容易。

18.   dinner  n 正餐,宴会  

I often have dinner at my grandparents’ home.我经常在我爷爷奶奶家吃晚饭。

19.   direction  n. 方向  in all directions 各个方向 

The robbers ran away in all directions when the policemenappeared.


20.   director   n. 导演  direct vt. 执导   

ZhangYimou is a famous Chinese director.    张艺谟是一位著名的导演。

21.   dirty  adj.   脏的 clean  干净的(反义词)  

The boy is so dirty that nobody wants to play with him.


22.   disappear  vi.消失  appear  出现(反义词)appearance n.出现,外貌  

Tigers are disappearing faster than pandas.老虎灭绝的速度比熊猫快。

23.   discover  vt. 发现,发觉     

Let’sdiscover how the power of colour can change your moods!


24.   discussion   n.讨论   discuss  vt. 讨论 

Theprogramme  will start with a discussionabout the animals.  


Theyare discussing about the problem with the teachers.


25.   dislike   vt.  不喜欢,讨厌,厌恶n. 厌恶的对象   hate 憎恨  

Millie dislikes bananas. She eats very few of them.


26.   disturb  vt. 打扰,扰乱 

My cousin always makes a lot of noise and disturbs me whenI’m studying.


27.   divide vi./vt.   划分  divide…into…  把…分成… be divided into…  …被分成…    A year is divided into four seasons.一年分为四个季节。

28.   doubt  vt./n.  怀疑     

I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.


29.   down    adv.向下 prep.沿…而下   put down 放下 take down  取下  lie down  躺下 calm down 平静下来   

Go down/along the road ,you will find the post office atthe end of it.


30.   drawing   n.  绘画 

He is good at drawing .He can draw very well.他擅长绘画,他可以画地很好。

31.   dream  adj. 梦想的  n.梦 vt. 做梦,梦见  in the dream 在梦中 dream about 梦见       Many students dream of becoming singersin the future.许多学生梦想未来成为歌手。

He hada very strange dream last night.他昨晚做了一个奇怪的梦。

32.   dress  vt.给…穿衣服  n.服装 dress up as  装扮成   辨析:  dress sb 给某人穿衣服    wear 穿着,表状态  put on穿上,强调动作

Hobo is dressing up as a ghost. Hobo装扮成鬼。

The boy is old enough to dress himself.这个男孩足够大,可以自己穿衣服了。

33.   drink  n.饮料,喝 vt./vi. 喝酒   soft drinks 软饮料 drank drunk

 He likes to drinksoft drinks.他喜欢喝软饮料。

34.   drive   vi./vt 驾驶   drive to  开车去   drove  driven

He likes driving cars, so he went to the driving lessonslast year.


My father drives to work every day.

35.   drop   vt. 使落下,扔,下降vi. 降低     dropped

Do not drop litter.不要扔垃圾。

At night,the temperature will drop to -2℃.夜晚,温度将降到零度以下。

36.   dry   vt. (使)变干 adj.干的  dried food 压缩食物 

 My robot will washup and then dry the dishes.我的机器人可以洗碟子并且烘干。

37.   during   prep. 在…期间 

 During the winterholiday, we will have the Spring Festival.


38.   dustbin   n.(英)垃圾箱    rubbish bin(美)垃圾箱  

We should throw rubbish into the dustbin.我们应该把垃圾扔到垃圾箱里。

39.   duty   n. 责任,职责,义务    on duty 值班   

It’s our duty to protect the wild animals.保护野生动物是我们的职责。



1.each    adj. 每个的,每一   eachother 彼此,相互

 Each of us has a book. / We eachhave a book.我们每人有一本书。

every  adj. 每一,每一的 everybody/ everyone  pron.  每人,人人everything 每件事   everywhere 到处   every day   每天   everyday  adj. 日常的

Every student should work hard in order to have a bright future.


2.early    adv/ adj.早,早的   

Why don’t you come a little earlier?你为什么不来早点呢?

1. earthquake n.地震

Earthquake is akind of natural disaster.    地震是一种自然灾害。

3.east  n.   东方  eastern adj.东方的 west 西方 south 南方  north  北方 

  Every day the sun rises in the east.每天太阳从东方升起。

4.easy   adj. 容易的,简单的   easy-going 随和的 easily  adv.随和地  

It is easy to climbup a hill but hard to climb down it.上山容易,下山难。

5.education  n. 教育educational  adj. 教育的an educational CD-ROM 一张教育光盘

In China, every child needs to receive education.在中国,每个孩子需要接受教育。

6.effort  n. 努力  put one’s effort into  全身心投入于,致力于

AudreyHepburn had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered thefilm industry.


7.either  adv. (用于否定句中)也,二者之一 


neither…nor…既不也不   谓语动词就近一致原则

Tomdoesn’t like eating fish.  I don’tlike,either. 


I needa man to help me , either of you is OK.


Neitherhe nor I am in the school football club.他和我都不在校足球队。

8.elephant  n.   大象  

Elephantslive in Africa and Asia.大象生活在非洲和亚洲。

9.empty   adj. 空的  反义词:  full 满的

The bottle is empty. I need a full one.这个瓶子是空的,我需要满的。

10.end  n./vi. 最后,最终,结束  at the end of 在…结束,在…尽头   inthe end  最后

endless 无尽头的

In the end, we wonthe match.最后,我获得了比赛的胜利。

11.enemy   n.敌人,仇人,反对者 

He hasfew enemies. 他没有什么敌人。

12.energetic   adj.精力充沛的    energy   n.能量  不可数名词

The manhas a lot of energy and he is energetic.这个人精力充沛

13.engineer  n   工程师    

Hisfather is an engineer.  他父亲是一位工程师。

14.enjoy  vt 喜欢    enjoyable  adj 令人喜欢的    enjoy doing  喜欢做某事

I enjoydancing ,and dance for two hours every day. 我喜欢跳舞,每天跳两小时。

15.enough  adj  足够的   enough+ 名词    形容词/副词 +enough    

I don’thave enough money to buy a car.我没有足够的钱买汽车。

The boyis old enough to go to school.这个男孩足够大上学了。

16.enter vt.  进入,加入  entrance n. 入口 at the entrance  在入口处  exit n. 出口    

Heentered the supermarket from the biggest entrance.他从最大的入口处进入超市。

17.environment   n.  环境   

Everyoneshould protect the environment.每个人都应该保护环境。

18.especially  adv.   特别,尤其  special  特别   

I liketo travel to the foreign countries,especially America


19.event   n.  活动,事件,比赛项目  

Theevent marked the beginning of SHE’s successful career.


20.ever  adv.曾经 常用于完成时  never 从未

    He has ever been abroad before. 他以前曾经出过国。

21.example    n.  榜样   for example 例如  

Weshould follow the good examples.我们应该学习好的榜样。

22.excellent  adj. 极好的   perfect   完美的   wonderful  精彩的

23.excuse n. 借口,理由 

The boyis often late for school .This time he can’t find any new excuse.


24. exercise  vi./n 锻炼,练习 do morning exercises 做早操 do eye exercises 做眼保健操

    take/do more exercise ,exercise more  多运动

Inorder to keep fit ,we should exercise every day.为了保持健康,我们应该每天锻炼。

25. experience   n. 经历   

Thetrip to Disleyland is a wonderful experience.去迪斯尼乐园是一次美妙的经历。

26.experiment.   n.实验,试验    

Edison did thousands of experiments during his life .


27.explain   vt.   解释,说明    explain sth to sb  向某人解释某事

Can you explain why you are late for school today?   你能解释你今天为什么迟到吗?

28.eyesight  n.视力

   He has a poor eyesight. 他视力不好。


1.face   n. 脸,面临,面对

I have a round face. 我有一张圆脸。

     vt. 面临,面对

      You should try your best when you facethe difficulty.当你有困难时你应该尽你最大努力。

2.fact    n, 事实  in fact 事实上

 Thefact is that you are not a child.事实上你不是一个小孩了。

3.fail    vi.失败

I was very sad because I failed the exam.我非常伤心因为我这次考试没及格。

4.fair    adj.  公平的,公正的befair to sb  对某人公平

 Thepolicemen should be fair all the time.警察应该公平。


5.fall     n.秋天

       vi.倒下,跌下,落下 fall-fell -fallen

The leaves fall down in autumn. 秋天树叶凋落。

fall ill/fall down/fall to…

6.familiar  adj. 熟悉的

         befamiliar with sb.

I am familiar with some of the popstars.我和一些明星熟悉。


7.famous  adj. 著名的

       befamous for…因…而著名

       Chinais famous for theGreat Wall.中国以长城而著名。

8.fantastic  adj. 极好的,美妙的

 Theseworks of art are fantastic.这些艺术品太美妙了 。


9.far    adv.远

adj.很,极,太     可修饰比较级

My home is far from the park.我家离公园远。

比较级farther/further 最高级farthest/furthest     further study 进一步学习

That park is farther than this one.   那个公园比这个远。

10.farm  n. 农场

 onthe farm   在农场

     farmer  n.农民

      farmland    n. 农田

      The farmer has a farm,he works on the farmland every day.


11.fashion  n. 时装;时尚,风尚

        fashionable   adj. 流行的,时髦的

        The fashion show isfashionable.这个时装展很时尚。

12.fear   n. 恐惧,害怕   in fear 恐惧的

       The boy’s eyes are full of fear.这个男孩眼里充满了恐惧。

13.feather  n. 羽毛

       The feathersof the bird areblue.这只鸟的羽毛是蓝色的。

14.feed   vt. 喂养 fed  fed

       Don’t feed the birds in the park.   别在公园里喂鸟。

15.feel   vi. 觉得,感到   feel-felt -felt

 I feel sad when I heard thenews.当我听到这个消息,我感到伤心。

       feeling  n. 感受

 I have the same feeling.我有同样的感受。

16.festival  n. 节日

      There are many festivals in China. 在中国有许多节日。

Spring festival  春节     Dragon Boat festival 端午节

17.few    pron. 不多,少数 后跟可数名词复数   little 后跟不可数名词

        adj. 不多的,少数的

       a few 一些 quite afew  相当多

I have a few books on gardening. 我有一些关于园艺方面的书。

       比较级fewer  最高级fewest 

      I have fewer books than he does.我有点书比他少。

18.field  n. 地,田

 afield of wheat 麦田

      football field  足球场

19.fifth  n.第五

       Thursday is the fifth day of a week.星期四是一周的第五天。

     adj. 第五的

     adv, 第五

The fifth student is Linda. 第五个学生是Linda。

20.fight  vi. 打仗 put up a good fight   vt.与…打架

Don’t fight with others in the street. 不要在街上和别人打架。

21.fill  vt. 使充满

   fill sth with…  用 …把…装满

be filled with/ befull of  装满,充满

    The bath has been filled with water./Thebath has been full of water. 浴缸里装满了水。

22.final   n. 决赛 go to the final 进入决赛


      They scored in the final minute of the game.他们在比赛最后一分钟得分了。

      finally/in the end/at last  adv. 最后

      Finally, we goton the bus.最后,我们上车了。

23.finish  vt.vi. 完成,结束,停止 其延续性动词:be over

        You can not go until you finish your homework.你直到完成作业才能去。

        finish doing sth.完成做某事

24.fire    n. 火,火灾

      becareful with/of the fire.小心火

      firework  n. 烟花,烟火

      There will be many fireworks at midnight. 午夜将放许多烟花。

25.first  adv. adj. 首先,第一

    You should do your homework first.你首先应该做你的作业。

    This is the first lesson.

    firstly  adv.首先,第一

     Firstly, wewill go to the park.首先,我们将去公园。

26.fit  adj健康的,结实的. 适合的     同义词:suitable

    He is fit/healthy/well for this job.他健康,适合这个工作。

vi. vt.合脚,合身,被容纳

This shirt fits me well.这件衬衫很适合我。

The dress fits perfectly.这衣服非常适合我。

27.fitness  n. 健康

      I decide to climb the mountain to improve my fitness/health.



28.fly   vi.  vt. 放飞,飞,放 fly- flew-flown

     Ioften fly kites. 我经常放风筝。

    You can fly to the USA.你可以飞到美国去。

    flight   n. 飞行,航班

    It’s an hour’s flight to Paris from here.从这里飞到巴黎要小时。

29.float vi. 漂浮

    We will float away into space.  我们会飘到太空中

29.flood  n.洪水

   Floods washed away the rich earth.洪水冲走了肥沃的泥土。  

30.fog n. 雾

     There was much fog this morning. 今天早上雾大。

     foggy adj. 有雾的,多雾的

     It is foggy today.  今天多雾。

31.following  adj. 接下来的,以下

      The following/next week, I went to the park as usual.



      follow sb todo sth 跟着某人做某事

32.foot   n.  英尺,脚      复数:feet

I go to school on foot. 我步行上学。

He is 6 feet tall.  他6英尺高。

33.force  n. 力量

 He didn’t use force.他不使用暴力。

     v. 迫使,逼迫

     Nobody forced me.没有人逼迫我

      by force   通过武力

34.forest   n. 森林

     In the forest, there are many kinds of trees.在森林里有许多种类的树木。

35.forget   vi.vt. 忘记forget to do sth 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事

      Do not forget to bring your books here.不要忘记把你的书带来。

36.forgive  vt. 原谅,宽恕

        forgive sb for sth 原谅某人某事

        Please forgive mefor mistakes. 请原谅我的错误。

37.free    adj.空闲的,自由的,免费的

      I will go to see you if I am free.如果我有空我将去看你。

       反义词:busy 近义词:spare

        be busydoing/withsth   忙于做某事

38.French    n. 法语

      I can speak only a little French.


      This is a famous French song. 这是一首著名的法国歌曲。

      France 法国

      I am from France.我来自法国。

      Frenchman   n. 法国人

      They are all Frenchmen.他们都是法国人。

39.fresh    adj. 新鲜的

       The air in the country is fresh.乡下的空气新鲜。

40.friendly  adj. 友好的 be friendly to sb 对某人友好    friendship n.友谊

       The people in my hometown are friendly.我家乡的人民很友好。


41.from time to time 不时的,偶尔的

The baby cries from time to time.这个宝宝时不时地哭。

     近义词: sometimes

42.frost   n.霜   形容词: frosty

Thereis too much frost on the ground. 地上有许多霜。

43.fruit  n. 水果  常用作不可数名词

    Do you like eating fruit? 你喜欢吃水果吗?


    There are many kinds of fruits in the shop.  那家店里有各种水果。

44.fun  adj.有趣的 have fun doing sth 做某事有乐趣

    It is a fun story.这是个有趣的故事。 a fun place to go 一个去的好地方


45.future     adj.将来的,未来的

        The future life will be better.未来的生活更美好。


         I think I have agood future.我想我会有个美好的将来。

         in the future.在将来


1.garden     n.花园;菜园

        I have a big garden in front of my house.在我家房子前面有一个大花园。

2.gate       n.大门

         Here is the gate of our school.这是我们学校大门。

3.gentle     adj.温柔的;轻轻的gentleman 绅士

        Be gentle when you brush the baby’s hair. 当给小宝宝梳头时要轻轻到。

4.Germany    n.德国

          The people inGermany are very friendly.德国人民非常友好。

          German 德国人,德国的,德国人的

         We are Germans.我们是德国人。

5.gift      n.礼物  近义词:present

       I always get a gift on Christmas Day.圣诞节我总是受到礼物。

       近义词: present

6.giraffe      n.长颈鹿

        My favorite animal is giraffe.我最喜欢的动物是长颈鹿。

7.glad       adj.高兴的

      I am glad to see you.很高兴见到你。


8.glasses      n.眼镜  复数名词

      I wear a pair of glasses.我戴副眼镜。

      glass n.玻璃 不可数名词

      The glass is very clean.玻璃非常干净。

9.goldfish     n.金鱼

      Goldfish isa kind of fish.金鱼是鱼的一种。

10good-looking    adj.好看的,漂亮的

       The boy is good-looking.这个男孩好看。


       handsome     adj.英俊的

       He is handsome. 他很英俊。

11.government n.政府

       Localgovernment raised much money for Project Hope.


12.grade     n.年级;等级;成绩,评分等级

      I am in Class7 grade 7.我在7年级7班。

      This grade of wool can be sold at a lower price.这种等级的羊毛只能低价出售。

13.grass     n./u 草

      The garden is full of grass.花园里长满了草。

14.grateful     adj.感激的,感谢的 be grateful to sb感谢某人

      I am grateful for your help.感谢你的帮助。


15.great       adj.好极的;使人快乐的 伟大的  a great scientist一名伟大的科学家

       That sounds great.那听起来太好了

16.greeting     n.问候      greet  v.问候

      I greeted him, but he didn’t return the greeting. 我问候他,但他没有回敬。

17.ground      n.地面

     There is a ball on the ground.地上有个球。

      on the ground floor第一层

18.grow     vt. &种,种植;grow- grew-grown  

Growingflowers in the garden is interesting.在花园种花非常有趣。


       I want to be a doctor when I grow up.当我长大我想成为一名医生。

19.growth     n.生长,成长

       Greenrepresents growth. 绿色代表成长.

20.guitar   n.吉他

      He likesplaying the guitar.   他喜爱弹吉他。


1.habit      n.习惯;习性

    It was her habit to go for a walk after supper. 晚饭后散步是她的习惯。

2.hall      n.<美>走廊;大厅

   Look! they are chatting in the hall.看他们在大厅聊天。

   The meeting was held in the hall.会议在大厅举行。

3.ham      n.(u)火腿

   How much ham do you need now?你现在需要多少火腿呢?

4.handbag    n.手提包,女用皮包

   The girl with a handbag in her hand is mysister.那个手里拿着手提包的女孩是我妹妹。

5.happen     vi.发生 近意:    同义词:  take place 没有被动结构

   What happened to you just now? 刚才你怎么啦?

6.happily    adv.愉快地;幸福地 反义词:unhappily

   Welive together happily.我们幸福地生活在一起。

  happy adj.      happiness n.

   Wehave happy lives.我们生活很幸福。

7.hard     adv.努力地; hardly adv.几乎不

Rememberto work hard.记住要努力工作。


Itis hard to work out the problem.很难解决这个问题。

adv.大地 rainhard/heavily 雨下得大   

Insummer it often rains hard/heavily in the south.夏天,南方经常下大雨。

8.hard-working     adj.勤勉的

    Heis a hard-working girl.他是个勤勉的男孩。

lazy   adj.懒惰的     a lazy boy

比较级最高级lazier, laziest

9.harmful     adj.有害的 反义词:harmless

    Itis harmful for you to eat ham.吃火腿对你有害。

    be harmful to 对…有害   do harm to

    Reading in bed isharmful to your eyes.在床上看书对你眼睛有害。

10.hate    vt.讨厌;恨  近义词:dislike 

hate to do sth  hate doing sth  讨厌做某事

    He likes dancing, but I hate dancing.他喜欢跳舞,可我讨厌跳舞。

11.hear    vt.& 听见,听到; hear-heard-heard

     hear sb do sth   听见某人作某事(动作经常发生或已发生过)

被动形式:be heard to do sth.

hearsb doing sth   听见某人在做某事(动作正在进行)

Canyou hear me tell a story clearly?你能清楚听到我讲故事吗?

Listen!I hear them singing an English song.听! 我听到他们正在唱英文歌曲。


     I heard that you didn’t go to school yesterday.我听说你昨天没有上学。

      hear from sb.收到某人的来信   hear of   听说…..

12.heavy     adj.大量的;密集的;重的

     The heavy rain rains a full day.大雨下了一整天。

     In some cities, the traffic is always heavy/busy.在一些城市,交通总是拥挤。

       heavily  adv. 近义词: hard

      It often rains heavily here.这里经常下大雨。

13.height     n.高,高度 weight 重量  length 长度

     The height of the hill is about 50 metres.这座山高50米

       high adj. 高的。

     The hill is 50 meters high. 这座山高50米

14.helpful     adj.乐于助人的;有帮助的 be helpful to sb 反义词:helpless

      He often helps others. So we think he ishelpful.


15.herself     pron.她自己(myself/ourselves/yourself/yourselves/itself/himself/herself/themselves)

      We are happy to see she is old enough to look afterherself.


16.hide      vi.& vt.藏,隐藏     hid   hidden

    She is coming, we’d better hide ourselves.她马上来,我们最好躲起来。

17.hire      vt.租用;雇用  hid   hidden

    He hired a car for two days. 他租一辆汽车用了两天。

    The fruit is picked by hired workers.水果被雇来的工人采摘。

18.hobby    n.业余爱好

Heworks in a bank, but his hobby is building model boats.


19.hold     vt.举行;托住,握住,拿着 held  held

Shewas holding/having a book in her hand.他手里拿着一本书。

20.holiday    n.假期;假日

Inthis job you get four weeks’ holiday / vacation a year.



  When I was on holiday last year, I visited my uncle.


21.honest     adj.诚实的,正直的

All my life I have tried to be anhonest man. 我一生我尽力成为一个诚实的人。

22.hope      vt. & n.希望  behopeless 无望的  副词:hopefully

Igave up hope of going to college when I failed my examinations.


Ihope to go to college. 我希望上大学。

I hope you will go tothe cinema tomorrow.(√)

wish:  wish to do sth.希望做某事  wish sb to do sth.希望某人做某事

23.hospital    n.医院

Shewalks to the hospital.她走到医院。

bein hospital住院   be in the hospital 在医院里

24.hour    n.小时

He went awayfor half an hour.他走了半小时了。

hourby hour 一小时一小时地

25.however    adv.然而,但是    辨析: but

Hehasn't arrived yet. However, he may come later.


Hehasn't arrived yet. But he may come later.

26.huge     adj.巨大的(large/big)

TheTV play was a huge success.这部电视剧获得巨大成功。

27.human     n.& 人/humanbeings;adj.人的

28.humour n.幽默  对应形容词:humorous

     Hehas a good sense of humour.他很有幽默感。

     He is very humorous.他很幽默。

29.hunt    v.打猎  对应名词:hunters

    Hunters must be stopped from huntingtigers.   必须阻止猎人捕杀老虎。

30.hurry       n.& vi. 急忙,匆忙;赶  in a hurry    hurry up

She hurried to the hospital. 她匆忙赶到医院。

Youalways seem to be in a hurry.你好像总是匆忙。

hurryto do sth.   急忙去做某事 

31.hurt       vt.使受伤;伤害   hurt oneself 伤到某人自己

Iam your friend, so I won't hurt you.我是你朋友,我不会伤害你的。


    Yesterday I fell off mybike. Luckily I wasn’t hurt.



1.idea    n.主意,想法 have anidea不知道 good idea 好主意

Ihave no idea what you mean.=I don’t know what you mean.我不知道你什么意思。

2.if    conj.如果(状语从句),

Ifyou ask him, he will help you at once.如果你叫他,他会立刻帮助你。

Iwon’t go toplay basketball if it rains tomorrow.



Idon’t know if it will rain tomorrow.我不知道明天是否下雨。

3.imagine       vi.&想像;设想   形容词:imaginative

Youcan imagine the situation there.你可以想像那里的情景。

4.immediately      adv.立即,马上/at once/right now

Atraffic accident happened just now and the police came immediately.


5.impossible  adj. 不可能的

It is impossible for me to finishthe task in such a short time.


6.important      adj.重要的 importancen. 重要性 the importance of

Protecting wild animals is important.保护野生动物非常重要。


7.improve       vt.改进,改善  名词:improvement

Thisis not good enough. I want to improve it.这还不足够好,我想改进。

8.India n.印度   形容词:Indian

   The photos were taken in India.这些照片是在印度拍的

   Indian tigers are endangered.印度虎濒临灭绝。

9.industry n.工业,产业

   She wants to enter the film industry.  她想进入电影界。

10.in fact    实际上,事实上

Infact,I don’t know howto deal with it.事实上,我不知道如何处理它。

11.in front of   在……前面  (外面)

  There is a park in front of our school.在我们学校前面有一座公园。

    inthe front of 在…..前面部分(里面)

   The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom. 老师站在教室前面。

12.include    vt.包括,包含 including   prep.

Theuniversity includes ten colleges.这所大学包括10个学院。

13.indeed     adv.真正地;确实

Areyou pleased at your son's success? Yes, indeed.

你对你儿子的成功感到高兴吗? 是对,确实高兴。

A friend in need is a friendindeed.患难之中的朋友才是真正的朋友。

14.influence      n.影响  近义词:effect

Myteacher's influence made me study science at college.老师的影响使我大学学理科

vt.影响  近义词:affect

 My teacher influenced my decision to studyscience.

15.information    n.信息  不可数名词

Wcan get lots of information from the newspapers just like sports, news etc.


  a piece of information 一条信息

16.inside   prep.在……里面

Thereare some books inside/in the bag.  书包里有许多书。


 It’s warm inside though it is cold outside. 尽管外面冷,但里面暖和。


17.insist     vt.& vi.坚持,坚持认为

Iinsist on your comingwith me. 我坚持你和我一起去 。

insiston doing   坚持做某事

18.instead of    代替,而不是(后接名词,代词,doing ….)

    Igo to the park instead of the zoo.我去公园而不是动物园。

      instead 代替(后接从句或单独用.)

       Miss zhang was ill yesterday. So I took herclass instead today.


19.interest      n.令人感兴趣的人(或事);兴趣

Ifind no interest in such things. 在这样事上面,我找不到兴趣。

beinterested in 对…感兴趣

20.interesting     adj.有趣的 指物     be interested in 指人

I am interested in the interesting book. 我对这本有趣的书感兴趣。

名胜:a place of interest/ aninteresting place

21.international    adj.国际的

aninternational agreement 国际协定

22.interview    n.& vt.采访;会见 

Thereporter wants to interview me.这个记者想采访我。

记者:interviewer  have an interview with sb.采访某人

23.introduce     vt.介绍

Heintroduced his friend to me. 他把他朋友介绍给我

24.invent      vt.发明,创造

Whoinvented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸汽机?

   invention  n. 发明 inventor  n.  发明家

25.invite       vt.邀请  invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

Sheinvited us to her party.她邀请我参加她的聚会。

n.邀请 invitation  an invitation letter  邀请信

26.itself  pron.它自己

   The story itself is very interesting.这故事本身很有趣。