
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 02:19:13



pass away 去世;消失;消磨(时间);
pass by 从旁经过;忽略;不予理会
pass for 被认为是,被当作…;冒充…
pass on 传给;传下去;转入,
pass out 失去知觉.晕倒:死掉
pass over 不管.不计较,不追究;
pass through 穿过,通过;经历,
pay back 偿还;
pay for 付…的钱,赔偿;为…付代价;
pay off 偿还掉,付掉;;有利可图;有报偿;合算
pay up 偿还(欠款),全部付清
pick out 认出;辨出;选择;挑出
pick up 拾起;重拾(话题;(开车)去接;偶然学得;得(病);恢复(健康等);收听,加快(speed,好转(look up
pile up 堆集;成堆;积累;
play a part/role (in) 在…方面起作用)
play a trick (joke) (on) 捉弄;恶作剧
play with 玩,玩弄
point out 使注意;指出
prior to 在…之前
pull down 拆毁;毁坏;
pull in (车)进站;驶进;挣(钱)
pull out出站;退出; 拔掉(牙)抽出;撤军
pull on 穿,戴;
pull through 恢复健康;渡过难关
pull up停车;拔起(草树);
pull over 船)靠岸,(车)开过来
put an end/a stop to 停止;摧毁;消除
put down 放下;放在…上;写下;镇压;
put/lose faith in 相信;/对…失去信心
put forward提出
put off 延期;推迟;打消(疑虑);
put on 穿上;演出;表演;增加体重;
put out 公布;播出;使熄灭,扑灭;生产;出版
put/lay/set aside 搁置一旁;不管;避开;积蓄
put into practice/operation 实行,实施
put to (death/sleep/shame/use) 使用;处死/使睡/使感到羞愧/投入使用
put up 建起;支起;张贴,挂;修建;留宿;提出
put up with 忍受;容忍

reach out  伸出手(或脚)去够
react to对…作出反应
regardless of不顾,
rely on依靠,依赖,依仗
reply to sb  回答某人
right away  立刻,马上
round off (园满)完成
round up  收集,集合
run down 跑下;撞倒;追捕到
run off (使)逃跑;复制
run short  快用完;将耗尽
run through   跑着穿过;刺
rate as =rank 评为,列为(名次)
refer to 提到;讲起;有关;涉及;参考;查阅
refer to… as 把…叫做…
remind of 提醒;使想起
result in导致;致使;
result from由…引起;由…而发生
ring off/up 挂断电话/给某人打电话;
round about 周围;大约
rule out 排除;不考虑
run away 出走;离家;逃跑;逃避
run for 竞选,让…竞选
run into 遭遇;碰巧;撞见; 达到;撞车
run out 用光;失效;到期
run over 碰倒;撞倒;(车)压死;溢出;排练;查阅

save up 存钱,储蓄;贮存;节省
scarcely...when 刚…就…
see after照顾
see eye to eye 完全同意
see for oneself 亲眼看,自己去看
see sb. through 关心…渡过难关
see to it that注意,负责
see to (doing  负责,注意,照料
seeing that 鉴于…,由于…的缘故
seek after 寻找;探索;追求
seize hold of 抓住;占领
search for 寻找;搜查;竭力想;苦想
see about 照料;安排;留意;查看
see off 送行
send for 通知某人来;派人去请;请人送寄来
serve the purpose 符合目的;有助于解决
serve as 充当;起作用
set back使受挫折,使退步, 耽搁,推迟;阻碍;
see free 放走;释放
set off 出发;开始(追跑);燃放(鞭炮); 引起;触发;,
set out 着手做某事;整理;出发,动身;陈述;阐述
set aside 留出,拨出,储存,不顾,把放一旁,取消,驳回(money/grain/an area/objections/requirement
set up 树立;建起;安装;成立;修建;
settle down 坐下来;安家;安定下来;冷静下来;降临
short of 不足;缺乏
show off 卖弄;炫耀;展示;
show up 出现;露面;显露暴露,揭露;
shut down 关闭;停业
shut up 使住口;闭嘴;禁闭;关在里面
sit back 背靠,放松,休息
sit by 袖手旁观
sit for (准备)参加(考试)
sit in 旁听,参加;列席;出席;
sit out 耐心听完;耐心看完
sell out 卖完;出售货物
shake hands with 与…握手
shoot at 向…射击;
side by side  肩并肩地;同时地
sign up 签约,注册
single out  挑选出,选拔,找出
smooth away 消除;解决
speak up/out 大声说,直说,说出
spread out  伸开,展开;传播
stand in one's way  阻碍,妨碍
stand the test 经受住考验
stand up for  为…辩护;维护;坚持
start off  出发,动身;开始
start up 突然站起,惊起
step by step逐步地,一步步地
step up走近来;加快
stick out  伸出;坚持到底;显眼
stick to坚持;忠于;信守
stop by (顺便)访问,
store up 贮藏,储备
stretch out伸展;伸手拿…
struggle against 与…作斗争,和…斗争
struggle for   为…而斗争
such as 象…那样的,诸如
such being the case 事实既然如此
such...that...  那样的…以致
sweep clean 扫,清洁
switch off  (开关)关掉
switch on (开关)开启
take a chance冒险,投机
take care 当心,保重
take cover  隐蔽
take delight in  以…为乐
take down  取下;记下;拆卸
take interest in  对…感(产生)兴趣
take it easy 不紧张;放松;松懈
take leave  向…告辞
take notes 记笔记
take notice of注意,留心
sit/stay up (late) 坐起来;端坐;熬夜/晚睡;熬夜
slow down减速;慢下来;
so to say/speak 可以这么说;打个比方说; 可以说(是)
Speaking of/talking of一提到,至于
speed up 加速;加快;催促;加紧
stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;
stand out (显得)突出,鲜明;顶得住;抗得住
stand by 站旁边,旁观,支持
stick it out 持到底;顶下去;忍耐到底
stick out 突出;伸出;显眼
stick to 坚持;遵守;信守;不走题;坚定信赖…
still less 何况;更不用说
stir up 掀起;搅起;煽动;激励;唤起
subject to 有…的倾向;易遭;易患;受制于;
succeed in 做成(某事);成功
suffer from 患(病);受…之苦
sum up 总结;概括;总计;概述要点
superior/inferior to 好于;优于;高于/劣于;次于
take action/measures/steps 采取行动/采取措施
take advantage of 占(人)便宜;趁…之便;利用
take it easy 别紧张,不要紧
take after 像…;学…的样;仿效
take charge (of 主管;负责;接管
take effect 生效;起作用;见效
take…for 把…误认为;把…看作…
take (it) for granted 视为当然;想必是
take in 收留;使…上当;欺骗;领会;容纳;
take into account/consideration 把…考虑进去/考虑
take off 起飞;突然走红;流行开;
take on 开始从事;负起职责;显露出;开始雇佣
take out 取出;割掉;拔去;取得;
take over接管; 抢占;占领;接任
take part (in) 参加;参与
take place发生;进行;举行
take the lead领先,带领
take the place of 代替
take pride in/be proud of 以…自豪
take sharp 成形;形成;初具规模
take to (很快)喜欢上;开始;从事;成为习惯;开始迷上
take turns  流换班;替换
take up开始(学习,爱好);从事;占(时间,空间等);拿起;接纳(乘客等),接续
take time不急不忙,从容进行
take to one's heels逃走,逃之夭夭
talk back回嘴,顶嘴
talk into 说服;劝说某人做某事

talk with与…交谈,试图说服
taste of 有…味道(或气息)
teach a lesson  给…一个教训
tear down  扯下;拆毁;诋毁
tear off急速脱掉
tear up撕碎
telephone to sb. 打电话给某人
tell...apart   把…区分开
tell...from   辨别,分辨;认出
the moment (that   一…就…
the other day 几天前
the roll call 点名
the same as 与…一致,与…相同的
think out  彻底地想一想
think over 仔细考虑
think twice重新考虑,三思
think highly/badly/much/little/nothing of
  对 评价高/低..
talk about(of) 谈论
talk into (out of) 劝说做(不做)某事
talk over 商讨;商谈;
thanks to 由于;因为,幸亏
that is (to say) 那就是;即;换言之
the other way (a) round/about 相反(地); think of 想到;想起;记起;为…着想;想起;企图;打算
think of… as;把…当作…
think about 思索;考虑
think up 发明;设计出
throw about到处扔;转向航行
throw doubt upon  使人对…产生怀疑
throw light on sth.   解释,阐明
throw off  扔开;匆匆脱掉(衣服)
throw up  抛起;呕出(食物)
to begin with 首先,第一
to say nothing of    更不必说
to some extent 在某种程度上
together with  和;加之;连同
too...to...  太…以致不能…
track down找到,发现;查出
treat sb. as 把…待如;把…看作
treat sb. for 给某人医治…
turn against背叛…采取敌对态度
turn away走开;把脸转过去,
turn down  关小,调低;拒绝
turn in  转身进入;拐入;交出
turn into 进入;使变成,使成为
turn one's back on 不理睬
think over/out 掂量;斟酌/琢磨透;想出;深思熟虑
throw away 扔弃;抛弃;白费;浪费
throw/shed light on 说明;解释;提供线索;使清楚起来
to and fro 来回地;往复地
to some/a certain/a large extent 在某种/一定/很大程度上
to the effect that 大意是说;意思是
to the point 切题;中肯;简明扼要
to be honest=to tell the truth说实话
touch down 降落;着陆
touch on/upon 谈及;涉及
try on 试穿;
try out 实验,试用
turn on打开;
turn off关掉;解雇;
turn out 结果是;原来是;生产出;培训出;
turn over v.打翻, 反复考虑, 翻身, 折腾, 翻阅
turn to v.转向, 变成, 求助于,  开始行动
turn up 出现;出席;被找到,发现;将(声,光等)调大;

under way 正在进行之中
up to 多到;达到;适于;由…决定
upside down 颠倒
wake up 醒来;使醒悟;使振作;使觉醒;意识到
warm up 加热;变暖;(运动前)热身; warn of /against警告(某人)
wear out 穿旧;穿坏;磨损;磨破;使人疲惫不堪
(be)well off/worse off 手头宽裕;生活好过/手头更拮据,日子更不好过
watch out for小心谨慎;留意,提防
wipe out 歼灭;扫除;;消灭;擦净
with one’s help 在 帮助下
with reference to 关于;有关
with/in regard/relation to 关于;有关
without exception全部;无一例外
work hard at努力从事
work on在做..工作;从事
work out;拟定出(计划等);算出(总数);解决;
worthy of 值得的;名副其实的
write off 勾消,注消,报废;
yield to 让步
under discussion/construction
/investigation/the pressure of
under control处于控制之下
up and down上上下下;前前后后
up to date 现代的;直到最近的
use up 用完,耗尽;花完
used to do 过去)经常
wait at table伺候进餐
wait for等候,等待
wait on  服侍(某人)
wander about  漫游;闲逛
wear off逐渐消失;磨掉;耗损
weed out清除,除去
What about...?   (对于)…怎么样?
What if...?  倘使…将会怎么?
what is more而且;更重要的是
when it comes to 一谈到;就…而论
while away   消磨(时间)
wind up  结束,停止;卷紧
with the help of在…的帮助下
within reach 可达到
without delay 毫不迟疑,毫不推迟
without doubt 无疑地,很可能
without fail 必定,务必
word for word 逐字地;一字不变地
would rather do 宁愿,宁可
would rather...than 宁愿…而不愿…
wrap up 裹紧;包好
write down   写下;把…描写成
write off  注销;勾销;写信寄出
year after year  年年,每年
year in year out 年复一年地,不断地