
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 23:46:10

VO:What is your name?

你叫什么名字? RE:My name is **

我叫** VO:How old are you?

你的年龄是多少? RE:I am nineteen.

我十九岁。 VO:Where are you from?

你从哪里来? RE:I come from Beijing

我来自北京。 VO:Why do you want to study in the US/America?

为什么要去美国读书? RE:Because American education is the world and American computer technology is very developed. There are so many famous computer companies, such as Microsoft, Apple and Dell. So I want to study in the US.

因为美国的教育是全世界最好的,美国的计算机知识也是世界上非常发达的国家,有很多著名的公司,像微软,苹果和戴尔等。所以我想到美国读计算机。 VO:Where are you studying now?

你现在哪个学校上学? RE:Gan Zhou No.3 Middle School.

赣州第三中学。 VO:How many universities/schools have you applied for? How many of them admitted you?Why do you want to study in this school?

你申请了多少个大学?多少个录取了你? 为什么要选择这个学校? RE:I have applied three universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think the University of Maine is an excellent university in the US and its computer education is also very good.

我申请了3所大学,其中一间录取了我。因为缅因大学是美国一个非常好的大学,并且它的计算机教育也非常优秀,所以我选择了这个学校。 VO:How many of them give you financial aids?

他们中有多少给了你财政援助? RE:I didn’t apply financial aids.

我没有申请财政援助。 VO:Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US?

你知道这个学校在什么地方吗?你知道你在美国哪里学习吗 ? RE:It locates in Orono, Maine.

在缅因的奥罗诺。 VO:How long will you study in USA?

在美国要学习多长时间? RE:About four years.

大约四年。 VO:Have you been to USA before? Have you been to any other country before?

你以前去过美国吗?你以前去过其他国家吗? RE:I have been to the San Francisco and Los Angeles, to visit some universities with my classmates.

我曾经去过旧金山和洛杉矶,和我的同学参观了一些大学。 VO:What are you doing now?

你现在正在做什么? RE:I am studying English now.

我现在学习英语(论坛)。 VO:What will you study? /What do you want to study? /What‘s your major? /What’s your subject?

你要学习什么专业? RE:Computer Engineering.

计算机工程。 VO:Why do you want to study Computer science? /Why do you choose this major? /Why do you choose this subject?

为什么要学习这个专业? RE:Because I like computer knowledge and I have studied computer at my junior high school so I want to continue to study Computer science.

因为我喜欢计算机,并且在学校学过这个专业。所以我想继续学这个专业。 VO:How do you know this school?

你是怎么知道这个学校的? RE:From internet.

通过因特网。 VO:How about this school's tuition and fees?

学校的学费是多少? RE:About 230,000 U.S. dollars.

大约230,000美金。 VO:Who will support you to study in the US? Who will be your sponsor?

谁会资助你到美国读书? RE:My parents.

我父母。 VO:What is your parents' job? What do your parents do?

你父母做什么工作? RE:My father is a senior consultant and my mother has retired.

我父亲是高级顾问,我的母亲已经退休了。 VO:How about your parents' annual income or monthly salary?

你父母的年收入或月收入是多少? RE:My parents' annual income is about 300,000 RMB.

我父母的年收入大约是300,000元人民币。 VO:How many brothers and sisters and do you have?Do you have any siblings?

你有几个兄弟姐妹? RE:I am a only child.

我是独生子。 VO:What do you plan to do in the future? What is your plan for your future?

你对未来有什么计划? RE:I will study hard first and I will come back to China when I finish my study in the US because China become more and more stronger and there are a lot of chances in China.

我首先会努力学习,等我本科毕业,我会回到中国找一份不错的工作。因为中国现在越来越强大,机会比较多。 VO:Do you like America?

你喜欢美国吗? RE:I like American campus life.

我喜欢美国的大学生活。 VO:Do you have any relative in America?

你在美国有亲戚吗? RE:No.

没有。 VO:What is your interest? /What is your hobby?

你的兴趣爱好是什么? RE:Reading books, badminton, Ping-Pong and so on.
