
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 14:40:50
§256        look/ look for/ find/ find out / look up
Ⅰ. look “看”指看的意识,强调看的行为动作。是不及物动词。不能直接接宾语。如:
①     Look, they are playing on the playground.
Ⅱ. look for “寻找”指有目的地找。强调“寻找”这一动作。
①     What are you looking for? 你在找什么?
Ⅲ. find “找到、发现”指经过一番努力后“找到”丢失的人或东西。强调“找”的结果。如:
①     I can’t find my pen. 我找不到我的钢笔了。
②     The poor granny is looking for her little son. I hope she can find him.             这个可怜的老奶奶在找她的小儿子,我希望她能找到他。
Ⅳ. find out “找出、查明”用着及物动词短语,常表达找出答案,弄明真相,查明情况等意思。如:
①     Please find out when the train leaves.    请查一下火车什么时候离站。
Ⅴ. look up “向上看;查字典”如:
①     She looked up and she saw many birds in the sky.
②     You must look up the new words when you don’t know how to pronounce it.
§257        what’s …like?/ How’s …?
Ⅰ. What’s …like? “询问某人或事物的持久的特性、特征, 如相貌等。 如:
① ---What’s your elder sister like? ---She’s a kind and humorous woman. 你姐是怎样一个人? 她是一个既和善又幽默的女人。
② ---What’s your father like?  ---He is tall and fat.        你父亲长得怎么样? 他又高又胖。
③ ---What’s the spring in the north like?  ---It’s usually very windy and dry.              北方的春天怎么样?  通常风很大而且干燥。
Ⅱ. How’s …? 用来询问暂时 的情况,或对经历过事的感受,或问候别人的健康。如:
① --How’s your study these days?   --Very well. Thank you. 近来的学习情况怎样?  很好, 谢谢。
② How was the film last night?  Great!    昨晚的电影怎么样? 好极了!
③     How is your sister?  She’s very well.   你姐好吗(身体怎样)? 她很好。
①     How was the film? 这电影怎样?
②     What was the film like? 这电影讲什么?(请对方对电影作一番描述或评论)
§258        none / nobody / no one
Ⅰ. none 既可指人,也可指物,意为“没有人;没有东西”等,表三者或三者以上的人或物的全部否定。与all是反义词。后可接of 短语。作主语时,如果它指代的是可数名词,谓语动词用单数、复数形式都可以,用单数时强调个体,表“没有一个人”;用复数则强调整体,表“所有人都没有”。如果它指代的是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。常常用来回答how many & how much 以及有特定范围的问题。如:
①     How many of the women are teachers? None (of them is / are). 这些女士中有多少是老师? 一个也没有。
②     How much water is left in the bottle? Nove (of it is left). 瓶子里还剩多少水? 一点儿也没剩。
③     Which of the boys plays football well? None(of them does). 这些男孩中哪个足球踢得好? 一个也没有。
Ⅱ. nobody & no one 指代人,意为“没有人”。作主语时谓语动词有单数形式,后不能跟of 短语,常常用来回答who 和不确定的问题。如:
①     Luckily, nobody / no one  was gurt in this accident.   幸运的是,没有人在这场事故中受伤。
②     Who went to the net bar this week? Nobody / No one.        这周谁去过网吧? 没有人。
§259        look/ seem
Ⅰ. seem “看来、似乎”既可作连系动词,以可做不及物动词,后接:形容词、名词、介词短语或不定式。                      如:
①     Mother seemed to know that. 母亲好像知道那件事。
②     Bill doesn’t seem to a understand. 比尔似乎不太理解。= Bill seems not to understand.(这更正式)
Ⅱ. 常用搭配:
①     It seems (that)好像、看来、似乎,如:
1. It seems to me that her accident is all your fault! 在我看来她出事都是你的错。
2. But it seemed that it wasn’t the only letter. 但是好像这不是唯一的一封信。
②     seem as if / though. “看起来像”如:
1. It seems as though Ken will win the rice.看来赛跑Ken好像要赢。
2. It seems (as if ) it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨了。
Ⅲ. look “看来、似乎”着重于由视觉得出的印象,seem 则暗示有一定根据,这种判断往往接近事实。在搭配上两者都可接:形容词、名词(前常有形容词修饰)、动词不定式to be、过去分词 和 介词短语。如:
①     He looks / seems a nice man.他看上去是个好人。
②     You look / seem tired. Let’s have a rest. 看来你累了,我们休息一会儿。
③     The boy looked / seemed to be very ill. 那男孩看上去病得很重。
Ⅳ, 但在下面情况下,只能用seem, 不能用look:
1.       后面接动词不定式:to do 时。如:
①     The captain seemed to know all his soldiers.
2. 用于It seems that …结构时。如:
① It seemed that he had missed the train.看来他没搭上火车。
3. 用于There seemed to (不定式) 结构时:如:
There seemed to be hundreds of people on the playground. 运动场上好像有几百人。
§260        lose/ miss
Ⅰ. lose “丢失、失去”语气较强,一般指失去后不易找回;而 miss 指人们觉察到东西已经“丢失”,含有可能找回的意思。miss 还有“想念”之意。而lose 则没有。如:
①     My grandfather lost a leg in in the war.  我爷爷在战争中失去了一条腿。
②     We shall all miss you when you go away.      你不在时,我们都会想念你的。
Ⅱ. 作定语和表语用时,lose 用过去分词 lost, 而mess用现在分词missing.如:
①     Who has found my lost pen?谁找到了我丢失的钢笔?
②     Missing book is found now. 丢失的书现在已经找到了。
§261 meet / meet with
Ⅰ. meet “遇见、遇到;接(人)”;“集会”;“满足(要求等)”。
①     I know his name, but I’ve never met him. 我知道他的名字,但从未见过他。
②     The staff members will meet tomorrow to discuss the problem. 员工们明天开会将讨论这一问题。
③     I will meet my wife at the airport. 我将去机场接我的妻子
④     This will meet your needs. 这将满足你的要求。
Ⅱ. meet with. “遇到;碰到”强调偶然性;还常表示“遭遇;经历;遭到”此时不能只用meet. 如:
①     I met with a childhood friend on the bus. 我在汽车上遇到一个儿时的朋友。
②     They met with an accident on their way back. 他们在回去的路上遇到车祸。
③     I met with some difficulties when I tried to enter the country. 我在入境时遇到一些困难。
§262        many/ much/ a lot of/ lots of/ a good or great  many/ many a / a number of/ a great or large number of/ a great deal of/ plenty of/ the number of
Ⅰ. many “许多、大量”修饰可数名词复数。如:
①     Many students think so. 很多学生都这样想。
Ⅱ. much 指量而言,与不可数名词连用。如:
①     He mever eats much breakfast.他早餐从来吃得不多。
Ⅲ. the number of “……的总数”number 指“数目、人数”是句中真正的主语。故动词须用单三式。如:
①The number of the students in our class is sixty-five.
复数可数名词与不可数名词(一般用于肯定句中;否定句和疑问句多用many, much)
a many
many a
a great deal of
plenty of
复数可数名词或不可数名词(一般用于肯定句中;否定句或疑问句多用enough, many much)
§263        may be/ maybe
Ⅰ. may be “也许是”“可能是”may 是情态动词,与be一起作谓语。而maybe是副词,意为“也许”“可能”用作状语。如:
①     Maybe you put it there.也许你把它放在那里了。
②     But I’m afraid I may be a little late.     但我担心我可能晚了一点。
③     Maybe he’s wrong. = He may be wrong. 或许他错了。
④     Maybe the twin brothers are boating now. = The twin brothers may be boating now.现在那对双胞胎兄弟可能在划船。
⑤     Maybe /perhaps they’ll go on a picnic next week. = They may go on a picnic next week. 他们下周可能要去野餐。
§264        mend/ repair
Ⅰ. mend “修理、修补”。普通用语。指对由于穿戴或使用等原因而破烂或破损的东西加以修补或修理。如:
①     There’s a hole in your shirt. Better mend it right away.       你的衬衫上有一个洞,最好马上补一补。
②     The broken window requires to be mended. 这扇破窗户需要修理。
Ⅱ. repair “修理、修补”。常与mend换用。但当需要修理之物,由于使用或年代等原因已经损坏,修起来比较复杂时,多用repair. 如:
①     They have repaired the car. 他们已把汽车修好了。
②     It will take all the summer to repair the house. 需要整个夏天才能把房子修好。
§265        message/ news
①     I’ll leave a message for her. 我将为她留个口信。
②     I haven’t had a message from him for a month. 我一个月没有得到他的音讯了。
[联想]:和 news搭配的词组:
latest news 最新消息。     stale news 过时新闻
current news   时事       highlighted news 重要新闻
inside news 内幕消息      grapevine news 小道消息
invested news 不实消息    distorted news 歪曲的新闻
§266        middle / center
We have lunch in the middle of the day.
另外middle还可表程度的“中等”如:the middle school
Ⅱ. centre “中心”,通常用于空间方面,强调指正中心。它还可以用于借喻,表某一事物的中心。如:
①     Dray a circle round a given centre. 就指定的中心画一圆圈。
②     We live in the centre of London. 我们住在伦敦中心。
③     Beijing is the political, economic and cultural centre of China. 北京是中国的政治、经济和文化中心。
§267        mist/ fog
Ⅰ. mist “雾”指比fog 薄的“薄雾”,形容词为:misty. 它还可指:“(眼睛)朦胧”等。如:
①     The mountain top was covered with mist.   山顶笼罩着雾气。
②     She tried to see him through the mist of tears. 她试着透过朦胧的泪眼看他。
Ⅱ. fog 指较浓的“浓雾”,其形容词为:foggy.如:
③     The fog was so thick that he had to drive very slowly.  雾太浓了, 他必须慢慢地开车。
§268        most /a most / the most
Ⅰ. most adv. 前无冠词,一般表“很、十分”如:
①     Most likely it will rain. 很可能要下雨了。
②     The author is most serious in writing the essay.   作者写这篇文章的态度是很严肃的。
Ⅱ. a most 后接形容词,修饰单数可数名词,意思是“很,十分”如:
①     That was a most enjoyable party. 那是一次非常快乐的晚会。
②     These children lead a most happy life.   这些孩子过着非常幸福的生活。
Ⅲ. the most  是much or many 的最高级。意为“最”如:
①     That’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. 那是我到过的最美丽的地方。
§269        mouse / rat
Ⅰ. mouse “老鼠、耗子”,比rat 小。如:
①     I have set a trap for mouse. 我装置了一个捕鼠器捕鼠。
②     When the cat’s away, the mice will play. [谚]:猫儿一跑耗子闹。
Ⅱ. rat “老鼠、耗子”,比mouse 大。如:
①     A rat has fallen into the trap. 一只老鼠落到了捕鼠器里。
②     A rat crossing the street is chased by all. 老鼠过街,人人喊打。
§270        much too/ too much
Ⅰ. much too 太、非常, 用作副词词组,修饰形容词或其它副词。如:
①       It’s much too cold today. 今天天气太冷。
②       The old man walked much too slowly. 这位老人走得太慢了。
Ⅱ. too much “太多”有三种用法:
1.  用作名词词组。如:
③       You gave me too much. 你给我的太多了。
2.  用作形容词词组。修饰不可数名词。如:
④       I don’t like winter because there’s too much snow and ice.我不喜欢冬天,因为雪和冰太多了。
3.  用作副词词组,修饰动词,如:
⑤       Don’t speak too much. 别讲得太多。
[注]:much too 与too much都可用作副词词组,但too much 不可以修饰形容词,much too 不可以修饰动词。动词。ow and ice.because there' working. presents.
§271        must/ have to
Ⅰ. must “必须”,往往着重于主观上认为有义务,有必要。
①     We must work hard. 我们必须努力工作。
②     Imust go. 我必须走。
Ⅱ. have to “必须”往往着重于客观的需要,含有“不得不”的意味。如:
①     Do you have to see a doctor today? 你今天要去看医生吗
②     It was late and we have to stay at home. 时间已晚,我们只得呆在家里。
§272        neither/ either
Ⅰ. neither “(两者)都不”,pron 如:
①     Neither of the books is mine. 这两本书都不是我的。
[注]作连词用时,neither 与nor连用,表示“既不……也不”如:
②     The ground must be just right -----——neither too wet nor too dry.地面务必适合——既不太湿,也不太干。
Ⅱ. either “(两者中的)任何一个”pron. 如:
①     There are two bikes in the room. You can ride eitheri of the two. 房里有两部自行车,你可以任骑一部。
②     They were either too big or too small. 它们不是太大,就是太小。
▲     作副词用时,二者都有“也不”之意,但所使用的句型及在句中的位置不同。如:
①     He doesn’t like swimming, I don’t like swimming, either.
②     He doesn’t like swimming. Neither do I . (用于倒装结构中)
§273        neither/ none
Ⅰ. neither “两者都不”与both相对,其后的谓语动词用单三式。如:
①     Neither of my parents is at home. 我父母亲(任何一个)都不在家。
Ⅱ. none “三者或三者以上都有不”,与all相对。如:
①     None of the students are in the classroom. They have all gone to the playground. 所有的学生都不(一个也不)在教室里,他们都到操场上去了。
§274        next / the next
Ⅰ. next 用于将来时态中
Ⅱ. the next 用于过去时态中。有时也可用于将来时。如:
①     I’ll finish school next June. The next month I’ll go on trip to my hometwon.        明年六月我要毕业了,第二个月(即七月)我就要回家乡。
②     She said in her letter that she would visit us the next week. 她在信中说她要在第二个星期拜访我们。
§275        no / not
Ⅰ. no “不”既可作形容词,又可作副词。作形容词时用来否定名词、代词或动名词。作副词时,主要用于否定回答。
①     The poor boy had no money for books. 那个穷孩子没钱买书。
②     No smoking. 禁止吸烟。
③     Isn’t he a teacher?  No, he isn’t.
Ⅱ. not “不”只用作副词。用来否定动词、不定式、形容词或副词。通常放在“三类词”(情态动词,助动词,系动词)之后,行为动词之前。否定不定式时,直接放在不定式的小品词to前。如:
①     I have not been to Beijing.
②     He doesn’t like reading.
▲     no 和not  都可与形容词或副词的比较级连用,但句子的含义不同。如:
①     I am no taller than he. 我不比他高。(两人都矮)
②     I am not taller than he. 我不比他更高。(两人都高)
▲     no = not a 或not any 如:
①     She has no books = She doesn’t have a book. = She does not have any books.
▲     no 表示它所修饰的名词的相反的意思。而not只能表示一般的否定。如:
①     He is no teacher. 他根本(绝)不是老师。(不善于教书)
②     He is not a teacher. 他不是老师。(可能是其它职业)
③     He is no fool = He is clever. 他不笨(他是聪明的)
④     He is not a fool. 他不是个傻子。
§276        no longer/ not…any longer/
no more / not any more
Ⅰ. no longer = not … any longer, “不再”强调时间和动作不再持续,常与状态动词和延续性动词连用,如wait, stay, be等。 但no longer与no more 一样通常放在“三类词(情态动词、 助动词、连系动词)”之后。行为动词之前。而not … any longer 与not … any more 一样,其中的not与谓语动词构成否定式,常放在“三类词”之后。any longer,与any more 放在句末。如:
③     He’s no longer living in this city. 他不住在这个城市了。
④     You are not a child any longer. 你已不再是个孩子了。
Ⅱ. no more = not … any more “不再”强调数量、次数上不再增加和强调动作终止的结果,因此,常与名词、瞬间动词连用,如hear, see, leave等。如:
①     There’s no more bread. 不再有面包了。
②     He didn’t go there any more. 他再没去过那儿。
§277        no matter what/ whatever/ what ever
Ⅰ.no matter what“不管什么,无论什么”用来引导让步状语从句。类似的词组还有:no matter where “不论哪里”, no matter which “不论哪一个”,no matter how“不论怎样”如:
①     They are going to win the football match, no matter how bad the weather is.    不管天气多么糟糕,他们会赢得这场足球比赛。
②     No matter who knocks, don’t open the door. 不管谁敲门,都不要开门。
③     Give me a call first no matter when you come. 不管什么时候来,都请你先给我打个电话。
Ⅱ.whatever 是连接代词,可以作“无论什么”解,引导让步状语从句,可以这样用的连接代词或连接副词有whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however等。如:
①     Whatever you do, do your best. =No matter what you do, do your best. 无论你干什么,都要尽最大努力去干。
②     Whoever telephones, tell him I am out. = No matter who telephones, tell him I am out. 无论谁给我打电话,就说我出去了。
③     Wherever he may be, he will be happy. = No matter where he may be, he will be happy. 无论在什么地方,他都是乐呵呵的。
Ⅲ.whatever 还可以解作 “凡是……的;所……的东西”(anything that),用来引导一个名词性从句,这时不能用no matter what 替换。如:
①     Take whatever you want. 你要什么就拿什么吧。
②     Whatever I have is yours. 我所有的东西全都是你的。
Ⅳ. what ever 中的ever意为“究竟;到底”,用在疑问词what后面,以加强语气,着重表示说话者的情绪,如惊讶、愤怒、兴奋等,what ever 在意义上等于what on earth 或what in the world, 其他疑问词也可以这样用。如:
①     What ever do you think you’re doing?你想想,你到底在干什么?
②     Who ever left the door open?究竟是谁把门敞着不关?
③     Where ever did you pick up the pen? 你到底在哪儿捡到的这支钢笔?
§278        not at all/ not … at all
Ⅰ. not at all 是客套话,意为“别客气”相当于 That’s all right; You are welcome. 如:
①--Thank you very much.  –Not at all.
Ⅱ. not…at all “根本不”;“一点也不”。at all 用以加强语气。如:
①     She doesn’t like it at all. 她根本不喜欢它。
②     He didn’t come at all. 他根本没来。
§279        officer/ official
Ⅰ. officer “官员”常指武官,有时也指文官。如:
①     The officer put down his arms and jumped into the pond for the fish. 那军官放下武器,跳到池塘里捉鱼去了。
②     His father is a police officer. 他父亲是警官。
③     He is an administrative officer.他是行政官。
Ⅱ. official “官员”通常指政府的文职官员。如:
①     An official is suspended from office. 有一位官员被停职。
②     They are government officials. 他们是政府官员。
§280        on time/ in time
Ⅰ.in time “及时”,指的是不迟到或在提前的时间之前做某事,后面可接不定式或for短语。
Ⅱ.on time“准时”,指按规定的时间或指定的时间做某事,后面不可以跟不定式或for短语。如:
①     Joe was just in time for the bus. Joe正好赶上那班汽车。
②     They got there on time to see the exhibition.       他们准时到那儿,去看了那个展览。
§281        one/ it
Ⅰ. it 所指代的,与前面的名词是同一事物;它常替代限定词the, this, that 所修饰的单数名词,此外还可用来表示称赞或责备某人做了某事。如:
①     Whose is the pen? Oh it’s mine. 这支笔是谁的?哦,是我的。
②     It’s very kind of you to invite me to the party. 承蒙邀请,不胜感激。(代to invite…)
Ⅱ. one 所指代的是前面名词提到的同类事物,但不是同一件,它具有泛指的性质;它只能代替可数名词,复数形式是ones 如:
①     Have you got a pen?  No, I haven’t. Please ask Tom, I think he has got one. 你有钢笔吗?不,我没有。你去找一下汤姆吧,我想他有一只。
§282        pardon/ sorry/ excuse/
sorry 用于因做错了事或伤害了他人而向某人道歉。是形容词
①     Please pardon me for not arriving sooner.    请原谅我没有及时赶到。
②      I did wrong and I’m going to beg their pardon.        我做错了,我打算去请求他们原谅我。
③     I’m sorry to hear that your mother is ill. 听说你的母亲病了,我很难过。
④     You’ll be sorry about that. 你会为此事后悔的。
⑤     Excuse me, may use your pen?
§283        past/ passed/ pass/ passor
Ⅰ. past 是动词pass的过去时和过去分词。在句中作谓语。意为“通过、传递”,时间的“消逝”等。如:
①     He passed (by) the bank. 他路经银行。
②     She passed him the cake. 她把蛋糕递给他。
③     Two months passed before we had any news of them. 两个月过去了,我们才得到一点他们的消息。
Ⅱ. passer “过路人”;“过客”。
Ⅲ. past 不是动词形式,它除作为pass的过去分词形容词,作表语与定语外,还可作介词、副词及名词。如:
①     He has been working hard in the past few weeks. 他在过去的几周里工作得很努力。(形)
②     The past is past. 过去的事就让它过去了。(形,名)
③     She walked pasti him hurriedly. 她从他身边匆匆而过。(介
④     The years went past without notice. 岁月不觉流逝。(副词)
§284        path/ road/ way
Ⅰ. path “道路”侧重于指“小道;小径”通常指走出来的路或指人行道等。如:
a)         There is a path to the top of the hill. 有一条小路通向山顶。
b)        Keep to the pathor you maybe lose your way. 沿着这条路走,否则你可能会迷路。
Ⅱ. road 通常人和交通工具通行的一条条的路,它可以用作借喻,表示导致……途径。如:
①     Where does this road lead to?这条路通什么地方?
②     It was very hot day, and the road was terrible dusty. 那是非常炎热的一天,路上的尘土多得惊人。
③     It is the road to success. 这是成功之路。
Ⅲ. way  不是指人和交通工具通行的一条条的路,而是指要达到特定的地点必须通过的地方。如:
①     It is a long way from here to the station. 从这儿到车站有一大段路。
②     Which is the shortest way there? 到那儿去哪条路最近?
③     They are still on the way. 他们还在路上。
§285        personal/ personnel
Ⅰ. personal [`p?:s?nl]与 personnel[?p?:s?`nel]两个词音形相近,但词性和词义不同。如:
personal 是形容词,“个人的;私人的;亲身的”。
①     That is my personal opinion. 那是我个人的意见。
②     She made a personal appearance. 她亲自到场。
Ⅱ. personnel 是个集体名词,没有复数形式。“全体人员;工作人员”如:
①     Our personnel are very highly trained. 我们的工作人员训练有素。
②     The personnel are unhappy about these changes. 全体工作人员都不满意这些变动。
§286        point / score
Ⅰ. point 指在考试、比赛中的“分”。如:
①     90 points . 90 分
②     We won / lost the game by 3 points. 我们以三分之差得胜/ 失败。
Ⅱ. score 指“成绩”。如:
①     a score of 90 points . 90分的成绩。
②     She scored 20points in the competition. = Her score of the competition is 20. 她在竞赛中得了20分。
§287        point to/ point at
point to 与point at 都有用手指着某人或某物的意思。但后者还可表“对准;瞄准”之意。如:
①     She pointed to a boy and said that he was her brother.
②     He pointed his gun at the enemy and shouted “Hands up”他把口对准敌人,大声喊:“举起手来”。
§288        police/ policeman
Ⅰ. police 常用作复数,其后不加-s. 如:
①     The police are on duty. 那些警察在值班。
Ⅱ. policeman “警察”与police 同意。其复数形式为policemen. (policewoman→policewomen) .但表一个警察时,应说:one / a policeman. 而不说:one / a police.
§289        problem/ question
Ⅰ. problem 通常指须急于解决或决定的重大问题或难题。如
①     This is a difficult social problem to solve. 这是很难解决的社会问题。
②     He is clever enough to work out the maths problem.
Ⅱ. question 着重指由于对某事感到疑惑不解或不能断定而提出,并等待解答的问题。一般是不难的,在较短时间内能解决的问题。因此,我们可说:answer the question. 如:
①     Please answer the question.
§290        propose/ suggest
Ⅰ. propose “建议、提议”,是书面语,带有正式和庄严的色彩。如:
①     I propose an early start. 我建议及早开始(或动身)。
②     We propose that the house (should) be repaired. 我们建议对房屋进行修理。
Ⅱ. suggest “建议、提议”,但没有propose正式。如:
①     I suggest a visit to the theatre. 我建议去看戏。
②     I suggest that we (should) begin at once.      我建议我们立即开始。
③     He suggest going to the Summer Palace. 他建议去颐和园。
§291 pupil/student
Ⅰ.pupil 特指“小学生;初等学校的学生”。也可指在教师指导下从事研究的“学生;门徒”如:
The peanist often gives pisno lessons to her pupils. 这位钢琴家经常给她的学生上钢琴课。
Ⅱ.student 指“大专院校的学生;中学生”。 有时,也可指研究或攻读某一学科的人。如:—→a college student. a middle school student.
He is a student of science. 他是一个理科学生。
§292        quick/ fast / rapid /soon
Ⅰ. quick “快”一般指动作敏捷迅速,毫不延迟,在较短的时间内发生或完成某项动作。如:
①     She ran with quick steps to the house. 她快步跑进屋子。
Ⅱ. fast“快”主要用作副词。指运动着的人或物体速度快。
①     The watch is only two minutes fast. 这只表只快两分钟。
Ⅲ. rapid 指一个或一连串的动作迅速、敏捷,着重指运动本身,有时也指激流。如:
①     The diligent boy makes rapid progress in his studies. 这个勤奋的男孩儿学业进步迅速。
②     Their country house stands by a rapid steam. 他们的农舍在急流的溪边。
Ⅳ. soon 着重指时间方面的快,可指现在或某个特定的时间的不久以后。如:
①     He will come back very soon.他将很快就回来。
§293        quite / very/ too
Ⅰ. Quite 是程度副词,可修饰副词、形容词和动词。跟表程度的词连用时,有“相当”“非常”的意思;跟没有程度差别的词连用时,作“完全”讲。如:
①     I feel quite well. 我觉得身体不很不错。
②     I am quite tired. 我相当 累了。
③     We are not quite ready. 我们还没有完全准备好。
Ⅱ. Very 也是程度副词。“很;非常”可用来修饰形容词或副词。 如:
①     This factory is very large.
②     He runs very fast.
[注意]:very 不能直接修饰动词。如:
①     I quite like her. = I like her very much
Ⅲ. Quite 与 very 有时可以通用。但在份量上very 比quite 重。试比较:
①     His English is quite good.(= not bad)他的英语很不错。
②     His English is very good. (= excellent)他的英语好极了。
Ⅳ. Quite & very 与不定冠词连用时位置不同。即依照:“a(n)+very+形容词+中心名词”和“quite + a(n) + 形容词 +中心词”的顺序排列。 如:
①     Jimes was quite a small baby. Jimes是个小孩子。
②     Jimes was a very small baby. Jimes 是个很小的孩子。
Ⅴ. Too “太、过分”含有超过容许的程度。带有否定的意味。
①     It is too cold today. 今天太冷了。(含有不喜欢或不……)
②     It was very cold yesterday. 昨天很冷。
[注意]:very 不能与too连用。不可以说:It’s very too cold.应将very 改为much或far.如:
①     The cap is too big for me.
§294        quite/ rather/ very
Ⅰ. quite 可直接修饰动词。如:
①     Some people don’t like the winter, but I quite like it.
Ⅱ. rather 不可直接修饰动词。语气稍强。可与would 连用构成 would rather…than…这个平行连词结构。如:
①       She is rather tall. 她相当高。
②       Iwould rather stay at home(than go for a walk) 我宁愿呆在家里。(也不愿到散步)
③       I would rather you stayed at home.
④       I would rather listen to music than to swimming.       我宁愿听音乐,也不愿去游泳。
Ⅲ. very 也不能直接修饰动词。修饰形容词或副词时,语气最强。如:
①     I like English very much = I quite like English.
②     His English is very good. (程度强=excellent) →His English is quite (rather) good. (程度轻=not bad)
[注]:quite (rather) 和very 与“不定冠词+形容词+名词”连用时位置不同。其排列顺序是:
▲ “quite + a (an) +adj + noun” → “a + quite (rather) +adj +noun” 如:
①     This is quite an interesting film.
②     It’s a quite (rather) fine day today. (只有名词前有形容词修饰时,冠词a / an 才可置前。
▲     “a + very + adj + noun” 如:
① I watched a very interesting TV play.
§295        real/ true
Ⅰ.real 指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与“无”相对而言的。如:
①     This is a story of real life.     这是一个从真实生活中取材的故事。
②     This is a real diamond.这是一颗真正的钻石。
Ⅱ. true 指符合某一标准或实际情况的,强调真实性。如:
①     True love should last for ever. 真爱永不渝。
②     Is it true that you’re going abroad for your holidays? 你要到国外去度假是真的吗?
[注]:come true “(梦想)实现”不用real.
genuine [`dЗenju:in]指没有掺假的,货真价实的,强调纯真度。如:
Is the bracelet[`breislit] genuine gold? 这手镯是真金的吗?
§296        river/ stream/ brook
Ⅰ. river 指流向湖、海等有一定航运能力的“江、河”。是通用词。常见于河流名称中。如:
①     the Changjiang River
Ⅱ. stream “川、溪、小河”指比江、河小的溪、小河等。
Ⅲ. broom “小溪、小河”指流量极小的stream.
§297        road/ street/ way
Ⅰ. road 指人和交通工具通行的“路”,也借喻:“导致……的途径”如:
①     Where does the road lead to? 这条路通什么地方?
②     It is the road to success. 这是成功之路。
Ⅱ. street “街道”指由建筑物夹成的路。无road用法广泛。
①     Don’t play in the street.
Ⅲ. way 不是指实实在在的路,而是指达到特定的地点所须经过的地方。与方向有关。如:
①     It is a long way from here to the station. 从这儿到车站有一大段路程。
②     Which is the shortest way there?到那儿去哪条路最近?
§298        say/ speak/ talk/ tell
Ⅰ. say “说、讲”普通用语,指用言语表达思想,强调所说的内容。如:
①     What did he say? 他说了些什么?
②     He said that it was true. 他说那是真实的。
Ⅱ. speak “说、讲”可表示以任何一种方式说话。它着重于说话这一动作本身。而不强调所说的内容。为不及物动词。作及物动词时与表语言的词连用。如:
①     Please speak more slowly. 请说得慢一些。
②     The baby is learning to speak. 这小孩在学说话。
③     She can speak English fluently. 她英语说得很流利。
Ⅲ. talk “谈话、讲话”,通常表连贯地与别人谈话。强调谈话这一动作,而不是内容。如:
①     He was talking to a friend. 他在和一个朋友谈话。
②     He went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said.                                      他滔滔不绝地讲了半天,但是他说得太快,我们几乎没有什么人能听懂他说的些什么。
③     She is always talking nonsense. 她总爱讲废话。
Ⅳ. tell “告诉、讲述”指将某事讲给别人听。它有时还有“吩咐、命令”等含义。如:
①     He told the news to everybody in the village. 他把这消息告诉了村子里的每个人。
②     She told me not to write the letter. 她叫我不要写信了。
§299        seat/ sit
Ⅰ.seat 多用作名词。表“座位”,当它用作动词时表“坐、就座”,是及物动词,与反身代词连用。如:
①     He seated himself at a desk. 他在桌旁坐下。
②     Please be seated , gentlemen.请就座,各位先生。
③     Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去。
Ⅱ. sit 为不及物动词。如:
①Sit down , please.
§300        see sb doing sth/ do sth
Ⅰ.see sb doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事”,用动词的-ing形式作宾语补足语,表动作正在进行。
Ⅱ.see sb do sth. “见到某人做了某事”,表动作发生了,即动作的全部过程已经结束了。类似的动词还有:hear, feel, watch,等感官动词,及have, let, make等使役动词。如:
① She saw a boy go into your classroom.   她看见一个男孩进了人的教室。
② I saw him walking in the street.我看见他正在街上散步。
③ The teacher heard Jim reading English when she came in.         老师进来时,听见Jim在读英语。
§301        so…that / such…that
Ⅰ. so that 可引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句,引导目的状语从句时,句中常有情态动词can, could 等。如:
①     They climbed higher so that they might see farther. 他们爬得更高,以便看得更远。
②     I got up early this mornign so that I caught the first bus. 今天早晨我起得很早,结果赶上了头班车。
Ⅱ. so …that “如此……以致……”,so 是副词,在其后可跟形容词或副词,再跟that引导结果状语从句。如:
①     He spoke so fast that no one could understand him. 他说得太快,没人能听得懂。
②     The T-shirt cost so little that she bought several. 那件T恤衫很便宜,她买了好几件。
Ⅲ. such … that 与so … that 同意。但such 后跟名词或名词短语。如:
①     She is such a girl that everyone likes her. 她是个人人喜欢的女孩。
②     He made such raped progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. 他进步如此之快,以至于不久就开始用英语给一家美国报纸撰稿了。
[注]:如果名词前为many 修饰时,用so 而不用such. 见下节例子。
§302        so/ such
Ⅰ. 两者都可以表“这样、如此”之意。So 是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。如:
①     I am so glad to hear from my friend.收到朋友的信我真高兴。
②     He writes so well. 他写得这么好。
Ⅱ. Such 是形容词, 用来修饰单数可数名词,其后需加不定冠词 a 或an. 如:
①     He told us such a funny story. 他给我讲了一个很有趣的故事。
②     You are interested in such things. 你对这样的事感兴趣。
[注意]:当单数可数名词前面有形容词修饰时,也可以有 so, 但要调整冠词的位置。
①     He told us so funny a story. 他给我讲了一个如此有趣的故事。
如果被修饰的名词前有表 “多”或“少”这两个意义的 many, much, small 和 little 时,用 so 而不用 such. 如:
①     Don’t bame him. He is just such a little boy. 别责备他,他只是这么小的一个孩子。
②     We have a long way to go yet, but there’s so little water left. 我们还有很长的路要走,但所剩的水已很少了。
§304        socks/ stockings
Ⅰ. socks 指不到膝盖的“短袜”如:
①     He bought a pair of nylon socks. 他买了一双尼龙袜。
②     My socks have been darned [da:nd] again and again. 我袜子已经一补再补。
Ⅱ. stockings 指到膝盖或过膝盖的“长袜”。 如:
①     She bought a pair of silk stockings. 她买了一双长丝袜。
§305        some time/ sometime/ sometimes/some times
Ⅰ,sometime,是副词, 意为“在某个时候”,可与将来时连用,也可以与过去时连用。如:
③                   He was here sometime last year. 去年某一时候他在此地。
④                   We shall visit the Science Museum sometime next week. 我们将在下周的某一时候去参观科学馆。
Ⅱ.some time 是名词词组,意为“一段时间”。也可副词词组,用来指一个未肯定的时间,常指将来,可与sometime通用。
①     I stayed here for some time. 我在这儿呆了一段时间。
②     Let’s have dinner some time(=sometime) next week. 下星期我们找个时间一块吃顿饭。
Ⅲ.sometimes. “有时、不时”,是频度副词,常与一般现在时或过去时连用。如:
②     Sometimes they make modes ships.有时他们制作轮船模型。
Ⅳ.some times “几次、几倍” 表次数或倍数。如:
①     We have been there some times. 我们去那儿几次了。
§306        sound/ voice/ noise
Ⅰ. sound “声音”,为最常用词,指可以听到的任何声音,强的,弱的,令人愉快的或不愉快的,有意义的或无意义的。如:
①     I was reading last night, when suddenly I heard a sound in the next room. 昨晚我正看书时,突然听到隔壁房间有声音。
②     Not a sound was heard. 听不到一点声音。
Ⅱ. noise 常指太响或人们不愿听到的声音,“嘈杂声、喧闹声”。
①     I am always disturbed by the noise of the traffic. 我老受到车辆噪声的打扰。
②     The boys made too much noise. 孩子们太吵闹了。
Ⅲ. voice 指“说话声”“唱歌声”“嗓音”如:
①     That sounds like Mary’s voice. 那声音听起来好象玛丽的声音。
②     She has lost her voice.她嗓子哑了。
§307        space/ universe
Ⅰ. space “宇宙”指“空间,时间”如:
①     The earth moves through space.地球在太空中运行。
②     The moon is our nearest neighbour in space and men have visited it already. 在宇宙里,月球是我们最近的邻居,人们已经访问过它了。
③     There isn’t enough space in the classroom for thirty desks. 教室里没有足够的空间放三十张桌子。
Ⅱ. universe “宇宙”是世界上独一无二的。前要用定冠词the. 除指时、空外,还指在时、空内万事万物。
①     Our world is only a small part of the universe.我们的世界只是宇宙的一小部分。
§308        steal/ rob
Ⅰ. steal “偷”, 指暗中盗取,句型为“steal +被盗物+from+被盗人或地点”。如:
①     Their car was stolen。他们的汽车被偷了。
②     He stole some money from her. 他偷了她的钱。
Ⅱ. rob “抢劫”,指公然用暴力抢劫他人物品,句型为:“rob+被盗人或地点+of+被盗物”。如:
③     Their car was robbed. 他们的汽车被抢了。
④     He robbed her of her money. 他抢了她的钱。
[注]:和steal相关的名词是 “thief”(贼,小偷);和rob相关的名词是robber “强盗,盗贼”
§309        stop doing sth/ stop to do sth/
stop from doing sth
Ⅰ.stop doing sth.“停止做某事”表停止正在做的事情。如:
①     They stoped talking to me. 他们中断了与我交谈。
②     Stop running about. 不要乱跑。
Ⅱ.stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”即停止正在做的事,而去做另一件事。不定式为stop的目的状语。如:
③     They stopped to talk to me. 他们停下来和我交谈。
④     Let’s stop to have a rest 让我们停下来休息一会儿。
Ⅲ.stop (sb/sth).from doing sth. “阻止某人/物不要做某事”from可省略。=prevent sb. from doing sth; keep sb. from doing sth. 但keep~ 中的from不能省略。如:
⑤     We must stop him (from) doing such a foolish thing. 我们必须阻止他做这样的蠢事。
⑥     The Green Great Wall stopped the wind blowing the sand to the field of the south.
⑦     You’d better keep the fire   你最好
§310        stop/ station
Ⅰ.stop 表“站”,一般指路途的公共汽车停靠点。
Ⅱ.station 着重指车、船等的始发和终点站,范围较前者在。如:The bus stop is in front of the station.
§311        subject/ theme/ topic
Ⅰ. subject “题目、科目” 是应用最广泛的用语,可指讨论、研究、写作或艺术创作等的题目。如:
①     Let’s change the subject. 让我们改换话题吧。
②     I have studied the subject. 我研究过这个题目。
Ⅱ. theme “题目、主题”,尤指文学或艺术作品的主题。如:
①     The students are discussing the theme of a novel.        学生们在讨论小说的主题。
②     Waterfalls are from very early times a favourite theme for the painter. 瀑布很早就是画家喜爱的主题。
Ⅲ. topic “题目”指选定作为个人写篇文章或一些人进行讨论的题目。如:
①     The students were asked to write an essay [e`sei ]on one of the assigned [?`saind] (指派)topies. 要求学生根据指定题目当中的一题写文章。
②     Baseball is their favourite topic of conversation. 棒球运动是他们最喜好谈论的话题。
[注]: title  指书籍、诗歌、图画等的名称以及标题。
§312        surprise/ surprising/ surprised
①     To my surprise,they lost! 使我惊奇的是他们输了!
②     He said to me in surprise, “Can’t you skate?” 他惊奇地对我说:“你不会滑冰”?
Ⅱ.surprise作及物动词,意为“使人惊奇,使感到意外”。如:①You surprise me. 你真使我惊奇。
The surprising success makes us very happy. 这出人意料的成功使我们非常高兴。
We’re surprised at your words. 对你的话我们感到诧异。
[联想] 现在分词作形容词表“进行”,“主动”的含意;而过去分词常表“完成”,“被动”的含意。类似的词还有exciting/excited;interesting/intereisted,relaxed/relaxing,如:
①     I was surprised at the news. 我对这消息感到吃惊。
The news is surprising. 这消息令人感到惊奇。
②     We are all interested in her idea. 我们对她的想法感兴趣。
She has an interesting idea. 她有一个有趣的想法。
§313        talk with/ talk of/ talk on/ talk about
Ⅰ. talk with 后接的对象作宾语,介词with可用to代替。如:
①     He was talking with / to a friend. 他在与一位朋友谈话。
Ⅱ. talk about “谈论”,后接谈话的内容,宾语可以是人,也可以是物。如:
①     What are you talking about ?你们在谈论什么?
②     Let’s not talk about it now. 咱们别谈这事了。
Ⅲ. talk of “谈到、谈及”,与talk about 同义,只是talk of 仅指“浅谈表面现象(如作者、书名等)”如:
①     We often talk of you. 我们常谈到你。
Ⅳ. talk on “论述”不仅指内容,而且还指评论。如:
①     They seldom talk on politics in those days.   那时候他们很少谈论政治。
§314        telephone/ ring/ ring up
Ⅰ. telephone “打电话”是及物动词,后接名词、代词或从句。也可作不及物动词,其后用介词to再接宾语。它可缩略为phone.多用于口语中。如:
①     Did you telephone Li Lei?
②     Telephone (Phone) me tomorrow.
③     He telephoned that he couldn’t attend the meeting.
Ⅱ. ring “打电话”可用作及物动词和不及物动词。如:
①     He wanted you to ring him. 他要你打电话给他。
此外:ring for 按铃叫(某人);ring back 回电话;ring off挂断电话。
Ⅲ. ring up “给……打电话”(= call up)如:
①I will ring him up. 我会打电话给他。
§315        tell of/ tell about
一般情况下tell of 可与tell about 换用。Tell之后常接表示人的名词或代词,介词of与about后接谈到的事情或内容。但在表示提起某事时倾向于tell of ;在表示详细地讲述有关情况时,倾向于tell about。如:
①     Have you told your mother of your idea? 你把比的想法告诉你母亲了吗?
②     I told her about that the other day.       前些天我和她谈了这件事。
§316        thanks for/ thanks to
Ⅰ. thanks for = thank you for “为……谢”强调谢的原因。如:
①     Thanks for lending me your umbrella.谢谢你借给我雨伞。
②     Thank you for your dictionary. 谢谢你的字典。
Ⅱ. thanks to “多亏了……”;“由于……的帮助”相当于because of …或 with the help of … , 在此短语中,to是一个介词,后接名词或代词。如:
①     Thanks to the doctor, I am well again. 多亏这位医生,我身体又康复了。
②     Thanks to our teachers, we all passed the exam. 多亏了老师的帮助,我们都及格了。
③     Thanks to your help, I finish the work on time. 多亏了你的帮助,我才能按时完成工作。
§317        that/ who/ which
Ⅰ. 引导定语从句的关系代词有:who, whom, whose(一般指人),which(一般指物),that ( 指人或物)等。关系副词有:where(地点)when(时间), why(原因)等。
Ⅱ. that 在从句中指物,也可指人,可作主语和宾语。如:
①     Water that is polluted often causes serous illness. 受污染的水常会引起重病。(that 在句中指物,用作主语)
②     Do you have everything that you need? (that在从句中指物,用作宾语) 你所需要的东西都有了吗?
③     He is the man that they talked about just now. (that 在从句中指人,用作宾语) 他时刚才他们谈论的那个人。
④     Do you know the man that / who spoke just now? 你认识刚才讲话的人吗?
Ⅲ. who 和whom 在句中指人,分别作主语和宾语。如:
①     A doctor is a person who looks after people’s health. ( who 在从句中用作主语) 医生是保护人们健康的人。
②     I have just met a lady whom I saw last week. (whom在从句中用作宾语) 我刚遇上一位我上星期见过的人。
Ⅳ.which 在从句中指物,可作主语和宾语。如:
①     My aunt was not on the train which arrived just now. (which      在从句中作主语) 我阿姨不在刚才到达的那列火车上。
②     This is the coat which you wanted.(which 用作宾语)这就是你要的那件外套。
Ⅴ. whose 在从句中多指人,也可指物,用作定语。如:
①     You are the only one whose advice he might listen to. (whose 作advice的的定语) 只有你的话他可能听。
②     I’d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。
[注意]:在下述情况下,定语从句中关连词只能用 that. :
Ⅰ. 先行词是 all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代词时,如:
①     Only a scientist could understand all that this pursuit meant.只有科学家知道这追求意味着什么。
②     I am sure she has something that you can borrow. 我相信她有你能借到的东西。
③     Everything that we saw was of great interest to us. 我们对见到的一切都感兴趣。
④     There is little that I can use. 我能用的东西几乎没有。
⑤     He saw much that was bad. 他见了很多坏东西。
[注]:① 先行词是 something 时,关系代词用 that 或 which 都可以。
② 先行词是:someone, anyone, everyone, somebody, anybody, nobody,everybody 时,关系代词用 that 或 who 都可以。
Ⅱ. 先行词被 all, every, very no, some, any, little, much 等修饰时,如:
①     I have read all the books that you gave me. 我把你给我的书全都看了。
②     He is the very man that came here yesterday. 他就是昨天来的人。
Ⅲ. 先行词被序数词、形容词最高级 修饰时。如:
①     This is the first composition thathe has written in English. 这是第一篇他用英语写的作文。
②     The smallest living things that can be seen under a microscope are bateria. 在显微镜下我们能看见的最小的东西是细菌。
③     -This is the best novel that I have ever read. 这是我读过的最好的小说。
Ⅳ. 先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last 等修饰时。
①     That white flower is the only one that I really like.白花是我唯一真正喜欢的花。
②     This is the very book that I want to find. 这正是我想要的书。
③     The last place that we visited was the chemical works. 我们最后参观的是化工厂。
Ⅴ. 当有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时,定语从句只能用that 与主句连接,而不能用who / whom / which引导。如:
①     He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited       .      他谈了关于他访问过的老师和学校的情况。
Ⅵ. 当主句是以 who 或which 开头的特殊疑问句时,关连词只能用that . 而不能用 who / whom / which. 如:
①     Who is the person that is standing at the gate?站在门口的那人是谁。
②     Which of us that knows something about physics does not know this?我们当中哪一个懂物理的人不知道这个?
[注]:在使用一些固定搭配的短语动词时,that 与其它关系词有时可以互用,其介词不能提前,而必须放在动词之后,这时指物用that, which 均可,指人时用who, whom, that 均可.
① This is the key which / that you are looking for.
② He is a man (whom / t