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英语教学 2010-09-28 08:03:49 阅读18 评论2   字号:大中小
Unit 4 What would you do?
Period 1(1a-1c)
I. Warming up
1. Work in pairs: What will you do this weekend?
2. Try to read the new words: million, medical, research, tie, worry, what if
3. Read and remember them.
4. Translate: 一百万美元     数百万人     医学研究    带一条领带
II. Presentation
1.      Read the phrases in 1a and translate them.
2.      Answer: What would you do if you had a lot of money? And write down____________
3.      Talk about the pictures in 2b like this
A: What would you do if you had a million dollars?
B: I’d/I would …
III. Listening
1.      Listen and number the pics(1-4) in 2b.
2.      Listen again and fill in the chart.
Boy 1
Boy 2
Girl 1
Girl 2
3.      Ask and answer in pairs.
A: What would he do if he had a million dollars?
B: He’d …
Ⅳ. Listening (2a-2b)
1.      Ask and answer in pairs.
A: What would I do if I …?
B: If I were you, I’d …
2.      Read the conversation in 2-2b and fill in the chart.
Larry’s problem
Larry’s sister’s suggestions
3.      Check the answers.
4.      Listen and finish 2a-2b.
5.      Explain: what if …?
Ⅴ. Consolidation
Do the exercises in TB, on page 31.
Homework: Preview the next page.
Period 2(Grammar focus-4)
I. Revision
1. Ask and answer in pairs.
A: What would you do if you…?
B: I’d …
A: What if …?
B: If I were you, I’d …
2. Do TB exercises on p31-32 in pairs.
II. Reading
1.      Read 3a quickly and match each problem with the correct advice.
2.       Read it carefully and finish the chart.
3.       Read it and understand these.
I don’d know what to say.
Get nevous, get pimples
Take a big exam, take a long walk before going to bed
I’m too tired to do.
Help with the problem
4.       Ask and answer in pairs according to the chart:
A: I can’t sleep the night befor an exam. What should I do?
B: If I were you , I’d……
III. Groupwork
1. Write down your problems at home and at school in the chart.
At home
At school
2. Ask your classmates for advice like this:
A: I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one.
B: Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.
A: That’s a good idea.
3. Write a report about your problems and advice.
Ⅳ. Homework
Write a letter to the editor for a newpaper and tell him your advice at your home. Preview the next page.
Period 3 (Section B: 1a-3a)
Ⅰ. Revision
1. Dactate some words and expressions.
2. Ask for advice.
You have some problems at home, ask your partner for help. Do it in pairs like this:
A: …..B: If I were you, I’d …/Maybe you should…
3. Revise some words that can describe people.
The teacher gives some Chinese.(Then read them correctly.)
Quiet  active   shy   outgoing   creative   energetic   confident
Ⅱ. 1a-1b
1. Read the words in 1a.
2. Complete the definitions.
3. Read them aloud.
4. Read the conversation in 1b. Understand “What are you like?”
5. Work in pairs to describe yourself.
Ⅲ. 2a-2b
1.       Read the sentences on the left in the box in 2a and understand these: ask sb to do sty.
Give a speech
in front of the whole school
without permission
be in a movie
2.       Listen and check the questions Celia asks.
3.       Read the answers on the right in the box and understand them.
Ask my permission
Introduce oneself/sb
Invite sb to do sth.
4.       Listen again and circle Bill’s restponses.
Ⅳ. Pairwork (2c)
1.       Read the comversation in 2c.
2.       Ask and answer in pairs.
Ⅴ. Reading (3a)
1.       Read the survey in 2a and fill in the blanks in 3a.
2.       Read 3a again and understand it.
1.       Finish the exercises in TB.
2.       Finish the self check.
Period Four (3b-self check)
1. Translate some phrases.
Get nervous, in public, wihtout perssioin, be in a movie, ask one’s permission, introduce oneself to…
Bother sb, not…in the slightest, would rather… than, right away
3.       Check the words.
II. Words and expressions
1.       Try to read and remember the new words.
2.       Make sentences with some of them: let…down, come up with, rest
III. Write your personality survey as in 2a.
1.       Read the example in 3b.
2.       Write one survey about your own.
IV.. Groupwork
1.       Read the converstion in 4.
2.       Ask Ss in your group the questions from your survey.
3.       Discuss the results.
V. Self Check
1. Fill in the blank in Ex.1.
2. Translate the sentences.
3. Make sentences with the words given.
4. Read and try to understand the email in Ex.2.
5. Translate the following:
1. There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month.
2. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams.
3. I Can’t think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to people’s problems.
6. Write a reply to the email.
7. Some Ss read their reply.
VI. Just for fun!
Read and understand it.
1.       Write your passage in your exercise-book.
2.       Preview the next page.
Period 5 Reading
I. Revision:
1. Pairwork: talk about your problems you have in pairs.
2. Check reading of the new words.
II. New words
1. Read them and try to remember.
2. Make sentences with these: cover, hurt, offer, refuse, helpful.
III. Before reading
1. Discuss the questions in Section 1.
2. Take notes of the answers.
IV. While reading
1. Read the article quickly and write down the main idea:_________________
2. Read it carefully and finish the charts:
Doctor’s advice
3. Read it again and understand these:
1. Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.
2. It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations.
3. What would you do if you cut yourself by accident?
4. If I felt some pain, I’d stio exercixing.
5. You should drink lots of water and ask your doctor for advice.
V. After reading
1. Answer the questions in 3a.
2. Finish the chart in 3b.
3. Finish 3c.
VI. Go For It!
1. Add one more accident and problem to Dr Robinson’s book.
1. Rewrite the article with your own words.
2. Riview the unit for a test.