
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 10:41:14
本课的话题选自八年级(上)Unit2 What’s the matter? Section A。在学习了身体各部分单词的基础上,要求学生学会谈论自己及他人的健康状况,了解基本的医学常识,懂得常见病的基本处理方式,并能针对健康问题提出自己的建议。 有利于提高青少年了解常见的基本卫生知识,促使他们养成良好的卫生习惯,增强自我保护和防范能力。本课的核心语言项目是 “Ask and answer about health”。学会用 “What’s the matter?”  来询问他人身体状况。通过教师丰富的肢体语言让学生了解本课的教学重点-疾病的表达方式,从视觉上激起了学生的好奇心和求知欲。通过结对练习,游戏和角色扮演等多种任务的训练巩固所学的基础语言材料:I have a … You should/shouldn’...为了体现课堂的完整性和语言的真实性,我们还对教材做了一定的补充如:增加了两个关于疾病的单词:cold 和cough。对3a的对话做了少许修改及扩充,从原材料的提一个建议修改为提多个建议,并视学生自己水平进行适当扩充,使其更贴近实际,让学生有更多发挥的空间,创造口语练习的条件。
八年级是学习英语的关键时期,这个阶段的学生活泼、好奇心和求知欲望强。比如像本课所涉及的有关健康的话题是他们之前从未接触过的,因此,他们渴望用英语来表达。另外,八年级学生的心理特点反映在学习英语的能力上,他们模仿和记忆的能力特别强。在知识积累方面,学生已经掌握了一定的词汇和句型,对语言学习的热情也逐步增加。他们更感兴趣的是如何用英语来表述与现实生活息息相关的话题并寻求合理的解决办法。本课通过表述身体的各种不适和谈论个人健康问题,使学生学会关心自身及他人身体健康并且能提出一些建议,同时让学生了解“a healthy lifestyle”的重要性。但是由于学生年龄和生活经验的限制,在谈论如何给合适的建议时,会遇到一定的困难。因此,在教学过程中,利用图片、肢体语言,给予学生直观的感受,并灵活运用绷带和白大褂等教具,创设真实的情境。
By the end of the session, most students will be better able to acquire the required information. This will be achieved by:
1. Knowledge Objectives:
1)              Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;
2)              Be able to learn the expressions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;
3)              Be able to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “You should… You shouldn’t…”
2.       Ability Objectives:
1)      Be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently;
2)      Be able to role play doctor and patient;
3.       Moral Objectives:
1)        Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing
2)        Care more about yourself and your family members’ health.
The teaching Focus
1. Master the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;
2. Master the expressions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;
3.Talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “You should… You shouldn’t…”
The Teaching Difficulties
1. Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class;
2. Students may find it difficult to give appropriate advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience.
7. 教学过程:这是教学设计的主体部分。分几个环节具体说明教学活动的安排,包括学生学习活动、教师指导活动、师生交互活动。
Step1 Warming up
Greet Ss by asking them: How are you today? Then I’ll tell Ss that I’m not feeling well today (Write the sentence on the blackboard and guide Ss to read it.) and get Ss to guess the reason freely. If Ss can’t get the answer, I’ll tell them that I didn’t have a good sleep last night. So I have a headache. (I say this by doing a gesture)
Step2: Presentation of words about diseases
1.       Show Ss a bandage and tell them there is something wrong in the place where the bandage lies. Then get Ss to guess the health problems. When I do an action, ask Ss: “What’s the matter?”(write it on the blackboard) For example, when I put the bandage on the stomach, ask Ss: “What’s the matter with me?” Help Ss say: “I’m not feeling well. I have a stomachache.” Then teach the other target words: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back in the following way: Put the bandage on the other part of body and get students to ask: What’s the matter? Then get other Ss to guess the problem.
2.       Use body language to guide Ss to guess another two names of diseases: cold, cough.
3.       Show Ss pictures of diseases half hidden, and get Ss to guess the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back, cold, cough.
Step3: Pair work
Put the bandage on the part of a student’s body and ask: “What’s matter?” and guide him to use the pattern: I’m not feeling well. I have a… Then ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the bandage given and using the target language: What’s the matter? I’m not feeling well. I have a …
Step4 Presentation of expressions of giving advice
1. Tell Ss that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Ss may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn’t do… Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to each problem by using target language: You should/shouldn’t do… During this activity, some phrases will be learned: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medicine.
2. Show Ss two bags. In one bag, there are pieces of paper with problems while in the other one, there are pieces of paper with advice. Have a competition between boys and girls. Take turns to get paper. For example, one boy gets one paper with problem, and one girl get one paper with advice. The girl should say: What’s the matter with you? The boy should answer the question according to the problem he got by saying: I’m not feeling well. I have a…If the girl got the right advice, she should answer it according to her paper: You should… If it is not, she should say: You shouldn’t, then give the right advice. The one who makes right sentence can get one point.
Step5 Making a conversation
Show Ss the picture in Section A 3a, ask them to look at the picture, and suppose they are the doctor, what they will ask the patient. Collect Ss’ answers and lead in the sentence: When did it start? Show the sample dialogue and ask Ss to complete it according to the picture orally.
A: What’s the matter with you?
B: I’m not feeling well. I have a _______.
A: When did it start?
B: About______ ago.
A: Oh, that’s too bad. / I’m sorry to hear that. You should/shouldn’t ________ and you should/shouldn’t ________...
B: Yes, I think so.
A: _________________.
B: Thank you, doctor.
Step6 Role playing
Ask Ss to make a four -people group, one of them is a doctor, the other three are patients. Ask the Ss to role play the dialogue above. Then ask several groups to perform before the class by using some tools: bandage, a uniform, a stethoscope. Ask other Ss to select the best doctor and the best patient.
Unit2 What’s the matter?
problem  What’s the matter?
I’m not feeling well. I have a …: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache,
toothache, cold, cough
advice:  You should/shouldn’t do …: lie down and rest; drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist,
take some medicine
1. Give advice to the following problems as much as possible: sore throat, toothache, headache, cold. Choose one to make a dialogue with your partner.