能源监测管理系统:【原创】SkinMegic部分函数的使用 - lvan的日志 - 网易博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 12:34:54


int SetDialogSkin(        LPCTSTR pszName       //Specifies the name of the skin object.        );
Use SetDialogSkin to set default dialog skin. newly-created dialog will automatically be skinned after this function called. SetDialogSkin have no effect on dialog before the function called. If the dialog has menu, must use SetWindowSkin to set the dialog skin.
int SetWindowSkin(        HWND  hWnd,           //Handle to the window to be set skin        LPCTSTR pszName       //Specifies the name of the skin object.        );
Use SetWindowSkin to skin the standard windows - with rectangular opaque client area and region-based non-client area, menu bar, system/maximize/minimize/close buttons, caption and sizing edges and corners. 
int SetShapeWindowSkin(        HWND  hWnd,           //Handle to the window to be set skin        LPCTSTR pszName       //Specifies the name of the skin object.        );

Use SetShapeWindowSkin function to skin application-specific windows without non-client area and menu bar. These windows can have absolutely any shape or even be translucent。

int SetSingleDialogSkin(        HWND  hWnd,           //Handle to the window to be set skin        LPCTSTR pszName       //Specifies the name of the skin object.        );

Use SetSingleDialogSkin to skin the standard dialog If the dialog has menu, must use SetWindowSkin to set the dialog skin.

这个函数用来设置单个的对话框的皮肤,就是说它只对当前使用的对话框窗口起作用。但是如果对话框带有菜单,则必须要调用SetWindowSkin 函数。



int SetControlSkin(        HWND  hWnd,           //Handle to the window to be set skin        LPCTSTR pszName,       //Specifies the name of the skin object.        LPCTSTR pszOwnerSkinName //Specifies the owner name of the pszName.        );
[in] Specifies the Owner name of the skin control object. SkinMagic use a tree to organize all skin objects, the owner is the parent object of a child object.

Use SetControlSkin to skin the individual control. you only use this API with the standard controls.




int LoadSkinFile(        LPCTSTR pszFileName        //the name of the skin file        );
LoadSkinFile function load skin resource from disk file.

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