
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 21:49:12
带鱼简单又好吃的做法------【香煎带鱼】(2008-03-21 08:23:57) 标签:带鱼 白酒  美食  分类:肉菜  香煎带鱼 原料:带鱼(300g)、高度白酒2勺(30ml)、花椒10粒、盐2勺(6g); 做法: 1.刀稍稍倾斜,刮去鱼鳞,并冲洗干净; 2.将鱼身稍稍倾斜切成菱形段,加入盐、花椒、白酒,拌匀; 3.盖上保鲜膜,放入冰箱腌制1个小时,中途翻拌2次; 4.平底锅中加入少许的油,烧热到5成热,用厨房纸巾擦干带鱼身上的水份,裹上一层干淀粉,再将多余的淀粉抖掉,放入油锅中; 5.带鱼煎出香味,底部变黄后,轻轻翻面,煎另一面; 6.煎到两面变黄即可。 超级啰嗦: **带鱼在腌制时加入适量的高度白酒,不仅能够去除腥味,还能增加肉的香味。煎熟后,肉和骨刺更好的分离; **带鱼腥味很重,买回家要尽快烹饪,否则要放于冰箱冷冻; **如果喜欢辣椒,可以在腌制时添加两勺辣椒面。适量延长腌制时间,或者在带鱼身上划几刀,入味会更好; **带鱼肉质很嫩,煎的时候不要常翻动,一定要等到底部变硬、变黄时再翻面,以免鱼皮破裂,鱼肉变碎。 Fried Ribbonfish Ingredients: Ribbonfish: 300g High alcohol degree Chinese white wine: 2 spoon(30ml) Szechuan pepper: 10 Salt: 2 spoon(6g) Directions: 1)Use a little knife scale the ribbonfishes then wash and clean them; 2)Inclined cut the ribbonfishes into diamond segments, then add some salt, Szechuan pepper and Chinese white wine, mix well; 3)Cover the marinated fish with cling film and put into the fridge chill for 1 hour, turn over and mix the fish twice in this chill process; 4)Pour some oil into a pan and heat to medium hot; Wipe the liquid on the ribbonfish segments, cover them with a thin layer of dry starch and then put into the pan; 5)Fry the ribbonfish until the smell comes out and the bottom oil-contact side turns to golden, then gently turn over and fry another side; 6)Finish when the two sides are golden.