芜湖方特夜场地图:[美/喜剧]四个婚礼一个葬礼/Four Weddings and a Funeral 经典...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 02:22:01

[字幕] [美/喜剧]四个婚礼一个葬礼/Four Weddings and a Funeral 经典对白

Funeral, 喜剧, Four, 婚礼, Weddings  -Hello. -你好。 -Hi! You're soaking. Come in. -你湿透了,进来。 -No, no. l'm fine. -不,我没事。 -Comes a point you can't get wetter. -湿到一个程度就不能再湿。 -Okay, l'll come out. -No, please don't. -那么我出来。-不,请不要。 -l just wanted to check you're okay. -我只想来看看你好不好。 -Not busy killing yourself or anything, but.... -有没有忙着自杀之类,但…… -But you're fine, so.... -但你都好好的,那么…… -l shouldn't have come to the church this morning. l'm sorry. -我今天实在不应该去观礼,对不起。 -No! No! -不! -Wait. lt was all my fault. l mean, l'm the bastard here. -等等,是我不好,坏蛋是我才是。 -And it definitely sorted out one thing, which is, marriage and me... -起码弄清楚了一点就是,婚姻和我…… -...we're very clearly not meant for one another. -显然没甚么缘分。 -Sorted out another big thing as well. -也弄清楚另一件重要的事。 -There l was, standing there in the church... -我当时站在教堂里…… -...and for the first time in my whole life l realized l... -……我生平第一次意识到…… -...totally and utterly loved one person. -……我全心全意爱著一个人。 -And it wasn't the person standing next to me in the veil, it's... -却不是身旁戴面纱的那位…… -...the person standing opposite me now... -而是现在在我面前的这一位…… -...in the rain. -……雨中的你。 -ls it still raining? l hadn't noticed. -雨仍在下吗?我感觉不到。 -The truth of it is... -真相是…… -..l've loved you from the first second l met you. -……我对你是一见钟情。 -You're not suddenly going away again, are you? -你不是又打算掉头就走吧? -No. l might drown, but otherwise, no. -不,我可能会被淹死,否则我不会走。 -Okay, okay. We'll go in. -我们进去。 -But first, let me ask you one thing. -但先让我问你一句。 -Do you think... -你说…… -...after we've dried off... -……待我们干透了…… -...after we've spent lots more time together... -……待我们共处更久之后…… -...you might agree... -……你会不会答应…… -...not to marry me? -……不嫁给我? -And do you think... -你是否愿意…… -...not being married to me might be something you could - consider... -……考虑不嫁给我…… -...doing for the rest of your life? -……然而以此作你的终身大事? -Do you? -你愿意吗? -l do. -我愿意。 [ 本帖最后由 jerry