苏州活性炭吸附塔批发:在Wiki Leaks内部--新书预览

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 16:42:05
前WikiLeaks成员、OpenLeaks创始人Daniel Domscheit-Berg揭示WikiLeaks内幕的《Inside WikiLeaks》将于2月15日正式上市,Cryptome网站公布了该书的部分摘录。
在摘录中Daniel透露,流言称来自中国的异议者参与创建了WikiLeaks,但他没有碰见过任何华裔联络人;Julian Assange称破解Collateral Murder加密视频花了5万美元,但实际情况是Wiki Leaks有该视频的密码(password),Julian的所有花费实际上是去冰岛的房租费和飞机票,有两名成员被派去实地调查,但他们必须自己埋单;电视台询问播放Collateral Murder视频的费用,引发了WikiLeaks成员之间的争议,Julian以“不要挑战领导权”的理由阻止争论;2010年下半年,Assange愈来愈多的在保镖陪同下旅行...摘录直言批评了Julian对女性的态度和诚信。

Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website [Hardcover]
Daniel Domscheit-Berg (Author)
List Price: $23.00
Price: $15.64 Free Standard Shipping (3-5 days)
Excerpts of Daniel Domscheit-Berg's Book
On page 8, Daniel discloses he left with all outstanding Wikileaks submissions after blocking Assange's access to them.
On page 2 "Jay Lim" is a pseudonym for Assange. Here is "Lim" corresponding with Steven Aftergood, Secrecy News:
A Word from Wikileaks
February 22nd, 2008 by Steven Aftergood
Although we have declined more requests for comment about Wikileaks than we have responded to, some participants in the project feel that we have said too much.
Jay Lim of Wikileaks sent the following advisory email today:
“Who’s side are you on here Stephen? It is time this constant harping stopped.”
“You know full well if you make n comments about us and m negative ones about us it’ll only be the negative comment that is reported — since everyone else has only positive things to say and by your position at FAS there is an expectation of positive comment. You are not a child. As a result of your previous criticism it seem you are becoming the ‘go to’ man for negative comments on Wikileaks. Over the last year, our most quoted critic has not been a right wing radio host, it has not been the Chinese ambassador, it has not been Pentagon bureaucrats, it has been you Stephen. You are the number one public enemy of this project. On top of everything else, your quote is the only critical entry on our Wikipedia page. Some friend of openness!”
“We are very disappointed in your lack of support and suggest you cool it. If you don’t, we will, with great reluctance, be forced to respond.”
“Jay Lim”
and commenting on a post in Wired:
On page 3 Daniel writes that Assange lied in claiming to The New Yorker to have decrypted the gunship video of killing Reuters reporters:
The video was digitally encrypted, and it took WikiLeaks three months to crack. Assange, a cryptographer of exceptional skill, told me that unlocking the file was “moderately difficult."
Images of the book excerpts:

The Domscheit-Berg book excerpts were made by the unknown source from a review copy. Cryptome has not seen the book.
“Jay Lim” was used as a nym for the WL Volunteers mail list from 9 June 2007 to 7 March 2008. These messages were commingled with others by “Julian Assange,” “J,” “J.A.,” and “Julien.”
Another WL mail list message concerning “TW” refers to two people, “xxx/lim,” asking about Chinese language capability.
Julian Assange has many pseudonyms, anonyms, fictional characters, obscuratisms and operations he deploys to manage his reputation and hide his great fortune from tax authorities who will pay handsomely those who leak locations of stashed cash.
This is not unusual for scoundrels online and off, indeed, obligatory to heighten drama and mystery as Wikileaks admitted at its beginning and as demonstrated by the former Mr. Schmidt, along with the brave posters here.
You may call me scoundrel JY, omitting the A.
And another by Cryptome, same place:
Good observation about sitting on the alleged documents. However, every leak outlet, like any media, has the opportunity to benefit from what it chooses to make public and what it provides in secret.
Open and secret information are always united with each being used to increase the value of the other. Open to publicize the product’s availability with alluring samples, then secret distribution to those with capability to pay for exclusive access.
That is the arrangement worked out among Wikileaks and its succession of main stream media partners. The MSM partners are quite accustomed to this two-faced way of doing business, especially proclaiming about not paying for news and never admitting the sale of information to secret buyers, or more commonly, bartering one type of information for another. Sources become publishers, publishers become sources.
Wikileaks is a crafty newcomer to a very old practice and is likely to be screwed for love until able to convert to the gold standard by marrying a rich mate, or more accurately, several mates simultaneously and serially.
Julian is inside the mansion being clothed, fed, bedded and feted like a prince after being on the run from hoodlums on his tail, and he looks quite pleased with his concubinage in ankle bondage.
The promise of this exalted stature to last several years of litigation and madcap media bloodsucking his droning verbiage must be intoxicating as if a Chaplinesque dictator.
The cables will slowly fart for the duration of incarceration. Why take low-grade submissions when this mysterious pile assures never-ending avoidance of paid labor.
OpenLeaks is setting out to do the same marketing of virginity, awaiting proposals for polygamy.
[Google translation, see URL above for German original.]
Hi all,
The excerpts published in Cryptome are not accurate translations of my authorized, final text.
In respect to the passage on the data, my text reads:
"The architect has taken care to instruct the other technicians. Patiently he explained to him in the transfer phase, as the whole thing had to be configured. The young techie's actually a really good programmer, and would he also knows, in our new project always welcome. However, he was simply overwhelmed with the reconstruction.
Julian has not adequately cared or supported him, but rather just complain. Why the system in January 2011, four months after our departure, still not working again, I do not know exactly, but it can think of.
We are still waiting on that Julian restore security so that we can give him back the material, which was on the tendering platform. We have no interest in the material, even for OpenLeaks we will not use it. We are Julie but return again until he can prove to us that he can keep it safe and so carefully and responsibly deal.
Until now, until the publication of the book, we have what anyone says. Because we were afraid of the public debate. We were afraid we might lose them. Maybe that will happen now. But I am fully on this decision. We were and are primarily committed to the safety of our sources. "
This is my text, any other versions are not accurately translated.
We have never wanted to take away any of those documents, but no one cared to tell us where to put them. Specifically not Julian. We have on numerous occasions after we left reconfirmed that we want this handover to happen — to no avail.
The only thing that happened rather than just organizing that we have offered hand over that for months now, is that I have recently received a letter from lawyer John Eisenberg, who seems to represent Julian here in Germany.
Best ones.
Cryptome comment to:
To correct an earlier message to Detlef about the number of Wikileaks volunteers: A Jay Lim fund-raising message dated 14 September 2007 on the WL Volunteer mail list states:
"While Wikileaks has many diverse friends including over 1500 people on this list, the reality is a few journalists, graduate students and anti-corruption people do -- with a handful of notable exceptions -- all the work. So far most work has gone on recruiting sources, protecting sources, censorship resistance and writing articles. Presentation and indexing of source material has not been automated but there is so much material it is impossible to deal with manually. It is a big task and the only way to have it and several other tasks done quickly is to pay specialists to work on them full time. None of the founders are experts in these areas."
It is common to claim as participants those who merely sign up for information. The CIA does the same with what it calls "sources." See http://cryptome.org/cia-2619.htm.
In addition to the private mail list, "WL," Wikileaks had several public mail lists which overlapped:
WL Volunteers
WL Talk
WL News
WL Editors
WIKILEAKS (press office)
Some 415 messages were distributed by these various public lists from 14 January 2007 to 7 March 2010. This is not to say there were not others lists and means for public commnunication besides the main web site which provided links to forums and bulletin boards.