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The Akashic Records On...:

Current Installment for Feb 7 - Feb 13, 2011: 

Human Origins人类起源





a message fromAkashic Recordschanneled byJen Eramith MA

Monday, 7 February, 2011  

来自阿卡西记录,由Jen Eramith MA传导,于2011.2.7

What are the origins of humanity on earth?  Did we evolve from existing plant and animal life or did some of us come from other planets or other spiritual locations?  



It is not one or the other -- it is both.  The physical form of humanity evolved from plant and animal life.  What your science has discovered regarding physical evolution is true -- your physical form and all of the physical structures that hold your soul and your DNA – those parts of you did evolve from other life forms on Planet Earth.  You did evolve from plants and animals, and eventually primates, into what you now know to be the human form.  That process of physical evolution did occur and any person living in a physical body, has agreed to step into that evolutionary line. 

两者都不全对--两者都有。人类的物理形态是由植物和动物进化而来。你们的科学发现关于物理层面的进化是真实的--你们的物理形态和所有存放你的灵魂和DNA信息的物理结构 --这些部分确实是从其他地球生命体进化而来。你们确实经过植物->动物->再到灵长类->再到现在的人类形式的你这样的过程进化而成。这个自然进化过程确实发生过,任何以物理身体存在的人,都是按照这样的进化路线形成的。


Another thing that happens is that every one of you has a soul and every soul has a cosmic origin.  All of you come from some higher place.  Like you could say it is a higher dimension, and so you could say every one of you, at some level, is alien or foreign.  Each one of you has a unique spiritual heritage that combines with the physical heritage or evolutionary line of humanity when you become a human being.  The combination of those two things is what makes you human.  You cannot be just one and still be a human being.  A human being is the unique combination of having a spiritual lineage and a physical, biological bloodline.  So all of you evolved from existing plant and animal life and all of you have come from some other place.  Some of you are very closely connected to a planet or a star; others are connected to a family of divine beings such as angels.  How those two lineages are combined depends on who you are but both of those things are true for the origins of humanity. 

另一方面,你们每个人都有一个灵魂,每个灵魂都有一个宇宙起源。 你们全都来自更高层面,就像你们所讲的更高维度,这样某种意义上你可以说你们每个人都是外星人或外来者。你们各自都有一个独一无二的与物理传承相结合的灵魂传承,或者说是成为人类的进化路线。这两种的结合使你成为(高智慧)的人类。你不可能只拥有其中一种就能作为人类存在(也即失去其中一种,你就不是我们普遍所看到的活蹦乱跳的人,这很容易理解)。人类是灵魂血统和物理、生理血统两者独一无二的一种结合。所以你们全部从已有的植物和动物生命进化而来,同时也来自其他地方。其中一些人与行星或星球密切相关,另外一些与神性存有(如天使)有关。这两种血统如何结合,取决于你是谁,但是人类起源的这两方面都是真实的。


There are rare circumstances in which someone enters the human form without going through the usual biological steps.  Most of you, 99.9% of you, were born biologically.  You were conceived, you gestated inside your mother's womb and then you were born just like every other mammal -- and so you are living completely within the physical evolutionary line of the physical human form that is part of nature.  Some people who appear in your lives do not come into form that way.  It is possible for a soul to walk into a physical body without being born in the traditional way.  When that happens, it is typically a soul who is coming from a higher place, coming from a spiritual realm like the angelic realm or coming from some other star system.  Some of you like to use a word, aliens, but these are not really aliens in the traditional form.  It is just a way of entering a human body and a human life.  For some of you, you need to experience something very specific as an adult and you do not have an interest or a need from a higher level to walk through the whole process of being conceived, born and growing up as a child and so you walk into a human form.  This is very, very rare, but it does happen.

极少有这样的情况,有人不经过通常的生理过程就成为人类(即不通过出生就成为人类,孙悟空可能是这样的例外。。。) 。大多数人,99.9%,都是通过生理方式出生。你们通过你母亲的怀孕,在母亲的子宫里孕育,然后像其它哺乳动物一样出生--所以你们完全遵循自然界中的人体自然进化路线。出现在你生活中的有些人不是按那种方式形成的。灵魂可以不经过传统出生的方式进入肉体。出现这种情况时,那就是典型的来自于高层次的灵魂,来自于精神领域(如天使们)或来自于其他(河外)星系。你们喜欢使用一个词(来描述这些人),外星人,但是这些人不是真正传统意义上的外星人。这只是一种进入人体和人生的一种方式。对你们一些人来说,成为大人需要经历一些非常特别的事,而且更高层面上你们没有兴趣和需要来通过完整的怀孕、出生、像小孩一样成长这样的过程来成为人类。这种情况是极少见的,但确有这样的人。(还记得CM所说的克隆奥巴马吗,应该就是指这样的人。。。)


How can we determine, or find out, what our spiritual ancestry is?



The first step is to accept the fact that you have a spiritual ancestry.  As soon as you let go of the question of whether or not you do and you just embrace the idea that you do, then some information will begin to occur to you.  It will occur to you that you have always been drawn to a particular star when you look in the heavens.  It will occur to you that you have always felt fascinated by angels or other kinds of divine energies.  You might have always been fascinated with a particular kind of animal because that animal might represent the spiritual lineage that you are a part of.  Animal totems exist to help give you information about your spiritual lineage.  If you feel closely aligned with a type of animal, for example bear or eagle, that alignment is telling you that the attributes you assign to those animals are closely aligned with the attributes of your own spiritual heritage.  The strength of bear, or the keen sight of eagle, are reflections of your own spiritual lineage. 



When you accept the fact that you have a spiritual lineage, then you can start looking for clues.  Those clues reside in the question of what am I drawn to?  What am I interested in?  For some of you, you have a very clear kind of pure spiritual lineage.  You come from one place and it is totally clear.  You are an eagle person or a bear person.  Just like someone might be completely Irish or completely Ghanaian.  But most of you have a complex spiritual lineage.  Most of you are drawn to quite a few different things because most of you have a mixed spiritual lineage, just as many of you have a mixed physical lineage.  You have some part of your spiritual lineages connected with bear energy and some part of your lineage is connected with eagle energy and yet another part of you is connected with angels for example.  Most of you will find that you are drawn to quite a few different things -- you are interested in many different topics or you feel connected with quite a few different symbols or animal totems.  That is fine.  Explore them all and continually ask the question of what calls me here?  What feels like a part of me?  Only you will know deep inside yourself what resonates as truth for you.



Especially be willing to accept that your spiritual lineage is going to include what some attributes you see as positive and some attributes you see as negative.  It is important that you embrace both, just like it is important that you embrace your flaws and be willing to work through them.  If you embrace the shadow side, if you are willing to accept that some parts of you have negative connotations, then it gives you the power to decide how to use them positively in your life.  That is the way to begin the process of exploring your spiritual lineage.  You will find that you can get readings or that different people with psychic or intuitive abilities can tell you more about your spiritual lineage but, ultimately, it is in listening to your own heart and sensing what really fits for you that you will get the most accurate sense of where you come from.  (Feb 2011) 
